First on CNN: Obama to push administrative fix for insurance cancellations

did the king yet made the sacramental remark for us to be allowed to eat marcipans?
I think Obama can legally be classified as, INSANE

he let the government shutdown over this very thing that Republicans were asking

DELAYING ofailCare and the garbage with it

Also, the Republicans are the ones who had a bill on this very thing, letting people keep their polices...

so not only is he a liar, he's a shameless THIEF acting like it's all his IDEA and it's just for ONE YEAR...he's so kind isn't he?

what a tugghish loser you all put in as President
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actually this looks like he is just extremely stupid. The republican revolt and shutdown actually was a bridge for him to save his face - and since he never used it, one can make a conclusion that neither he, himself, nor anybody in his court knew what a disaster this will be - so the level of stupidity and incompetence of this administration is actually breath taking.

I can't believe NOBODY, nobody in between the whole array of advisers, consultants, chiefs and specialists, just friends did not see this happenning and advising him to make a wise POLITICAL decision :rolleyes:

It is unbelievable, to say the least
Problem is: He can't force Insurance Companies to do it. And he knows it.

The people with problems, serious problems, who have been cancelled and non-renewed aren't going to be welcomed back with open arms.

They're going to have to be underwritten -- Again.

This is a phony-baloney hand job by the phonest fuck to ever infest the White House.

Insurance Companies are going to balk and he knows it.

But he is a typical dimocrap -- A scumbag. All he cares about is political cover and he's hoping that he can now blame Insurance Companies for his own incompetence and lies.

The question is..... Will the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM carry his water for him -- Again?

I don't know but if I had to guess, I'd say the New Yawk Slimes definitely will, NBC will, ABC -- ?? CBS, possibly but I wouldn't bet on that. CNN, I don't know. They're trying hard to be taken seriously and if they get back down on their knees for obama.... :dunno:

We knew this would happen. I think the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM knew it would happen. It all hinges on whether or not they get back on their knees for dimocraps -- As they usually do.

I really don't think all of them do. But I could be wrong.

I live in a very blue county and found it interesting the local left biased news at noon didn't mention a thing about it or his having a speech.
actually this looks like he is just extremely stupid. The republican revolt and shutdown actually was a bridge for him to save his face - and since he never used it, one can make a conclusion that neither he, himself, nor anybody in his court knew what a disaster this will be - so the level of stupidity and incompetence of this administration is actually breath taking.

I can't believe NOBODY, nobody in between the whole array of advisers, consultants, chiefs and specialists, just friends did not see this happenning and advising him to make a wise POLITICAL decision :rolleyes:

It is unbelievable, to say the least

If a Republican did something like this, we'd force him to resign.

dimocrap scum?

They couldn't care less.

Think I'm kidding? Think again
actually this looks like he is just extremely stupid. The republican revolt and shutdown actually was a bridge for him to save his face - and since he never used it, one can make a conclusion that neither he, himself, nor anybody in his court knew what a disaster this will be - so the level of stupidity and incompetence of this administration is actually breath taking.

I can't believe NOBODY, nobody in between the whole array of advisers, consultants, chiefs and specialists, just friends did not see this happenning and advising him to make a wise POLITICAL decision :rolleyes:

It is unbelievable, to say the least

Doesn't surprise me at all.

Hell. None of those idiots read the damned thing. They just passed it.

Now they are finding out just what the hell they passed.

Those up for reelection are starting to sweat it big time.

The ACA is a monumental POS and America is beginning to find out just what those fucking idiots foisted on the taxpayers of Americas.

Hell. If I were a Dem who voted for that POS I'd do just about anything to cover my ass.
actually this looks like he is just extremely stupid. The republican revolt and shutdown actually was a bridge for him to save his face - and since he never used it, one can make a conclusion that neither he, himself, nor anybody in his court knew what a disaster this will be - so the level of stupidity and incompetence of this administration is actually breath taking.

I can't believe NOBODY, nobody in between the whole array of advisers, consultants, chiefs and specialists, just friends did not see this happenning and advising him to make a wise POLITICAL decision :rolleyes:

It is unbelievable, to say the least

Doesn't surprise me at all.

Hell. None of those idiots read the damned thing. They just passed it.

Now they are finding out just what the hell they passed.

Those up for reelection are starting to sweat it big time.

The ACA is a monumental POS and America is beginning to find out just what those fucking idiots foisted on the taxpayers of Americas.

Hell. If I were a Dem who voted for that POS I'd do just about anything to cover my ass.

They should resign in shame.

But they're dimocraps. They have no shame.

And they knew what was in the bill. Don't shit yourself. They themselves might not have read it, but their Staff did. And their Staff briefed them on the high points.

I would think that being told, "Mr Congresscritter/Senator, THOUSANDS/MILLIONS of people in your District/State will lose their current Insurance because of the new law."

Don't shit yourselves, dimocrap scum knew EXACTLY what was in the bill. We did. And we warned them about it.

They're not just stupid, they're dishonest, lying scum of the Earth.

And they don't care. At all. They still think this thing's gonna work and they might be right.

I don't see a way out of it. Do you?

I don't.
You can't just press the reset button here. Insurance companies have already made preparations for this law past next year and here you have a president saying that he will put the millions of people that lost their insurance back on their insurance. Well, this will do nothing but destabilize the insurance market and cause even higher premiums for existing customers!
Quote from the Stuttering Clusterfuck's presser:

"derp derp de derp, insurance companies bad, derp de derp.

derp derp derp, de derp, not my fault, derp de derp derp derp, republicans evil, derp derp de derp"

Wow!! Verbatim even!! I think you may have missed a "derp" at the end though.

First on CNN: Obama to push administrative fix for insurance cancellations ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The plan will in part call for insurance policies to be renewed for one year for those who already have insurance policies in the individual market, the source said.

So we get a freakin one year reprieve. You've got to be joking. This is done to save Democrats ass's in the November 2014 election.

That's all it's about. In one year--we'll be right back to square one--millions of policies being cancelled, and thereafter having to pay double or triple the premiums.

All the Obama haters who said this was such a big deal will now say that it's no big deal that he's going to fix the problems.

He's not. Fixing anything, he is delaying his lie until after the elections and he is screwing insurance companies over.
LOL, all he did was offer to allow the Companies to grandfather in for one more year, this is just a stupid political stunt.

First on CNN: Obama to push administrative fix for insurance cancellations ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The plan will in part call for insurance policies to be renewed for one year for those who already have insurance policies in the individual market, the source said.

How sad.

You will lap up what ever your master puts in your bowl.

You are truly pathetic.

It matters not at all to you that his method to "fix" this may be illegal...

First on CNN: Obama to push administrative fix for insurance cancellations ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The plan will in part call for insurance policies to be renewed for one year for those who already have insurance policies in the individual market, the source said.

How sad.

You will lap up what ever your master puts in your bowl.

You are truly pathetic.

It matters not at all to you that his method to "fix" this may be illegal...

Its all sweet nectarine to him.

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