First Putin, Now Zelensky. What Foreign Power Will Trump Collude With Next?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Trump seems to bleev whatever Fox News tells him to bleev. For instance, that the DNC and/or HIllary's server somehow ended up in the Ukraine. :lol:

And most amazingly of all, no sooner was the Colluder-in-Cheif found to have obstructed an investigation into whether or not he colluded with Russia to help him defeat a political opponent, he picks up the phone and asks ANOTHER foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

Since Trump is about the dumbest president we have ever had, which foreign power will he turn to next to collude with him to beat Biden/Warren/Sanders?


Maybe Bibi, since Bibi's going to jail soon anyway.
Hello, CNN.

It has not gone well, has it?


Maybe people would pay attention if your News wasn't fake.
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Trump seems to bleev whatever Fox News tells him to bleev. For instance, that the DNC and/or HIllary's server somehow ended up in the Ukraine. :lol:

And most amazingly of all, no sooner was the Colluder-in-Cheif found to have obstructed an investigation into whether or not he colluded with Russia to help him defeat a political opponent, he picks up the phone and asks ANOTHER foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

Since Trump is about the dumbest president we have ever had, which foreign power will he turn to next to collude with him to beat Biden/Warren/Sanders?


Maybe Bibi, since Bibi's going to jail soon anyway.

That's outrageous!!!

Only Democrats are allowed to get foreigners to interfere with our elections!!!!
TRUMP: Bibi, I'm having a problem with this Jew Bernie Sanders.

BIBI: Hey now!

TRUMP: Oops. I should probably ask Angela Merkel.
Trump will have four more years to see if he can finally master the job of president. He sure is a slow learner. He needs to use surrogates instead of doing everything himself. Trump needs to make more promises for 2020 so he can keep them like he did in 2016. Just stomping on the dems isn't enough. he needs a positive "can-do" message. What's next for 2020?
Trump seems to bleev whatever Fox News tells him to bleev. For instance, that the DNC and/or HIllary's server somehow ended up in the Ukraine. :lol:

And most amazingly of all, no sooner was the Colluder-in-Cheif found to have obstructed an investigation into whether or not he colluded with Russia to help him defeat a political opponent, he picks up the phone and asks ANOTHER foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

Since Trump is about the dumbest president we have ever had, which foreign power will he turn to next to collude with him to beat Biden/Warren/Sanders?


Maybe Bibi, since Bibi's going to jail soon anyway.

Don't worry. If Mueller doesn't get Trump, the Southern District of New York will. And, if all else fails, you still have Avanatti and Stormy to call in if needed.
There was no impropriety in President Trump’s asking Zelensky to assist the Justice Department’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.

Long before the conversation came around to the Biden topic, the “favor” that Trump asked for was Zelensky’s assistance in Barr’s ongoing investigation of the genesis of the Trump-Russia investigation.

This is a legitimate investigation conducted by the United States Department of Justice, which has prosecutors assigned and grand jury subpoena power. It is examining questionable Justice Department and FBI conduct. It is considering whether irregularities rise to the level of crimes. It will be essential to Congress’s consideration of whether laws need to be enacted or modified to insulate our election campaigns from politicized use of the government’s counterintelligence and law-enforcement powers.

It is a commonplace for the government to seek assistance from foreign counterparts for ongoing federal investigations.

Democrat senators pressured Ukraine to cooperate with the Mueller probe — notwithstanding the obvious potential electoral ramifications and the specter of “foreign interference in our democracy.” These requests for assistance often occur at the head-of-state level. The FBI and Justice Department asked President Clinton to intervene with Saudi authorities to assist the investigation of Iranian complicity in the Khobar Towers bombing.

There is nothing wrong with our government’s requesting the assistance of foreign governments that have access to witnesses and evidence relevant to an ongoing Justice Department investigation. The president is the democratically elected, constitutionally empowered chief executive: There is nothing his subordinates may properly do that he may not do himself (it is his power that they exercise). And the president is never conflicted out of executive branch business due to his political interests. There is no legal or ethical requirement that the Justice Department be denied potentially probative evidence because obtaining it might affect the president’s political fortunes.

There was no impropriety in President Trump’s asking Ukraine’s president to assist the Justice Department’s investigation of Russiagate’s origins.

Biden was the Obama administration’s point man in dealing with Kyiv after Viktor Yanukovych fled in 2014. That course of dealing came to include Obama administration agencies leaning on Ukraine to assist the FBI in the investigation of Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman. So, Biden’s interaction with Ukraine is germane: The fact that he had sufficient influence to coerce the firing of a prosecutor; the fact that, while Biden was strongly influencing international economic aid for Kyiv, a significant Ukrainian energy company thought it expedient to bring Biden’s son onto its board and compensate him lavishly — although Hunter Biden had no experience in the industry.

How about a Bipartisan Treaty against the Criminalization of Elections? | National Review
Trump seems to bleev whatever Fox News tells him to bleev. For instance, that the DNC and/or HIllary's server somehow ended up in the Ukraine. :lol:

And most amazingly of all, no sooner was the Colluder-in-Cheif found to have obstructed an investigation into whether or not he colluded with Russia to help him defeat a political opponent, he picks up the phone and asks ANOTHER foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

Since Trump is about the dumbest president we have ever had, which foreign power will he turn to next to collude with him to beat Biden/Warren/Sanders?


Maybe Bibi, since Bibi's going to jail soon anyway.

GAME. SET. MATCH...... Idiot.

There was no impropriety in President Trump’s asking Zelensky to assist the Justice Department’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.

Long before the conversation came around to the Biden topic, the “favor” that Trump asked for was Zelensky’s assistance in Barr’s ongoing investigation of the genesis of the Trump-Russia investigation.

This is a legitimate investigation conducted by the United States Department of Justice, which has prosecutors assigned and grand jury subpoena power. It is examining questionable Justice Department and FBI conduct. It is considering whether irregularities rise to the level of crimes. It will be essential to Congress’s consideration of whether laws need to be enacted or modified to insulate our election campaigns from politicized use of the government’s counterintelligence and law-enforcement powers.

It is a commonplace for the government to seek assistance from foreign counterparts for ongoing federal investigations.

Democrat senators pressured Ukraine to cooperate with the Mueller probe — notwithstanding the obvious potential electoral ramifications and the specter of “foreign interference in our democracy.” These requests for assistance often occur at the head-of-state level. The FBI and Justice Department asked President Clinton to intervene with Saudi authorities to assist the investigation of Iranian complicity in the Khobar Towers bombing.

There is nothing wrong with our government’s requesting the assistance of foreign governments that have access to witnesses and evidence relevant to an ongoing Justice Department investigation. The president is the democratically elected, constitutionally empowered chief executive: There is nothing his subordinates may properly do that he may not do himself (it is his power that they exercise). And the president is never conflicted out of executive branch business due to his political interests. There is no legal or ethical requirement that the Justice Department be denied potentially probative evidence because obtaining it might affect the president’s political fortunes.

There was no impropriety in President Trump’s asking Ukraine’s president to assist the Justice Department’s investigation of Russiagate’s origins.

Biden was the Obama administration’s point man in dealing with Kyiv after Viktor Yanukovych fled in 2014. That course of dealing came to include Obama administration agencies leaning on Ukraine to assist the FBI in the investigation of Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman. So, Biden’s interaction with Ukraine is germane: The fact that he had sufficient influence to coerce the firing of a prosecutor; the fact that, while Biden was strongly influencing international economic aid for Kyiv, a significant Ukrainian energy company thought it expedient to bring Biden’s son onto its board and compensate him lavishly — although Hunter Biden had no experience in the industry.

How about a Bipartisan Treaty against the Criminalization of Elections? | National Review
Please tell us why they hid the whistleblowers report if everything was on the up and up Trump is NEVER on the up and up He'll screw casinoes he'll screw banks he'll screw those working for him He is a walking talking POS and his supporters are either blind or stupid

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