First indications to support PP shooting as anti-abortion terrorism

So you deny that the above description is not one of a rightwing Christian terrorist.

NY, I read Saul Alynski's 'Rules for Radicals', and I understand the techniques you are TRYING to transparently execute here. Go try creating/structuring/defining an argument the way you want and that best defines the argument that YOU want on someone who hasn't read it. Nice try...
We go through this RWnut bullshit every time these incidents occur.


The modern American conservative consensus is that there is no such thing as a conservative Christian terrorist, there is no such thing as an anti-abortion terrorist.

That is the dementia of the right once again rearing its demented head.

In other words, if Christians do not nor 'admit' that there are such things as 'Right Wing Christian Terrorists', you are going to what...take your ball and go home?!

No one is stopping Liberals from applying their own f*ed up, bias labels to attack those who do not believe in what they do. Go for it!

Just don't expect anyone to pay any attention to you when you do because they don't buy it. YOU don't get to define for the rest of the world what the problem is, who the 'bad guy' is, and impose those definitions on people. You want to generalize and condemn a whole group of people based on your political bias, beliefs, and hatred - go for it!

just ignore us while we ignore you or laugh at you from the corner. :p
Yes, your source from which you copied and pasted like a good little parroting rube...

More Saul Alynski bullshit...

If you DON'T posy a link then you are lying
If You DO post a link, no source is ever credible and you are just a 'parroting rube'....

Being a Liberal must be like being a mushroom.... you are kept in the dark, fed shit (from the likes of Obama and Alynski), and produce more of the same....
Pretty much, the difference being that the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible. This guy is on his own.

There are no organized movements in America to stop abortion?
You're not paying attention. I said "the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible". Stopping abortion =/= killing as many people as possible. So, please try again.

So when an anti-abortion Christian shoots an abortion doctor, because that person is an abortion doctor, and the killer cites his religion as his motivation/justification,

he's not a rightwing Christian terrorist?
Oh no, he is a terrorist. I would dispute his Christianity, since Christ clearly did not advocate such activity, but he's a terrorist, because his goal is to produce terror. That, however, is NOT the goal of the pro-life movement. Note that there are no pro-life organizations claiming credit for this guy's actions, as there usually are when a Muslim extremist kills innocent people.

A pro-life organization praised the last guy to murder an abortion doctor.

Army of God - Pro-Life Virginia
There's a difference between praising the actions of a lone wolf and using an organization's resources to organize, plan, and create mayhem, then taking credit for the results.
Bullshit. You probably read some rag which told you about it.

Oh ,I'm sorry...did I offend you by reading the Liberal playbook...for reading his B$ without being a card-carrying Liberal Progressive member ...?

Ok, It is settled. The fact that this guy went to a PP, killed 3 people and wounded several more with a semi-automatic high powered rifle, while carrying around LP gas canisters, does not mean that he is a RW Christian, anti-abortion domestic terrorist, reacting to inflammatory doctored tapes about PP. He is just crazy, and therefore, the Right does' own him, or anything he did.

Of course, The Muslims in France represent mainstream Islam, and so American mosques should be closed and all Muslims should be registered on Trumps list.
There's a difference between praising the actions of a lone wolf and using an organization's resources to organize, plan, and create mayhem, then taking credit for the results.

There is a tremendous difference between BEING a 'lone wolf' and part of an organization, using an organization's resources to organize, plan, and create mayhem, and then being credited as part of that group or taking credit for the results
Ok, It is settled. The fact that this guy went to a PP, killed 3 people and wounded several more with a semi-automatic high powered rifle, while carrying around LP gas canisters, does not mean that he is a RW Christian, anti-abortion domestic terrorist, reacting to inflammatory doctored tapes about PP. He is just crazy, and therefore, the Right does' own him, or anything he did.

Of course, The Muslims in France represent mainstream Islam, and so American mosques should be closed and all Muslims should be registered on Trumps list.
Muslims are NOT 'Conservatives', and if they are not 'Conservatives' the same rules do not apply... :p
Ok, It is settled. The fact that this guy went to a PP, killed 3 people and wounded several more with a semi-automatic high powered rifle, while carrying around LP gas canisters, does not mean that he is a RW Christian, anti-abortion domestic terrorist, reacting to inflammatory doctored tapes about PP. He is just crazy, and therefore, the Right does' own him, or anything he did.

Of course, The Muslims in France represent mainstream Islam, and so American mosques should be closed and all Muslims should be registered on Trumps list.
Muslims are NOT 'Conservatives', and if they are not 'Conservatives' the same rules do not apply... :p

Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.....
Pretty much, the difference being that the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible. This guy is on his own.

So that makes him less evil? Are the dead people less dead?
How is that relevant?

You're the one who said it was, so you tell me.
It is far more likely that you would be killed by one of the millions of muslims world wide who desire the death of all infidels and have organizations devoted to that end than you would be killed by one of a handful of American extremists who have no such organizations. IOW, the dead are just as dead, but which is more likely to produce more dead?

There are not millions of Muslims who want to exterminate all non-Muslims.
What percent of Muslims do you believe adhere to the belief that infidels must convert or die? There are about one and a half billion Muslims in the world. If only 1% so believe, that means that 150 million think you should convert or die. A 2013 Pew poll found that 13% of American Muslims said that violence against civilians is often, sometimes or rarely justified to defend Islam. Now, I don't know about you, but if 13% of AMERICAN Muslims believe violence is acceptable to "defend Islam" (which, as we have seen, can mean death for someone who so much as draws a picture of Mohammed), then the percentage of Muslims world wide who look favorably on violence is surely higher. There are millions of Muslims who believe killing you because you do not embrace Islam is an acceptable thing to do.
Pay special attention to the bolded part. You douche sticks who are so desperate to create a culture built on false allegations of selling baby parts hold a degree of blame.

What moved a man to kill three people and wound nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado has not been disclosed. But the suspect accused of carrying out the shooting spree, Robert Lewis Dear, made remarks about "baby parts" to investigators after his surrender, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Dear, 57, told them he has anti-abortion and anti-government views, but that doesn't mean those opinions were his motive for allegedly shooting up the Colorado Springs clinic on Friday, the official said. It's too early to tell, as investigators are still processing evidence.

Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -

My favorite part is where "The Man didn't start shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic"... he ran into the building to hide.

So... there's no actual connection to Planned Parenthood, except that the building that houses the clinic has a door on the street where a Lot Lizard homeless lunatic product of Left-think (pardon the redundancy) was gunning down the innocent.



Pay special attention to the bolded part. You douche sticks who are so desperate to create a culture built on false allegations of selling baby parts hold a degree of blame.

What moved a man to kill three people and wound nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado has not been disclosed. But the suspect accused of carrying out the shooting spree, Robert Lewis Dear, made remarks about "baby parts" to investigators after his surrender, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Dear, 57, told them he has anti-abortion and anti-government views, but that doesn't mean those opinions were his motive for allegedly shooting up the Colorado Springs clinic on Friday, the official said. It's too early to tell, as investigators are still processing evidence.

Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -

My favorite part is where "The Man didn't start shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic"... he ran into the building to hide.

So... there's no actual connection to Planned Parenthood, except that the building that houses the clinic has a door on the street where a Lot Lizard homeless lunatic product of Left-think (pardon the redundancy) was gunning down the innocent.



It will be enough when it can no longer serve a political purpose, ie getting democrats elected.
Do Christians believe in the bible?

Are they truly Christians if they pick and choose what parts of the Bible they like, that they are willing to believe and follow, ignoring the rest?
- NO

Do you like the part of the Bible that tells you to turn the other cheek? To love your enemies?
Pay special attention to the bolded part. You douche sticks who are so desperate to create a culture built on false allegations of selling baby parts hold a degree of blame.

What moved a man to kill three people and wound nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado has not been disclosed. But the suspect accused of carrying out the shooting spree, Robert Lewis Dear, made remarks about "baby parts" to investigators after his surrender, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Dear, 57, told them he has anti-abortion and anti-government views, but that doesn't mean those opinions were his motive for allegedly shooting up the Colorado Springs clinic on Friday, the official said. It's too early to tell, as investigators are still processing evidence.

Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -

My favorite part is where "The Man didn't start shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic"... he ran into the building to hide.

So... there's no actual connection to Planned Parenthood, except that the building that houses the clinic has a door on the street where a Lot Lizard homeless lunatic product of Left-think (pardon the redundancy) was gunning down the innocent.




This is humorous coming from a guy who supports armed rebellion in the US.
So you deny that the above description is not one of a rightwing Christian terrorist.

NY, I read Saul Alynski's 'Rules for Radicals'
Bullshit. You probably read some rag which told you about it.

I seriously doubt that there is an American on the planet that hasn't read it at this point. It's a treatise that allows one to travel into the rare depths of collective sociopathy.

When I read it... I felt like I'd just witnessed Satan's playbook. It's the crackers for Das Kapital (Soup for the Leftist Soul).

Prey tell, what would that be?
Do Christians believe in the bible?

Are they truly Christians if they pick and choose what parts of the Bible they like, that they are willing to believe and follow, ignoring the rest?
- NO

Do you like the part of the Bible that tells you to turn the other cheek? To love your enemies?
It doesn't matter if you like it or not.
The real terrorism is the terror of the abortion clinics being death chambers for the slaughter of children. Despicable!

It is amazing to see the extreme far Left idiots justify the slaughter of almost a million American children each year.

They remind me of Nazis with their denial of the humanity of the children and their justification of infanticide. Disgusting!
So you deny that the above description is not one of a rightwing Christian terrorist.

NY, I read Saul Alynski's 'Rules for Radicals'
Bullshit. You probably read some rag which told you about it.

I seriously doubt that there is an American on the planet that hasn't read it at this point.

Well, thanks for confirming you are an idiot.

The rubes won't read a link that is more than a paragraph long, much less order and read a 226 page book.

I doubt you have read it, either.
Hmm, how convenient....who else can the left go after besides Christians and anyone who does not agree with abortions at any stage of pregnancy? Oh yes....Conservative Talk Show Hosts and bloggers. 'We' can use this tragedy as the perfect opportunity to silence 'our' enemy's right to free speech:

"This Planned Parenthood shooting may be a function of inflammatory rhetoric from bloggers and talk shows"
LINK: Colorado governor: This Planned Parenthood shooting may be a function of inflammatory rhetoric from bloggers and talk shows « Hot Air

How long did the Liberals give the grieving family members of the victims from this latest tragedy before they politicized the hell out of it? 5 minutes?

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