First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Republicans are not winning because our electorate is changing. We are going from people with knowledge of politics to the politically ignorant. That's why the Communists are pushing for mail-in voting so bad. The more mail-in voters you have, the more stupid and politically ignorant people you are going to attract to vote.
Republicans cannot win because their values are out of sync with mainstream America.
Abortion is a good example.
A solid 85% of American voters believe that women should have autonomy over their own bodies and reproductive choices yet the GOP keeps itself in bondage to the Godless (so called) "Christian Right" and it's blood money campaign lobby so that it never evolves beyond dark age thinking on this issue.

And this is just ONE example.
Republicans are not winning because our electorate is changing. We are going from people with knowledge of politics to the politically ignorant. That's why the Communists are pushing for mail-in voting so bad. The more mail-in voters you have, the more stupid and politically ignorant people you are going to attract to vote.
Yup. Dems depend on the stupid and ignorant to win elections.
Republicans cannot win because their values are out of sync with mainstream America.
Abortion is a good example.
A solid 85% of American voters believe that women should have autonomy over their own bodies and reproductive choices yet the GOP keeps itself in bondage to the Godless (so called) "Christian Right" and it's blood money campaign lobby so that it never evolves beyond dark age thinking on this issue.

And this is just ONE example.
Sure, women should have autonomy over their own bodies. Get a nose job. Get breast implants. Turn into a “man” if you want.

But there’s another body involved with abortion, which you leftists always skip right over.
Is it the State of Confusion?

Or maybe we are skeptical that the IRS will show their true colors again and target those of a particular political persuasion.

The IRS focuses on the poor. That's by design of Republicans.

As usual, you're projecting your own corrupt and treasonous behavior on to ethical people. After all, TheParty told you to do that, and you never disobey TheParty.

Nah, they would never do that, right?
If you're not just repeating dumb commie propaganda, I'm sure you can show everyone where the IRS attacked conservatives.

How do your masters want you to respond to that? Check in and report back. Do your usual thing where you run back to them, drop to your knees, lick their boots with gusto, and beg for new lies. Such a good little commie bootlicker you are. Your masters love you.
Sure, women should have autonomy over their own bodies. Get a nose job. Get breast implants. Turn into a “man” if you want.

But there’s another body involved with abortion, which you leftists always skip right over.

85% of Americans do not want the Pro-abortion position that the Left currently has.
85% do want the Safe, legal and rare version.

Simply dismiss the lunatic posters.

The IRS focuses on the poor. That's by design of Republicans.

As usual, you're projecting your own corrupt and treasonous behavior on to ethical people. After all, TheParty told you to do that, and you never disobey TheParty.

If you're not just repeating dumb commie propaganda, I'm sure you can show everyone where the IRS attacked conservatives.

How do your masters want you to respond to that? Check in and report back. Do your usual thing where you run back to them, drop to your knees, lick their boots with gusto, and beg for new lies. Such a good little commie bootlicker you are. Your masters love you.

Were you in a coma the Entire Obama Presidency?
85% of Americans do not want the Pro-abortion position that the Left currently has.
85% do want the Safe, legal and rare version.

Simply dismiss the lunatic posters.
A lot of idiot leftists don’t even know the cruel, inhumane version the Left is pushing: abortion on demand, at any point in the pregnancy, even as birth is in process. And if the baby survives the attempts to kill it, drop it in the trash can and let it starve or freeze to death.
A lot of idiot leftists don’t even know the cruel, inhumane version the Left is pushing: abortion on demand, at any point in the pregnancy, even as birth is in process. And if the baby survives the attempts to kill it, drop it in the trash can and let it starve or freeze to death.

That information is not Democrat cult approved.
When someone like you or myself say that - the cultists think that it is simply a lie.
The cult has them convinced that they are the only truth.

The IRS focuses on the poor. That's by design of Republicans.

As usual, you're projecting your own corrupt and treasonous behavior on to ethical people. After all, TheParty told you to do that, and you never disobey TheParty.

If you're not just repeating dumb commie propaganda, I'm sure you can show everyone where the IRS attacked conservatives.

How do your masters want you to respond to that? Check in and report back. Do your usual thing where you run back to them, drop to your knees, lick their boots with gusto, and beg for new lies. Such a good little commie bootlicker you are. Your masters love you.
I can, faggot.

"In 2013, then Acting Director of Exempt Organizations at IRS, Lois Lerner, apologized to a room of tax lawyers for the IRS's inappropriate targeting of conservative political groups."

And are doing so again, now. Same M.O., just like Obama.
Were you in a coma the Entire Obama Presidency?

I didn't ask you to repeat some big lie that your fascist masters trickled down your eager throat. I asked for evidence.

Needless to say, you deflected and run.

Undestand that your gaslighting doesn't work on normal people. We know you lie about everything.

Now, shouldn't you be focusing on the next massive Republican cheating campaign? I know you're upset over the failure of your past cheating campaigns. All that effect you expended, all for nothing, but maybe if you send even more money to your masters, your next cheating campaign will work.
That information is not Democrat cult approved.
When someone like you or myself say that - the cultists think that it is simply a lie.
The cult has them convinced that they are the only truth.
They are brainwashed.
I can, faggot.
No you can 't, my sweet little bottom bitch.

All the IRS did was ask for conservative orgs to fill out another form. It takes a special breed of liar to claim that's an attack.

Needless to say, you are such a liar.

Any othe cult lies you'd like to spread? As you've demonstrated so often, you an still type as yoru service fascist wangs, you know.

Oh, more sore-loser bitch tears, please. They noursik the souls of patriots.
No you can 't, my sweet little bottom bitch.

All the IRS did was ask for conservative orgs to fill out another form. It takes a special breed of liar to claim that's an attack.

Needless to say, you are such a liar.

Any othe cult lies you'd like to spread? As you've demonstrated so often, you an still type as yoru service fascist wangs, you know.

Oh, more sore-loser bitch tears, please. They noursik the souls of patriots.
Provable historical facts are not lies, shitbird.
A lot of idiot leftists don’t even know the cruel, inhumane version the Left is pushing: abortion on demand, at any point in the pregnancy, even as birth is in process. And if the baby survives the attempts to kill it, drop it in the trash can and let it starve or freeze to death.
Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're his devoted servant. You demonstrate that with your devotion to lying.

I know you think you've made a deal for a luxury suite in hell, but Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his deals, so you'll burn with the rest.

That's one thing that's so awesome about being a liberal, not burning in hell for eternity. See the story of Lazarus. Conservatives will die, and as they roast in the fiery pit, they'll beg for Hillary Clinton to bring them a drink of water. But as a great abyss separates heaven and hell, Hillary will be unable to help them.
I didn't ask you to repeat some big lie that your fascist masters trickled down your eager throat. I asked for evidence.

Needless to say, you deflected and run.

Undestand that your gaslighting doesn't work on normal people. We know you lie about everything.

Now, shouldn't you be focusing on the next massive Republican cheating campaign? I know you're upset over the failure of your past cheating campaigns. All that effect you expended, all for nothing, but maybe if you send even more money to your masters, your next cheating campaign will work.

You are not normal you are a fucking retard.
Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're his devoted servant. You demonstrate that with your devotion to lying.

I know you think you've made a deal for a luxury suite in hell, but Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his deals, so you'll burn with the rest.

That's one thing that's so awesome about being a liberal, not burning in hell for eternity. See the story of Lazarus. Conservatives will die, and as they roast in the fiery pit, they'll beg for Hillary Clinton to bring them a drink of water. But as a great abyss separates heaven and hell, Hillary will be unable to help them.

Great example of a brain dead cultist.

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