First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..


It wasn't talking about what you think ... Simply what you support, where you choose to engage ...
What you are looking at when you do ... Where you look for solutions to the problems you see ...
And I didn't reference any party whatsoever.​

Alright then, what do I support? Where do I choose to engage? Etc? Is it because I view the government as part of a solution rather than the entire problem?

But then again ... You're the one that indicated parties.
I would prefer people started thinking for themselves ... And doing their best to empower themselves in their own States and Communities ...
Kind of like they talked about in the Constitution.

Most political conversations here revolve around political parties.

I see empowering communities as very important, but state government is no different than federal other than size.
Not much meat on the bone with low income earners
Their claims are pretty basic and it is difficult to cheat

High income is where the revenue is. More deductions, more sources of income, more room for interpretation

Which is why the IRS puts them at the top of the list for audits.
Yet the Rich scream like mother fuckers when the Democrats raise taxes on them.
Of course they do. They know it's all political theater and that they'll have to pay a little more until they can use the new deductions, but why should they be happy to pay ANY more? That's the point.
Oh, he's going to prison... even Republicans are running away from him now. Did you hear his latest rant after no one showed up at his New Years Eve event... Hitler had more dignity in his bunker.
Godwin's, you lose. No, he's not going to prison, you won't get your wet dream. The worst that will happen is a fine that he will pay from petty cash. Then you can scream at the sky again because you get satisfaction from other people's suffering.
Yawn, guy, no one has proven the laptop is hunters... no DNA, no fingerprints, no bill of sale that that device was sold to Hunter directly.
Then why the demand that it be given back? Hmmm, now where did I hear something similar? Oh, that's right. There was this idiot insisting that the judge and prosecution in a murder trial was crooked because no one would enter a video into evidence that hadn't been verified to contain the voice of the accused. He went on to insist ad nauseum that it "proved" something or other about the accused and he insisted it was rock solid evidence and pertinent. We all laughed.
So what you have is a device that would have no value in a court of law. Congress can call Hunter to testify, and he can claim as long as he is in litigation with the IRS over the valid issue of taxes, he can't answer any questions.
That's stupid. They don't have to just ask him about his taxes. They get him on the stand, get him to answer questions about the stuff on the laptop under oath, then branch out from there when he opens the door to further questioning. Haven't you been paying any attention at all?
It's like you guys learned not a fucking thing from the Clinton era.
We learned a lot from the Clinton era. For one, if you're well enough connected in the democrat party, you're untouchable. For another, judges really hate it when a lawyer lies under oath in their court and don't care what they lied about. That was pretty cool.
This is false.

it’s easier to audit low income earners than high income earners.

So when manpower is limited, guess who they use their resources on? Low income earners.

So why aren't they going after the high income earners if your Yahoo news source is correct?
But the IRS is the only one that can do you actual financial harm. I had to agree to payment plan while they worked our case or have our wages garnished and my wife possibly lose her job.

We need enough IRS employees for them to be able to do their job in a reasonable amount of time.

Okay, then what's wrong with having the current IRS workers do 10 hour days and work on Saturdays? To my knowledge, none of them do.
The bulk of lost revenue is going to be with the wealthy who have many more ways to hide their wealth and avoid paying.

All those fat cats with a $600 bank account balance better watch out ...
Coyote is gonna whoop out some Critical Theory and Class Warfare on them.

Never mind the absolute joke the Federal Government's fiscal responsibility has become ...
Amounting to currently $173 trillion in Unfunded Liabilities ...
Which would take more than half the entire world's wealth to cover.

You're not going to find the money you are looking for between the couch cushions ...
And that garbage you are talking is nothing but crusty old manure.

There is no first course of business. The MAGA Party can't even pick a speaker. Yee haw this is going to be fun!🤠
Sure there is....get in the way of all the Dim America hating spending attempts and go after the criminal Bidens. Speakers of the House are worthless just look at the last example.
Okay, then what's wrong with having the current IRS workers do 10 hour days and work on Saturdays? To my knowledge, none of them do.

That would cost more than having more agents.

Overtime is expensive and not very efficient.

And with the way current Fed regulations are written I am doubtful they could force them to do so.
….to reverse the order hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and hard-working moderate earners. It’s shameful that the Democrats want to develop an army to intimidate and harass Americans, while they allocate funding for a measly 300 border agents to prevent the invasion from the southern border.

Up until now, the Democrats have treated foreigners here illegally better than honest Americans. That begins to change tomorrow when Republicans take over.

lol the first thing they're going to do is line their own pockets and peddle corporate welfare programs for their big donors, same as they always do. Grow up.
Your first order of biz for 2023 should be to stop writing bullshit threads.

What a useless article. It's nonsensical in places. For example, it says part of the 87,000 new agents is to make up for attrition. Huh? These are 87,000 NEW agents. You wouldn't need any extra funding to keep your current staffing level, which includes replacing employees who leave.
Most political conversations here revolve around political parties.

I see empowering communities as very important, but state government is no different than federal other than size.

Perhaps we need to take them elsewhere ...
Of course, it will be a lot harder to bitch if you become responsible for what happens.

Anyone can have high ideas when they are spending other people's money,
and pretending all they need to do is vote.

And people do have more power over their state governments ...
That's why they are not all Progressive shitholes with Authoritarian Fascist ambitions.

Your deduction is faulty and lacks logic. The bulk of lost revenue is going to be with the wealthy who have many more ways to hide their wealth and avoid paying. Take a look at what has been coming out about Trumps taxes, and Trump isn’t the only one far. Wealthy or politically connected people, Rep and Dem, can do this, it isn’t partisan. WHY would they spend so much money going after small businesses when the potential revenue gained is so small? Makes no sense.

It also makes no sense to claim only small business’ we’re shut down, as if that was purposeful. First, lockdowns were by state, not federal, decisions, and they were done by blue and red states alike and small businesses were disproportionately hurt. In addition, small businesses, like a family owned travel agency got proportionately far less Covid money (if any) than larger businesses like the airline industries.

There is also no evidence that small businesses were targeted in any way, for demise - rather, large entities, who donate lots to the political parties (both) get lots and lots of money and concessions while the rest struggle to get a seat at the table.

So there really is no logical reason to think they are hiring more tax people to go after small businesses.

What a stupid thing to say.

Going by your almost lockstep support of Republican ideas and policy and complete opposition I think your vaunted non partisanship is NINO….Nonpartisan In Name Only.

I am an independent who is not a member of either party.

so what?

You have yet to show that this targets small business more than the elites. Frankly, if you are supposed to be a “real liberal” why were you silent when small businesses were getting screwed over with the Covid relief money?
Honest people can look at which states indulged in the most draconian lockdowns and compare that to the political affiliations of the governors involved. You are not one of them, so you do not.

Honest people can look at the world's richest individuals like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the technocrats, note not only which party they support but the windfall they received from Democrat policies. You are not one of them, so you don't.

Honest people can see how Walmarts, Home Depots and other large businesses profited from being kept open while small businesses selling the very same products were closed down. You are not one of them so you don't.

As far as your personal comments aimed at me, I am NOT in lockstep with republicans. You are merely projecting there since you are an extreme left idealogue and so assume anybody who disagrees with you is an extreme right idealogue.

I happen to see neither party as serving the needs of small businesspeople like me. It's just that the democrat party has gone completely globalist, is working towards the great reset and is by far the more dangerous of the two working against people like me.
Why do you think that question isn't retarded? Because it is.

The premise is retarded. You own all of your income, then you have an obligation to pay taxes.
Oh? Show me this obligation in the Constitution.
Shows just how frivolous the Republicans Political Agenda is.

After campaigning on inflation, gas prices, the border they demonstrate no plans to actually do anything about it
oh no doubt Chucky’s desk is gonna be stacked up with legislation that would address it…it just won’t go anywhere
Ok…if you say so…

Since I support my claims unlike many on 2020 ballot.


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