First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

1) Opening up the border to millions of semi-literate foreigners who are here illegally, and weakening he country in the process, is a conspiracy theory? Biden is fighting to get as many of them in as possible.

2) You’re one to talk. Your Dems had the whole country spending tens of millions to advance the Russia conspiracy, which you haters fell for.

Sorry to keep reminding people -

You are trying to explain reality to someone who is simply trolling the group.
1) Opening up the border to millions of semi-literate foreigners who are here illegally, and weakening he country in the process, is a conspiracy theory? Biden is fighting to get as many of them in as possible.

2) You’re one to talk. Your Dems had the whole country spending tens of millions to advance the Russia conspiracy, which you haters fell for.
People went to jail for that “conspiracy”
They were just unable to pin it on Trump
Problem for the Republican Speaker of the House
He has a caucus of 223 Republicans being led by 9 Republicans who are unable to get along with anyone

John Boehner got fed up with his uncontrollable caucus and retired
Paul Ryan was driven out

McCarthy doesn’t have a prayer

Republicans wish they had a politician like Nancy Pelosi
Wet Fart strikes again.
The worst he'll get is a fine.
Nope. Trump will go to prison because the political class can't let what he did stand. He incited a riot to try to retain power. Neither party would want that to stand as a precedent, which is why Trump WILL go to prison. Republicans are finally growing a pair and feeling safe criticizing him.
On the one hand, you say it might not be his computer, then you veer right back into "your personal computer". It's one or the other. Quite frankly, I don't have any personal information on anyone else's computer, so there's that. If it's not his computer, does he even have the right to insist the data remain private? At any rate, no one else has stepped forward to claim it, so it's his until someone does.
How do you know your personal data isn't on someone else's computer?
I recently got an email where someone knew my standard Password from ten years ago. (USMB is the only place I still use that particular password). They also then said if I didn't send them bitcoins, they would let everyone know what kind of porn I watch, and what they saw on my webcam. (Except at the time, I didn't have a webcam hooked to my computer, and I don't watch porn.)

Then put him on the stand and make him state it. Then check it out and if he's lying, nail him on perjury charges. Of course, he could just not show up. democrats know they can do that with impunity.

He has a right to not show up for the same reason Trump did. Congress is not a court of law. Further, he is a private citizen.

It reinforced the truth that the president is not above the law and that lying has to stop at the courtroom door. That's a good thing. Of course, today's democrats still think they can just come back and amend their testimony if they get caught lying, but those were better days.

Um, get real. Clinton lied about getting a blow job for the same reason most men having extra-marital affairs do. Except, of course, Newt was banging a lobbyist while cheating on his second wife. And Henry Hyde broke up another man's marriage back in the late 1960's. Fucking hypocrites, all of them.

Orange Man Bad is the same thing. You hate TRUMP! because you hate him.
Wet Fart strikes again.

Nope. Trump will go to prison because the political class can't let what he did stand. He incited a riot to try to retain power. Neither party would want that to stand as a precedent, which is why Trump WILL go to prison. Republicans are finally growing a pair and feeling safe criticizing him.
I really worry about your safety when you find out he's not going to prison.
How do you know your personal data isn't on someone else's computer?
I recently got an email where someone knew my standard Password from ten years ago. (USMB is the only place I still use that particular password). They also then said if I didn't send them bitcoins, they would let everyone know what kind of porn I watch, and what they saw on my webcam. (Except at the time, I didn't have a webcam hooked to my computer, and I don't watch porn.)
Having your passwords cracked and sold is not the same as having personal data on someone else's laptop. At any rate, no one has made a credible claim that Hunter's laptop belongs to anyone other than him.
He has a right to not show up for the same reason Trump did. Congress is not a court of law. Further, he is a private citizen.
And his lawyers may advise him not to. Of course, you'll be front and center accusing him of being a coward, trying to hide his illegal doings, etc. just like what is done with TRUMP!.
Um, get real. Clinton lied about getting a blow job for the same reason most men having extra-marital affairs do. Except, of course, Newt was banging a lobbyist while cheating on his second wife. And Henry Hyde broke up another man's marriage back in the late 1960's. Fucking hypocrites, all of them.
He was under oath, that's the difference. And that's why you see people refusing to voluntarily testify, even if they don't have anything to hide. They can be dragged into areas they would simply prefer to remain private.

I've told you to get that looked at.
Then go after the bidens big time ... we need their taxes ... their business dealings .... everything ... we deed it all now... special prosecutors... the works ...
This is why Republicans can't win elections anymore and are on the way to extinction.
Out of sink with the majority of voters.
Being slow learners doesn't help.

The so called "red wave" predicted for November didn't materialize because voters just aren't buying what radical, extremist, Republicans are selling anymire.
Dysfunctional revenge politics. It's not what voters want.
Voters gave Rep's a RAZOR thin majority in The House as a test.
"Let's see what they do with it. Will they use this opportunity to actually get things done.....GOVERN?
Or are they going to piss it away on Benghazi investigation-like foolishness?"

If Repubs screw this up voters will be ready for a BLUE TSUNAMI in 24.
Looks lije they are already off to a bad start.
The so called "red wave" predicted for November didn't materialize because voters just aren't buying what radical, extremist, Republicans are selling anymire.
Dysfunctional revenge politics. It's not what voters want.
Voters gave Rep's a RAZOR thin majority in The House as a test.
"Let's see what they do with it. Will they use this opportunity to actually get things done.....GOVERN?

Voters made it clear that they did not want MAGA extremism
However, in extreme red districts, some MAGA candidates still won.

Those remaining MAGA Republicans realize that they can exploit the thin Republican margin to run the show

There is nothing a weak leader like McCarthy can do

Republicans are headed down a path of irresponsibility that voters will again reject in 2024
This is why Republicans can't win elections anymore and are on the way to extinction.
Out of sink with the majority of voters.
Being slow learners doesn't help.

The so called "red wave" predicted for November didn't materialize because voters just aren't buying what radical, extremist, Republicans are selling anymire.
Dysfunctional revenge politics. It's not what voters want.
Voters gave Rep's a RAZOR thin majority in The House as a test.
"Let's see what they do with it. Will they use this opportunity to actually get things done.....GOVERN?
Or are they going to piss it away on Benghazi investigation-like foolishness?"

If Repubs screw this up voters will be ready for a BLUE TSUNAMI in 24.
Looks lije they are already off to a bad start.

Republicans are not winning because our electorate is changing. We are going from people with knowledge of politics to the politically ignorant. That's why the Communists are pushing for mail-in voting so bad. The more mail-in voters you have, the more stupid and politically ignorant people you are going to attract to vote.
This is why Republicans can't win elections anymore and are on the way to extinction.
Out of sink with the majority of voters.
Being slow learners doesn't help.

The so called "red wave" predicted for November didn't materialize because voters just aren't buying what radical, extremist, Republicans are selling anymire.
Dysfunctional revenge politics. It's not what voters want.
Voters gave Rep's a RAZOR thin majority in The House as a test.
"Let's see what they do with it. Will they use this opportunity to actually get things done.....GOVERN?
Or are they going to piss it away on Benghazi investigation-like foolishness?"

If Repubs screw this up voters will be ready for a BLUE TSUNAMI in 24.
Looks lije they are already off to a bad start.


Okay, Saul.

Republicans are not winning because our electorate is changing. We are going from people with knowledge of politics to the politically ignorant. That's why the Communists are pushing for mail-in voting so bad. The more mail-in voters you have, the more stupid and politically ignorant people you are going to attract to vote.

Since and ignorance and laziness generally go hand in hand.


Well, I cannot argue with that ... But I think that spending more money than the whole damned country has ...
And I am not talking about our Nation's bank account ... But more money than everyones' bank account put together ...

No ... NO ... Take that bastard's credit card away ... What are these people thinking?
They cannot handle the checkbook in front of them ... Talking about something they cannot see ... Like unborn children ...
Screw it ... Thinking like that, and start putting the future back into the question ...
Is the garbage that allowed them to fool the public ... Spend money they never had ... And cannot cover if they had it all.

No offense ... You were correct ... But we don't need to try and reason with these people ...
They need to wake the fuck up ... Or we don't have a future ... Or at least not as America, although I am sure the Globalist could figure something out ... :thup:


I have the solution to that problem but good luck trying to find a politician(s) to implement it. We need a national consumption tax to cover deficit spending. If the deficit spending exceeds what we collect in the consumption tax, we simply increase the tax.

When people have to start paying for all this spending the moment it happens, you'll see how fast they start paying attention. Now, nobody cares because regardless how much they spend, it won't change your life or mine. It won't change the life of most any American. Therefore most Americans don't care what they spend.
No, we still won't allow you to be a socialist parasite just because you keep crying about how unfair it is that you can't be a socialist parasite.

You're no doubt cheating on taxes yourself. Why else would you be upset about giving a bare minimum of funding to the IRS? You're a welfare case, someone who wants the bennies from gubmint without paying for anything.

But mainly, you're repeating what your rich masters want you to repeat. They want to pull a Trump and cheat on their taxes for tens of millions, so they told you to help them do it.

Sucks for you that your fascist pals in the House can't actually do anything except make a lot of noise.

Or maybe we are skeptical that the IRS will show their true colors again and target those of a particular political persuasion. Nah, they would never do that, right?
Republicans wish they had a politician like Nancy Pelosi

It wasn't Pelosi, it is mindless drones that vote Democrat. They rarely think for themselves. They just do as their leader says. Even the Democrats on the Supreme Court exhibit the same type of behavior. Must be something in the water in the inner cities where most of these bots come from.
It wasn't Pelosi, it is mindless drones that vote Democrat. They rarely think for themselves. They just do as their leader says. Even the Democrats on the Supreme Court exhibit the same type of behavior. Must be something in the water in the inner cities where most of these bots come from.

Actually, Democrats did their infighting behind the scenes. Pelosi was a master at forging agreements and working out compromise.
That is where Republicans fail Big League. They refuse to compromise. Not with Democrats and not with themselves.
Actually, Democrats did their infighting behind the scenes. Pelosi was a master at forging agreements and working out compromise.
That is where Republicans fail Big League. They refuse to compromise. Not with Democrats and not with themselves.

Nice try. Democrats simply fall in line. Nothing more.

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