First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

The wall would been 100% funded if the pubs agreed to DACA. Trump was forced to drop it by Pubs. Infrastructure the pubs never offered anything cuz of pubs. Repeal never included replace and was scuttled by pubs. Pubs can’t govern cuz they are broken. They haven’t offered anything. Even the bipartisan crime bill rollback Trump signed was moved forward by Obama.

You see compromise as weak. That’s why your party doesn’t offer anything to progress forward bipartisanly.
Compromise IS weak. Especially considering Democrats have always been backstabbing bastards and lowlife scum. The tax and spend deals from 1988 and 1990 were no deals. Both times Democrats double pinky promised to agree to spending cuts if the GOP allowed for the tax increases. And both times the Communists reneged on the agreements.
"Kamala the Kunt"

Ummm, is this the right venue for you, poster GMC?
PornHub doesn't let you log in anymore?
Didja get kicked off of The Great Awakening ?

So, if you keep getting bounced, then try this site: - Conspiracies

You should fit right in. Maybe you can be a star there.

Or, if you feel unwelcome at that place too.....well, try here: Daily Stormer
You and your misogyny is right in their wheelhouse.

Good luck.
Compromise IS weak. Especially considering Democrats have always been backstabbing bastards and lowlife scum. The tax and spend deals from 1988 and 1990 were no deals. Both times Democrats double pinky promised to agree to spending cuts if the GOP allowed for the tax increases. And both times the Communists reneged on the agreements.
That is why your party fails. It’s a broad country with broad opinions. If you can’t live with your neighbors get the fuck out. Be part of the solution… not the problem.
Yep, it's a right wing uber rich ruse, to keep the very wealthiest, from being audited, which takes 5 times the auditors for one of their billionaire returns...

The republicans have ALWAYS protected THE very richest, from paying taxes..... And that's their scam once again....

Convincing the poorest, that these greatly needed IRS employees are going to go after the little guys, you MUST stop them! Is all just the wealthiest in the country, worried about being caught tax cheating, like Trump!
Boy have you swallowed the propaganda. Look at which party all the rich belong to. Hint, it uses a donkey as a mascot.
The wall would been 100% funded if the pubs agreed to DACA.

Tell them what happened the last time Democrats promised Republicans they would increase border protections,
if the Republicans gave them what they wanted in Immigration ...
And why that would in the least bit encourage Republicans to say anything to them other than ... "Stop Lying" ... :auiqs.jpg:

That is why your party fails. It’s a broad country with broad opinions. If you can’t live with your neighbors get the fuck out. Be part of the solution… not the problem.
The solution is to destroy the Left. Make sure they are permanently banned from all political offices ever again!
Ummm, is this the right venue for you, poster GMC?
PornHub doesn't let you log in anymore?
Didja get kicked off of The Great Awakening ?

So, if you keep getting bounced, then try this site: - Conspiracies

You should fit right in. Maybe you can be a star there.

Or, if you feel unwelcome at that place too.....well, try here: Daily Stormer
You and your misogyny is right in their wheelhouse.

Good luck.
She's nothing but an opportunist who fucked her way into power. sorry if the truth hurts you, Communist douchebag.
The solution is to destroy the Left. Make sure they are permanently banned from all political offices ever again!
Is that your “final solution”? Not shocked to hear you reference it that way.
….to reverse the order hiring 87,000 IRS agents to go after small business owners and hard-working moderate earners. It’s shameful that the Democrats want to develop an army to intimidate and harass Americans, while they allocate funding for a measly 300 border agents to prevent the invasion from the southern border.

Up until now, the Democrats have treated foreigners here illegally better than honest Americans. That begins to change tomorrow when Republicans take over.

First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..​

Elect a speaker.
The wall would been 100% funded if the pubs agreed to DACA. Trump was forced to drop it by Pubs. Infrastructure the pubs never offered anything cuz of pubs. Repeal never included replace and was scuttled by pubs. Pubs can’t govern cuz they are broken. They haven’t offered anything. Even the bipartisan crime bill rollback Trump signed was moved forward by Obama.

You see compromise as weak. That’s why your party doesn’t offer anything to progress forward bipartisanly.

Wrong. Republicans are willing to work with the Communists with the provision they quit writing bills with tons of commie pork in them. With the Communists, their idea of compromise is do it our way or hit the highway.
Wrong. Republicans are willing to work with the Communists with the provision they quit writing bills with tons of commie pork in them. With the Communists, their idea of compromise is do it our way or hit the highway.
Are you sure you got “commie“ in there often enough? I see a few gaps where you might be able to insert a spare commie or two.

Of course, that rather begs the question since you don’t seem to know what communism is.
Are you sure you got “commie“ in there often enough? I see a few gaps where you might be able to insert a spare commie or two.

Of course, that rather begs the question since you don’t seem to know what communism is.

Sure I know what it is. It's the Democrat party. Did you think they were going to tell you that? No. Make it sound less aggressive like the progressive party or the liberal party.
Sure I know what it is. It's the Democrat party. Did you think they were going to tell you that? No. Make it sound less aggressive like the progressive party or the liberal party.

Really? Then go to the US Communist Party website and read their agendas. You'll find very few differences between theirs and the Democrat party. While you're there, search for their articles on presidential candidates like Obama, Hillary, Biden. then look what they had to say about Trump, McCain, and yes, even RINO Romney.

But I suggest you have a few drinks first. I don't want you to go into shock.
We had low unemployment under Trump and it wasn't a problem.

The Pentagon's COVID-19 vaccine mandate appears on the verge of being eliminated by Congress after just over a year, yet the Army -- the only remaining service to never slow down separating troops who refuse inoculation -- said Monday it will not pause those separations.

The Army has kicked out 1,841 active-duty soldiers for refusing inoculation, according to the latest service data released Friday. The Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force have halted or been barred by the courts from continuing separations, particularly for troops requesting religious exemptions, as legal fights play out over Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's August 2021 order that all service members be vaccinated.

We have a military consisting of almost 3 million and you think 1800 is crippling?

What about the ones that are four months, five months? What about partial birth abortions? What about POST-birth “abortion,” that some libs are pushing.

There's no such thing as a partial birth abortion. No one is advocating for Post Birth abortions.

And the reason we “can’t win elections” (interesting, since we just WON the House) is because the government is colluding with the media to make the Rs look bad and to hide how bad the Ds are.

Naw, you guys gerrymandered, suppressed voters, spent shitloads of money, and you only flipped 9 house seats during poor economic times. While losing three governorships and a Senate seat. The reason why you can't win elections is because your ideas only appeal to religious crazies and assholes.

If we had an objective media, the only Dem wins would be in CA, NY, VT, and MD.
So you are blaming the media for your ideas sucking?
The argument is that you can't incarcerate a president with a Secret Service detail. That's why I've said you'll only see him get a fine, or in the worst-case scenario, house arrest in opulent surroundings that you can only dream of. Either way, you'll never see him in an orange jumpsuit so you'll never get your wet dream and will have to make do with some lame meme some idiot created.

Okay, so you are back to that argument. Seems to me it would be a lot easier for the Secret Service to watch him in a Cell.

Of course, I'd be just fine with removing his detail and let his cell-mate have at him with a shank.

Of course, and even in the leftwing fever swamp, the families have to hold their addicts responsible for the results of their actions. In Hunter's case, it's gone far beyond just himself if the accounts of him abusing minors are true.

Well, they aren't.. but you keep watching those deepfake videos that are totally true.

Only person Hunter hurt was Hunter.

Yeah, yeah, we know. Your petty little victim, "gonna get you back" act wore out a long time ago. Didn't you get all self-righteous about the Republicans now being able to open retaliatory investigations and impeachments on Quid Pro? Or was that somebody else?

Not at all. YOu find one Congressman who weaseled his way out of a DUI or got his kid into rehab, you are going to come off a like a bunch of hypocrites.

It was over $90,000, so "almost six figures" for his handlers to pay stands.
Actually, it was a 10K fine from Judge Weber Wright.
Well, see, if the court HAD made that determination, it would have had massive legal ramifications in a lot of divorce courts. You know, kind of like the court declaring that defending yourself is not murder. The thing is, he would have wasted his time and his handlers' money because he would have lost (it is sex, after all). Ah, well, justice was done, he had to pay nearly six figures and lost his license for a while, which is humiliating for a lawyer who should have known better. Hmmm, come to think of it, if the court HAD found the it wasn't sex, we would just do what Joe does and say it was anyway.

Uh, guy, he hadn't practiced law in something like 20 years at that point... and he left office with high approval ratings and people having nothing but contempt for Starr and the GOP for turning a petty affair into a national crisis.

I mean, it would have been nice that instead of dealing with this bullshit, he was able to go after Bin Laden without Republicans screaming he was "Wagging the Dog" for doing so.

Well, I'm sure nothing bad was going to happen because he wasn't able to...


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