First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Oh, you're a white supremacist. You should have led with that. It would have saved everyone a lot of time.
You are one monumentally stupid little sheeple.

The great reset is a dystopian economic scheme hatched by Klaus Schwab and other globalists in the World Economic Forum to destroy national sovereignty, replace individual rights with a system placing themselves in complete control, and otherwise reduce everybody to peons who serve them.
Since I support my claims unlike many on 2020 ballot.

so you oppose single payer healthcare and social security?
You never heard what you should do when you are in a hole, eh?
A truly flat tax means that poor people pay a disproportionately larger share.
Pay attention.

I have no problem with math. Learn what disproportionate means.
Apparently, you have a massive problem with math. 20% of $1,000 is the exact same proportion of the $1,000 as 20% is of $1,000,000. Exact. 20% IS THE PROPORTION. Sheesh!

That's why it is called a flax tax. An example of disproportionate is the contribution to federal taxes by high income earners. The top 10% income earners paid more than 70% of the taxes. The top 50% paid over 97% of all taxes, and the bottom 50% paid less than 3% (did the math for you).
Is it because I view the government as part of a solution rather than the entire problem?

I am glad you mentioned this ... Gives me the opportunity to expound.

In essence, the government can provide for better solutions ... Problem is, ours isn't.
We are a Sovereign Nation of Laws ... But that doesn't mean we can just do whatever we want by making it legal or illegal ...
We do have a Constitution ... There are limits to its Power.

I also see the desire of the People to look towards the Federal Government in most case ...
As simply a means by which to leverage the opinions of People who do not live in their community ...
In attempts to accomplish what they cannot within that community.

In other cases ... I feel it is more the desire to meddle in other Peoples' business ...
And equally pervasive in all aspects of most politics nowadays.
There's very little difference between Modern Conservatives and Progressives ... Not in policy direction ...
But simply in the terms of how far they are willing to lean towards Authoritarianism to accomplish their goals.

Unfortunately most people don't know what 87,000 additional IRS workers will mean to them. For instance I've never been audited in my life. I have dozens if not over a hundred deductions every year. They don't bother me because I'm not wealthy. it's not worth their time. And who came up with this trillion dollar figure anyway? Oh, that's right, the same people that want to create more of these government dependents.

Like I said, when I read stories of how our current IRS agents are working 10 hour days or 6 day weeks, then I'll believe they are understaffed because that's what private industry does when they need more work output.

I am glad you mentioned this ... Gives me the opportunity to expound.

In essence, the government can provide for better solutions ... Problem is, ours isn't.
We are a Sovereign Nation of Laws ... But that doesn't mean we can just do whatever we want by making it legal or illegal ...
We do have a Constitution ... There are limits to its Power.

I also see the desire of the People to look towards the Federal Government in most case ...
As simply a means by which to leverage the opinions of People who do not live in their community ...
In attempts to accomplish what they cannot within that community.

In other cases ... I feel it is more the desire to meddle in other Peoples' business ...
And equally pervasive in all aspects of most politics nowadays.
There's very little difference between Modern Conservatives and Progressives ... Not in policy direction ...
But simply in the terms of how far they are willing to lean towards Authoritarianism to accomplish their goals.

I don’t think your poem rhymes…
I read it several times…
You never heard what you should do when you are in a hole, eh?

Apparently, you have a massive problem with math. 20% of $1,000 is the exact same proportion of the $1,000 as 20% is of $1,000,000. Exact. 20% IS THE PROPORTION. Sheesh!

That's why it is called a flax tax. An example of disproportionate is the contribution to federal taxes by high income earners. The top 10% income earners paid more than 70% of the taxes. The top 50% paid over 97% of all taxes, and the bottom 50% paid less than 3% (did the math for you).
So wealthy people pay more in taxes than poor people

That is not FAIR
Everyone should pay the same
I have no problem with math. Learn what disproportionate means.

Disproportionate means a larger or smaller portion in comparison to something else ... And the "something else" you referred to was a "share" ...
Which I am sure you didn't mean "share of taxes" and probably meant "share of income" ... Which leads back to the silly idea of "fair share of taxes" ...
When in all seriousness ... There isn't anything fair about it.

It just more Critical Theory and Class Warfare garbage meant to divide the People ... Marxism straight out of the book ...
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" ... Popularized by Karl Marx in 1875 in his Critique of Gotha Programme.

This is America ... The Communist Manifesto is not our Constitution.
And you wonder why people run around calling other people Marxist ... :auiqs.jpg:

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….to reverse the order hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and hard-working moderate earners. It’s shameful that the Democrats want to develop an army to intimidate and harass Americans, while they allocate funding for a measly 300 border agents to prevent the invasion from the southern border.

Up until now, the Democrats have treated foreigners here illegally better than honest Americans. That begins to change tomorrow when Republicans take over.

Describe that process
Wouldn't you rather have Congress doing frivolous things than getting further entangled in our lives, making things worse, spending us further into debt we'll never get out of, hastening the collapse of the economy, that sort of thing?
He is just a troll

Disproportionate means a larger or smaller portion in comparison to something else ... And the "something else" your referred to was a "share" ...
Which I am sure you didn't mean "share of taxes" and probably meant "share of income" ... Which leads back to the silly idea of "fair share of taxes" ...
When in all seriousness ... There isn't anything fair about it.

It just more Critical Theory and Class Warfare garbage meant to divide the People ... Marxism straight out of the book ...
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" ... Popularized by Karl Marx in 1875 in his Critique of Gotha Programme.

This is America ... The Communist Manifesto is not our Constitution.
And you wonder why people run around calling other people Marxist ... :auiqs.jpg:

Hear, Hear!
Another bale of wet farts..

No, he's not going to prison, you won't get your wet dream. The worst that will happen is a fine that he will pay from petty cash.
uh, I wouldn't count on that. Here's the thing, high ranking Republicans would like to see Trump go down worse than Democrats. They know he is destroying their party, and he's attacked many of them personally. "Coco" Chao? What the fuck, dude? Sending Trump to prison exonerates the rest of the GOP from his bad behavior. This is the great GOP secret, when someone becomes gangrenous enough, you amputate. It's what they did with Nixon, it's what they did with McCarthy.

Then why the demand that it be given back?
Because if the laptop isn't his, at least SOME of the data on it might be. In any event, it was accessed and distributed without his knowledge.

Would you want the contents of your personal computer disseminated, I wouldn't.
That's stupid. They don't have to just ask him about his taxes. They get him on the stand, get him to answer questions about the stuff on the laptop under oath, then branch out from there when he opens the door to further questioning. Haven't you been paying any attention at all?

Nope. All he has to do is state that he is invoking his right. Heck, he can probably just refuse to show up, just like Trump did with the J-6 committee... which was actually investigating something.

We learned a lot from the Clinton era. For one, if you're well enough connected in the democrat party, you're untouchable. For another, judges really hate it when a lawyer lies under oath in their court and don't care what they lied about. That was pretty cool.

Actually, what we learned is that the GOP will pander to it's fringe crazy base to the detriment of the country.
So at the end of the day, you proved Clinton lied about getting a blow job.
Um, how did that make your life any better.

Truth to be told here, back in the Nineties, I was one of you right wing assholes who said "Subornation of Perjury" and "Obstruction of Justice", but at the end of the day, the economy was pretty good under Clinton and we avoided any major wars.

Then Bush got in. And in 2008, a bunch of us were left with underwater mortgages, busted 401K's and lost jobs.
Gee, I wish the worse thing we had to worry about is lying about a blow job.
lol....Really? You pull a stock photo on the internet and pass it off as yours, how foolish can you be? lol....Too much.... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Nope, it is mine. I have posted it on here a few times. I took a pic of it before I mailed it in. Good luck finding a stock photo of someone voting for Jo and Spike on a state of Ill ballot.
Nope, it is mine. I have posted it on here a few times. I took a pic of it before I mailed it in. Good luck finding a stock photo of someone voting for Jo and Spike on a state of Ill ballot.

They won't ... I already looked ... I'll give you a thumbs up on that ... :thup:

However ... I don't have picture of it, but I wrote my next-door neighbor's name in one time ... He didn't win either.
It was just one of those circumstances where I didn't like any of them ... And was unwilling to write my own name down.

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