First I watched Fox News, and I was called a rightwing nutjob. Then I tune into Newsmax and OANN and people tell me Fox News is cool again

Fox found a line they are not comfortable running through: Claiming corruption in our voting system in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Now they are stuck with being a propaganda outfit that has no customers. No one wants BS conservative talking points that are generally lies and distortions. They want nut job conspiracy crap of all out lies to make them feel special about being a loser.

The reason FOX lost it's rating was because of dissatisfied viewers. Can you blame them when FOX started giving audience to ignorant liberals like Donna Brazile?

Apparently we right-wingers want something a little more right-wing than FOX News.
FOX the comic book industry and Hollywood ...lost customers when they started openly showing contempt for their audience.

The problem with the coasts is that they think they are superior to the rest of the country.

Fuck them.
Fox found a line they are not comfortable running through: Claiming corruption in our voting system in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Now they are stuck with being a propaganda outfit that has no customers. No one wants BS conservative talking points that are generally lies and distortions. They want nut job conspiracy crap of all out lies to make them feel special about being a loser.

The reason FOX lost it's rating was because of dissatisfied viewers. Can you blame them when FOX started giving audience to ignorant liberals like Donna Brazile?

Apparently we right-wingers want something a little more right-wing than FOX News.
FOX the comic book industry and Hollywood ...lost customers when they started openly showing contempt for their audience.

The problem with the coasts is that they think they are superior to the rest of the country.

Fuck them.

Just like FB, Twit and YT will be losing and already are. They all think they are to big to fail and then they fall flat on their faces.
What in the hell is going on?

Anytime a news network illustrates they toe the Party line (whatever Party that may be), they are "acceptable media". When I learn of some alternative media that show a different perspective, I am told the old media, Fox News; which I was lambasted by so many Canadians for being for nutjobs, is now "reasonable, mainstream media".

No wonder China is going to take over the world.

Actually many Conservatives are pretty pissed at Fixed News right now with the whole election. They are finally figuring out that they are controlled opposition. Took them long! OANN news is great! If you have a ROKU or even a phone you can download the Pluto app and watch OANN. There is also a couple more good alternative news sites on Pluto. I turned the mainstream news off years and years ago.
Good man,only listen to alternative media as OANN as you mentioned.
What in the hell is going on?

Anytime a news network illustrates they toe the Party line (whatever Party that may be), they are "acceptable media". When I learn of some alternative media that show a different perspective, I am told the old media, Fox News; which I was lambasted by so many Canadians for being for nutjobs, is now "reasonable, mainstream media".

No wonder China is going to take over the world.

One can argue that anytime a news network departs the Party line, it become "Fake News". Fox is now lambasted by it's devotees for not toeing the Trump line. It's still the same old Fox.

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