First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

We have a military consisting of almost 3 million and you think 1800 is crippling?


That's just one branch of our armed services, and given that people were more willing to get kicked out than stay in over the shot, imagine how many stopped joining over it. Just face facts, Democrats are fucking up this country royally.
That's just one branch of our armed services, and given that people were more willing to get kicked out than stay in over the shot, imagine how many stopped joining over it. Just face facts, Democrats are fucking up this country royally.
Actually, very few got thrown out for their refusal to safeguard their fellow service members. and the ones who did, good riddance.
If you're not just repeating dumb commie propaganda, I'm sure you can show everyone where the IRS attacked conservatives.

Don’t follow the news much do you? Obama weaponized the IRS, much like he did the CIA and FBI, to attack Conservative organizations. I linked to NBC here to appease the left-wing soft spot for the MSM.

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

And like good Democrats, whlie under investigation, Lois Lerner’s hard drive just happened to have been corrupted and unrecoverable. Democratic politicians are evil and those that follow them are really dumb and/or equally evil and void of morals.

Lois Lerner on IRS hard drive crash: ‘Sometimes stuff just happens’

To sum up, Obama and the Democrats weaponized many of our federal agencies. You are you kind likely don’t care or maybe don’t even know.
Don’t follow the news much do you? Obama weaponized the IRS, much like he did the CIA and FBI, to attack Conservative organizations. I linked to NBC here to appease the left-wing soft spot for the MSM.

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

And like good Democrats, whlie under investigation, Lois Lerner’s hard drive just happened to have been corrupted and unrecoverable. Democratic politicians are evil and those that follow them are really dumb and/or equally evil and void of morals.

Lois Lerner on IRS hard drive crash: ‘Sometimes stuff just happens’

To sum up, Obama and the Democrats weaponized many of our federal agencies. You are you kind likely don’t care or maybe don’t even know.
This is the sad thing. I find in discussions with them that they know nothing of so many things - such as Lois Lerner using the IRS to go after conservative groups. On two occasions I’ve had liberals say that Trump totally ignored COVID and did nothing, and when I mention the very obvious things he did - such as immediately stop the incoming planes from China - they say they never knew of that.

If they were more knowledgeable, they wouldn’t continue to vote Democrat. Which is why the media, in collusion with the Democrats, delete news favorable to Republicans.
Don’t follow the news much do you? Obama weaponized the IRS, much like he did the CIA and FBI, to attack Conservative organizations. I linked to NBC here to appease the left-wing soft spot for the MSM.
Yes, they actually applied the law, and then apologized for doing so when people whined about not being able to break the law.

This is my biggest problem with Obama... he was kind of a wuss. If Bill Clinton had been in there, he'd have prosecuted the shit out of the Teabaggers for violating tax laws and threw the racist cops in prison on civil right charges instead of just wringing his hands like Obama did.

And like good Democrats, whlie under investigation, Lois Lerner’s hard drive just happened to have been corrupted and unrecoverable. Democratic politicians are evil and those that follow them are really dumb and/or equally evil and void of morals.

Hard drives crash all the time.

This is the sad thing. I find in discussions with them that they know nothing of so many things - such as Lois Lerner using the IRS to go after conservative groups. On two occasions I’ve had liberals say that Trump totally ignored COVID and did nothing, and when I mention the very obvious things he did - such as immediately stop the incoming planes from China - they say they never knew of that.

because he didn't immediately stop them. He just stopped Chinese Nationals from coming to this country. What he did ACTUALLY MADE THINGS WORSE, because in the weeks before he locked it down, thousands of Americans working in China panicked and fled back to the US and brought the virus with them because they weren't quarantined.

You see, unlike you and Trump, a Virus isn't racist. It doesn't care if it's in a white person or an Asian person.

If they were more knowledgeable, they wouldn’t continue to vote Democrat. Which is why the media, in collusion with the Democrats, delete news favorable to Republicans.

Actually, it's the opposite. The ONLY people who have any business voting Republican are the top 20% of wage earners (and then only the ones with no decency). A lot of really stupid white people living in Double Wides vote Republican, and their lives never get any better, but dammit the GOP hate Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
Yes, they actually applied the law, and then apologized for doing so when people whined about not being able to break the law.

They targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot”(God forbid) in their organizational name. In other words, they targeted organizations that were aligned with the Republican Party. That is WRONG. That is EXACTLY what the FBI was doing in their collusion with Twitter. You borderline commies don’t care because your wacko agenda is being supported, but the reality is that it is a very dangerous practice.

We know you don’t want desenting opinions because it disturbs the Utopian ideals you have implanted in your tiny little brains, but for the good of the country, you need to wake up. Either that or just move to Europe where you likely feel is a bastion for all things good. Us sensible folks left in the US may continue to protect you there while your new government spends all your money on balloons, party favors, wine and cheese instead of personal protection. We may also save you from your own stupidity, much like Trump did with that nitwit Merckle, though she didn’t listen until it was too late.

Hard drives crash all the time.

Yeah, especially when subponed while under investigation. Purely coincidental, yet again. You can’t be this naive, or can you?
You see, unlike you and Trump, a Virus isn't racist. It doesn't care if it's in a white person or an Asian person.

Now you are calling people racist again because they don’t agree with your wacko agenda. Shocker.

Actually, it's the opposite. The ONLY people who have any business voting Republican are the top 20% of wage earners (and then only the ones with no decency). A lot of really stupid white people living in Double Wides vote Republican, and their lives never get any better, but dammit the GOP hate Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.

Poor people vote for Democrats. That is well known. Anybody that is not on the government dole should vote Republican. Simple as that. I am WELL inside the top 20% now, but was so when I was making very little while in college and shortly thereafter. Of course, I was inside the the current top 20% pretty much right out of school. I was making as much here in the “lowly” South decades ago as you claim to make currently in a high cost state/city. One would think that being white and all and having all that privilidge, you would have been able to do much better. Maybe you should re-think your positions and question your strategies. Who am I kidding? It takes a wise, introspective individual to admit their faults and make corrections. Most Democrats, yourself included, are neither.
The solution is to destroy the Left. Make sure they are permanently banned from all political offices ever again!

In any other country they would be. Can you guess what would happen to someone if you tried to start a democratic representative republic movement in China? Sad thing is that healthy governments don't defend nor protect the rights of subversives to come into their country and establish a beachhead, just as they don't defend and protect illegal criminal invaders from storming their borders.

And true shining cities on the hill the model of democracies the world over don't hand out billions of dollars to rogue fascist oppressive governments while raising that other country's flag in their own halls of government.

That gets you shot as a traitor most places except in Biden's America.

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Have any countries in W. Europe waved a foreign flag in their hall of parliament?
Now you are calling people racist again because they don’t agree with your wacko agenda. Shocker.

Poor people vote for Democrats. That is well known. Anybody that is not on the government dole should vote Republican. Simple as that. I am WELL inside the top 20% now, but was so when I was making very little while in college and shortly thereafter. Of course, I was inside the the current top 20% pretty much right out of school. I was making as much here in the “lowly” South decades ago as you claim to make currently in a high cost state/city. One would think that being white and all and having all that privilidge, you would have been able to do much better. Maybe you should re-think your positions and question your strategies. Who am I kidding? It takes a wise, introspective individual to admit their faults and make corrections. Most Democrats, yourself included, are neither.
Yup. The people voting for Democrats are part of the government class: either “working” for the govt while staying at home collecting six figures, on a generous inflation-protected pension, or on government handouts like food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing.

The industrious people of the working and middle classes, along with retirees who have responsibly saved for the golden years, vote Republican. They see how unfair it is to take their a portion of their earnings and hand it over to people on the government dole who won’t take a job.
We have a military consisting of almost 3 million and you think 1800 is crippling?

It could be devastating if they are among your best, top, crack people, jerk. Especially after already purging yourself of your finest and best for many years over shallow party politics and political agendas that have nothing to do with military readiness, ass.
In any other country they would be. Can you guess what would happen to someone if you tried to start a democratic representative republic movement in China? Sad thing is that healthy governments don't defend nor protect the rights of subversives to come into their country and establish a beachhead, just as they don't defend and protect illegal criminal invaders from storming their borders.

And true shining cities on the hill the model of democracies the world over don't hand out billions of dollars to rogue fascist oppressive governments while raising that other country's flag in their own halls of government.

That gets you shot as a traitor most places except in Biden's America.

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Have any countries in W. Europe waved a foreign flag in their hall of parliament?
The woman on the right waving a foreign flag in our hall of parliament is the same witch who ripped up the speech given by the U.S. president In the same place. While standing six feet away. While on national TV. While sneering with satisfaction.
The woman on the right waving a foreign flag in our hall of parliament is the same witch who ripped up the speech given by the U.S. president In the same place. While standing six feet away. While on national TV. While sneering with satisfaction.

Yes. If I had my way, I'd have her up on charges of treason and disbarred of all government benefits, savings and healthcare, along with that puke Gen. Milley, who aided the CCP against his own president.

The chinese would have had that bastard shot by sundown the same day.
Yes. If I had my way, I'd have her up on charges of treason and disbarred of all government benefits, savings and healthcare, along with that puke Gen. Milley, who aided the CCP against his own president.

The chinese would have had that bastard shot by sundown the same day.

But most Democrats had no problem with it, much like they don’t care about the FBI collusion with social media. As long as the get their way, they couldn’t care less how it affects our Democracy.
It could be devastating if they are among your best, top, crack people, jerk. Especially after already purging yourself of your finest and best for many years over shallow party politics and political agendas that have nothing to do with military readiness, ass.
It “could be” a lot of things… but it ain’t
Republicans cannot win because their values are out of sync with mainstream America.

Wierd. I thought they just won the House.

Abortion is a good example.
A solid 85% of American voters believe that women should have autonomy over their own bodies and reproductive choices yet the GOP keeps itself in bondage to the Godless (so called) "Christian Right" and it's blood money campaign lobby so that it never evolves beyond dark age thinking on this issue.


The righties did the right thing and returned the choice to the People.

WTF are you complaining about?
But most Democrats had no problem with it, much like they don’t care about the FBI collusion with social media. As long as the get their way, they couldn’t care less how it affects our Democracy.
It’s their Marxist training: the ends justify the means.
Okay, so you are back to that argument. Seems to me it would be a lot easier for the Secret Service to watch him in a Cell.

Of course, I'd be just fine with removing his detail and let his cell-mate have at him with a shank.
Of course, you would because you don't care about justice, you just want blood. We know that about you.
Well, they aren't.. but you keep watching those deepfake videos that are totally true.

Only person Hunter hurt was Hunter.
And you can prove all of this? I'm willing to allow an in-depth investigation prove it one way or another. Obviously, you've glommed onto a headline that confirms your bias and you'll just keep repeating it no matter what.
Not at all. YOu find one Congressman who weaseled his way out of a DUI or got his kid into rehab, you are going to come off a like a bunch of hypocrites.

Actually, it was a 10K fine from Judge Weber Wright.
$90,000+. Where DO you come up with this nonsense? This is why you are repeatedly accused of just making up stuff and robotically repeating it without substance. You know, like the gun industry intentionally marketing to crazies. This is literally from a single Google search:

Clinton fined $90,000 for court sex lie

"A federal judge yesterday fined Bill Clinton over $90,000 (£57,000) for denying under oath that he had had sex with Monica Lewinsky, in an unprecedented penalty imposed on an incumbent US president.

The fine was ordered by Judge Susan Webber Wright, three months after she found him guilty of contempt for giving false testimony in a sexual harassment case brought against him by a former Arkansas government employee, Paula Jones."

Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

"In April 1999, U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright found Clinton in contempt of court for giving false testimony in the Paula Jones sexual harassment trial and fined him over $90,000:"
Uh, guy, he hadn't practiced law in something like 20 years at that point... and he left office with high approval ratings and people having nothing but contempt for Starr and the GOP for turning a petty affair into a national crisis.
Oh, I'm sure in your fantasy world all that happened, but it's humiliating for a lawyer to admit he was so dumb he lost his license because he lied under oath. Lawyers are supposed to be smarter than that. He wasn't.
I mean, it would have been nice that instead of dealing with this bullshit, he was able to go after Bin Laden without Republicans screaming he was "Wagging the Dog" for doing so.

Well, I'm sure nothing bad was going to happen because he wasn't able to...

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Except that that CIA agents specifically said they were forbidden by Bubba to kill Bin Laden. They stated that he could have prevented 9/11. He also turned down an offer from Sudan to get Bin Laden because he didn't want to work with them.

See, this is what happens when you seek bias confirmation instead of looking at reality. The reality is, Bubba made 9/11 possible.

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