First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Not from that cop's perspective. In the image below, the cop was on the other side of the doors to the left. He facing the wall on the right. He was not facing the mob or the other cops on the forefront of those doors. She had breached the broken out window and was on his of the doors, still crouched in the window frame, when he fired. Had he missed, he hits the wall across from him. No other cop had as good of a vantage point.


She was barely through the window, she fell back into the room, he shot into the other room, with cops there as well as the other people. Only one who shot.

Considering we never saw an actual full report, just "he's cleared" statements, anything said is by you is just part of the whitewash.
Who cares what “many progs” call CHAZ?! Just be honest and call it how it is. Chaz was an insurrection… so was the riot on Jan 6

Jan 6th wasn't, again it had no ability to take over any government authority, again the government in power was still Trump, and Biden was still sworn in when he was supposed to be.
Jan 6th wasn't, again it had no ability to take over any government authority, again the government in power was still Trump, and Biden was still sworn in when he was supposed to be.

Yup in order to be an insurrection it had to threaten the Government and removing it. Nothing happening in Congress on the 6th was a threat to the Government or in any way a possible way to remove said Government.
Yup in order to be an insurrection it had to threaten the Government and removing it. Nothing happening in Congress on the 6th was a threat to the Government or in any way a possible way to remove said Government.

Or at least inhibit the governments ability to project it's authority in the area. There was plenty of government authority in the area at the time.
I don’t see the point in the whataboutism. 1/6 was an insurrection per definition. Why can’t y’all acknowledge that?
"The word insurrection is a legal term. Under federal law it’s a crime to incite or engage in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the U.S. or its laws. Black’s Law Dictionary defines insurrection as “a violent revolt against oppressive authority.” It is to be distinguished from a mob or riot based on organization of an armed uprising. Mobs and riots can involve unlawful and violent acts, but they aren’t necessarily insurrections. A revolt is an act to overthrow the government. Insurrection, therefore, requires an organized group that plans an attack to overthrow the government."

"The word insurrection is a legal term. Under federal law it’s a crime to incite or engage in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the U.S. or its laws. Black’s Law Dictionary defines insurrection as “a violent revolt against oppressive authority.” It is to be distinguished from a mob or riot based on organization of an armed uprising. Mobs and riots can involve unlawful and violent acts, but they aren’t necessarily insurrections. A revolt is an act to overthrow the government. Insurrection, therefore, requires an organized group that plans an attack to overthrow the government."

Or, again to the progs here, to at least inhibit or replace government authority in a given area.
Or, again to the progs here, to at least inhibit or replace government authority in a given area.

Their goal was to overthrow the top seat of our government and prevent the duly elected president from being certified by Congress.

The very definition of insurrection.
No, it wasn't. Compared to months of BLM/Anti-fa fuckery it was one day of fuckery.

And yet the feds are treating it like the KGB would to Soviet dissenters.

Nope, Sedition Day was far worse.

Had the BLM riots achieved their goals, there'd be fewer cops killing black people.

Had the insurrectionists achieved their goals, the loser of the 2020 election would have become president despite losing the election and it would have been the end of the U.S.
Their goal was to overthrow the top seat of our government and prevent the duly elected president from being certified by Congress.

The very definition of insurrection.

So they were trying to overthrow Trump, who was the top seat of government at the tome?

They would have had to stop the certification for weeks, and they didn't seem to bring with them the supplies needed to carry that out, so I doubt that was a "goal"
Nope, Sedition Day was far worse.

Had the BLM riots achieved their goals, there'd be fewer cops killing black people.

Had the insurrectionists achieved their goals, the loser of the 2020 election would have become president despite losing the election and it would have been the end of the U.S.

The BLM riots achieved their goals, i.e. massive property destruction and fights with police officers, as well as fucking up innocent motorists and bystanders.
So they were trying to overthrow Trump, who was the top seat of government at the tome?

Are you really too stupid to understand my post?

Trump's term was 2 weeks from being over. Biden was to replace him. Had they achieved their goals, they would have overthrown that seat so that Trump could have been named president for another 4 years.

They would have had to stop the certification for weeks, and they didn't seem to bring with them the supplies needed to carry that out, so I doubt that was a "goal"

Of course it was their goal. They were chanting it in the Capitol as they marched through it, hunting for members of Congress.
Are you really too stupid to understand my post?

Trump's term was 2 weeks from being over. Biden was to replace him. Had they achieved their goals, they would have overthrown that seat so that Trump could have been named president for another 4 years.

Of course it was their goal. They were chanting it in the Capitol as they marched through it, hunting for members of Congress.

They had no mechanism to make it happen, no supplies to wait out the two weeks till Biden was sworn in, and they were gone of their own volition at the end of the day.

Are you really this much of a hack to ignore the reality of the situation?
They had no mechanism to make it happen, no supplies to wait out the two weeks till Biden was sworn in, and they were gone of their own volition at the end of the day.

Are you really this much of a hack to ignore the reality of the situation?

They didn't need to wait it out for 2 weeks. They just needed to either coerce Congress to go along with it or for Trump to declare martial law; which actually was the plan for those charged with seditious conspiracy.
They didn't need to wait it out for 2 weeks. They just needed to either coerce Congress to go along with it or for Trump to declare martial law; which actually was the plan for those charged with seditious conspiracy.

They were nowhere near Trump, and how would coercing congress do anything?

Again, no mechanism, despite your attempts at creating ones from thin fucking air.
you call it that because coup isn't a long enough word. It wasn't anything of the sort, but you keep trying and trying.

What it comes down to is idiots like you trying to blow this out of proportion for political gain, or even worse, silencing your political opponents.
Stop the steal, hang Mike pence, breaking and entering, blocking the certification of votes for a presidential election, evacuating congress.

It’s an insurrection by definition. You can’t deny one thing that I listed happened. And you can’t show a definition that does not define insurrection as exactly what happened
Jan 6th wasn't, again it had no ability to take over any government authority, again the government in power was still Trump, and Biden was still sworn in when he was supposed to be.
Post a definition that says insurrection has to take over government authority. Let’s see it because I’m calling bullshit on your fake definition
Stop the steal, hang Mike pence, breaking and entering, blocking the certification of votes for a presidential election, evacuating congress.

It’s an insurrection by definition. You can’t deny one thing that I listed happened. And you can’t show a definition that does not define insurrection as exactly what happened

Nope. Nothing would have led to Trump staying in office.

It's all in your empty dime store head, and the heads of TDS soi boi cucks like you.
Post a definition that says insurrection has to take over government authority. Let’s see it because I’m calling bullshit on your fake definition

I explained my views, you can take them or leave them. You want to call it an insurrection because you get a hard on like the OP Tommy Twat on banning your political opponents from running for office because of it.

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