First results in Nevada: Bernie 42, Biden 19% (Trump is screwed. The Bern is kicking ass)

Love the Red Man now.

The deadline was last week. A bunch of us registered Pubs in Florida changed our affiliation and will vote for Bernie in the Dimm primary on March 17th!

Feel the Bern! Bernie! Commie!
You didn't see Obama
These are just democrats. Of course a democrat is going to win. The United States is not going to embrace communism. At least not this election.
But they'll embrace Democratic socialism.
We all know that democratic socialism is really communism. Even democrats aren't that stupid. There will be a constant drum beat of communism and comparisons to Stalin. Democratic socialism will be a faint echo in the distance.

Bernie wants to expand Medicare. We already have Medicare. Bernie want's to expand publicly funded education. We already have publicly funded education.

Bernie is simply wanting what we already do, cover more people.

We already have a minimum wage. Bernie simply wants to raise it just like we have many times in the past.
He just doesn’t know how to pay for all that free stuff.
She's not eligible.Stop showing your ignorance, even if it is a joke! It makes you the joke!,
Exactly why is AOC not eligible to be Bernie's running mate? .. :dunno:

She is too young, dumbass! Read the Constitution! she can't even be a Senator yet!

she can't even be a Senator yet!

You are mistaken

Love the Red Man now.

The deadline was last week. A bunch of us registered Pubs in Florida changed our affiliation and will vote for Bernie in the Dimm primary on March 17th!

Feel the Bern! Bernie! Commie!
You didn't see Obama
These are just democrats. Of course a democrat is going to win. The United States is not going to embrace communism. At least not this election.
But they'll embrace Democratic socialism.
We all know that democratic socialism is really communism. Even democrats aren't that stupid. There will be a constant drum beat of communism and comparisons to Stalin. Democratic socialism will be a faint echo in the distance.

Bernie wants to expand Medicare. We already have Medicare. Bernie want's to expand publicly funded education. We already have publicly funded education.

Bernie is simply wanting what we already do, cover more people.

We already have a minimum wage. Bernie simply wants to raise it just like we have many times in the past.
He just doesn’t know how to pay for all that free stuff.

What difference does that make? Does that bother you? What do you think about Trump's trillion dollar deficit increasing our deficit to 23 trillion dollars?

If no one else cares, why should I or Bernie?
America isn't stupid enough to elect a communist
There isn't a communist running. A democratic socialist yes. America is getting sick and tired of the rich getting tax breaks, wars that NEVER end and the workers getting their jobs sent overseas.
You sound like one of those Russian bots sent to elect Sanders.
Cool. I would only vote Sanders because 1. he helps the working class or/and 2. It will quicken the collapse of the oligarchy running this country to our detriment.
oligarchy running
Do you think that Movie Stars and Professional athletes are going to give up their millions of dollars and work for just 15 bucks an hour? Are you only smart enough that you are worth 15 bucks an hour? You must be because you are one stupid fuck to want to vote for a Commie...

He is 35 years old... WTF! Usually people figure this stuff out by 25.
Not if they are losers(liberals) all they can do is bitch and moan how fucked their lives are, because their life choices have been not in their best interests..
He just doesn’t know how to pay for all that free stuff.

Not true. He has the tax legislation already written for his puppets to pass. Provided, of course, Democrats also take both house and senate.

Wanna lay bets on THAT?

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I don't care what anyone says....the DNC is not going to allow a socialist to be nominated. NOBODY wants a socialist as POTUS. Not dems, not repubs, not anyone. Burnbern will burn in the end. Watch and see.

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I don't care what anyone says....the DNC is not going to allow a socialist to be nominated. NOBODY wants a socialist as POTUS. Not dems, not repubs, not anyone. Burnbern will burn in the end. Watch and see.

When one runs we can have that discussion.

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I don't care what anyone says....the DNC is not going to allow a socialist to be nominated. NOBODY wants a socialist as POTUS. Not dems, not repubs, not anyone. Burnbern will burn in the end. Watch and see.

When the DNC steals the election for Bernie a second time, it wont be Republicans being burned at the stake, but liberals who voted to keep the Bern from his just due. I will have plenty of popcorn and beer ready for that day..

I don't care what anyone says....the DNC is not going to allow a socialist to be nominated. NOBODY wants a socialist as POTUS. Not dems, not repubs, not anyone. Burnbern will burn in the end. Watch and see.

Anybody with a little intellect ought to understand now WHY Hillary will be the Democrat Nominee. Of the whole pack she seems to be the most lucid.

"Lucid", you see, is a relative thing.....
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Dear Commie Tard.







View attachment 308224


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I think its going to be a lot closer than people think I think Sanders has the best chance in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Ohio,Iowa etc.
Indeed since there is no communist running.
America isn't stupid enough to elect a communist
There isn't a communist running. A democratic socialist yes. America is getting sick and tired of the rich getting tax breaks, wars that NEVER end and the workers getting their jobs sent overseas.
You sound like one of those Russian bots sent to elect Sanders.
Cool. I would only vote Sanders because 1. he helps the working class or/and 2. It will quicken the collapse of the oligarchy running this country to our detriment.

Yeah the working class is doing so great in socialist nations...

Slavery is the answer for them.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.
Sanders has $100 Million Dollars.

Some Commie sharing his wealth with everyone, ehh?


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa…...You think this country is going to go Communist? There is no fucking way, as we old farts just wont let it happen. Yeah, you can vote for the son of a bitch who owns 3 houses and has millions of dollars, yet wants to make sure you only get 15 bucks an hour, real fucking fair of him, but the Sanders puke if is elected wont last 1 day.
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Dear Commie Tard.







View attachment 308224


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I think its going to be a lot closer than people think I think Sanders has the best chance in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Ohio,Iowa etc.
Indeed since there is no communist running.
America isn't stupid enough to elect a communist
There isn't a communist running. A democratic socialist yes. America is getting sick and tired of the rich getting tax breaks, wars that NEVER end and the workers getting their jobs sent overseas.
You sound like one of those Russian bots sent to elect Sanders.
Cool. I would only vote Sanders because 1. he helps the working class or/and 2. It will quicken the collapse of the oligarchy running this country to our detriment.

Yeah the working class is doing so great in socialist nations...

Slavery is the answer for them.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
Dear Commie Tard.







View attachment 308224


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I think its going to be a lot closer than people think I think Sanders has the best chance in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Ohio,Iowa etc.
Indeed since there is no communist running.
There isn't a communist running. A democratic socialist yes. America is getting sick and tired of the rich getting tax breaks, wars that NEVER end and the workers getting their jobs sent overseas.
You sound like one of those Russian bots sent to elect Sanders.
Cool. I would only vote Sanders because 1. he helps the working class or/and 2. It will quicken the collapse of the oligarchy running this country to our detriment.

Yeah the working class is doing so great in socialist nations...

Slavery is the answer for them.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
No it's not. The "nazis" were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. From the right take nationalism from the left take socialism. The greatest political ideology ever and they were attacked because they cut the Jewish bankers out of the money scheme and issued their own money. If that had caught on in the rest of the world that would have been VERY bad for the bankers.
Why do you people lie about wanting to behead Christians and Conservatives and lie about Democrat Socialists being Nazis?

History of the Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia

The Nazis called themselves Democrat Socialists, and as we know Nazis Worship Death like Democrats Worship Death.

This is why I call The Democrats DemNazis!

Dear Commie Tard.







View attachment 308224


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter
I think its going to be a lot closer than people think I think Sanders has the best chance in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Ohio,Iowa etc.
Indeed since there is no communist running.
You sound like one of those Russian bots sent to elect Sanders.
Cool. I would only vote Sanders because 1. he helps the working class or/and 2. It will quicken the collapse of the oligarchy running this country to our detriment.

Yeah the working class is doing so great in socialist nations...

Slavery is the answer for them.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
No it's not. The "nazis" were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. From the right take nationalism from the left take socialism. The greatest political ideology ever and they were attacked because they cut the Jewish bankers out of the money scheme and issued their own money. If that had caught on in the rest of the world that would have been VERY bad for the bankers.
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Why do you people lie about wanting to behead Christians and Conservatives and lie about Democrat Socialists being Nazis?

History of the Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia

They called themselves Democrat Socialists, and as we know Nazis Worship Death like Democrats Worship Death.

Dear Commie Tard.







View attachment 308224

I think its going to be a lot closer than people think I think Sanders has the best chance in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania,Ohio,Iowa etc.
Indeed since there is no communist running.
Cool. I would only vote Sanders because 1. he helps the working class or/and 2. It will quicken the collapse of the oligarchy running this country to our detriment.

Yeah the working class is doing so great in socialist nations...

Slavery is the answer for them.
In democratic socialist countries yes they are indeed. Universal healthcare,education and paid maternity leave. Those 3 things are where most families money goes to in a crapitalist society they let's the top 1% get wealthier off the 99%'s hard work.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
No it's not. The "nazis" were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. From the right take nationalism from the left take socialism. The greatest political ideology ever and they were attacked because they cut the Jewish bankers out of the money scheme and issued their own money. If that had caught on in the rest of the world that would have been VERY bad for the bankers.
That isn't the National Socialists. The NSDAP was the National Socialist German Workers Party.

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