First indications to support PP shooting as anti-abortion terrorism

Do you like the part of the Bible that tells you to turn the other cheek? To love your enemies?

I do... because in loving one's enemies, one holds them to fully account... just as where one slaps you with their unclean hand, one should turn the other cheek inviting them to slap you with their clean hand, to show them to be unworthy of God.
Do you like the part of the Bible that tells you to turn the other cheek? To love your enemies?

I do... because in loving one's enemies, one holds them to fully account... just as where one slaps you with their unclean hand, one should turn the other cheek inviting them to slap you with their clean hand, to show them to be unworthy of God.

You are full of shit.

To be a Christian all one needs to do is believe in Christ as the saviour. I'm surprised you don't know that.
You are full of shit.

To be a Christian all one needs to do is believe in Christ as the saviour. I'm surprised you don't know that.

Not to start a huge in-depth discussion, but That's not exactly all there is to it.... You sound like an atheist trying to use what you think you know against a Christian...
A pro-life organization praised the last guy to murder an abortion doctor.
Army of God - Pro-Life Virginia

Yeah, I heard of that group.... I read if you are white, a Christian, and believe in LIFE / oppose abortion at ANY point during pregnancy that you are an automatic member of the group and they automatically speak for you....


It's an anti-abortion group that endorses terrorism. That's what the other poster was claiming doesn't exist.

You didn't post or even reference the other groups that condemned the killing, but of course digging up one fringe of the fringe of the fringe group helps you narrative, and groups like Operation Rescue condemning the shooting doesnt.

Groups condemning the terrorism was not the topic.

Nice spin, Spinmaster twat.
Who are you to decide who can or cannot be a Muslim? Do you hold a position of authority in the religion?


Gilligan, what color is the sky in your world?

I posted dozens and DOZENS of versus from 'The Holy Quran and Hadith' which require the Muslim to murder the non-Muslim... and in so doing pointed out that to BE A GOOD MUSLIM is to FOLLOW 'The Holy QURAN and Hadith". And that the difference between a Muslim who is murdering the innocent in the name of Islam is a GOOD Muslim... and that the Muslim who is NOT... is NOT a GOOD Muslim... pointing out that ALL MUSLIMS want to BE GOOD MUSLIMS, but it is only the Jihadists who have found the courage to BE SUCH!

You responded with the above deflection... but in fairness to you, you only did so because you're a coward, who lacks the intellectual veracity common to chalk.
One mentally ill individual goes on a shooting spree=terrorism

One Muslim shouting Allah is great while gunning down soldiers on a base=workplace violence

Liberal logic is fascinating
Pay special attention to the bolded part. You douche sticks who are so desperate to create a culture built on false allegations of selling baby parts hold a degree of blame.

What moved a man to kill three people and wound nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado has not been disclosed. But the suspect accused of carrying out the shooting spree, Robert Lewis Dear, made remarks about "baby parts" to investigators after his surrender, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Dear, 57, told them he has anti-abortion and anti-government views, but that doesn't mean those opinions were his motive for allegedly shooting up the Colorado Springs clinic on Friday, the official said. It's too early to tell, as investigators are still processing evidence.

Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -
Do you think the fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts should have been kept from the public? Should that be a secret?

There are no facts in that question.
It is a fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts. This is a fact. Not even Planned Parenthood denies they sell baby parts now.

So tell us, should that have been kept a secret?

You might as well just ask the question using words they use, because they will argue with you about it being a baby or not, not about them selling the tissue.

You should ask them " Did PP give researchers and/or medical wholesalers tissue from aborted fetuses for monetary compensation?"

It limits their wiggle room.

And that justifies their clinic being shot up, eh?

No it doesn't. But what you are implying in your other response is that the people who released the videos should just "shut up" because some whack job may use it as an excuse to commit a crime.
C_Clayton_Jones said:
An embryo/fetus is not a "baby."


Then Baby is a meaningless word.

Because a "Baby" is a human being in the early stages of development, and a embryo/fetus is a human being in the early stages of development... the only distinction being that the former are terms used exclusively to describe prenatal development of THE BABY, ya feckless fuckin' fool.
Do you think the fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts should have been kept from the public? Should that be a secret?

There are no facts in that question.
It is a fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts. This is a fact. Not even Planned Parenthood denies they sell baby parts now.

So tell us, should that have been kept a secret?

You might as well just ask the question using words they use, because they will argue with you about it being a baby or not, not about them selling the tissue.

You should ask them " Did PP give researchers and/or medical wholesalers tissue from aborted fetuses for monetary compensation?"

It limits their wiggle room.

And that justifies their clinic being shot up, eh?

No it doesn't. But what you are implying in your other response is that the people who released the videos should just "shut up" because some whack job may use it as an excuse to commit a crime.

I didn't imply any such thing. If the videos were legal, they're legal.
Terrorism is the new word we use when we want to elevate a crime to something to more than what it is. It is kind of like the opposite of what the left tried to do after 911. They wanted to downplay it so they called it a "crime" to make it sound like some guy knocked off a bank. The minute a crime happens against one of there political projects then it is terrorism but every thing else is just a crime.

  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Does that help you clear things up?
Then Baby is a meaningless word. Because a Baby is a human being in the early stages of development, and a embryo/fetus is a human being in the early stages of development... the only distinction being that the former are terms used exclusively to describe prenatal development of THE BABY, ya feckless fuckin' fool.

You can call a fetus a fetus or call it a baby. The name doesn't change the object. I support the right of woman to have a legal window of opportunity to abort a fetus.
I support the right of a woman to have a legal window of opportunity to abort an unborn baby.

Call it what you want.
Do you like the part of the Bible that tells you to turn the other cheek? To love your enemies?

I do... because in loving one's enemies, one holds them to fully account... just as where one slaps you with their unclean hand, one should turn the other cheek inviting them to slap you with their clean hand, to show them to be unworthy of God.

You are full of shit.

To be a Christian all one needs to do is believe in Christ as the saviour. I'm surprised you don't know that.

And to be a GM, one need to be built with original GM PARTS!

Sadly, neither of those things have anything to do with the post to which I responded.

Now that you're ignorant of what a Christian is, is your problem. That you erroneously 'feel' that Christ came to earth to be a doormat for humanity... again: YOUR PROBLEM.

That you need to quote the scripture out of context: YOUR PROBLEM.
You can call a fetus a fetus or call it a baby. The name doesn't change the object. I support the right of woman to have a legal window of opportunity to abort a fetus... baby... .

Then you support murder. And Not JUST MURDER... you support the murder of the most innocent of human life.

And your support rests upon nothing more than the life of the most innocent human life, standing inferior to the convenience of the mother, who willfully engaged in the behavior designed to conceive that baby... thus is fully responsible for the life and well being OF THAT BABY!

Which sadly for you and the mother, is NOT a valid moral justification for the taking of the innocent human life.

And Gilligan... there's more bad news:

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And that justifies their clinic being shot up, eh?

The clinic wasn't shot up, per se, Gilligan. There was a shooting that had ZERO to do with the clinic, that resulted in the Product of Left-think committing that crime, running into 'the Clinic' to HIDE.
  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Does that help you clear things up?

Yes it does.

As a consequence of the meaning of the word. A random shooting by a Lot Lizard Product of Left-think, which results in that Product of Left-think running into the PP 'clinic' is not terrorism.

It is simply what one should reasonably expect to happen, where one tolerates Left-think.

Thank you.
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There are no facts in that question.
It is a fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts. This is a fact. Not even Planned Parenthood denies they sell baby parts now.

So tell us, should that have been kept a secret?

You might as well just ask the question using words they use, because they will argue with you about it being a baby or not, not about them selling the tissue.

You should ask them " Did PP give researchers and/or medical wholesalers tissue from aborted fetuses for monetary compensation?"

It limits their wiggle room.

And that justifies their clinic being shot up, eh?

No it doesn't. But what you are implying in your other response is that the people who released the videos should just "shut up" because some whack job may use it as an excuse to commit a crime.

I didn't imply any such thing. If the videos were legal, they're legal.

You didn't?

First indications to support PP shooting as anti-abortion terrorism

From the post referenced:

If it could prevent your pals from committing acts of terror against PP, then yes, maybe it would have saved lives to keep it a secret.

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