First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

"The word insurrection is a legal term. Under federal law it’s a crime to incite or engage in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the U.S. or its laws. Black’s Law Dictionary defines insurrection as “a violent revolt against oppressive authority.” It is to be distinguished from a mob or riot based on organization of an armed uprising. Mobs and riots can involve unlawful and violent acts, but they aren’t necessarily insurrections. A revolt is an act to overthrow the government. Insurrection, therefore, requires an organized group that plans an attack to overthrow the government."

You’re posting some guys opinion not a legal definition that says an insurrection requires an armed uprising or overthrow. Those buzzwords are the propaganda that’s being fed to you.

Nope. Nothing would have led to Trump staying in office.

It's all in your empty dime store head, and the heads of TDS soi boi cucks like you.
Nothing needs to lead to Trump staying in office for it to be an insurrection
I explained my views, you can take them or leave them. You want to call it an insurrection because you get a hard on like the OP Tommy Twat on banning your political opponents from running for office because of it.
I call it an insurrection because I know the definition of the word. You refuse to call it insurrection based on fake definitions that you can’t back up and fake conclusions about legal charges that you’ve contradicted yourself about.
I call it an insurrection because I know the definition of the word. You refuse to call it insurrection based on fake definitions that you can’t back up and fake conclusions about legal charges that you’ve contradicted yourself about.

You call it that because as usual for progressives meanings are fluid based on how much you want to fuck over your political opponents.
You call it that because as usual for progressives meanings are fluid based on how much you want to fuck over your political opponents.
No, I call it that because the definition of the word fits exactly with what happened. Exactly.
They were nowhere near Trump, and how would coercing congress do anything?

Again, no mechanism, despite your attempts at creating ones from thin fucking air.

First and foremost most, it's about intent, even if they didn't have the means. And they themselves stated their intentions. That aside, they stormed the Capitol to coerce Congress to halt certifying Biden. Just delaying Congress is a crime, even if they were too incompetent to achieve their goals...

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

And then there were others whose stated plan was to create so much havoc, it would open the door for Trump to halt certification by declaring martial law. Something they saw Pillow guy present as an option to Trump.

She was barely through the window, she fell back into the room, he shot into the other room, with cops there as well as the other people. Only one who shot.

Considering we never saw an actual full report, just "he's cleared" statements, anything said is by you is just part of the whitewash.

He did not shoot into the other room. He struck her in the left shoulder she exposed to him as she was climbing through that window pane. Had he shot her in the other room, the bullet would have gone through the door first and there's zero evidence of that.

It's a shame you have to lie to prop up your bullshit.

And again, there was only one cop on the other side at that moment and he did not have a vantage point to take a shot.

And despite your earlier bullshit, there was no one between her are that wall next to her...

Sell stupid elsewhere. Some were calling for deaths to Pence and others. They nearly killed a cop who was fighting to keep them out of the Capitol.

Yep and how many thousands of liberals have called for the deaths of conservative politicians over the last fifty years? How many thousands called for the death of Trump over the last seven years? The answer is a metric crap-ton. That kind of language gets used in political demonstrations,
The mob was the threat as there were still some members of Congress inside the House chamber. She just happened to be the first one to breach that police barricade. Shooting her kept the rest of that mob at bay until the rest could be evacuated.
Then why was her shooter the only Capital Police Officer that recognized her as a threat. There were at least two officers closer to her. Deadly force is the LAST resort cops are authorized to use. In Babbit's case it was the first resort by her killer. Any other department would have held public inquiries into the shooting with the shooter suspended. The Caspital Police held closed-door hearings and wouldn't even release the shooter's name until compelled to do so. As far as I can tell the Capital; Police have never held an open hearing into the misconduct of its officers.
You call it that because as usual for progressives meanings are fluid based on how much you want to fuck over your political opponents.

No, we call it that because the actual definition matches it...

INSURRECTION Definition & Legal Meaning

A rebellion, or rising of citizens or subjects in resistance to their government. Insurrection shall consist in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the state, with intent to the denial thereof, when the same is manifested, or intended to be manifested, by acts of violence. Code Ga. 1882,
Yep and how many thousands of liberals have called for the deaths of conservative politicians over the last fifty years? How many thousands called for the death of Trump over the last seven years? The answer is a metric crap-ton. That kind of language gets used in political demonstrations,

How many broke into where said conservative politicians work in an effort to exercise those threats?
Then why was her shooter the only Capital Police Officer that recognized her as a threat. There were at least two officers closer to her. Deadly force is the LAST resort cops are authorized to use. In Babbit's case it was the first resort by her killer. Any other department would have held public inquiries into the shooting with the shooter suspended. The Caspital Police held closed-door hearings and wouldn't even release the shooter's name until compelled to do so. As far as I can tell the Capital; Police have never held an open hearing into the misconduct of its officers.

There was only one e other officer close by and he was on the stairs. Too low to shoot and with other people in between. She was warned to get back. She should have heeded the warnings.
Then why has no one acting that day been charged with insurrection?

Many have been charged with seditious conspiracy. A crime that carries a max penalty double that of insurrection.
"The word insurrection is a legal term. Under federal law it’s a crime to incite or engage in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the U.S. or its laws. Black’s Law Dictionary defines insurrection as “a violent revolt against oppressive authority.” It is to be distinguished from a mob or riot based on organization of an armed uprising. Mobs and riots can involve unlawful and violent acts, but they aren’t necessarily insurrections. A revolt is an act to overthrow the government. Insurrection, therefore, requires an organized group that plans an attack to overthrow the government."

An insurrection must contain the ability to remove the existing governance and replace it with your governing.
No such ability remotely existed nor was there a plan to try to install a new government
Liberals are exaggerative cry babies, solely motivated by repression, fear and TDS
Then why has no one acting that day been charged with insurrection?
For the same reason few to no rioters get charged with "rioting" during riots. Most get charged for the more specific acts they commit. Arson, Trespassing, destruction of property etc.
No, we call it that because the actual definition matches it...
A rebellion, or rising of citizens or subjects in resistance to their government. Insurrection shall consist in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the state, with intent to the denial thereof, when the same is manifested, or intended to be manifested, by acts of violence. Code Ga. 1882,
that does not apply to the riot on Jan 6 they were not rioting against Trump or his Government.

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