First official vote for Donald J Trump for Speaker...

He's not alone among conservatives in congress
There are people on both sides of the aisle that are there for self-interest purposes. In this case, though, we are talking about Gaetz who is so obviously blatant about it.
Just the fear of it is already taking the wind out of the Democrats sails...
Wind out of my sails? You're mistaken. I'm laughing so hard, I can't catch my breath. Please elect trump as speaker of the house. He won't have near the power of a president, and every breath he takes will be blocked.
This is the most Liberal engagement any of my Speaker threads have received...the dread is palpable.'re in luck.

Mrs. MOe has an alternate theory.

She believes it is merely a threat to officially nominate President Trump an force the McCarthy supporting Republicans to go on record voting for McCarthy over President Trump.

How many of them have the nutsack to make that vote?
When you think the Republican Party can't possibly lower the bar any lower.
I suspect they will be very much inclined to make more concessions or ditch McCarthy than try to make a deal with Democrats to get him in under that threat.
When you think the Republican Party can't possibly lower the bar any lower.
You are 100% in the minority when it comes to your support for McCarthy and your opposition to President Trump.

At least among Republicans.

The liberals love you there's that.
I suspect they will be very much inclined to make more concessions or ditch McCarthy than try to make a deal with Democrats to get him in under that threat.

The concessions they are looking for would paralyze the House. Which, of course, is the goal of conservatives.

One of the many reasons why conservatives shouldn't have leadership roles is their fundamental belief in crippling the government.
I support McCarthy?
Then what exactly are you complaining about?

If YOU don't support McCarthy...who does?

You see the problem.

This is the same problem with the milquetoast Establishment candidates you support.

They don't give a f@"k what you want.

They just want power to do what they and their crony buddies in Washington want to do. Sure, they'll throw you a bone or two to keep you from making a stink...but otherwise it's nothing but business as usual.

We even saw them do it to Trump...lie to him, work behind his back to keep troops in Syria and Afghanistan. Go behind his back and strike deals with the Chinese.

That's why they hate Trump and work so hard to destroy him. He's a monkey wrench in their works. Not allowing them to follow the plan.
Then what exactly are you complaining about?

If YOU don't support McCarthy...who does?

You see the problem.

This is the same problem with the milquetoast Establishment candidates you support.

They don't give a f@"k what you want.

They just want power to do what they and their crony buddies in Washington want to do. Sure, they'll throw you a bone or two to keep you from making a stink...but otherwise it's nothing but business as usual.

We even saw them to it to behind his back to keep troops in Syria and Afghanistan. Go behind his back and strike deals with the Chinese.

That's why they hate Trump and work so hard to destroy him. He's a monkeywrench in their works. Not allowing them to follow the plan.

And Gaetz cares about what the people want?

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