First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

You keep saying that insurrection requires a mechanism to overthrow the government but you can’t back that up with one source. You’re excuse is that all the dictionaries are politicized. That is the stupidest argument I’ve heard from you yet

Or overtake the authority of the government in a given area, i.e. Shay's Rebellion.
I apply it to a situation that fits the definition to the letter. You deny it based on a definition that you are making up and can’t back up. Hmmm, pretty clear who has the stronger point here.

I do. Your point is purely political hooey.
Ok wonderful, you finally show a sliver of intelligence. Yes, loss of confidence in our institutions is a tremendous threat to our democracy. This was the goal of the Russian disinformation campaign launched during the 2016 election and it seems to have worked like a charm in conjunction to wingnut lefties over politicizing everything and more so by Trump and his base push his barrage of lies and attacks against our intititions. If you can’t see how you’re a puppet playing right into the hands of this then you are as blind as a bat.
Hey dumbshit, the point is Biden's institutions are reinforcing the loss of confidence!
I do. Your point is purely political hooey.
No my point is based on facts and the English language. Yours is based on a definition that you are fabricating because of your politics. I have no doubt you’d be screaming insurrection should the left have done exactly why the right did at the capital.
No my point is based on facts and the English language. Yours is based on a definition that you are fabricating because of your politics. I have no doubt you’d be screaming insurrection should the left have done exactly why the right did at the capital.

My point is based on reality, and yours is based on political jiggery pokerey.
Hey dumbshit, the point is Biden's institutions are reinforcing the loss of confidence!
No you are on an all out attack on our countries institutions and trying to discredit them to cover for an egomaniac losing an election. Unbelievable if you honestly can’t see that
My point is based on reality, and yours is based on political jiggery pokerey.
If it’s based on reality then you would be able to back it up with something of substance. Like I can do by posting literal definitions and laws. All you have is what you create in your mind and claim to be fact. That’s nothing
I know what I'm saying, and what it means, I don't need biased definition sites to tell me, unlike you.
You know what you are saying and what you THINK it means. Problem what you THINK is not accurate and does not slight with the English language and our laws.

If you can find one definition source to back up your definition then your definition is wrong. Simple as that. You don’t get to just make up the definitions of words and have everybody just magically accept it. Doesn’t work that way
Or overtake the authority of the government in a given area, i.e. Shay's Rebellion.
Yes. In order to qualify as an insurrection there must be available force to fulfill you purpose of disposing of current government and Installing you own
There was no such ability with this rag tag bunch
Rebellion, protest, demonstration, riot do not have that requirement in their naming
You know what you are saying and what you THINK it means. Problem what you THINK is not accurate and does not slight with the English language and our laws.

If you can find one definition source to back up your definition then your definition is wrong. Simple as that. You don’t get to just make up the definitions of words and have everybody just magically accept it. Doesn’t work that way
You capitalize THINK so much because it’s foreign to you.
You capitalize THINK so much because it’s foreign to you.
Thats a good guess but incorrect. I capitalize THINK for Marty because he is stating assumptions as facts and failing time and time again to back them up with any sources outside of his clouded brain. See I'm posting actual definitions to back up my claims and referring to real laws. He is regurgitating what he has heard on talk radio or whatever other biased source he uses to concoct his fake definitions with. You do the same. Wheres your substance that backs up your claims?? nowhere... Where is mine? In real definitions and laws
If it’s based on reality then you would be able to back it up with something of substance. Like I can do by posting literal definitions and laws. All you have is what you create in your mind and claim to be fact. That’s nothing
using the definition you posted anyone breaking any federal law is committing insurrection,
You know what you are saying and what you THINK it means. Problem what you THINK is not accurate and does not slight with the English language and our laws.

If you can find one definition source to back up your definition then your definition is wrong. Simple as that. You don’t get to just make up the definitions of words and have everybody just magically accept it. Doesn’t work that way

I know what it means, and that's that.

Well your side calls dudes with penises women if they want to be called women, so you got no basis for your bitching.
See a six year old who takes a swing at Mike Tyson won’t be charged with attempted murder because there is no ability of the 6 year old to fulfill what he would be charged with
That’s reality but lib loons scurry around reality
Not true but if you have a different definition then please post it
We have already posted what the word means and what it’s consequences are when you actually engage in it. We have connected the dots for you. But dot connecting and explanation is reality and You must avoid that.
We have already posted what the word means and what it’s consequences are when you actually engage in it. We have connected the dots for you. But dot connecting and explanation is reality and You must avoid that.
No you’ve posted what you THiNk it means with no sourcing outside of your fabricated definitions. There’s no dots to connect. There is law and English language definitions. Why can you just post the facts? Because they aren’t on your side

SANTA FE — A New Mexico judge ordered Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin be removed from office, effective immediately, ruling that the attack on the Capitol was an insurrection and that Griffin’s participation in it disqualified him under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. This decision marks the first time since 1869 that a court has disqualified a public official under Section 3, and the first time that any court has ruled the events of January 6, 2021 an insurrection.

Mr Griffin will go down in infamy as a result of this. Children in Dem states will learn his name. Perhaps not in GOP states.

Cuoy Griffin is no more an insurrectionist than I am. I don't know if he deserved being removed from his position in Otero County, but it damn sure had nothing to do with Jan 6. He was a political activist yes, and therefore hated by the left long before Jan 6, but he is one of the most gentle, peaceful, loving people on the planet.

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