First Presidential Debate (Domestic Policy): October 3, 2012

All bullshit aside, I think the outcome of the debates will determine the outcome of the election. There just aren't very many undecided voters left out there. The US is so damn polarized just like the DEMs planned. Romney has to make a very good and strong showing in the first debate especially to have any hope of defeating Obama. Its simple math, at this point, barring a miracle, it seems Romney most likely will lose Ohio.
A further extension of the two party coup d'état. Only two candidates debate? All other parties are excluded?

This is democracy?
All bullshit aside, I think the outcome of the debates will determine the outcome of the election. There just aren't very many undecided voters left out there. The US is so damn polarized just like the DEMs planned. Romney has to make a very good and strong showing in the first debate especially to have any hope of defeating Obama. Its simple math, at this point, barring a miracle, it seems Romney most likely will lose Ohio. you just stuck that turd in there expecting others to just swallow without gagging. Care to discuss that plan with a little detail and some facts?
At this point it appears that Romney will lose Ohio, Virginia and Florida, therefore, the election.
I don't know about others.....but when I left the house to go to the election party 4 years ago, I was hopeful but not confident of an Obama victory.

This time around.......I am very confident.
Domestic Policy?

This should be fun. Mitt can talk about the new "Medicare" voucher system, self-deportation, repealing ObamaCare, 47%, bombing Iran, and getting rid of SSI..

And Obama can sit back and laugh.
I hope Mitt has a couple of his interns working on developing a tax plan for him. He might need one by then.

For sure... Let's hope they ask Obama about his plans for a budget at that.

WH has submitted one every year to congress.

House GOP claim to have made a good faith effort to work with the WH and Senate.

TeaBags in the house refused to compromise on anything, even when GOP leadership pressed them.

Majority of house GOP signed pledge to not increase taxes under any circumstances--giving up their main constitutional responsibility. Pledge was authored by a lobbyist and former major GOP contact of Jack Abramoff.

there was NO GOOD FAITH effort made by house GOPs

According to Craig Unger at Salon, a "highly reliable source" tells him that the Romney campaign is "chortling with glee" over an October Surprise they plan to unleash in the coming days.

Much More: It's October, So It Must Be Time For a Surprise | Mother Jones
what 11 questions does Mother Jones have for Mr Obama?
Or is this just another bash Romney thread?
BTW, alan1, all my posts and threads are meant to "bash" NaziCons!

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