First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

….only the top 20% pay taxes? Is that what you are saying? I probably pay more than some of them.

Yes. It is my money.


Income taxes. Income taxes are different than payroll taxes because it's income taxes that support our entire government and most of our social programs. If you live an average US lifespan, you will get back all the money you paid in payroll tax (and more) minus your local taxes that go for services you currently use.
But first, we need another round of tax cuts for the billionaires because inflation is getting out of hand.

Yes. some have reduced their budgets to yachts 3 feet shorter this year than last year's, and only plan on buying 12 foreign cars this year.
I see. You made a claim you can’t support and it’s the fault of the Dems


I posted a link supporting it, and there are dozens and dozens more out there.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
the Democrats have treated foreigners here illegally better than honest Americans.
Add to that the treatment of the homeless in the US. The democrats spend more money on them than the people who are paying the taxes. Wouldn't it be great if we could get a grassroots movement going to defund the federal government and state governments that are under democrat control?
So like I said, it's just grumpy old fascist sore-loser white-supremacist gay-haters complaining.

The military is much stronger without such scum.

Again, the "woke" armies of the west are curbstomping your macho men. You way fails, because it emphasizes empty posturing over competence.

You commies won't be happy until you turn our entire country into freaks and weirdos. Men kissing men on park benches, guys in dresses going into female bathroom facilities, girls with dicks.
Income taxes. Income taxes are different than payroll taxes because it's income taxes that support our entire government and most of our social programs. If you live an average US lifespan, you will get back all the money you paid in payroll tax (and more) minus your local taxes that go for services you currently use.

No, you won't, since you're getting back dollars that are essentially worthless compared to the dollars you paid in decades ago.
When we had a macho military limited to normal people we had no problem recruiting people at all. Now, who wants to join a military with freaks and weirdos. Most of us want to stay away from these people. They have serious mental issues.
3.7 percent unemployment and rising private salaries make it harder to recruit
Income taxes. Income taxes are different than payroll taxes because it's income taxes that support our entire government and most of our social programs. If you live an average US lifespan, you will get back all the money you paid in payroll tax (and more) minus your local taxes that go for services you currently use.
I pay income tax.
3.7 percent unemployment and rising private salaries make it harder to recruit
We had low unemployment under Trump and it wasn't a problem.

The Pentagon's COVID-19 vaccine mandate appears on the verge of being eliminated by Congress after just over a year, yet the Army -- the only remaining service to never slow down separating troops who refuse inoculation -- said Monday it will not pause those separations.

The Army has kicked out 1,841 active-duty soldiers for refusing inoculation, according to the latest service data released Friday. The Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force have halted or been barred by the courts from continuing separations, particularly for troops requesting religious exemptions, as legal fights play out over Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's August 2021 order that all service members be vaccinated.

No, you won't, since you're getting back dollars that are essentially worthless compared to the dollars you paid in decades ago.

My point still stands. You get back your payroll taxes. You don't get back your income taxes unless you have deductions.

Oh, Democrats will take whatever they can get ... That's no secret ... And it's a testament to their piss poor policy.
Republicans aren't any better ... They'll leave stuff on the table, free for the taking ... And neither one of them are worth a damn.

My best guess is that People need to do what we can ... And snatch as much Power away from them as possible.
There is a bright light is some cases though ... Like in my State where we have been fairly active recently nailing down things in our Constitution.

You don't hear much about it on the National scene ... Because Amendments go to the People to vote on.
The last few batches have been quite successful with more than 70% support ... And that doesn't look good as for the nitwits still playing games.


Your second paragraph is right on the money! We need to grab any tiny victory that we can, and I do this at every opportunity!

Wet fart strikes again.

Nah, it's the logistics of the Secret Service. The absolute worst that they could do to him would be house arrest in the most opulent surroundings you could imagine. Heck, Quid Pro could pardon him "for the sake of the country" (really to avoid a civil war) and really piss him off.

No law says the Secret Service is obligated to guard Trump after he is convicted of Treason. They could easily find a Federal Prison to stick him in his own wing.

If Quid Pro is revealed to have been peddling access to the White House through Hunter or getting kickbacks from any of Hunter's illicit deals, it matters and is simply irrelevant how many times you pop up to assure everyone that you don't care about it.

If my Aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.

Congress already investigated Hunter's dealings, and found no wrongdoing on the part of Joe.

Second, the public REALLY doesn't like it when you go after family. It's a bad look. Just like it was a bad look when people went after Ivanka Trump, even though she was hip deep in dad's corruption.

It really doesn't matter, he lied to the court while under oath, and that's what got him in trouble. Whether he believed oral sex isn't sex is also irrelevant because he knew what he was being asked. Your excuse would never fly in court. "Did you steal the car?". "I don't consider what I did to be stealing, so I'll say no". It's all a moot point anyway, because no matter how often you stomp your feet, they're not going to take your feelz into account in court trials. They just aren't.

Actually, you got it wrong.
Clinton was acquitted by Congress, and he got a minor fine because after pissing away 70 million dollars, Charles Ray (the guy who had to clean up Ken Starr's spooge) knew that any jury would have acquitted Clinton no matter how many jizz stained dresses he brought into court.
Wet fart strikes again.

No law says the Secret Service is obligated to guard Trump after he is convicted of Treason. They could easily find a Federal Prison to stick him in his own wing.
That won't happen. You're not going to see TRUMP! convicted of treason, no matter how many times you insist your feelz are more important than evidence.
If my Aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.
You have a weird aunt.
Congress already investigated Hunter's dealings, and found no wrongdoing on the part of Joe.

Second, the public REALLY doesn't like it when you go after family. It's a bad look. Just like it was a bad look when people went after Ivanka Trump, even though she was hip deep in dad's corruption.
I don't think there's much sympathy to be had for Hunter.
Actually, you got it wrong.
Clinton was acquitted by Congress, and he got a minor fine because after pissing away 70 million dollars, Charles Ray (the guy who had to clean up Ken Starr's spooge) knew that any jury would have acquitted Clinton no matter how many jizz stained dresses he brought into court.
Oh, that's right. A nearly 6 figure fine is "minor" to a political family that left office "broke". Your feelz are coming out again. You also forget he got shamed by losing his law license for a while.
They live to screw over people that worked their entire lives out of their ssi, kill the disabled and become a more inhumane society. These are sick people.

I don't support crime and have a long history of being against the anti-police stance of a lot of democrats but this is also why I don't like either party. I won't blind support either.
That won't happen. You're not going to see TRUMP! convicted of treason, no matter how many times you insist your feelz are more important than evidence.

So what's your position here, Wet Fart? That there's no evidence Trump committed a crime? Because he's under investigation in three states. Or is it that locking up a criminal ex-president will never happen because there's no where to lock him up the Secret Service will agree to? When you get back to me with a coherent argument, let me know.

I don't think there's much sympathy to be had for Hunter.

You'd be surprised. Outside the Right WIng Crazy Sphere, many have had that family member who has struggled with substance abuse.

And I promise you, we will find out how many of these GOP congressmen got THEIR kids out of trouble when this is all over...

Oh, that's right. A nearly 6 figure fine is "minor" to a political family that left office "broke". Your feelz are coming out again. You also forget he got shamed by losing his law license for a while.
Actually, it was a five figure fine, and the Clinton's already had to chuck out millions in legal fees thanks to endless garbage from Ken Starr and whatever parasites were representing Paula Jones that week. So signing off on a slap on the wrist was probably a lot more sensible than arguing in court about whether a blow job was really sex or not.

"No, no, Honey, it wasn't sex! It was just a BLOW JOB. A court said so!"
Sure, women should have autonomy over their own bodies. Get a nose job. Get breast implants. Turn into a “man” if you want.

But there’s another body involved with abortion, which you leftists always skip right over.
MOST people don't look at these aborted cell clusters as "murder."
In fact 82% of us don't.
And THAT is why Republicans can't win elections anymore.

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