First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Yes. If I had my way, I'd have her up on charges of treason and disbarred of all government benefits, savings and healthcare, along with that puke Gen. Milley, who aided the CCP against his own president.

If I had my way I'd have her strung up by the toes in the middle of the public square, with her nose six inches from the ground so all the winos could pee on her and all the little kids could kick her in the head.

The chinese would have had that bastard shot by sundown the same day.
If I had my way I'd have her strung up by the toes in the middle of the public square, with her nose six inches from the ground so all the winos could pee on her and all the little kids could kick her in the head.

Nah, 6 years in solitary at the DC gulag followed by being shot for treason at sun up is good enough for me. I don't hate the pathetic lush I just don't want her running my government.
….to reverse the order hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and hard-working moderate earners. It’s shameful that the Democrats want to develop an army to intimidate and harass Americans, while they allocate funding for a measly 300 border agents to prevent the invasion from the southern border.

Up until now, the Democrats have treated foreigners here illegally better than honest Americans. That begins to change tomorrow when Republicans take over.

Tjis aged well.
They targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot”(God forbid) in their organizational name. In other words, they targeted organizations that were aligned with the Republican Party. That is WRONG. That is EXACTLY what the FBI was doing in their collusion with Twitter. You borderline commies don’t care because your wacko agenda is being supported, but the reality is that it is a very dangerous practice.

Uh, yeah, the groups that were likely to have those words in their titles were the ones who actually would try to game the system, which is what they did.
The only thing wrong that Tea Party Patriots on 9/12 was calling itself a social weflare/education non-profit to hide their contributors. This is against the law if they are actually going to do politics.

But Obama, always thinking you people can be trusted, wussed out.

We know you don’t want desenting opinions because it disturbs the Utopian ideals you have implanted in your tiny little brains, but for the good of the country, you need to wake up. Either that or just move to Europe where you likely feel is a bastion for all things good. Us sensible folks left in the US may continue to protect you there while your new government spends all your money on balloons, party favors, wine and cheese instead of personal protection. We may also save you from your own stupidity, much like Trump did with that nitwit Merckle, though she didn’t listen until it was too late.

Well, first, I was in the military for 11 years, so I did far more to defend this country than you ever will.
Second- and wait for it - Republicans aren't good for the country. EVERY REPUBLICAN Presidency in the last 70 years has ended in Recession and a decline of the middle class.
Third, Europe had well-deserved contempt for Trump. So did the rest of the world, pretty much.

Now you are calling people racist again because they don’t agree with your wacko agenda. Shocker.
No, I was pointing out that when you exclude people based on race, as Trump did, you are going to spread the virus. WHITE people brought Covid into this country. Asian people got beaten up because Trump riled up hatred and fear.

Poor people vote for Democrats. That is well known. Anybody that is not on the government dole should vote Republican. Simple as that. I am WELL inside the top 20% now,
I'm sure you have the nicest Double Wide in Hooterville, Cleetus.
One would think that being white and all and having all that privilidge, you would have been able to do much better. Maybe you should re-think your positions and question your strategies. Who am I kidding? It takes a wise, introspective individual to admit their faults and make corrections. Most Democrats, yourself included, are neither.

Actually, as I have said, I for Republicans in every election between 1980 and 2008. Then in 2008, after Second Bush's SECOND recession, I found myself with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K, and having to change jobs because my company didn't like I ran up too many medical bills in 2007.

I wish I had appreciated Clinton more... and Obama, despite my criticisms, did a pretty good job of turning the economy around. Trump fucked up the economy, of course, but since I was expecting him to do so, I was a little better prepared.

2022 I posted my first six figure year, between my straight job, my side business and running a rental property. Now all I have to do is keep Republicans from fucking things up again before I retire in 2027.
Uh, yeah, the groups that were likely to have those words in their titles were the ones who actually would try to game the system, which is what they did.

No, they were not more likely. Lerner admitted the behavior was wrong.

Well, first, I was in the military for 11 years, so I did far more to defend this country than you ever will.

Thank you for your service. If your delusions and lack of mental acumen are a result of military combat or training I am truly sorry, otherwise, you don't get a pass for voting to destroy our country just because you served.

Second- and wait for it - Republicans aren't good for the country. EVERY REPUBLICAN Presidency in the last 70 years has ended in Recession and a decline of the middle class.
Third, Europe had well-deserved contempt for Trump. So did the rest of the world, pretty much.

Trump didn't cause the recession, a very, very conveniently timed world-wide pandemic coupled with Democratic mass hysteria caused a downturn.

No, Europe, Germany in particular, was stupid and he called them out on it. They didn't like it, but of course have now changed their ways. Merkle was too stubborn to listen. To borrow a phrase Democrats love to throw around, Trump asked European NATO members to pay their fail share and they didn't like that. They want to keep spending money on frivolous things instead of protecting their country. Lucky for them, ole' Joe doesn't care to foot the bill for Europe's eccentricities. Pragmatism is not a tenant of the the liberal mind.

No, I was pointing out that when you exclude people based on race, as Trump did, you are going to spread the virus. WHITE people brought Covid into this country. Asian people got beaten up because Trump riled up hatred and fear.

Trump excluded people based on race or he hired what he though was the best person for the job? Biden certainly excluded people based on race and gender and openly stated he was going to do so. Not a peep from you folks.

I'm sure you have the nicest Double Wide in Hooterville, Cleetus.

Here we go again. Yeah, my physician wife and I live in a double-wide. Everybody in the South lives in a double-wide. Who knew.

Trump fucked up the economy, of course, but since I was expecting him to do so, I was a little better prepared.
No, COVID messed up the economy. Pre-COVID the economy was doing fantastic. Where were you?

2022 I posted my first six figure year, between my straight job, my side business and running a rental property. Now all I have to do is keep Republicans from fucking things up again before I retire in 2027.

Congratulations. If only you didn't live in such a high tax state you may be able to have a decent standard of living. If you continue to progress on the income scale, you will be enemy #1 of the Democrats. You would be considered a "rich" white guy. Ironically, you would likely vote to mess up your own retirement because Democrats are kind of like that...naïve and a little dense.
First order of business is try to get their shot together in SOME kind of manner
No, they were not more likely. Lerner admitted the behavior was wrong.
You mean she wussed out. Again, biggest problem with Democrats is that they are wusses.

Thank you for your service. If your delusions and lack of mental acumen are a result of military combat or training I am truly sorry, otherwise, you don't get a pass for voting to destroy our country just because you served.
Boy, I'm smarter than you are.... Frankly, you are a redneck who uses fancy words and thinks he is smart because he repeats whatever he heard on Hate Radio today.
Trump didn't cause the recession, a very, very conveniently timed world-wide pandemic coupled with Democratic mass hysteria caused a downturn.

Actually, he did, first in all his idiotic trade policies that fouled up supply chains. Secondly, because of his mismanagement of Covid brought the economy to a grinding halt compared to other countries.

No, Europe, Germany in particular, was stupid and he called them out on it. They didn't like it, but of course have now changed their ways. Merkle was too stubborn to listen. To borrow a phrase Democrats love to throw around, Trump asked European NATO members to pay their fail share and they didn't like that. They want to keep spending money on frivolous things instead of protecting their country. Lucky for them, ole' Joe doesn't care to foot the bill for Europe's eccentricities. Pragmatism is not a tenant of the the liberal mind.

Nobody paid any attention to what Trump said. Merckle left office respected by her people. Trump has become an increasingly sad clown show.

Trump excluded people based on race or he hired what he though was the best person for the job? Biden certainly excluded people based on race and gender and openly stated he was going to do so. Not a peep from you folks.
Actually, the whole Trump only hired the best people is laughable. I could list all the clowns we saw in his years, such as Scaramouci, or Jared, or

Here we go again. Yeah, my physician wife and I live in a double-wide. Everybody in the South lives in a double-wide. Who knew.
Oh, I am sure your betters live in mansions, boy. Just not sure why you all tolerate it.

No, COVID messed up the economy. Pre-COVID the economy was doing fantastic. Where were you?

No, it wasn't. The country was already slipping into recession before most of us heard of Covid. Supply chain problems were endemic, as Trump's tariffs and screwing with trade treaties made it harder to get components and finished goods.

Congratulations. If only you didn't live in such a high tax state you may be able to have a decent standard of living. If you continue to progress on the income scale, you will be enemy #1 of the Democrats. You would be considered a "rich" white guy. Ironically, you would likely vote to mess up your own retirement because Democrats are kind of like that...naïve and a little dense.

I have a fine standard of living, and better yet, I don't have to live next door to racist inbreds in the south.

There is plenty of wealth to go around and I'm fine with paying my fair share. The Uber rich should pay theirs.
You mean she wussed out. Again, biggest problem with Democrats is that they are wusses.

So you think it ok to target groups based on their political affiliation, much like you are likely ok with the FBI colluding with social media to silence opposition. At least we know were you stand.

Boy, I'm smarter than you are.... Frankly, you are a redneck who uses fancy words and thinks he is smart because he repeats whatever he heard on Hate Radio today.

You don't have a clue.

Actually, he did, first in all his idiotic trade policies that fouled up supply chains. Secondly, because of his mismanagement of Covid brought the economy to a grinding halt compared to other countries.

Wrong. COVID was the main cause of supply chain issues, thus why you numbnuts are still talking about the problem today even as Biden bows down to China.

Nobody paid any attention to what Trump said. Merckle left office respected by her people. Trump has become an increasingly sad clown show.

Yeah, that is kind of the problem. Merckly didn't pay attention. She left office and then new leadership was forced to change their energy policy to be less dependent on Russia. Had they paid attention sooner, they would have been in a much better position. Liberal minded folks have never been much on listening to varying opinions, after all, they are always right in their wee little minds.

Oh, I am sure your betters live in mansions, boy. Just not sure why you all tolerate it.

Nah, we all live in double-wides down here, just like you Chicago folks live in ghetto apartments and are dodging bullets on a daily basis.

No, it wasn't. The country was already slipping into recession before most of us heard of Covid. Supply chain problems were endemic, as Trump's tariffs and screwing with trade treaties made it harder to get components and finished goods.

You are lost.

I have a fine standard of living, and better yet, I don't have to live next door to racist inbreds in the south.

There is plenty of wealth to go around and I'm fine with paying my fair share. The Uber rich should pay theirs.

I only wish I could divulge a little more information about my exact whereabouts for you. You could use Zillow to do a little research and would find that it takes quite a wealthy "inbred" to live in my specific location. I should mention your insight to the "inbreds" next door. As a retired physician, he would get a kick out of your delusions.

We pay our "fair share" and then some. I just paid all my property tax bills and can only write off up to $10,000 because Trump capped the deduction through 2025. Biden wanted to eliminate it prior to then but was unable to do so. Weird isn't it? Democrats want to give my family, high income earners, a tax break while Trump wanted to cap that break. It isn't the federal government's responsibility to account for the exorbitant taxes of blue states in the form of a federal tax deduction. I am ok with SALT being capped, despite it hurting me. You have been sold a bill of goods that Democrats want to tax the rich and help the poor. They have no interest in doing that unless the "rich" Democrats have loopholes to avoid the damage. They are really fleecing YOU and you don't even know it.
So you think it ok to target groups based on their political affiliation, much like you are likely ok with the FBI colluding with social media to silence opposition. At least we know were you stand.
I am against the Koch brothers buying our elections with dark money.

Let's be clear about what the dispute here was. Instead of organizing a political non-profit, where they would have to disclose their donors, they organized as a social welfare non-profit, where they didn't have to. no one was being "silenced".

Wrong. COVID was the main cause of supply chain issues, thus why you numbnuts are still talking about the problem today even as Biden bows down to China.
I work in Supply Chain. We were having problems LONG before Covid, a lot them due to Trump screwing with NAFTA and trade with China. Covid just made them worse, of course.

I only wish I could divulge a little more information about my exact whereabouts for you. You could use Zillow to do a little research and would find that it takes quite a wealthy "inbred" to live in my specific location. I should mention your insight to the "inbreds" next door. As a retired physician, he would get a kick out of your delusions.
Cleetus, you won't even tell me what state you live in, because you know damned well I'll put together a bunch of figures to show how poor of an area you come from.

We pay our "fair share" and then some. I just paid all my property tax bills and can only write off up to $10,000 because Trump capped the deduction through 2025. Biden wanted to eliminate it prior to then but was unable to do so. Weird isn't it? Democrats want to give my family, high income earners, a tax break while Trump wanted to cap that break. It isn't the federal government's responsibility to account for the exorbitant taxes of blue states in the form of a federal tax deduction. I am ok with SALT being capped, despite it hurting me. You have been sold a bill of goods that Democrats want to tax the rich and help the poor. They have no interest in doing that unless the "rich" Democrats have loopholes to avoid the damage. They are really fleecing YOU and you don't even know it.

Trump fucking with the property tax deduction was just another show of his stupidity. By getting rid of the cap and increasing the standard deduction, Trump essentially made owning no better than renting. That actually discourages people from buying homes and building them. As it is, we have a housing shortage in this country, and he kind of made it worse.

Trump gave Billionaires huge tax breaks and then got rid of their mansion deduction? Don't make me fucking laugh.

  • Funny
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….to reverse the order hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and hard-working moderate earners. It’s shameful that the Democrats want to develop an army to intimidate and harass Americans, while they allocate funding for a measly 300 border agents to prevent the invasion from the southern border.

Up until now, the Democrats have treated foreigners here illegally better than honest Americans. That begins to change tomorrow when Republicans take over.

You might want to define which tomorrow you might be talking about. So far two, "First Thing" Mornings. Without a speaker no business can be conducted.
Sure I can. Just like Commie Kathy Hochul ain't my Governor. And I encourage all REAL Americans not to support Democrats, ever. You people have proven time and again to be the enemies of America.
Why would Democrats be enemies when the majority of the country likes their policies?
The majority of the country dislikes their policies. That’s why 6 million more people voted for Republicans than Democrats. That’s also why the country voted to turn the House majority Republican.

Actually, it was less than 3 million and there were large swaths of the country where people didn't vote either because there wasn't a competitive race in their district.

The only NATIONAL referendum was in 2020, and you lost.
McNumb Nuts has lost on the 9th. (Nineth) Ballot. This voting is beyond insane.

Oh the horror. Look how you idiots react when REAL democracy takes place. You think democracy is stealing an election and everyone just sitting there shutting up and taking it. You Dims just aren't used to people actually debating and differing in opinion because they produce all of you in a rubber mold.

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