First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Nope, it is mine. I have posted it on here a few times. I took a pic of it before I mailed it in. Good luck finding a stock photo of someone voting for Jo and Spike on a state of Ill ballot.
Careful, it’s illegal in a handful of states.

In 2020, Ballotpedia reported that about 25 states plus the District of Columbia allow voters to take pictures with their ballots. Many states, including Oklahoma, Hawaii, and Colorado, have essentially written the ballot selfie into law.

On the other hand, Arizona and Texas prohibit selfies at polling locations—the Lone Star State barswireless communications devices within 100 feet of the voting stations—but do allow photographic evidence of mail-in ballots. If you live in states like Illinois, Florida, and New York, you should leave your phone outside the booth. (If you’re really dying to share that you performed your civic duty, maybe take a picture with your “I Voted” sticker instead.)

Oh? Show me this obligation in the Constitution.
ARTICLE 1 Section 8 Clause 1

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; . . .

The 16th Amendment

  • The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
Carefully it’s illegal in a handful of states.

In Illinois where Golfing Gator is from it is "unclear".

In the state where I live ... It is perfectly legal, and they don't have a problem whatsoever if you take a photo verifying your ballot.
In fact ... Since the systems are connected ... You can get a verification notice sent to your phone ...
From the Registrar's Office indicating your vote was cast and counted.

Of course ... That's probably because I live in a backwards assed State that actually cares about what its Citizens think ...
Not some Progressive Glory Hole with a lot of great ideas but really shitty service.

Honest people can look at which states indulged in the most draconian lockdowns and compare that to the political affiliations of the governors involved. You are not one of them, so you do not.

Some people look at the bigger picture of what was going on at the time and ask relevant questions.

Some people immediately look for a way to blame the party they oppose and look for data to support it.

Some people do a bit of both.

Which are you?

Consider this an exercise in logic….(remember learning that…in the ancient days where we walked miles to school everyday in 8 foot snow drifts and had to use punch cards and mainframe computers?)

Here is your claim: The IRS is hiring more people so they can target small businesses.

Question: What evidence do you have to support that?

Here is how you’ve supported that claim so far, paraphrased.

Because the lockdowns hurt small businesses and the states with the strictest lockdowns were run by Democrats and bunch of very wealthy elites who (presumably) donate heavily to Dems profited from the lockdowns and want to sink small businesses therefore the Dems want to further destroy small businesses by sic ing the IRS on them.

Pretty far fetched. Are you sure you aren’t a partisan?

None of it explains why the Bezos of the world would care about small businesses much lesser target them for special IRS attention. Most of the the time they either buy them out or suffocate them. (Don’t take that to mean I support or like technocrats any more than any other ‘crats, I support more regulation).
Honest people can look at the world's richest individuals like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the technocrats, note not only which party they support but the windfall they received from Democrat policies. You are not one of them, so you don't.
This makes even less sense. There are a lot of big moneyed interests out that give huge donations to Dems, Pubs, and quite often both. Many receive ”windfalls” from Pub and/or Dem policies. Many receive little. You realize Trump is in that category of rich as well as are the Koch brothers (well, the remaining one).

You sure you are honest?

Honest people can see how Walmarts, Home Depots and other large businesses profited from being kept open while small businesses selling the very same products were closed down. You are not one of them so you don't.

If we were having an HONEST conversation (are you capable of that?) you would find that you and I likely agree on the behavior of these increasingly larger and larger conglomerates and the ability of any real competition, much less small small businesses to succeed. Look at media for example, most of it now owned by a handful of huge entities. Goodbye local news. I want to see a complete overhaul of anti trust laws and some real enforcement instead of looking the other way while pocketing donations.

How about you?

As far as your personal comments aimed at me, I am NOT in lockstep with republicans. You are merely projecting there since you are an extreme left idealogue and so assume anybody who disagrees with you is an extreme right idealogue.

Did you overlook your own contributions here?

I happen to see neither party as serving the needs of small businesspeople like me. It's just that the democrat party has gone completely globalist, is working towards the great reset and is by far the more dangerous of the two working against people like me.
The very fact that you refer to the “Great Reset” speaks volumes.

I’m not too familiar with the concept so I looked it up.

Here is what Wikipedia says:

The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.[1] The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch.[2] The initiative's stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way which prioritises sustainable development.[3]

WEF chief executive officer Klaus Schwab described three core components of the Great Reset: creating conditions for a "stakeholder economy"; building in a more "resilient, equitable, and sustainable" way, utilising environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics; and "harness[ing] the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution."[4][5] In her speech opening the dialogues, International Monetary Fund director Kristalina Georgieva listed three key aspects of a sustainable response to COVID-19: green growth, smarter growth, and fairer growth.[6][3]

"The Great Reset" was to be the theme of the 2021 World Economic Forum annual summit in Davos, Switzerland, scheduled for January 2021.[7] Due to disruption from COVID-19, the summit was postponed to May 2021, and again to 2022.[8][9] The Davos 2022 theme was "History at a Turning Point", and the summit was dominated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[10]

The Great Reset Initiative, and the World Economic Forum more generally,[11] have been criticised by some commentators for promoting economic deregulation and a greater role in policy for unrepresentative private businesses, particularly large multinational corporations, at the expense of government institutions.[12][13] Other commentators held that the Great Reset, if achieved, would lead to an ultra-conservative, "neo-medieval world health" order[14] or crony capitalism.[15]

In looking at this, I can see reasons for both parties to like it and to oppose it. I support growth geared toward greener more sustainable technologies and lifestyles, but not through unregulated multinational corporations.
First paragraph... Trump wasn't audited as is regular practice for sitting Presidents and vice presidents..

Biden has got audited at least for every year he has been President and Vice President...

As for Hunter's taxes and business dealings... Where are Tiffany Trump's taxes... Why haven't we seen them?
Does Don jr. have a job?
Honest people can look at which states indulged in the most draconian lockdowns and compare that to the political affiliations of the governors involved. You are not one of them, so you do not.

Some people look at the bigger picture of what was going on at the time and ask relevant questions.

Some people immediately look for a way to blame the party they oppose and look for data to support it.

Some people do a bit of both.

Which are you?

Consider this an exercise in logic….(remember learning that…in the ancient days where we walked miles to school everyday in 8 foot snow drifts and had to use punch cards and mainframe computers?)

Here is your claim: The IRS is hiring more people so they can target small businesses.

Question: What evidence do you have to support that?

Here is how you’ve supported that claim so far, paraphrased.

Because the lockdowns hurt small businesses and the states with the strictest lockdowns were run by Democrats and bunch of very wealthy elites who (presumably) donate heavily to Dems profited from the lockdowns and want to sink small businesses therefore the Dems want to further destroy small businesses by sic ing the IRS on them.

Pretty far fetched. Are you sure you aren’t a partisan?

None of it explains why the Bezos of the world would care about small businesses much lesser target them for special IRS attention. Most of the the time they either buy them out or suffocate them. (Don’t take that to mean I support or like technocrats any more than any other ‘crats, I support more regulation).
Honest people can look at the world's richest individuals like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the technocrats, note not only which party they support but the windfall they received from Democrat policies. You are not one of them, so you don't.
This makes even less sense. There are a lot of big moneyed interests out that give huge donations to Dems, Pubs, and quite often both. Many receive ”windfalls” from Pub and/or Dem policies. Many receive little. You realize Trump is in that category of rich as well as are the Koch brothers (well, the remaining one).

You sure you are honest?

Honest people can see how Walmarts, Home Depots and other large businesses profited from being kept open while small businesses selling the very same products were closed down. You are not one of them so you don't.

If we were having an HONEST conversation (are you capable of that?) you would find that you and I likely agree on the behavior of these increasingly larger and larger conglomerates and the ability of any real competition, much less small small businesses to succeed. Look at media for example, most of it now owned by a handful of huge entities. Goodbye local news. I want to see a complete overhaul of anti trust laws and some real enforcement instead of looking the other way while pocketing donations.

How about you?

As far as your personal comments aimed at me, I am NOT in lockstep with republicans. You are merely projecting there since you are an extreme left idealogue and so assume anybody who disagrees with you is an extreme right idealogue.

Did you overlook your own contributions here?

I happen to see neither party as serving the needs of small businesspeople like me. It's just that the democrat party has gone completely globalist, is working towards the great reset and is by far the more dangerous of the two working against people like me.
The very fact that you refer to the “Great Reset” speaks volumes.

I’m not to familiar with the concept so I looked it up.

Here is what Wikipedia says:

The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.[1] The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch.[2] The initiative's stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way which prioritises sustainable development.[3]

WEF chief executive officer Klaus Schwab described three core components of the Great Reset: creating conditions for a "stakeholder economy"; building in a more "resilient, equitable, and sustainable" way, utilising environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics; and "harness[ing] the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution."[4][5] In her speech opening the dialogues, International Monetary Fund director Kristalina Georgieva listed three key aspects of a sustainable response to COVID-19: green growth, smarter growth, and fairer growth.[6][3]

"The Great Reset" was to be the theme of the 2021 World Economic Forum annual summit in Davos, Switzerland, scheduled for January 2021.[7] Due to disruption from COVID-19, the summit was postponed to May 2021, and again to 2022.[8][9] The Davos 2022 theme was "History at a Turning Point", and the summit was dominated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[10]

The Great Reset Initiative, and the World Economic Forum more generally,[11] have been criticised by some commentators for promoting economic deregulation and a greater role in policy for unrepresentative private businesses, particularly large multinational corporations, at the expense of government institutions.[12][13] Other commentators held that the Great Reset, if achieved, would lead to an ultra-conservative, "neo-medieval world health" order[14] or crony capitalism.[15]

Perhaps we need to take them elsewhere ...
Of course, it will be a lot harder to bitch if you become responsible for what happens.

Anyone can have high ideas when they are spending other people's money,
and pretending all they need to do is vote.

And people do have more power over their state governments ...
That's why they are not all Progressive shitholes with Authoritarian Fascist ambitions.

Yep, it's a right wing uber rich ruse, to keep the very wealthiest, from being audited, which takes 5 times the auditors for one of their billionaire returns...

The republicans have ALWAYS protected THE very richest, from paying taxes..... And that's their scam once again....

Convincing the poorest, that these greatly needed IRS employees are going to go after the little guys, you MUST stop them! Is all just the wealthiest in the country, worried about being caught tax cheating, like Trump!
Why are these "greatly needed" parasites looking at people with at least $600 in the bank? When did they become rich?
You never heard what you should do when you are in a hole, eh?

Apparently, you have a massive problem with math. 20% of $1,000 is the exact same proportion of the $1,000 as 20% is of $1,000,000. Exact. 20% IS THE PROPORTION. Sheesh!

That's why it is called a flax tax. An example of disproportionate is the contribution to federal taxes by high income earners. The top 10% income earners paid more than 70% of the taxes. The top 50% paid over 97% of all taxes, and the bottom 50% paid less than 3% (did the math for you).
That is not what Orange Cat was talking about.

Orange Cat: No, they'd pay the exact same amount as every other taxpayer.

The exact same amount. Not a percentage. In his words, a truly flat tax.

Did you care to say something ... Or is that just another meaningless response?
You may find that I am rather sociable and willing to discuss something.

Sure I’ll discuss things, but when you throw broad denigrating labels out like that, I lose interest.
….to reverse the order hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and hard-working moderate earners. It’s shameful that the Democrats want to develop an army to intimidate and harass Americans, while they allocate funding for a measly 300 border agents to prevent the invasion from the southern border.

Up until now, the Democrats have treated foreigners here illegally better than honest Americans. That begins to change tomorrow when Republicans take over.

Tha agents aren't going after small business owners you idiot.
Sure I’ll discuss things, but when you throw broad denigrating labels out like that, I lose interest.

What do you mean by broad and denigrating ... Does that mean you would prefer I list them individually?
Or are you pretending you are Siri ... And think "I will not respond to that request" is sufficient?

Speak ... Don't say nothing and think that will ever float with me ... :auiqs.jpg:
I'll extend the invitation again.


For anyone who is bored with that big nothing burger ... Let me tell you a boring story about Siri.
Gave me the idea to compare Coyote to Siri.

I'm driving in the truck going to murder some innocent migratory waterfowl ... Doing the hands-free thing and need to call someone.
I wake Siri up and ask to place a call to my hunting buddy.

Now ... I live in Louisiana ... And if you don't know, we have some pretty interesting names.
I want to call someone with the last name Bergeron ... Now, you are not going to pronounce that correctly if you try phonics, but I say it correctly anyway.
Siri tells me that name is not in my contacts and asks again ... I say it again, and again Siri responds the same way.
This happens a few more times ... And I figure out Siri is not going to get this.
So ... I butcher the poor guy's name and pronounce it burger-ron ... And Siri indicates calling burger-ron.

That's not bad though ... I mean, my bad ... Siri is AI and all.

So, after calling that guy ... I wanted to call Ben.
So ... "Call Ben" ... Siri tells me Ben is not in my contacts ... I know Ben is in my contacts.
This is not a hard name to get ... So, I ask Siri to call Ben again ... Same answer.

Okay ... Now I am getting a little frustrated here ... I take my time and slowly speak "Ben ... Call Ben."
Siri once again tells me that Ben is not and my contacts ...
I will save you the plethora of cuss words coming out of my mouth ... Let's just say I ended up telling Siri what Siri could do with Siri's self.

To which Siri responded with ... "I will not respond to that"
To which I couldn't understand how Siri considered that not a response ...
And I was about to explain it to Siri in no uncertain terms.

About that time I had made it to the interstate ... And noticed a State Trooper was coming up the ramp behind me.
I managed to start laughing when I thought ...
"Oh my God ... That bitch pinpointed my location and called the State Troopers on me for cussing her out." ... :auiqs.jpg:

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You may find that I am rather sociable and willing to discuss something.

I, for one, will take the unsolicited opportunity to confirm this to be true, though I do so largely in the interest in furthering the discussion from a casual obsever's perspective. And I just like to learn, really.

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