First results in Nevada: Bernie 42, Biden 19% (Trump is screwed. The Bern is kicking ass)

Why do you people lie about wanting to behead Christians and Conservatives and lie about Democrat Socialists being Nazis?

History of the Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia

They called themselves Democrat Socialists, and as we know Nazis Worship Death like Democrats Worship Death.

Dear Commie Tard.







View attachment 308224
Indeed since there is no communist running.
Yeah the working class is doing so great in socialist nations...

Slavery is the answer for them.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
No it's not. The "nazis" were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. From the right take nationalism from the left take socialism. The greatest political ideology ever and they were attacked because they cut the Jewish bankers out of the money scheme and issued their own money. If that had caught on in the rest of the world that would have been VERY bad for the bankers.
That isn't the National Socialists. The NSDAP was the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Are they related to the "Popular Peoples Front for the Liberation of Judea"?, or are they the "Peoples Front for the Liberation of Judeah"?
America isn't stupid enough to elect a communist

We have one....mayyyyybe two more election cycles.....then America will get a Socialist President. You don't understand the full scope of what's happening. are still clinging to your denial doll. We lost this nation back when people decided the sacrifice to fight for their freedom and liberty wasn't worth giving up the material gains they were being kept in line with.

Fools and their gold............
Why do you people lie about wanting to behead Christians and Conservatives and lie about Democrat Socialists being Nazis?

History of the Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia

They called themselves Democrat Socialists, and as we know Nazis Worship Death like Democrats Worship Death.

Dear Commie Tard.







View attachment 308224
Indeed since there is no communist running.
Yeah the working class is doing so great in socialist nations...

Slavery is the answer for them.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
No it's not. The "nazis" were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. From the right take nationalism from the left take socialism. The greatest political ideology ever and they were attacked because they cut the Jewish bankers out of the money scheme and issued their own money. If that had caught on in the rest of the world that would have been VERY bad for the bankers.
That isn't the National Socialists. The NSDAP was the National Socialist German Workers Party.

There is no difference between Baby Killing DemNazi Socilaists, Baby Killing German Nazi Socialists, Or Baby Killing Soviet Union Communist-Socialists, nor every Baby Killing Socialist Child of Hell running for The DemNazi Nomination for President.
Heil Schiffler!

Dear Commie Tard.







View attachment 308224


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I think its going to be a lot closer than people think I think Sanders has the best chance in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Ohio,Iowa etc.
Indeed since there is no communist running.
You sound like one of those Russian bots sent to elect Sanders.
Cool. I would only vote Sanders because 1. he helps the working class or/and 2. It will quicken the collapse of the oligarchy running this country to our detriment.

Yeah the working class is doing so great in socialist nations...

Slavery is the answer for them.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
No it's not. The "nazis" were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. From the right take nationalism from the left take socialism. The greatest political ideology ever and they were attacked because they cut the Jewish bankers out of the money scheme and issued their own money. If that had caught on in the rest of the world that would have been VERY bad for the bankers.
Trust me, The Left is so Full of Evil, they are going to skip over a Socialist President and go straight to The Anti-Christ for President!

We have one....mayyyyybe two more election cycles.....then America will get a Socialist President. You don't understand the full scope of what's happening. are still clinging to your denial doll. We lost this nation back when people decided the sacrifice to fight for their freedom and liberty wasn't worth giving up the material gains they were being kept in line with.

Fools and their gold............
Why do you people lie about wanting to behead Christians and Conservatives and lie about Democrat Socialists being Nazis?

History of the Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia

They called themselves Democrat Socialists, and as we know Nazis Worship Death like Democrats Worship Death.

Indeed since there is no communist running.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
No it's not. The "nazis" were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. From the right take nationalism from the left take socialism. The greatest political ideology ever and they were attacked because they cut the Jewish bankers out of the money scheme and issued their own money. If that had caught on in the rest of the world that would have been VERY bad for the bankers.
That isn't the National Socialists. The NSDAP was the National Socialist German Workers Party.

There is no difference between Baby Killing DemNazi Socilaists, Baby Killing German Nazi Socialists, Or Baby Killing Soviet Union Communist-Socialists, nor every Baby Killing Socialist Child of Hell running for The DemNazi Nomination for President.
Cute but false political spectrum you have there. Its more like this

She's not eligible.Stop showing your ignorance, even if it is a joke! It makes you the joke!,
Exactly why is AOC not eligible to be Bernie's running mate? .. :dunno:

She is too young, dumbass! Read the Constitution! she can't even be a Senator yet!

she can't even be a Senator yet!

You are mistaken

View attachment 308244

Correct. Last election she could not run for Senate.

She just turned 30. She cannot be President until she is 35!.
Bernie won't be the nominee. The Dems will create some kind of scandal to have an excuse to replace him with Clinton eventually. When the rubber hits the road, they will do to Sanders what they have been doing to Trump for the last few years. However, unlike Trump, we have seen how Sanders deals with adversity. In 2016, he folded like a tent, and I have no reason to believe he gained a backbone since then.
All this fear of one old man. All this hyperbole about the end of the world. All this lack of faith in the democratic process.
Division saps our strength and strengthens our enemies.
Bernie seems to keep beating other candidates and obviously DNC doesn't want to nominate him (otherwise they wouldn't have cheated him in 2016).

Fake news about "Russians want Bernie to win" will help DNC with a "good excuse" to cheat him again in 2020.

Good Bernie never used Epstain's Lolita Express
All this fear of one old man. All this hyperbole about the end of the world. All this lack of faith in the democratic process.
Division saps our strength and strengthens our enemies.


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I dont think dems realize how hard it is to elect a commie to the white house

not that I’m predicting a win or a loss for trump

but it wont be the cakewalk that bernie supporters think it will be

All Trump has to do is bring this up constantly.

I don't think Trump wants to steer the conversation to Russia.

Trump has beaten the russia lie

he can remind us that bernie was a commie stooge every day if he wants to
Sanders must be much more important than some of us thought, given the reaction of his opponents.

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter are right....

Ending private healthcare...

Ending oil, and natural gas energy production....

Increasing taxes on anyone making over 29,000 dollars a year....

Opening our borders to unlimited illegal immigration....

Allowing sanctuary cities to protect violent illegal aliens...

Giving Iran total access to nuclear weapons....

Supporting the terrorist groups targeting Israel.....

Allowing men to use women's bathrooms.....and peeing next to your daughters....

Allowing boys to compete against girls in girls sports........and taking their scholarships and awards...

Yeah...Trump should be terrified of :290968001256257790-final:


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