First indications to support PP shooting as anti-abortion terrorism

So you want him to be not guilty by reason of insanity?

Short answer to your question: NO!

BUT....Thank you for bringing up one of my biggest 'pet peeves'.

The concept of 'Insanity' should never, ever, EVER have anything to do with 'Guilt' or 'Innocence' - NEVER!

I don't give a crap if you were sane or not when considering your guilt or innocence because it has nothing to do with whether you did it or not. Either you committed the crime or you did NOT.

Once guilt is established - 'Yes, you shot the guy 47 times' - DURING 'SENTENCING ' - THEN AND ONLY THEN - should your mental status be considered. If you killed someone you are GUILTY. If you are then found to be INSANE then appropriate punishment - like commitment into a mental institution - should be considered.

So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy.
Pretty much, the difference being that the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible. This guy is on his own.

There are no organized movements in America to stop abortion?
You're not paying attention. I said "the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible". Stopping abortion =/= killing as many people as possible. So, please try again.

So when an anti-abortion Christian shoots an abortion doctor, because that person is an abortion doctor, and the killer cites his religion as his motivation/justification,

he's not a rightwing Christian terrorist?
Pretty much, the difference being that the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible. This guy is on his own.

So that makes him less evil? Are the dead people less dead?
How is that relevant?

You're the one who said it was, so you tell me.
It is far more likely that you would be killed by one of the millions of muslims world wide who desire the death of all infidels and have organizations devoted to that end than you would be killed by one of a handful of American extremists who have no such organizations. IOW, the dead are just as dead, but which is more likely to produce more dead?
Short answer to your question: NO!

BUT....Thank you for bringing up one of my biggest 'pet peeves'.

The concept of 'Insanity' should never, ever, EVER have anything to do with 'Guilt' or 'Innocence' - NEVER!

I don't give a crap if you were sane or not when considering your guilt or innocence because it has nothing to do with whether you did it or not. Either you committed the crime or you did NOT.

Once guilt is established - 'Yes, you shot the guy 47 times' - DURING 'SENTENCING ' - THEN AND ONLY THEN - should your mental status be considered. If you killed someone you are GUILTY. If you are then found to be INSANE then appropriate punishment - like commitment into a mental institution - should be considered.

So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy.
Pretty much, the difference being that the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible. This guy is on his own.

There are no organized movements in America to stop abortion?
You're not paying attention. I said "the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible". Stopping abortion =/= killing as many people as possible. So, please try again.

So when an anti-abortion Christian shoots an abortion doctor, because that person is an abortion doctor, and the killer cites his religion as his motivation/justification,

he's not a rightwing Christian terrorist?
Oh no, he is a terrorist. I would dispute his Christianity, since Christ clearly did not advocate such activity, but he's a terrorist, because his goal is to produce terror. That, however, is NOT the goal of the pro-life movement. Note that there are no pro-life organizations claiming credit for this guy's actions, as there usually are when a Muslim extremist kills innocent people.
So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy.
Pretty much, the difference being that the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible. This guy is on his own.

There are no organized movements in America to stop abortion?
You're not paying attention. I said "the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible". Stopping abortion =/= killing as many people as possible. So, please try again.

So when an anti-abortion Christian shoots an abortion doctor, because that person is an abortion doctor, and the killer cites his religion as his motivation/justification,

he's not a rightwing Christian terrorist?
Oh no, he is a terrorist. I would dispute his Christianity, since Christ clearly did not advocate such activity, but he's a terrorist, because his goal is to produce terror. That, however, is NOT the goal of the pro-life movement. Note that there are no pro-life organizations claiming credit for this guy's actions, as there usually are when a Muslim extremist kills innocent people.

A pro-life organization praised the last guy to murder an abortion doctor.

Army of God - Pro-Life Virginia
Pretty much, the difference being that the 9/11 highjackers were part of an organized movement that purposely set out to kill as many people as possible. This guy is on his own.

So that makes him less evil? Are the dead people less dead?
How is that relevant?

You're the one who said it was, so you tell me.
It is far more likely that you would be killed by one of the millions of muslims world wide who desire the death of all infidels and have organizations devoted to that end than you would be killed by one of a handful of American extremists who have no such organizations. IOW, the dead are just as dead, but which is more likely to produce more dead?

There are not millions of Muslims who want to exterminate all non-Muslims.
So you want him to be not guilty by reason of insanity?

Short answer to your question: NO!

BUT....Thank you for bringing up one of my biggest 'pet peeves'.

The concept of 'Insanity' should never, ever, EVER have anything to do with 'Guilt' or 'Innocence' - NEVER!

I don't give a crap if you were sane or not when considering your guilt or innocence because it has nothing to do with whether you did it or not. Either you committed the crime or you did NOT.

Once guilt is established - 'Yes, you shot the guy 47 times' - DURING 'SENTENCING ' - THEN AND ONLY THEN - should your mental status be considered. If you killed someone you are GUILTY. If you are then found to be INSANE then appropriate punishment - like commitment into a mental institution - should be considered.

So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy.

So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy

You have something, other than opinion, showing Dear to be a religious zealot?
Former wife says Planned Parenthood terrorist is conservative, religious and anti-abortion

"Dear was politically conservative, religious, owned guns and believed that abortion was wrong — but he was not obsessed with any of these issues,"
I'm sure that'll be some comfort to the families of the dead :rolleyes:
So when an anti-abortion Christian shoots an abortion doctor, because that person is an abortion doctor, and the killer cites his religion as his motivation/justification,

he's not a rightwing Christian terrorist?

Why do Liberals ONLY INSIST in 'PERSONAL' accountability when someone who does something wrong happens to be a Christian or a Conservative?

If an Islamic Extremist slaughters 150+ people, slaughters Christians, or shoots up a terminal full of US soldiers they scream how we can't blame ALL Muslims for the acts of 1, 2, 8 individuals.

If several blacks identifying themselves as 'Black Lives Matter' members call for the MURDER of ALL whites and policemen Obama and Liberals squeal like little girls how we can't associate / blame ALL 'BLM' members with a few individuals.

When the black-on-black crime rate dwarfs the number of backs killed by whites we can't bring that up or point fingers at blacks....

....but let one mentally ill psycho who happens to have been a Christian and Conservative and Liberals like YOU demand we demonize all Conservatives and all Christians.

If that were equally applied, based on the actions of the DNC leaders / Obama, ALL Liberals believe in arming Mexican Drug Cartels and letting them kill hundreds of innocent people, ALL Liberals believe that it should be able to kill babies at any age at any point during a pregnancy - cut them up like pieces of meat and sell them off to the highest bidders for cash and Lamborghinis, ...that all Liberals believe in funding, supplying, arming, and training terrorists - helping to facilitate the invasion of Iraq, the slaughter of thousands of innocent men / women / children - Christians , and the murder of over 150 Parisians and the wounding of almost as many more.

If the 'blood of one is the blood of all' then all Liberals must believe it is ok to take the nation to war and use our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 - who killed so many Americans - take over their own country ... that it is perfectly fine to deny a US Ambassador over 600 times for required additional security, that it is ok to leave him in a hostile location where every other foreign nation had pulled their people out because they knew it was too dangerous....that it is ok to LIE to the nation and the grieving family members of the people the govt let die.....

Why is it, NY, that 'the blood of one equals the blood of all', that 1 person represents everyone in an associated group, when that person ISN'T a Liberal?
Irony, at it's FINEST!

  • The Irony Of Planned Parenthood Condemning Murder
    The Federalist ^ | 11-30-15 | Nicole Russell
    Last Friday's shooting near a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, once again ignited the flames of debate on both sides of the political aisle. This time, rather than open a candid and robust debate on abortion, as has often occurred this year, it sparked a figurative "he said/she said." Some members of the mainstream media, liberal organizations, and Planned Parenthood, claimed--without facts to support them--the shooter was a right-wing, Center for Medical Progress-video-watching, Republican-voting zealot. It's still unclear what alleged shooter Robert Lewis Dear's motives were or even exactly what happened in and around Planned Parenthood and the...
Short answer to your question: NO!

BUT....Thank you for bringing up one of my biggest 'pet peeves'.

The concept of 'Insanity' should never, ever, EVER have anything to do with 'Guilt' or 'Innocence' - NEVER!

I don't give a crap if you were sane or not when considering your guilt or innocence because it has nothing to do with whether you did it or not. Either you committed the crime or you did NOT.

Once guilt is established - 'Yes, you shot the guy 47 times' - DURING 'SENTENCING ' - THEN AND ONLY THEN - should your mental status be considered. If you killed someone you are GUILTY. If you are then found to be INSANE then appropriate punishment - like commitment into a mental institution - should be considered.

So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy.

So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy

You have something, other than opinion, showing Dear to be a religious zealot?
Former wife says Planned Parenthood terrorist is conservative, religious and anti-abortion

"Dear was politically conservative, religious, owned guns and believed that abortion was wrong — but he was not obsessed with any of these issues,"
I'm sure that'll be some comfort to the families of the dead :rolleyes:

I doubt anything said will be a comfort to them.

Silly me, I thought the thread was about the reason the guy went off his nut,...

not plucking heart strings.
So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy.

So this guy is crazy essentially in the same manner the 9/11 hijackers were crazy

You have something, other than opinion, showing Dear to be a religious zealot?
Former wife says Planned Parenthood terrorist is conservative, religious and anti-abortion

"Dear was politically conservative, religious, owned guns and believed that abortion was wrong — but he was not obsessed with any of these issues,"
I'm sure that'll be some comfort to the families of the dead :rolleyes:

I doubt anything said will be a comfort to them.

Silly me, I thought the thread was about the reason the guy went off his nut,...

not plucking heart strings.
Friends and family of the Paris bombers and shooters said they didn't think they were that religious either.
There are not millions of Muslims who want to exterminate all non-Muslims.

There ya go - NY has it must be true.


It's easy for you to prove if you are right.

List the Muslim organizations whose stated goal is the extermination of all non-Muslims, and then list the numbers of their memberships, verifiable by some reasonable measure,

and then we'll add them up and see how many 'millions' we come up with.
Pay special attention to the bolded part. You douche sticks who are so desperate to create a culture built on false allegations of selling baby parts hold a degree of blame.

What moved a man to kill three people and wound nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado has not been disclosed. But the suspect accused of carrying out the shooting spree, Robert Lewis Dear, made remarks about "baby parts" to investigators after his surrender, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Dear, 57, told them he has anti-abortion and anti-government views, but that doesn't mean those opinions were his motive for allegedly shooting up the Colorado Springs clinic on Friday, the official said. It's too early to tell, as investigators are still processing evidence.

Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -
Do you think the fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts should have been kept from the public? Should that be a secret?

There are no facts in that question.
It is a fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts. This is a fact. Not even Planned Parenthood denies they sell baby parts now.

So tell us, should that have been kept a secret?
A pro-life organization praised the last guy to murder an abortion doctor.
Army of God - Pro-Life Virginia

Yeah, I heard of that group.... I read if you are white, a Christian, and believe in LIFE / oppose abortion at ANY point during pregnancy that you are an automatic member of the group and they automatically speak for you....


It's an anti-abortion group that endorses terrorism. That's what the other poster was claiming doesn't exist.
Do you believe any clinically defined 'sane' person can kill another human being, and not just kill someone but go on a mass shooting spree?

It seems that too many people, who usually think all murders are based on rational personal or political agendas or motivation, completely overlook the issue of mental illness....over and over again.
Why? Mental illness does not fit individual personal or political agendas.

Have you seen the mug shot of this guy? He is the poster child for 'Crazy'.

And the fact that he 'made remarks' about 'baby parts' makes him an intellectual champion carrying out some righteous mission?

Here's what I believe:

There are only several reasons to kill anyone:
1. Insanity: You gotta be insane or evil t just want to kill someone
2. Evil: see #1: there are some really evil people in the world
3. Self Defense: Defending yourself from #1 and #2
4. To 'Put down' Evil: some people have no socially redeeming value and should not be kept around at tax payer expense (Serial killers / rapist / pedophiles / terrorists...)

The "right' to abort a baby at ANY stage during a pregnancy should be illegal.

Any 'Women's clinic' receiving tax dollars caught cutting up babies - and selling them or not - should not only be defunded but should be shut down. Cutting up babies and selling them, for research or not, is NOT in any way the job of a 'Women's health clinic'.

While IGNORING what PP is / has been caught doing is the preferred option / suggestion by Liberals to prevent continued emotional turmoil over it, thus 'driving more Conservatives' to go on 'anti-abortion terrorist attacks', taking steps to actually respect and protect ALL life might be the better option....

Now that I think about it, why do Liberals support groups that do NOT respect all life?
Planned Parenthood: Believes in the right to abort babies at any stage of pregnancy

Black Lives Matter: Obama has praised this group that made politicians apologize for suggesting all lives matter and who called for the murder of all whites and cops



So Muslim extremists are just wackos and their actions have nothing to do with Islam.
Pay special attention to the bolded part. You douche sticks who are so desperate to create a culture built on false allegations of selling baby parts hold a degree of blame.

What moved a man to kill three people and wound nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado has not been disclosed. But the suspect accused of carrying out the shooting spree, Robert Lewis Dear, made remarks about "baby parts" to investigators after his surrender, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Dear, 57, told them he has anti-abortion and anti-government views, but that doesn't mean those opinions were his motive for allegedly shooting up the Colorado Springs clinic on Friday, the official said. It's too early to tell, as investigators are still processing evidence.

Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -
Do you think the fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts should have been kept from the public? Should that be a secret?

There are no facts in that question.
It is a fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts. This is a fact. Not even Planned Parenthood denies they sell baby parts now.

So tell us, should that have been kept a secret?

You might as well just ask the question using words they use, because they will argue with you about it being a baby or not, not about them selling the tissue.

You should ask them " Did PP give researchers and/or medical wholesalers tissue from aborted fetuses for monetary compensation?"

It limits their wiggle room.
Pay special attention to the bolded part. You douche sticks who are so desperate to create a culture built on false allegations of selling baby parts hold a degree of blame.

What moved a man to kill three people and wound nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado has not been disclosed. But the suspect accused of carrying out the shooting spree, Robert Lewis Dear, made remarks about "baby parts" to investigators after his surrender, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Dear, 57, told them he has anti-abortion and anti-government views, but that doesn't mean those opinions were his motive for allegedly shooting up the Colorado Springs clinic on Friday, the official said. It's too early to tell, as investigators are still processing evidence.

Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -
Do you think the fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts should have been kept from the public? Should that be a secret?

There are no facts in that question.
It is a fact Planned Parenthood sells baby parts. This is a fact. Not even Planned Parenthood denies they sell baby parts now.

So tell us, should that have been kept a secret?

If it could prevent your pals from committing acts of terror against PP, then yes, maybe it would have saved lives to keep it a secret.
A pro-life organization praised the last guy to murder an abortion doctor.
Army of God - Pro-Life Virginia

Yeah, I heard of that group.... I read if you are white, a Christian, and believe in LIFE / oppose abortion at ANY point during pregnancy that you are an automatic member of the group and they automatically speak for you....


It's an anti-abortion group that endorses terrorism. That's what the other poster was claiming doesn't exist.

You didn't post or even reference the other groups that condemned the killing, but of course digging up one fringe of the fringe of the fringe group helps you narrative, and groups like Operation Rescue condemning the shooting doesnt.

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