FISA Abuse Report Will Conclude FBI Wrongdoing...but 'NOT Due to Political Bias'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats and snowflakes will claim 'victory' tomorrow because Horowitz will report ' no political bias found' despite:
- the already-proven leaking of information, for which Strzok & McCabe have already been recommended for indictment

- the criminal 'mishandling' of sensitive information (possessing & admittedly leaking classified info), for which the IG has already rebuke Comey

- the FBI's criminal 'mishandling of foreign assets (including known Russian authored Counter-Intel data provided by known-liar and Trump-hating ex-spy Steele), for which the IG already rebuked the FBI in a separate report

- and recently the IG exposed an FBI lawyer altered and falsified records against Carter Page.

So does the claim by the US IG that ' no political bias was found' make the FBI breaking all these laws, being found to be inept, mishandling classified, leaking sensitive information, falsifying records against Trump team members, and 'faling to manage foreign assets' okay?

Five things to watch in Russia probe review
-Strzok never was accused of leaking info. McCabe is accused of leaking info damaging to Clinton. How the hell does that support your allegation of bias?
-Comey never leaked classified info. He leaked a non classified memo after he was dismissed.
-A lawyer looks to be in hot water over altering a document, but it was not sufficient to change anything about the case.

Remember, the FBI made public their findings against Clinton, publicizing details of the investigation which damaged her campaign.

However, the existence of the Trump campaign investigation was never made public until after the campaign.

So if you want to accuse them of anti-Trump bias, then explain why their actions harmed Clinton and protected Trump?
oxy boy limbaugh was going on & on & on about how this was gonna blow the FISA warrant outa the water. lol....
Well, if this is how it turns out, it will obviously be because the "Deep State" is in cahoots with the "Lame Stream Media" and the Hitler commies and Trump is just an innocent victim and it was a Hillary conspiracy because Obama is a Muslim who was born in Kenya plus Benghazi 'stuff. Believe me.

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