First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're his devoted servant. You demonstrate that with your devotion to lying.

I know you think you've made a deal for a luxury suite in hell, but Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his deals, so you'll burn with the rest.

That's one thing that's so awesome about being a liberal, not burning in hell for eternity. See the story of Lazarus. Conservatives will die, and as they roast in the fiery pit, they'll beg for Hillary Clinton to bring them a drink of water. But as a great abyss separates heaven and hell, Hillary will be unable to help them.

Are you kidding me? Democrats are the disciples of Satan. With every controversial issue, they always side with evil.
Thats it?

Our military has an $850 billion budget. The largest peacetime budget in history

And you claim because they are more inclusive that they are dwindled?
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The "woke" western militaries have been curbstomping the macho Russians.

Thus, any complaints that tmilitary is too "woke" look like insane. It's just old grumpy guys upset because the military isn't gay-hating and white supremacist enough any more, and becasue the military has been kicking out fascist traitors.
No you can 't, my sweet little bottom bitch.

All the IRS did was ask for conservative orgs to fill out another form. It takes a special breed of liar to claim that's an attack.

Needless to say, you are such a liar.

Any othe cult lies you'd like to spread? As you've demonstrated so often, you an still type as yoru service fascist wangs, you know.

Oh, more sore-loser bitch tears, please. They noursik the souls of patriots.
The "woke" western militaries have been curbstomping the macho Russians.

Thus, any complaints that tmilitary is too "woke" look like insane. It's just old grumpy guys upset because the military isn't gay-hating and white supremacist enough any more, and becasue the military has been kicking out fascist traitors.

No, it's because Dementia forced them to get shots, allowed weirdos in dresses to join reversing Trump's policies, forcing recruits to sit through racial brainwashing CRT. Nobody wants to join a military like that. In fact many have left the military for one if not all those reasons. The Democrats destroyed our military like they destroy everything else.
Thats it?

Our military has an $850 billion budget. The largest peacetime budget in history

And you claim because they are more inclusive that they are dwindled?

No, I'm claiming they are more inclusive because they are desperate. Good people don't want to join any longer. Here is a good example of that. These are military recruitment ads of the US, China and Russia. Look at what the left has done to our military.

No, it's because Dementia forced them to get shots, allowed weirdos in dresses to join reversing Trump's policies, forcing recruits to sit through racial brainwashing CRT.
So like I said, it's just grumpy old fascist sore-loser white-supremacist gay-haters complaining.

The military is much stronger without such scum.

Again, the "woke" armies of the west are curbstomping your macho men. You way fails, because it emphasizes empty posturing over competence.
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No, I'm claiming they are more inclusive because they are desperate. Good people don't want to join any longer. Here is a good example of that. These are military recruitment ads of the US, China and Russia. Look at what the left has done to our military.

Our military is more inclusive of women, minorities, homosexuals, non-Christians, Transexuals

They are not inclusive of bigots, white supremacists, homophobes.

How is that Macho Russian Army working out?
Oh, so you're in the top 20% and you feel they are not taking enough of your money?

….only the top 20% pay taxes? Is that what you are saying? I probably pay more than some of them.

Yes. It is my money.

You know, when GW was President, he told the public some of the wealthy complained to him that government is not taking enough of their money. To that he replied "The IRS happily accepts checks and money orders!" He even started an IRS fund where the wealthy could contribute as much to the federal government as they wanted. Very few contributed.

Our military is more inclusive of women, minorities, homosexuals, non-Christians, Transexuals

They are not inclusive of bigots, white supremacists, homophobes.

How is that Macho Russian Army working out?

When we had a macho military limited to normal people we had no problem recruiting people at all. Now, who wants to join a military with freaks and weirdos. Most of us want to stay away from these people. They have serious mental issues.

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