First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Cuoy Griffin is no more an insurrectionist than I am. I don't know if he deserved being removed from his position in Otero County, but it damn sure had nothing to do with Jan 6. He was a political activist yes, and therefore hated by the left long before Jan 6, but he is one of the most gentle, peaceful, loving people on the planet.
Ive seen him leading prayers at the Capitol on the day.
He seemed quite sweet and harmless.
I think he got in witj a bad crowd.

But hee shouldnt hold public office.
Ive seen him leading prayers at the Capitol on the day.
He seemed quite sweet and harmless.
I think he got in witj a bad crowd.

But hee shouldnt hold public office.
He didn't get in with a bad crowd. And his enemies filed suit and had a leftist judge remove him from office because had they held a no confidence vote, his constituents would have overwhelmingly voted to keep him in office. I am 100% sure it was his popularity that persuaded the state government, for purely political reasons, to file charges against him and I haven't verified it, but people in a position to know say they're pretty sure it was the DOJ who provoked that. He isn't the only 'political enemy of the current state' who is under fire. They're going after everybody who has any influence whatsoever.

This is his real crime in a nutshell:
that does not apply to the riot on Jan 6 they were not rioting against Trump or his Government.

Imbecile, it wasn't Trump's government. :cuckoo:

It was our government and we elected Biden to replace Trump. Trump's thugs tried to prevent Biden from replacing Trump. That's an insurrection according to the definition.
Seditious conspiracy is different than insurrection...

The average idiot has been getting trespassing

It's different only in the sense that sedition is the planning or incitement of and insurrection. While an insurrection is carrying out the seditious planning or incitement thereof.
"Insurrection" is a legal term, and none of the people from that day have been charged with it. Insurrection requires a significant coordinated attack on the government to overthrow it. January 6th was a bunch of unarmed morons of which the FBI has determined that over 95% were acting individually, and there was no threat to the continuation of the government and country. After all was cleared, Congress validated the election hours later. Only one person died, one of the agitators. Basically, compared to the BLM riots, this was a pillow fight.

Here's the definition...

A rebellion, or rising of citizens or subjects in resistance to their government. Insurrection shall consist in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the state, with intent to the denial thereof, when the same is manifested, or intended to be manifested, by acts of violence.

You'll note, even just the intent, if not the ability, is all that is needed.
There's clear evidence that Democrat activists were on site riling up the crowd.. and they weren't detained or jailed.


No such people were arrested since no such people were doing what you claim.
Here's your problem: Trump ordered for people to be peaceful and go home once the scrum occurred.

Beyond that, you have to assume and convict based on your own political ideology, unless you can prove Trump was "in on it", which would be silly since 95% acted spur-of-the-moment.

Of course he was in on it. He was supposed to go with them.
It was an attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

It was a desperate attempt by some to protest the illegal use of the U.S. Post Office during a pandemic to toy with an election. They were let inside the capitol and there were likely CIA crisis actors among them leading the way. The whole idea was to smear the entire non-Left by one example, and make ALL conservatives appear to be guilty for calling them out on it.
That would be a good starting point, the question would beg why they weren't charged with the crime that the media, Democrats, etc. are alledging?

Because seditious conspiracy is easier to prove, easier to obtain a conviction, and carries a maximum prison sentence twice that of insurrection.
Does it really matter?

You guys are splitting hairs.

It doesn't matter what you CALL it, we all know what it WAS.

Those people were there to delay the election certification until the extent of the fraud could be determined.

That is NOT an insurrection, it is in fact intense patriotism, and the fact that the fascist left is trying to marginalize it and even make it illegal speaks volumes.

That is the very definition of seditious conspiracy.

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
And insurrection by definition means there Must Be an ability to overrun and uninstall existing government and replace it with your own.

There was No such ability Nor attempt. Plain, pure simple Facts that cloud lib loons feelings.

False. the bare minimum action to constitute insurrection is intent, not ability.

A rebellion, or rising of citizens or subjects in resistance to their government. Insurrection shall consist in any combined resistance to the lawful authority of the state, with intent to the denial thereof, when the same is manifested, or intended to be manifested, by acts of violence.
Only in your SJW TDS addled "mind"

It's always also about means. Try convicting armless legless man of attempted murder if all he does is say "I'm going to kill this guy myself with my stubs"

Attempted murder requires an attempt to murder someone.

Insurrection is a violent rebellion against the government with at least the intent to prevent the government from carrying out the law.
And the public report detailing this said what?

Looks like he could have shot into others to me.

Again, only one who decided he had to open fire.

In any other world it's a bad shoot, but because it was done to people you despise you admire it. Because you are a fucking hack.

The videos are the public report.

And again, only one cop had a clear shot.

And again, a justifiable shoot according to those who matter; which is not you.
I don't have to. You are using it as a mutable concept because you want to disqualify people from running for office. This isn't a scientific concept such as gravity, or a known value such as the vapor pressure of water at STP, things that have hard fast definitions.

Which of the insurgents are running for office?
It was a desperate attempt by some to protest the illegal use of the U.S. Post Office during a pandemic to toy with an election. They were let inside the capitol and there were likely CIA crisis actors among them leading the way. The whole idea was to smear the entire non-Left by one example, and make ALL conservatives appear to be guilty for calling them out on it.


This is your idea of being let inside the Capitol, is it?

Sell stupid elsewhere.
He didn't get in with a bad crowd. And his enemies filed suit and had a leftist judge remove him from office because had they held a no confidence vote, his constituents would have overwhelmingly voted to keep him in office. I am 100% sure it was his popularity that persuaded the state government, for purely political reasons, to file charges against him and I haven't verified it, but people in a position to know say they're pretty sure it was the DOJ who provoked that. He isn't the only 'political enemy of the current state' who is under fire. They're going after everybody who has any influence whatsoever.

This is his real crime in a nutshell:
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Nope. Once you cross that line you have no business in public office.

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