First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment


You moron, several have already pleaded guilty to planning the very scheme you deny anyone planned.

This is why no one takes you yahoo's seriously. You just make up your own alternative facts.
95% of people involved were spur of the moment cases.. if this was any sort of coordinated effort, it was the most Pathetic and laughable one in history.. certainly not worse than 9-11, Pearl Harbor, slavery, etc as democrats have declared.

Talk about exaggerating
Trump was unaffiliated with the violence, only leftists try to say that “go home peacefully” means to commit violence
Trump was the centre of it. They were only there for trump. This guy was representing Cowboys4Trump ffs.
That's exactly right, regardless of what any of the nuts say, there wasn't an organized plan to do anything of consequence other than voice a tantrum. Unlike the summer of 20, where you had actual organized groups behind the violence, causing billions in damage, and causing death.
Exactly. Thanks.
He tried to stop the election being certified. He had no proof and he was wrong.
He should never hold any public office.Ever.
All the thousands of protesters there, including the VAST majority who committed no violence of any kind, did not want the election certified UNTIL the investigations into fraud were completed. All had witnessed strong evidence or suspicion of fraud with their own eyes. It was absolutely no different than all the Democrats who have insisted the 2020 election was stolen and that Trump was an illegitimate President except that there was a legal, registered demonstration of Americans wanting that investigation. Were there a few hundred who got out of hand? Yes. And those were dead wrong and served their President and mission horribly. No excuse there.

Couy Griffin was not among those few who got out of hand and was in fact trying to calm down the situation.

January 6 would have been no different than any other protest of election results had a small percentage of idiots not decided to get stupid.

Did Al Gore cross the line by filing suit to stop the certification until a recount in Florida was done in 2000%? Democrats did everything they could to prevent that certification.

And how many of the MSM and Democrats stated the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen/illegitimate and/or insisted the 2016 election was stolen and Trump was an illegitimate President? With no proof? Demanded recounts? Filed suit to stop certification. And when those recounts did not change the outcome anywhere, wanted to do away with the electoral college?

All the thousands of protesters there, including the VAST majority who committed no violence of any kind, did not want the election certified UNTIL the investigations into fraud were completed. All had witnessed strong evidence or suspicion of fraud with their own eyes. It was absolutely no different than all the Democrats who have insisted the 2020 election was stolen and that Trump was an illegitimate President except that there was a legal, registered demonstration of Americans wanting that investigation. Were there a few hundred who got out of hand? Yes. And those were dead wrong and served their President and mission horribly. No excuse there.

Couy Griffin was not among those few who got out of hand and was in fact trying to calm down the situation.

January 6 would have been no different than any other protest of election results had a small percentage of idiots not decided to get stupid.

Did Al Gore cross the line by filing suit to stop the certification until a recount in Florida was done in 2000%? Democrats did everything they could to prevent that certification.

And how many of the MSM and Democrats stated the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen/illegitimate and/or insisted the 2016 election was stolen and Trump was an illegitimate President? With no proof? Demanded recounts? Filed suit to stop certification. And when those recounts did not change the outcome anywhere, wanted to do away with the electoral college?

You know that there is no comparison. Stop trying to pretend otherwise.
All the thousands of protesters there, including the VAST majority who committed no violence of any kind, did not want the election certified UNTIL the investigations into fraud were completed. All had witnessed strong evidence or suspicion of fraud with their own eyes. It was absolutely no different than all the Democrats who have insisted the 2020 election was stolen and that Trump was an illegitimate President except that there was a legal, registered demonstration of Americans wanting that investigation. Were there a few hundred who got out of hand? Yes. And those were dead wrong and served their President and mission horribly. No excuse there.

Couy Griffin was not among those few who got out of hand and was in fact trying to calm down the situation.

January 6 would have been no different than any other protest of election results had a small percentage of idiots not decided to get stupid.

Did Al Gore cross the line by filing suit to stop the certification until a recount in Florida was done in 2000%? Democrats did everything they could to prevent that certification.

And how many of the MSM and Democrats stated the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen/illegitimate and/or insisted the 2016 election was stolen and Trump was an illegitimate President? With no proof? Demanded recounts? Filed suit to stop certification. And when those recounts did not change the outcome anywhere, wanted to do away with the electoral college?

It's been almost 2 years and still, no widespread fraud has been found. So how long should we have held off certifying the election for the duly elected president?
You know that there is no comparison. Stop trying to pretend otherwise.
I condemn the Jan. 6 riot in which a few hundred participated. I condemn breaking/entering/vandalism/theft. There is no defense or excuse for any of that. Those who participated in that should be prosecuted and appropriately punished proportionately as others committing similar crimes. They served the mission of the protest and President Trump miserably.

But even those participating in illegal activity then stopped, became calm. There was no attempt to go after or hurt anybody. No attempt to take over the government. The capitol police opened the doors and allowed peaceful protesters to enter the building. The vast majority of the thousands who were there neither rioted nor entered the building.

It was not an insurrection that is defined as an attempt to overthrow and take control of a government. The purpose of the protest was to delay certification of the vote until investigations of fraud could be completed. That was it. No different than the many Democrats demanding the same in 2000, 2004, and 2016.

The only difference was that tens of thousands of Patriots went to Washington to exercise their constitutional right to petition their government for redress of perceived grievances. They had a legal constitutional right to do that and all the required paper work was completed in advance of the protest.

Couy Griffin did not participate in the riot. He did not enter the Capitol building. He was there to petition his government for redress of a perceived grievance. That is not illegal.
Just like the other failed liberal attempts to redefine words-hearsay being the most recent; this rag tag non organized bunch has no military ability to overthrow and replace anything. Liberals feel that because the Buffalo Bills wanted to raise some hell then the feelings are enough to confer guilt no matter the wholesale, actual inability to insurrect.
I condemn the Jan. 6 riot in which a few hundred participated. I condemn breaking/entering/vandalism/theft. There is no defense or excuse for any of that. Those who participated in that should be prosecuted and appropriately punished proportionately as others committing similar crimes. They served the mission of the protest and President Trump miserably.

But even those participating in illegal activity then stopped, became calm. There was no attempt to go after or hurt anybody. No attempt to take over the government. The capitol police opened the doors and allowed peaceful protesters to enter the building. The vast majority of the thousands who were there neither rioted nor entered the building.

It was not an insurrection that is defined as an attempt to overthrow and take control of a government. The purpose of the protest was to delay certification of the vote until investigations of fraud could be completed. That was it. No different than the many Democrats demanding the same in 2000, 2004, and 2016.

The only difference was that tens of thousands of Patriots went to Washington to exercise their constitutional right to petition their government for redress of perceived grievances. They had a legal constitutional right to do that and all the required paper work was completed in advance of the protest.

Couy Griffin did not participate in the riot. He did not enter the Capitol building. He was there to petition his government for redress of a perceived grievance. That is not illegal.
Way too many dead center Facts
Trump's plan was to go with that mob into the Capitol.
See you girls and cucks get all worked up about plans and intent. Naturally those are suppositional feelings falsely presented as fact
Though police bullshit
See you girls and cucks get all worked up about plans and intent. Naturally those are suppositional feelings falsely presented as fact
Though police bullshit


Imbecile, Trump homself said he wanted to go with them. There's even been sworn testimony he was irate with Secret Service for not letting him go with them.

Imbecile, Trump homself said he wanted to go with them. There's even been sworn testimony he was irate with Secret Service for not letting him go with them.
Go with them where and no crime in wanting to go especially in light of not going
More thought police malarkey from the dick who is a dickless doe.
Go with them where and no crime in wanting to go especially in light of not going
More thought police malarkey from the dick who is a dickless doe.

Why would Trump want to go to the Capitol but not inside it? What would that accomplish? How would that "stop the steal?"
Why would Trump want to go to the Capitol?
As if that’s even a meaningful or valid question to ask, it’s another prove yourself innocent

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