First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

You know…the whole reason the Boshevik’s rose and spread, and Communism was so attractive in theory (though abysmal in practice) was the piss poor conditions and lack of rights and freedoms for the average worker in an era ruled by the uber -rich elites. Destroying Russia would not have destroyed tbe discontent and anger that drove it.
You're one of those hard Left morons who think there should be zero millionaires and billionaires through a 100% tax on all wealth, that ONLY the Government should own all businesses. IOW, a pure Communist shitbag! Patton was right. the USSR should've been next on our nuke target list.
Incorrect. A share of taxes.

No ... If two people pay the same percentage at the same rate on the same occasions ... There would be no disparity in tax.
There would be if you wanted to say they may spend a larger percentage of their income in taxes.

Of course you could make the point that there are more poor people than rich people ...
But even at 1% of total income across the board ... The rich would still pay more in taxes.

You know ... Because 1% of a $1 is a penny ... And 1% of $100 is a buck.

How about giving some know..EVIDENCE that they are going after small businesses?

Everything comes down to $$$$ and this isn’t .

You know, we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.

After they hire all these people and then go after small business, you on the left do what you always do when you are wrong, shrug your shoulders and say "whoops, I goofed!" Of course after they are hired, it will be impossible to get rid of them.

My State's Legislature does what it is required to do within the confines of our State Constitution.
We have a broad representation of political affiliations and elections on a regular basis ... Lots of Democrat and Republican Governors.​
Awesome! I have no idea what state you live in, but my state does not.

Did you know that we had the first African American Govenor?​

Super! :)

We have had a total of 16 black state legislators ever, and currently, after the 2022 election, only 4. No governor.

If you have problem with the way my State is run ... I could suggest you move here become a resident and eligible to vote ...
But you probably wouldn't like it ... Food is terrible, people are fat and ugly, not very Progressive ... Shoot, our football teams even suck.​
I have no problem with how your state is run.

But…my state? Our motto is “thank God for Mississippi”.

Except our football team rocks.

And I love my state anyway.

You would be better staying where you are ... There is actually some chicken poop around here ... :auiqs.jpg:

But anyway ... Thanks for the chat.


No ... If two people pay the same percentage at the same rate on the same occasions ... There would be no disparity in tax.
There would be if you wanted to say they may spend a larger percentage of their income in taxes.

Back up a moment. This was all in response to what Orange Cat said. He supported a truly flat tax where everyone pays the exact same amount. Not percentage (unless I misunderstood).

Of course you could make the point that there are more poor people than rich people ...
But even at 1% of total income across the board ... The rich would still pay more in taxes.

You know ... Because 1% of a $1 is a penny ... And 1% of $100 is a buck.

The argument here is not that the rich pay more, but that in proportion to their income, the 20% in taxes they pay would only affect their discretionary spending whereas for a poor person, it would affect necessities: rent, mortgage, utility, food).

I support a progressive tax system obviously.
Nothing sily about it.

Sure there is. Although, I’m still trying to figure why I, a creature who works two jobs for a living, must pay more in taxes on my income than someone who lives off the income of capital gains and never lifts a finger to work. You’re right. It is unfair.

Hmmm…you keep bringing up CRT, though I’ve said nothing about it. I fail to see how it is relevant to taxes. :dunno:

Class warfare…well, the reality is that there are those who have a lot (the Jeff Bezos etc) and those who don’t. We know who has the power to most influence the political class. That’s not garbage, just a frank statement of the way things are.

While it was an abysmal failure as an economic theory, the idea you quote above is a good cultural template for a society that strives to go beyond survival of the fittest. In a nutshell, it is why we create meaningful employment, albeit sheltered in some cases, for the most vulnerable amongst us, instead of relegating them to a life without dignity.

Ya. I do. It’s like fascist. It fits neatly on a bumper sticker yet means….little.

If you feel you can dismiss the rest with that garbage ... By trying to present the same Critical Theory and Class Warfare garbage ...
I very correctly cited the source of ... Then I am certain you missed the point to start with.

I also didn't ask you if you like Marxism ... I just identified that what you were talking about when you said what you would prefer.
And Critical Theory has been around a lot longer than Critical Race Theory (of which I did not speak of).

Critical Theory is Marxism and Class Warfare ...
Where Critical Race Theory is little more than a very shoddy attempt to attach the Race Card to Critical Theory in order to cast a wider net ...
And hopeful capture more imbeciles that don't really know what they are talking about.

I mean hell ... If Class Warfare isn't working fast enough ... Let's try a Racial Warfare ... :auiqs.jpg:


If you feel you can dismiss the rest with that garbage ... By trying to present the same Critical Theory and Class Warfare garbage ...
I very correctly cited the source of ... Then I am certain you missed the point to start with.​

What CRT garbage are you referring to? There is no point when you have not cited anything (beyond “I said so”).

I also didn't ask you if you like Marxism ... I just identified that what you were talking about when you said what you would prefer.
And Critical Theory has been around a lot longer than Critical Race Theory (of which I did not speak of).​

I’m not bound (in conversation) by what you think you asked or didn’t ask. This is irrelevant.

Point taken, I assumed it was CRT.

Critical Theory is Marxism and Class Warfare ...
Where Critical Race Theory is little more than a very shoddy attempt to attach the Race Card to Critical Theory in order to cast a wider net ...
And hopeful capture more imbeciles that don't really know what they are talking about.

I mean hell ... If Class Warfare isn't working fast enough ... Let's try a Racial Warfare ... :auiqs.jpg:

There is some legitimacy behind class warfare and certainly historical precedent.
I’ll respond to this rather than shit can it (my port a potty is overflowing).

I’m not trying any crap with you. You label things. If you are going to do that, then don’t gripe, or, better yet, enlighten me. I know what I am, so what am I wrong about?

Maybe I could have clarified for future reference ...
Classical Liberal and I do have both Conservative and Strict Constructionist leanings.

I really don't like Libertarian about as much as I don't like Republicans, Democrats, The Green Party, Birthday Party ...
Well, I am not going to list them all and I think you get the picture.

And we don't ever need to get in a fight in regard to something that just doesn't matter.
I am not going to ask you your opinion of me ... And where I may come after some of your ideology, I will try not to tell you who you are.

What CRT garbage are you referring to? There is no point when you have not cited anything (beyond “I said so”).

I wasn't speaking of CRT ... Critical Theory ... It is possible you do not know the principle of Marxism, Critical Theory, and Class Warfare.
And Wiki is going to help you ... To truly understand it takes some digging.

If you want to know ... Read the Communist Manifesto ... Read The Law by Bastiat.
These men were thinkers ... It's a hell of a lot more than a blurb on a page.

Have you been paying absolutely NO attention?

Which party spearheaded the effort to close down small business, and which party do you trash when they want everybody to have the same opportunity to keep their business open?

Jeff Bezos, alone, benefitted from the scheme to the tune of 70 BILLION dollars. Also reaping multi billions were Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey and many others.

You cannot be so utterly ignorant as to think these are all republicans, testicle?
She is utterly ignorant on utterly every subject.
I’m not bound (in conversation) by what you think you asked or didn’t ask. This is irrelevant.

It's not what I think ... It's what you said means and where it came from ... That's the point.
You don't have to think you are bound to anything ... But that's where it comes from ... You can't reshape it ... It is what your ideas are based in.

There is some legitimacy behind class warfare and certainly historical precedent.

Yeah ... It's pretty much the core basis of Marxism ...
And very popular in some parts of the world ... I think you are getting the point I was making ... :auiqs.jpg:

You know…the whole reason the Boshevik’s rose and spread, and Communism was so attractive in theory (though abysmal in practice) was the piss poor conditions and lack of rights and freedoms for the average worker in an era ruled by the uber -rich elites. Destroying Russia would not have destroyed tbe discontent and anger that drove it.
Which is what Democrats in the US are currently building up to, sweety.

THEN comes the Marxist Utopia. :rolleyes-41:

Yeah, no.

Maybe I could have clarified for future reference ...
Classical Liberal and I do have both Conservative and Strict Constructionist leanings.

I really don't like Libertarian about as much as I don't like Republicans, Democrats, The Green Party, Birthday Party ...
Well, I am not going to list them all and I think you get the picture.

And we don't ever need to get in a fight in regard to something that just doesn't matter.
I am not going to ask you your opinion of me ... And where I may come after some of your ideology, I will try not to tell you who you are.

Labels are difficult, and usually not accurate. I honestly thought you were a libertarian so apologies for that.

I don’t know what political label I fall under other than left.

Which is what Democrats in the US are currently building up to, sweety.
:lol: only in your dreams. While I fully support workers rights…communism is a total failure supported mainly by perpetual adolescents donning Che tshirts.
:lol: only in your dreams. While I fully support workers rights…communism is a total failure supported mainly by perpetual adolescents donning Che tshirts.
I find it hard to argue with that.
However your "workers rights" organizations abuse the workers, make them pay dues, and then run oft on representing their interests and DO represent the Democrat party.
The time for unions is long past..The time for them ended around when "The Company Store" went away.
Late 1930s, probably.
The argument here is not that the rich pay more, but that in proportion to their income, the 20% in taxes they pay would only affect their discretionary spending whereas for a poor person, it would affect necessities: rent, mortgage, utility, food).

I support a progressive tax system obviously.

Of course you do. It's not your money they're taking. If it were, you'd be bitching up a storm as well.

The top 20% of wage earners in this country pay 87% of all collected income taxes. If that's not enough, then what should their percentage be? And don't talk about tax cuts or loopholes, that figure is with those loopholes.
:lol: only in your dreams. While I fully support workers rights…communism is a total failure supported mainly by perpetual adolescents donning Che tshirts.
Democrats are pushing policies to make "workers" ever more dependent on the government. They're sapping wealth from all Americans everywhere. Everybody's losing. It's not just going to Democrats, but it is going to the government.
And the Democrats have their shady government things that fund them.

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