First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Nope. Biden's agenda is good for the country.

Why are these "greatly needed" parasites looking at people with at least $600 in the bank? When did they become rich?
Republicans pushed rules and laws to go after the little guy.... The earned income credit people etc, instead of the wealthiest, thank your party for that!!! :(

Democrats are trying to change that focus, on to the millionaire, billionaire, multi billion dollar corporations...

And you have been tricked, by those wealthiest, to be pawns FOR THEM, to prevent that from happening!

Be careful!
So, what time today should we expect a bill to reverse the hiring of needed IRS agents? I am expecting a very productive day 1.
Republicans pushed rules and laws to go after the little guy.... The earned income credit people etc, instead of the wealthiest, thank your party for that!!! :(

Democrats are trying to change that focus, on to the millionaire, billionaire, multi billion dollar corporations...

And you have been tricked, by those wealthiest, to be pawns FOR THEM, to prevent that from happening!

Be careful!
Hey, numbnuts. You obviously ignored what I said. Democrats are going after people with $600 in the bank. Address that.
So what's your position here, Wet Fart? That there's no evidence Trump committed a crime? Because he's under investigation in three states. Or is it that locking up a criminal ex-president will never happen because there's no where to lock him up the Secret Service will agree to? When you get back to me with a coherent argument, let me know.
The argument is that you can't incarcerate a president with a Secret Service detail. That's why I've said you'll only see him get a fine, or in the worst-case scenario, house arrest in opulent surroundings that you can only dream of. Either way, you'll never see him in an orange jumpsuit so you'll never get your wet dream and will have to make do with some lame meme some idiot created.
You'd be surprised. Outside the Right WIng Crazy Sphere, many have had that family member who has struggled with substance abuse.
Of course, and even in the leftwing fever swamp, the families have to hold their addicts responsible for the results of their actions. In Hunter's case, it's gone far beyond just himself if the accounts of him abusing minors are true.
And I promise you, we will find out how many of these GOP congressmen got THEIR kids out of trouble when this is all over...
Yeah, yeah, we know. Your petty little victim, "gonna get you back" act wore out a long time ago. Didn't you get all self-righteous about the Republicans now being able to open retaliatory investigations and impeachments on Quid Pro? Or was that somebody else?
Actually, it was a five figure fine,
It was over $90,000, so "almost six figures" for his handlers to pay stands.
and the Clinton's already had to chuck out millions in legal fees thanks to endless garbage from Ken Starr and whatever parasites were representing Paula Jones that week. So signing off on a slap on the wrist was probably a lot more sensible than arguing in court about whether a blow job was really sex or not.

"No, no, Honey, it wasn't sex! It was just a BLOW JOB. A court said so!"
Well, see, if the court HAD made that determination, it would have had massive legal ramifications in a lot of divorce courts. You know, kind of like the court declaring that defending yourself is not murder. The thing is, he would have wasted his time and his handlers' money because he would have lost (it is sex, after all). Ah, well, justice was done, he had to pay nearly six figures and lost his license for a while, which is humiliating for a lawyer who should have known better. Hmmm, come to think of it, if the court HAD found the it wasn't sex, we would just do what Joe does and say it was anyway.
Republicans pushed rules and laws to go after the little guy.... The earned income credit people etc, instead of the wealthiest, thank your party for that!!! :(

Democrats are trying to change that focus, on to the millionaire, billionaire, multi billion dollar corporations...

And you have been tricked, by those wealthiest, to be pawns FOR THEM, to prevent that from happening!

Be careful!

Not to change the subject, but I have a bridge for sale if you're in the market. You can setup toll booths and everything.

Can you explain to me how the Republicans, who had zero power for two years, could tell the IRS how to do anything? And if these evil rich owed our government all these billions of dollars the Communists are claiming, why they just didn't switch from going after the little guy to going after the big guy? I mean, we little people could owe at most what, like twenty thirty bucks, maybe a few hundred in extreme cases? Getting one of those rich people would net them more revenue than a few hundred of us little tax filers.

Look......I know you're a leftist making it very difficult to think for yourself, but when these people feed you these lines of bullshit, you have to stop and think what they are saying because it makes zero sense. You have to ask yourself questions.

If the IRS was that short handed, they would be working 10 hour days six days a week. That's what the private market does before they hire more people. Making your people work more OT is much cheaper than hiring new employees. And if they are so short handed, why are they teaching their agents how to use guns and practicing at the gun range instead of doing more tax returns? Since nobody ever heard of an IRS agent ever needing a gun, why doesn't our government quit buying millions of dollars in guns and ammo, and hire more agents using that money instead?
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Ray From Cleveland

The first place to start is to make the current IRS workers put in full days. I know someone who works for the IRS, and goes into the office only once a week - and he complains about that. He says that it takes time from managing the rental apartments he owns.

Thats the government worker for you these days. They really need to crack down.
Not as weird as Republicans always giving in to Democrats but Democrats never giving up anything for Republicans.
The wall would been 100% funded if the pubs agreed to DACA. Trump was forced to drop it by Pubs. Infrastructure the pubs never offered anything cuz of pubs. Repeal never included replace and was scuttled by pubs. Pubs can’t govern cuz they are broken. They haven’t offered anything. Even the bipartisan crime bill rollback Trump signed was moved forward by Obama.

You see compromise as weak. That’s why your party doesn’t offer anything to progress forward bipartisanly.

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