First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Idiot left

Labels are difficult, and usually not accurate. I honestly thought you were a libertarian so apologies for that.

I don’t know what political label I fall under other than left.

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Thanks ... That's not surprising, you would see it that way ... Or that any metric may be able to give you that.

We have talked about a lot of stuff though ... And political labels are dangerous because they actually mean something.
A graph cannot show you your Principles ... And they cannot be pigeonholed into Politics ... Or Political Theory.

Stop for a second and think about this ...
What is it you want that cannot be accomplished at your State level?

Just an example, and don't try to fight it ... Try to understand it ...
Senator Romney helped create the blueprint for the ACA when he was Governor of his state.

If the only reason you feel that all the programs you want and all the things you want to do cannot be done at your state level ...
Is because you cannot get it done with the People in your State ...
Then understand that is exactly what I mean about leveraging the opinions of others who do not live in your community.

The reason all the things you want are not accomplished at the Federal level ... Is because you keep granting those jackasses your Power ...
And they are doing all the things you don't want them to do with the Power you keep giving them.
When you kick it to the Federal level ... You make yourself Powerless against the whole damned Nation ...
And we, the People, end up with the Banana Republic we have going on up there now.

The funny part ... In a real Banana Republic ... They don't care enough to lie to you to keep stealing your Power.
They just build a fence around the Federal Buildings and take everyone's guns away ... Imagine that ... :auiqs.jpg:

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Why yes.

It is.

Oh, so you're in the top 20% and you feel they are not taking enough of your money?

You know, when GW was President, he told the public some of the wealthy complained to him that government is not taking enough of their money. To that he replied "The IRS happily accepts checks and money orders!" He even started an IRS fund where the wealthy could contribute as much to the federal government as they wanted. Very few contributed.
Yep, it's a right wing uber rich ruse, to keep the very wealthiest, from being audited, which takes 5 times the auditors for one of their billionaire returns...

The republicans have ALWAYS protected THE very richest, from paying taxes..... And that's their scam once again....

Convincing the poorest, that these greatly needed IRS employees are going to go after the little guys, you MUST stop them! Is all just the wealthiest in the country, worried about being caught tax cheating, like Trump!
Meanwhile, back here in reality, EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT voted against a proposal that those new agents could ONLY target those making $400,000 or more. Every single one. Next lie....
Oh, so you're in the top 20% and you feel they are not taking enough of your money?

You know, when GW was President, he told the public some of the wealthy complained to him that government is not taking enough of their money. To that he replied "The IRS happily accepts checks and money orders!" He even started an IRS fund where the wealthy could contribute as much to the federal government as they wanted. Very few contributed.
Mike Huckabee did something similar. He set up an account where people who wanted to give more money to the IRS could do so. In 3 months, there was a total of $39 contributed. Just more hot air from the left. They don’t believe in giving more money to the government.
….to reverse the order hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and hard-working moderate earners. It’s shameful that the Democrats want to develop an army to intimidate and harass Americans, while they allocate funding for a measly 300 border agents to prevent the invasion from the southern border.

Guess I'll believe it when I see it! Yep: 87,000 agents--- enough to fill two large NFL football stadiums! 87,000 with very limited, fly-by-night 2-3 month rush training programs.

Thing is that I just heard from another GOP member who said that the Omnibus bill that Mitch just helped the democrat's sign into law took a lot of the power out of the new GOP congress and that it tied much of their hands on some of the most important issues! At least under next September!

Now Mitch is having Joe over for a pool party, a BBQ, and a little tonguing up the ass cheeks!

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Wrong, there are ONLY two choices. Good or evil and Capitalism=good. This is why ALL socialism needs to be destroyed.

Not sure how you can say Capitalism is "Good". It has a long history of exploitation, environmental degradation, wealth inequality, etc. I don't think any economic system is inherently "good" or "evil" (Truly stupid concepts, really, since in your beloved bible, Slavery is considered Good and eating shellfish is considered evil.)
Oh, so you're in the top 20% and you feel they are not taking enough of your money?

Which really would not make a difference because if someone thinks they are not paying enough in taxes ...
They can literally write a check to the IRS for as much as they want ... And the IRS will cash it.

So ... Once you understand that ... Anyone that says they want to raise taxes ... Is not talking about their money ...
Because no one is stopping them from paying whatever they want to.

They are talking about what they want to do with your money ... And then what they are going to do is spend it before they get it ...
And we end up with $173 trillion in Unfunded Liabilities and more obligations to pay than more than half of the entire world's wealth could cover.

They are not just spending your money ... They are spending more money than the entire Nation could cover ... If they took it all.
And those sorry bastards have the gall to call someone else greedy ... :auiqs.jpg:

Shows just how frivolous the Republicans Political Agenda is.

After campaigning on inflation, gas prices, the border they demonstrate no plans to actually do anything about it
Before anything, we need to make sure that the president and the Dems manipulating the poor, demented man aren’t intentionally working to hurt the country - and stop them.
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Which really would not make a difference because if someone thinks they are not paying enough in taxes ...
They can literally write a check to the IRS for as much as they want ... And the IRS will cash it.

So ... Once you understand that ... Anyone that says they want to raise taxes ... Is not talking about their money ...
Because no one is stopping them from paying whatever they want to.

They are talking about what they want to do with your money ... And then what they are going to do is spend it before they get it ...
And we end up with $173 trillion in Unfunded Liabilities and more obligations to pay than more than half of the entire world's wealth could cover.

They are not just spending your money ... They are spending more money than the entire Nation could cover ... If they took it all.
And those sorry bastards have the gall to call someone else greedy ... :auiqs.jpg:


If that's not bad enough, they're also spending money of people not even born yet.
Another bale of wet farts..

uh, I wouldn't count on that. Here's the thing, high ranking Republicans would like to see Trump go down worse than Democrats. They know he is destroying their party, and he's attacked many of them personally. "Coco" Chao? What the fuck, dude? Sending Trump to prison exonerates the rest of the GOP from his bad behavior. This is the great GOP secret, when someone becomes gangrenous enough, you amputate. It's what they did with Nixon, it's what they did with McCarthy.
The worst he'll get is a fine. Of course, that will please you greatly since you derive great pleasure from others' pain. But then he'll show up, enjoying life again and you'll go right back into depression and scour the interwebs, looking for someone else to hate and get gleeful if they suffer.
Because if the laptop isn't his, at least SOME of the data on it might be. In any event, it was accessed and distributed without his knowledge.

Would you want the contents of your personal computer disseminated, I wouldn't.
On the one hand, you say it might not be his computer, then you veer right back into "your personal computer". It's one or the other. Quite frankly, I don't have any personal information on anyone else's computer, so there's that. If it's not his computer, does he even have the right to insist the data remain private? At any rate, no one else has stepped forward to claim it, so it's his until someone does.
Nope. All he has to do is state that he is invoking his right. Heck, he can probably just refuse to show up, just like Trump did with the J-6 committee... which was actually investigating something.
Then put him on the stand and make him state it. Then check it out and if he's lying, nail him on perjury charges. Of course, he could just not show up. democrats know they can do that with impunity.
Actually, what we learned is that the GOP will pander to it's fringe crazy base to the detriment of the country.
So at the end of the day, you proved Clinton lied about getting a blow job.
Um, how did that make your life any better.
It reinforced the truth that the president is not above the law and that lying has to stop at the courtroom door. That's a good thing. Of course, today's democrats still think they can just come back and amend their testimony if they get caught lying, but those were better days.
Truth to be told here, back in the Nineties, I was one of you right wing assholes who said "Subornation of Perjury" and "Obstruction of Justice", but at the end of the day, the economy was pretty good under Clinton and we avoided any major wars.

Then Bush got in. And in 2008, a bunch of us were left with underwater mortgages, busted 401K's and lost jobs.
Gee, I wish the worse thing we had to worry about is lying about a blow job.
Orange Man Bad is the same thing. You hate TRUMP! because you hate him.
If that's not bad enough, they're also spending money of people not even born yet.

Well, I cannot argue with that ... But I think that spending more money than the whole damned country has ...
And I am not talking about our Nation's bank account ... But more money than everyones' bank account put together ...

No ... NO ... Take that bastard's credit card away ... What are these people thinking?
They cannot handle the checkbook in front of them ... Talking about something they cannot see ... Like unborn children ...
Screw it ... Thinking like that, and start putting the future back into the question ...
Is the garbage that allowed them to fool the public ... Spend money they never had ... And cannot cover if they had it all.

No offense ... You were correct ... But we don't need to try and reason with these people ...
They need to wake the fuck up ... Or we don't have a future ... Or at least not as America, although I am sure the Globalist could figure something out ... :thup:

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Yep, it's a right wing uber rich ruse, to keep the very wealthiest, from being audited, which takes 5 times the auditors for one of their billionaire returns...

The republicans have ALWAYS protected THE very richest, from paying taxes..... And that's their scam once again....

Convincing the poorest, that these greatly needed IRS employees are going to go after the little guys, you MUST stop them! Is all just the wealthiest in the country, worried about being caught tax cheating, like Trump!
First order: Impeach dumb Joe.

Second order: dissolve the federal government entirely.
There you have it

Republican agenda being driven by conspiracy theories
1) Opening up the border to millions of semi-literate foreigners who are here illegally, and weakening he country in the process, is a conspiracy theory? Biden is fighting to get as many of them in as possible.

2) You’re one to talk. Your Dems had the whole country spending tens of millions to advance the Russia conspiracy, which you haters fell for.

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