First (of many) Biden impeachment inquiry hearing will be held on Thursday, September 28th

In Fact it now appears that Biden may be declared legally ineligible to run again!

It should be declared for Biden to be illegally ineligible to be out in public. Especially near schools, daycares, and playgrounds.
All the liberal panic of “stop Trump from running again” will in fact likely now transfer onto Biden.
Just priceless!
All the liberal panic of “stop Trump from running again” will in fact likely now transfer onto Biden.
Just priceless!

Biden can't even run fast enough to catch the ice cream truck so you already know that he can't run a country. 🙄
Just watch Skippy as Republicans slow walk the investigation to keep it in the news

These things take time, especially when you do it right, instead of what the DemoKKKrats did, such as creating fake texts/emails and spreading ludicrous conspiracy theories (Trump carjacked the Secret Service, Trump buried his ex-wife on his golf course, etc.).

The sheer volume and long history of Biden corruption points to at least a 12-18 month investigation.
These things take time, especially when you do it right, instead of what the DemoKKKrats did, such as creating fake texts/emails and spreading ludicrous conspiracy theories (Trump carjacked the Secret Service, Trump buried his ex-wife on his golf course, etc.).

The sheer volume and long history of Biden corruption points to at least a 12-18 month investigation.

Especially when you have no actual evidence and are willing to keep the case open on the chance you might find some
A slow, more quality investigation makes sense. It will stick in the Unconscious timed for 2024. For instance, thanks to "conspiracy theorists" such as RFK Jr., we are just now adding more quality to the unsolved mystery of the anthrax attacks.

Post #12
Besides multiple witnesses from the DOJ and IRS, the hearing will focus on Biden bank records.

This was how they got Al Capone.

That's it! You've nailed that dastardly Biden this time!
No budget hearings? Immigration issues ignored?
Just get Biden without fixing anything!
You go girls! F'n clowns!
That's it! You've nailed that dastardly Biden this time!
No budget hearings? Immigration issues ignored?
Just get Biden without fixing anything!
You go girls! F'n clowns!

Al Capone when to prison for his tax crimes. The parallels here are too great to ignore.

The Republicans are doing this right, they're going to go after Biden on what they can prove, not like your "Trump carjacked the Secret Service" loony tunes conspiracies.
Al Capone when to prison for his tax crimes. The parallels here are too great to ignore.

The Republicans are doing this right, they're going to go after Biden on what they can prove, not like your "Trump carjacked the Secret Service" loony tunes conspiracies.
Wow! Trump hijacked the SS? That's new. Care to elaborate about your fantasy?

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