First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Have you been paying absolutely NO attention?

Which party spearheaded the effort to close down small business, and which party do you trash when they want everybody to have the same opportunity to keep their business open?

Jeff Bezos, alone, benefitted from the scheme to the tune of 70 BILLION dollars. Also reaping multi billions were Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey and many others.

You cannot be so utterly ignorant as to think these are all republicans, can you?
Specifically, where is there any evidence that this is aimed at small businesses?

I haven’t forgotten the party that gave huge tax breaks to the rich, let millions in Covid relief money go to wealthy cronies and businesses that no one in their right mind would classify as small while the real small businesses struggled to get any and were too often turned down. Republicans.
That ship already sailed with the big succubus bill.

You have to give it to Representative McCarthy and Senator McConnell when it comes to the Omnibus fiasco.

Seeing as if they had voted it down, or even if they had voted for a Continuing Resolution ...
Assumed Speaker McCarthy would have been responsible for providing the budget in January ...
And Senator McConnell would have been compelled to support what the House came up with.

They punted before they ever got the ball ... :auiqs.jpg:

Specifically, where is there any evidence that this is aimed at small businesses?

I haven’t forgotten the party that gave huge tax breaks to the rich, let millions in Covid relief money go to wealthy cronies and businesses that no one in their right mind would classify as small while the real small businesses struggled to get any and were too often turned down. Republicans.
Because they hired 87,000 new agents to go after Pepsico, Boeing, and Amazon.....Corporate players whose asses hacks like you can't jam your heads up far enough.
Specifically, where is there any evidence that this is aimed at small businesses?

I haven’t forgotten the party that gave huge tax breaks to the rich, let millions in Covid relief money go to wealthy cronies and businesses that no one in their right mind would classify as small while the real small businesses struggled to get any and were too often turned down. Republicans.
It is simply a product of logical deduction, the likes of which seems beyond you. Since only small businesses were shut down, then they were the obvious targets.

You are an extreme partisan, so support this targeted destruction of small business. I am an independent who is not a member of either party, so I feel no need to support these practices that hurt the common man in order to feather the nests of the elites -- you know, like a REAL liberal would do?
Expecting more bureaucrats to be a solution to bureaucratic incompetence surely is moronic. Enjoy your monthly bill, useful idiot.
You just type words with no meaning. Life is easy when you have no responsibility and just complain. You’re dumbass suggestion is not feasible and you couldn’t motivate 4 people to support it.
That's because they never simplify it,
Yet the Rich scream like mother fuckers when the Democrats raise taxes on them.
Oh, did you get your wet dream about seeing him in prison? Here's a hint, you're not going to.
Oh, he's going to prison... even Republicans are running away from him now. Did you hear his latest rant after no one showed up at his New Years Eve event... Hitler had more dignity in his bunker.
That's fine. You stick to your rapidly aging headlines while the rest of us push to get the whole thing investigated and get to the truth.
Yawn, guy, no one has proven the laptop is hunters... no DNA, no fingerprints, no bill of sale that that device was sold to Hunter directly.

So what you have is a device that would have no value in a court of law. Congress can call Hunter to testify, and he can claim as long as he is in litigation with the IRS over the valid issue of taxes, he can't answer any questions.

It's like you guys learned not a fucking thing from the Clinton era.
I haven’t forgotten the party that gave huge tax breaks to the rich, let millions in Covid relief money go to wealthy cronies and businesses that no one in their right mind would classify as small while the real small businesses struggled to get any and were too often turned down. Republicans.

That's generally want happens when the People want to believe the Federal Government and the Establishment,
has the least bit of interest in actually accomplishing something worthwhile.

Your problem seems to be firmly embedded in the fact you only look in one direction ... Thus, you are part of the problem.


That's generally want happens when the People want to believe the Federal Government and the Establishment,
has the least bit of interest in actually accomplishing something worthwhile.

Your problem seems to be firmly embedded in the fact you only look in one direction ... Thus, you are part of the problem.

I don’t any one party is the entire problem.
Because they hired 87,000 new agents to go after Pepsico, Boeing, and Amazon.....Corporate players whose asses hacks like you can't jam your heads up far enough.
Speak for yourself.
Expecting more bureaucrats to be a solution to bureaucratic incompetence surely is moronic. Enjoy your monthly bill, useful idiot.
So what is the solution?

It’s like border control. It is grossly undermanned So let’s NOT hire more people.
No, we still won't allow you to be a socialist parasite just because you keep crying about how unfair it is that you can't be a socialist parasite.

You're no doubt cheating on taxes yourself. Why else would you be upset about giving a bare minimum of funding to the IRS? You're a welfare case, someone who wants the bennies from gubmint without paying for anything.

But mainly, you're repeating what your rich masters want you to repeat. They want to pull a Trump and cheat on their taxes for tens of millions, so they told you to help them do it.

Sucks for you that your fascist pals in the House can't actually do anything except make a lot of noise.

Yep, it's a right wing uber rich ruse, to keep the very wealthiest, from being audited, which takes 5 times the auditors for one of their billionaire returns...

The republicans have ALWAYS protected THE very richest, from paying taxes..... And that's their scam once again....

Convincing the poorest, that these greatly needed IRS employees are going to go after the little guys, you MUST stop them! Is all just the wealthiest in the country, worried about being caught tax cheating, like Trump!
Werent the House and Senate controlled by the Democrats as well as them holding the Presidency just last year? Why didnt they close all these loopholes and make the rich pay their "fair share" Because it's just the other team's uber rich that want to keep from being audited. Didnt the Dems hold basically a filibuster proof majority in the Senate (57 D's and 2 I's who caucused with them), the House and the Presidency less than 10 years ago? Did they close these loopholes then?

How many checks have the Pelosi's written to the IRS for taxes they didnt owe? Nancy's worth 120 million dollars btw. How many by Bernie or AOC? Marc Warner? He's worth 250 million. The reality is none of them pays a dime more than they absolutely have to, the only difference is the R's are at least honest about not wanting to pay the taxes.
I don’t any one party is the entire problem.

It wasn't talking about what you think ... Simply what you support, where you choose to engage ...
What you are looking at when you do ... Where you look for solutions to the problems you see ...
And I didn't reference any party whatsoever.

But then again ... You're the one that indicated parties.
I would prefer people started thinking for themselves ... And doing their best to empower themselves in their own States and Communities ...
Kind of like they talked about in the Constitution.

No, we still won't allow you to be a socialist parasite just because you keep crying about how unfair it is that you can't be a socialist parasite.

You're no doubt cheating on taxes yourself. Why else would you be upset about giving a bare minimum of funding to the IRS? You're a welfare case, someone who wants the bennies from gubmint without paying for anything.

But mainly, you're repeating what your rich masters want you to repeat. They want to pull a Trump and cheat on their taxes for tens of millions, so they told you to help them do it.

Sucks for you that your fascist pals in the House can't actually do anything except make a lot of noise.
Fascism is leftist ,,,go back to school
It is simply a product of logical deduction, the likes of which seems beyond you. Since only small businesses were shut down, then they were the obvious targets.

Your deduction is faulty and lacks logic. The bulk of lost revenue is going to be with the wealthy who have many more ways to hide their wealth and avoid paying. Take a look at what has been coming out about Trumps taxes, and Trump isn’t the only one far. Wealthy or politically connected people, Rep and Dem, can do this, it isn’t partisan. WHY would they spend so much money going after small businesses when the potential revenue gained is so small? Makes no sense.

It also makes no sense to claim only small business’ we’re shut down, as if that was purposeful. First, lockdowns were by state, not federal, decisions, and they were done by blue and red states alike and small businesses were disproportionately hurt. In addition, small businesses, like a family owned travel agency got proportionately far less Covid money (if any) than larger businesses like the airline industries.

There is also no evidence that small businesses were targeted in any way, for demise - rather, large entities, who donate lots to the political parties (both) get lots and lots of money and concessions while the rest struggle to get a seat at the table.

So there really is no logical reason to think they are hiring more tax people to go after small businesses.

You are an extreme partisan, so support this targeted destruction of small business.
What a stupid thing to say.

Going by your almost lockstep support of Republican ideas and policy and complete opposition I think your vaunted non partisanship is NINO….Nonpartisan In Name Only.
I am an independent who is not a member of either party,

I am an independent who is not a member of either party.

so what?

so I feel no need to support these practices that hurt the common man in order to feather the nests of the elites -- you know, like a REAL liberal would do?
You have yet to show that this targets small business more than the elites. Frankly, if you are supposed to be a “real liberal” why were you silent when small businesses were getting screwed over with the Covid relief money?

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