First insurrectionist removed from office under 14th amendment

Does it really matter?

You guys are splitting hairs.

It doesn't matter what you CALL it, we all know what it WAS.

Those people were there to delay the election certification until the extent of the fraud could be determined.

That is NOT an insurrection, it is in fact intense patriotism, and the fact that the fascist left is trying to marginalize it and even make it illegal speaks volumes.
Yes that’s exactly why there were there which makes it exactly an insurrection. You just don’t know the definition of the word. Look it up. It isn’t splitting hairs
Again, I'm educated enough in the English language to understand this, and not a dime store hack like you trying to fit 10lbs a shit into a non existent bag.
If you’re educated in the English language then you should be able to post a definition from a legit source. Let’s see it.
Yes that’s exactly why there were there which makes it exactly an insurrection. You just don’t know the definition of the word. Look it up. It isn’t splitting hairs
Dumbshit, you want to know the honest truth?

I do not give a FLYING fuck if Congress gets to do its job or not.

You know what I care about?

A bunch of screaming leftards threatening => MY <= children, all the way in Norman Oklahoma, over something that happened in Minneapolis.

I can play that game too
Dumbshit, you want to know the honest truth?

I do not give a FLYING fuck if Congress gets to do its job or not.

You know what I care about?

A bunch of screaming leftards threatening => MY <= children, all the way in Norman Oklahoma, over something that happened in Minneapolis.

I can play that game too
Yes it is very apparent that you do t care about facts or laws. You have an agenda you support and it’s as simple as that. If anything gets in the way of your agenda then it doesn’t t matter what anybody does to oppose it. It’s the mentality of a simple minded person which you obviously are
I know an insurrection from what it is, and this wasn't one.
Yet you can’t show a definition that describes what an insurrection is. You make up your own definition. That’s fine. Just don’t expect anybody to think it’s believable
Yet you can’t show a definition that describes what an insurrection is. You make up your own definition. That’s fine. Just don’t expect anybody to think it’s believable

I don't have to. You are using it as a mutable concept because you want to disqualify people from running for office. This isn't a scientific concept such as gravity, or a known value such as the vapor pressure of water at STP, things that have hard fast definitions.
I don't have to. You are using it as a mutable concept because you want to disqualify people from running for office. This isn't a scientific concept such as gravity, or a known value such as the vapor pressure of water at STP, things that have hard fast definitions.
Wrong, I’m using simple English and the definitions of words to call things what they are. You’re ignoring facts and making up your own definitions. If you think my definition is wrong and yours is right then post your definition with anything to back up its validity
Wrong, I’m using simple English and the definitions of words to call things what they are. You’re ignoring facts and making up your own definitions. If you think my definition is wrong and yours is right then post your definition with anything to back up its validity

You are twisting the definition of an ambiguous word to make it fit your political needs. Orwell 101.
Yes it is very apparent that you do t care about facts or laws.

That's rich, coming from a leftard.

You have an agenda you support and it’s as simple as that.

Yes, I have an agenda. It's called eliminating the infestation of rodents and weasels that seems to have taken up residence in our government.

If anything gets in the way of your agenda then it doesn’t t matter what anybody does to oppose it.

Oh but it does. If you oppose my agenda it means you're one of the weasels. Therefore you get treated like one.

It’s the mentality of a simple minded person which you obviously are

Weasels are NASTY fucking creatures. If you want to cohabit with weasels that's on you, but it won't be on my time or my dime.
You are twisting the definition of an ambiguous word to make it fit your political needs. Orwell 101.
No I’m posting actual literal definitions. You are making up your own and refusing to back them up. Complete hypocrite as you accuse me of doing exactly what you’re doing
That's rich, coming from a leftard.

Yes, I have an agenda. It's called eliminating the infestation of rodents and weasels that seems to have taken up residence in our government.

Oh but it does. If you oppose my agenda it means you're one of the weasels. Therefore you get treated like one.

Weasels are NASTY fucking creatures. If you want to cohabit with weasels that's on you, but it won't be on my time or my dime.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better now
No I’m posting actual literal definitions. You are making up your own and refusing to back them up. Complete hypocrite as you accuse me of doing exactly what you’re doing

I'm not the one trying to get political gain out of twisting a definition.
I'm not the one trying to get political gain out of twisting a definition.
Of course you are. I’m the one posting the real definition and you’re making up your own and not backing it up.

You’re just trolling at this point.
Liberals define insurrection by what they feel the worst case outcome might have been. Worst case played as most likely is Big in lib loon land.
Insurrection is in fact defined by the outcome and not a feeling such as intent and this rag tag bunch had utterly Zero ability to take control of government, depose the existing and install their own. Zero=fact. What maybe, might have, could have been is feeling

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