First on CNN: Obama to push administrative fix for insurance cancellations

All the Obama haters who said this was such a big deal will now say that it's no big deal that he's going to fix the problems.

Time to repeal this nightmare. Time for your Party to do what's best for the Country, not the Party. Scrap it and start over...or better yet, just scrap it.
It's the fault of the state governors.

Poor people are better off having working people provide their health care.
He shoulda hired Wal-Mart to run the damn thing in the first place.
And notice, NOT ONE of these elected incompetent idiots have lost Their cushy government job over this?

wake up people, they are laughing their asses off while walking all over you
Quote from the Stuttering Clusterfuck's presser:

"derp derp de derp, insurance companies bad, derp de derp.

derp derp derp, de derp, not my fault, derp de derp derp derp, republicans evil, derp derp de derp"
Isn't our king so damn generous? he is going to ALLOW insurers to extend your he just needs to wave his wand over us all and poof....I guess he thinks we should all bow to him now or something...where the hell are we living? North Korea, Venezuela? and when we did we ELECT A DICTATOR??????
links at site


Obama Offers One Year “Fix” to O-Care – Until 2014 Election Is Over

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, November 14, 2013, 11:02 AM

Barack Obama to the Rescue!

Barack Obama offered a one year “fix” to Obamacare today.
Those people who lost their plans can keep them for a year… Until the 2014 election is over.
He was a half hour late for the press conference.

President Obama:

“The rollout has been rough so far… The numbers yesterday mean Americans want affordable health care… Americans who have plans before the Care Act can keep those plans. Today we expand that… Insurers can extend those plans until 2014… I will not accept plans that wish to repeal the whole law… It’s important that we’re hones and straight forward… The Affordable Care Act is going to work for the American people.”

Then after 2014 Americans will lose their plan again.
Funny, the president forgot to attack the bad apple insurance companies today.

all of it here
Obama Offers One Year ?Fix? to O-Care ? Until 2014 Election Is Over | The Gateway Pundit
Problem is: He can't force Insurance Companies to do it. And he knows it.

The people with problems, serious problems, who have been cancelled and non-renewed aren't going to be welcomed back with open arms.

They're going to have to be underwritten -- Again.

This is a phony-baloney hand job by the phonest fuck to ever infest the White House.

Insurance Companies are going to balk and he knows it.

But he is a typical dimocrap -- A scumbag. All he cares about is political cover and he's hoping that he can now blame Insurance Companies for his own incompetence and lies.

The question is..... Will the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM carry his water for him -- Again?

I don't know but if I had to guess, I'd say the New Yawk Slimes definitely will, NBC will, ABC -- ?? CBS, possibly but I wouldn't bet on that. CNN, I don't know. They're trying hard to be taken seriously and if they get back down on their knees for obama.... :dunno:

We knew this would happen. I think the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM knew it would happen. It all hinges on whether or not they get back on their knees for dimocraps -- As they usually do.

I really don't think all of them do. But I could be wrong.
Thought the Insurance companies policies had to comply with the ACA??

Guess thats one of those little ooppssiiees that the jackass hasn't considered. Hope the insurance companies tell him to pound fucking sand.

Also heard that Feinbitch in Cali has gotten over 3,500 e-mails from constituants screaming bloody murder about the high deductables in the ACA.

Trainwreck? You fuckin bet.
Thought the Insurance companies policies had to comply with the ACA??

Guess thats one of those little ooppssiiees that the jackass hasn't considered. Hope the insurance companies tell him to pound fucking sand.

Also heard that Feinbitch in Cali has gotten over 3,500 e-mails from constituants screaming bloody murder about the high deductables in the ACA.

Trainwreck? You fuckin bet.

35,000 emails.
Now that ObamaCare's fixed,. let's fix Illegal Immigration...amiright?

Oh, Global Warming too!
Thought all polices had to comply with the ACA??

How the hell is he going to order that and still be in compliance with the ACA??

If they do as he wants they won't be in compliance with the ACA.

Hope the insurance companies tell that jackass to pound fucking sand. They should stick with the law of the ACA just as jackass and the Dems wanted them to.

On another note. Just heard that Feinbitch in Cali has gotten over 35,000 e-mails from constituants screaming bloody murder about the high deductables in the ACA. Wonder if her seat is safe??
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