First you create a swamp, and then you drain it?

Big mistake to accept Pruitt's resignation....big mistake...the next guy will get just as much heat....the one thing the dems really care about is the hoax of global warming continuing.....

It's time for Trump to just pull the plug on the EPA.

The libtards are just going to threaten and harass anyone else put in there.
Yes and your point?
What was the reason they resigned? Some were obama holdovers and needed to be fired some were leaking classified material
And some got caught up with the lies of the media steel dossier
Many will be fired and charges brought up against them.

Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

I noticed all you could do is throw insults. Guess you can't actually discuss the topic in question, can you? Trump appointed Pruitt. No, Pruitt isn't an Obama holdover, a leaker or anything else you were trying to put on him.

He's just an incompetent ass who thinks he's more important than he actually is, and is also woefully misusing government funds.

Like I said, when I was in recruiting, I had a government issued credit card with a 50,000 limit on it for use for OFFICIAL business only. If I would have gotten caught using mine for personal reasons like Pruitt did, I would have gone to Captain's Mast and been busted and sent back to the fleet at a minimum. Maximum would have been a trip to Kansas for some brig time and a dishonorable discharge. Why hasn't Pruitt been brought up on charges for this? Anyone who did what he did and was in the military would be in jail.
Maybe you need to read your ost again you started with the insults I just advised you that you needed to get your TDS checked

You DO know that all a person has to do is hit the "click to expand" button at the bottom of the post, and they can see what was said? You said all you did was tell me to get my TDS checked. Guess you forgot the part where you told me to pull my head outta my ass, called me Sailor Moon, and then called me a mentally incompetent liberal whose ass you claimed to currently be kicking.

None of that is true, but if it makes you feel better about yourself, think that.
How does it feel to have deplorable 'blockheads' whooping your butt, politically speaking.

Don't know....never had THAT experience...

I'm still waiting for one Trump ass kisser to have the balls to FINALLY admit the major fuck up when he or she voted for a buffoon.
How does it feel to have deplorable 'blockheads' whooping your butt, politically speaking.

Don't know....never had THAT experience...

I'm still waiting for one Trump ass kisser to have the balls to FINALLY admit the major fuck up when he or she voted for a buffoon.

Are you kidding? Everyday I wake up a little closer to embracing the concept of 'President for Life'.
Pruitt is plain and simple bad news. I would rather have an epa than trust a company to do the right thing. To me the swamp includes any official making millions per year party doesn't matter. Those are the swamp.
People died during the Hussein administration and nobody was even fired. The heroic former Navy Seals died when they ran out of ammunition at Mogadisu and nobody caught any flack for it in the Hussein administration. As a matter of fact they blamed an obscure you tube video director. A Border Patrol Officer was murdered by one of the weapons the Hussein administration shipped to Mexican Drug Cartels and nobody was indicted or even fired. The world was a freaking Obama swamp and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM wallowed in the corruption.
Yes and your point?
What was the reason they resigned? Some were obama holdovers and needed to be fired some were leaking classified material
And some got caught up with the lies of the media steel dossier
Many will be fired and charges brought up against them.

Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
I wake up a little closer to embracing the concept of 'President for Life'.

Here....for your midnight self-pleasuring.........LOL

Yes and your point?
What was the reason they resigned? Some were obama holdovers and needed to be fired some were leaking classified material
And some got caught up with the lies of the media steel dossier
Many will be fired and charges brought up against them.

Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3
Yes and your point?
What was the reason they resigned? Some were obama holdovers and needed to be fired some were leaking classified material
And some got caught up with the lies of the media steel dossier
Many will be fired and charges brought up against them.

Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

I noticed all you could do is throw insults. Guess you can't actually discuss the topic in question, can you? Trump appointed Pruitt. No, Pruitt isn't an Obama holdover, a leaker or anything else you were trying to put on him.

He's just an incompetent ass who thinks he's more important than he actually is, and is also woefully misusing government funds.

Like I said, when I was in recruiting, I had a government issued credit card with a 50,000 limit on it for use for OFFICIAL business only. If I would have gotten caught using mine for personal reasons like Pruitt did, I would have gone to Captain's Mast and been busted and sent back to the fleet at a minimum. Maximum would have been a trip to Kansas for some brig time and a dishonorable discharge. Why hasn't Pruitt been brought up on charges for this? Anyone who did what he did and was in the military would be in jail.
Maybe you need to read your ost again you started with the insults I just advised you that you needed to get your TDS checked

You DO know that all a person has to do is hit the "click to expand" button at the bottom of the post, and they can see what was said? You said all you did was tell me to get my TDS checked. Guess you forgot the part where you told me to pull my head outta my ass, called me Sailor Moon, and then called me a mentally incompetent liberal whose ass you claimed to currently be kicking.

None of that is true, but if it makes you feel better about yourself, think that.
Yes, all you have to do is click expand. Why are you lying? Sailor Moon, you started the insults with your very first post to me. Now you don't like the return fire. Such is life for the TDS influenced demented narcissistic mind of a leftist.
Big mistake to accept Pruitt's resignation....big mistake...the next guy will get just as much heat....the one thing the dems really care about is the hoax of global warming continuing.....

It's time for Trump to just pull the plug on the EPA.

The libtards are just going to threaten and harass anyone else put in there.
That's one way of breaking the leftist of their stupidity.
Yes and your point?
What was the reason they resigned? Some were obama holdovers and needed to be fired some were leaking classified material
And some got caught up with the lies of the media steel dossier
Many will be fired and charges brought up against them.

Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3

Where ya been BooBoo?
Yes and your point?
What was the reason they resigned? Some were obama holdovers and needed to be fired some were leaking classified material
And some got caught up with the lies of the media steel dossier
Many will be fired and charges brought up against them.

Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3

Where ya been BooBoo?
Tell Beep boop I know about her board, I've been there.
Yes and your point?
What was the reason they resigned? Some were obama holdovers and needed to be fired some were leaking classified material
And some got caught up with the lies of the media steel dossier
Many will be fired and charges brought up against them.

Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3

Was your progress measured in stages at the home?
Yes and your point?
What was the reason they resigned? Some were obama holdovers and needed to be fired some were leaking classified material
And some got caught up with the lies of the media steel dossier
Many will be fired and charges brought up against them.

Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3

Was your progress measured in stages at the home?
Poor little bulldog licking your ass made you easily susceptible to TDS
Yo...................Retarded Rebecca.................Pruitt is the one we are talking about here, and he is the one that resigned. And.................hate to tell you...........but Pruitt wasn't a leaker, wasn't caught up in the "lies of the media steel dossier", and he wasn't an Obama holdover.

Pruitt was nominated and appointed by Trump himself, which is why the OP said that Trump was filling the swamp first and then draining it. And, Pruitt is one of the bigger swamp monsters out there.

Today it came out that in addition to using his office to lobby to get a Chick Fil A franchise for his wife, and in addition to those really questionable travel policies that are expensive, he was using his government issued credit card for personal expenses. I know that when I came to Amarillo to run the MEPS, one of the things that they gave me was a credit card to be used for OFFICIAL things only (food while TAD, gas, expenses related to official travel), and it had a limit of 50,000 (why I had no idea). We were told to use it if it was official, but to never use it for personal expenses. Some recruiters were unable to handle the responsibility and used it to buy crap like bikes and jet skis. They were caught (usually within 2 months of purchasing the stuff), and if it was over a certain amount, they were given courts martial and brig time. If it was less, they were sent to NJP, usually fined and reduced a rank, told to pay back what they spent, and sent out to the fleet.

With the amount of crap Pruitt has done to abuse his expense account, if he had been in my recruiting district, he would have been sent to jail.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3

Was your progress measured in stages at the home?
Poor little bulldog licking your ass made you easily susceptible to TDS

I'll take that as a yes.
Pull your head out of your ass sailor Moon
It's terrible kicking the shit out of a mentally incompetent liberal.

It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3

Was your progress measured in stages at the home?
Poor little bulldog licking your ass made you easily susceptible to TDS

I'll take that as a yes.
of course, your TDS will influence you to see things that aren't there, and licking your asshole brought your TDS to the surface. If you stop licking your asshole bulldog. you might actually be treatable.
It's not that bad. Lots of people enjoyed kicking the shit out of you. Is that why you ran and hid?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3

Was your progress measured in stages at the home?
Poor little bulldog licking your ass made you easily susceptible to TDS

I'll take that as a yes.
of course, your TDS will influence you to see things that aren't there, and licking your asshole brought your TDS to the surface. If you stop licking your asshole bulldog. you might actually be treatable.

Is that the advice they gave you in the home?
Ran and hid? I bet you really believe the lies you post like that one. You are very much TDS stage 3

Was your progress measured in stages at the home?
Poor little bulldog licking your ass made you easily susceptible to TDS

I'll take that as a yes.
of course, your TDS will influence you to see things that aren't there, and licking your asshole brought your TDS to the surface. If you stop licking your asshole bulldog. you might actually be treatable.

Is that the advice they gave you in the home?
Bulldog your TDS is causing you to venture into the no family attack rules violation, but do continue I enjoy a TDS influence liberal running amok.

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