FISA Court Abuse: Carter Page FISA Warrant Lacked 'Probable Cause'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"At least two of the FBI’s surveillance applications to secretly monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page lacked probable cause, according to a newly declassified summary of a Justice Department assessment released Thursday by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"The DOJ's admission essentially means that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant authorizations to surveil Page, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and should never have been issued."

The article goes on to cite several govt members / politicians talking about 'fixing mistakes made', 'healing', and 'moving on.' Grassley said it was about time these Agencies 'owned up to their mistakes' and fixed their issues.


No one 'owned up' to anything - they were CAUGHT ... these revelations were REPORTED as findings in their investigation!

F* 'fixing mistakes' & 'moving on' - these were not 'ertors / mistakes'. They were CRIMES! The f*ers responsible need TO GO TO PRISON!

If they are allowed to get away with it they will only believe they are above the law and will try to do it again!

Carter Page FISA warrant lacked probable cause, DOJ admits in declassified assessment

"At least two of the FBI’s surveillance applications to secretly monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page lacked probable cause, according to a newly declassified summary of a Justice Department assessment released Thursday by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"The DOJ's admission essentially means that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant authorizations to surveil Page, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and should never have been issued."

The article goes on to cite several govt members / politicians talking about 'fixing mistakes made', 'healing', and 'moving on.' Grassley said it was about time these Agencies 'owned up to their mistakes' and fixed their issues.


No one 'owned up' to anything - they were CAUGHT ... these revelations were REPORTED as findings in their investigation!

F* 'fixing mistakes' & 'moving on' - these were not 'ertors / mistakes'. They were CRIMES! The f*ers responsible need TO GO TO PRISON!

If they are allowed to get away with it they will only believe they are above the law and will try to do it again!

Carter Page FISA warrant lacked probable cause, DOJ admits in declassified assessment

But according to the left the FBI is never wrong. 44 and his cronies never would have spied on Trump it was just his imagination
"At least two of the FBI’s surveillance applications to secretly monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page lacked probable cause, according to a newly declassified summary of a Justice Department assessment released Thursday by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"The DOJ's admission essentially means that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant authorizations to surveil Page, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and should never have been issued."

The article goes on to cite several govt members / politicians talking about 'fixing mistakes made', 'healing', and 'moving on.' Grassley said it was about time these Agencies 'owned up to their mistakes' and fixed their issues.


No one 'owned up' to anything - they were CAUGHT ... these revelations were REPORTED as findings in their investigation!

F* 'fixing mistakes' & 'moving on' - these were not 'ertors / mistakes'. They were CRIMES! The f*ers responsible need TO GO TO PRISON!

If they are allowed to get away with it they will only believe they are above the law and will try to do it again!

Carter Page FISA warrant lacked probable cause, DOJ admits in declassified assessment

of course they are calling it mistakes ...they orchestrated the whole treasonous crime to influence an election with the aid of Russian fake lies [collusion]!
"At least two of the FBI’s surveillance applications to secretly monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page lacked probable cause, according to a newly declassified summary of a Justice Department assessment released Thursday by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"The DOJ's admission essentially means that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant authorizations to surveil Page, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and should never have been issued."

The article goes on to cite several govt members / politicians talking about 'fixing mistakes made', 'healing', and 'moving on.' Grassley said it was about time these Agencies 'owned up to their mistakes' and fixed their issues.


No one 'owned up' to anything - they were CAUGHT ... these revelations were REPORTED as findings in their investigation!

F* 'fixing mistakes' & 'moving on' - these were not 'ertors / mistakes'. They were CRIMES! The f*ers responsible need TO GO TO PRISON!

If they are allowed to get away with it they will only believe they are above the law and will try to do it again!

Carter Page FISA warrant lacked probable cause, DOJ admits in declassified assessment


Obama illegally used our own FBI and the DOJ as political weapons, it is 100X worst than Watergate
"At least two of the FBI’s surveillance applications to secretly monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page lacked probable cause, according to a newly declassified summary of a Justice Department assessment released Thursday by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"The DOJ's admission essentially means that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant authorizations to surveil Page, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and should never have been issued."

The article goes on to cite several govt members / politicians talking about 'fixing mistakes made', 'healing', and 'moving on.' Grassley said it was about time these Agencies 'owned up to their mistakes' and fixed their issues.


No one 'owned up' to anything - they were CAUGHT ... these revelations were REPORTED as findings in their investigation!

F* 'fixing mistakes' & 'moving on' - these were not 'ertors / mistakes'. They were CRIMES! The f*ers responsible need TO GO TO PRISON!

If they are allowed to get away with it they will only believe they are above the law and will try to do it again!

Carter Page FISA warrant lacked probable cause, DOJ admits in declassified assessment


Here we go.. Floodgates are open.. The FISA court as victims suddenly figure it out 2.5 years later... MANY "amicus" briefs went to these jokers SHOWING them the evidence years ago and yet they napped.. NOW with some of the last Civil Liberties advocates in Congress threatening to revise or remove the FISA court -- they suddenly "get a clue"...

So there was a CONTINUING fraud on one of America's most important courts.. And the statement today said they've only concluded they were screwed on 2 of 5 applications, but that it's likely other applications are in the boat...

My goal post for all this is to see another two of CNN/MSNBC's expert analysts join Avenatti in prison.. That would be Brennan and Clapper... Because BOTH HAD TO KNOW that Carter page was a trusted CIA/FBI source in his dealings in Russia and not at all like the depiction in the phony as shit "dossier" tthat the 2 of them marketed to the public and to leadership...

So when there's THREE of their hero/analysts sitting in prison, maybe my leftist buds will get woke and realize they've been fed shit for years from tthe VERY CRIMINALS that CNN/MSNBC should have been investigating like the rest of us have.....

You mental midgets suffered thru about 500 different appearances from this trio and ATE IT ALL... Lies, deception and fake news and all...
"At least two of the FBI’s surveillance applications to secretly monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page lacked probable cause, according to a newly declassified summary of a Justice Department assessment released Thursday by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"The DOJ's admission essentially means that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant authorizations to surveil Page, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and should never have been issued."

The article goes on to cite several govt members / politicians talking about 'fixing mistakes made', 'healing', and 'moving on.' Grassley said it was about time these Agencies 'owned up to their mistakes' and fixed their issues.


No one 'owned up' to anything - they were CAUGHT ... these revelations were REPORTED as findings in their investigation!

F* 'fixing mistakes' & 'moving on' - these were not 'ertors / mistakes'. They were CRIMES! The f*ers responsible need TO GO TO PRISON!

If they are allowed to get away with it they will only believe they are above the law and will try to do it again!

Carter Page FISA warrant lacked probable cause, DOJ admits in declassified assessment


Obama illegally used our own FBI and the DOJ as political weapons, it is 100X worst than Watergate

Not sure it compares to WaterGate.. In that what they ABUSED is the world's most awesome Domestic Spy system.. The FBI LIED to FISC to get the keys to drive it to spy on a political campaign and VIOLATE the rights and ruin the lives of several unsuspecting ordinary citizens...

Watergate was a bunch of burglars on a College panty raid.. But it didn't THREATEN ME or you.

This is really the "ABUSE OF POWER" story of the Day... Sorry Schiffty and Nads... This is more important to America....
This is Obama's Legacy...

'Fundamentally Changing America'?

Arming, supplying, funding, training, defending, protecting, and facilitating terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, and enemies of the state...

Pimping out our military to Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day...

Bypassing / ignoring / violating the Constitution, Rule Of Law, and Congress when they stood in his way of doing what he wanted...

'The administration most criminally non-compliant with the FOIA ever'...

Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposing political party candidates...and newly collected Presidents...

Protected Hillary from prison, keeping her on the ballot instead to protect his legacy...

Initiated, Directed, and oversaw the attempted political coup of a newly elected President...

...extorting the former Ukraine PM

...the most criminal President in US history... The most criminal administration of all time.
Amazing silence from the left on this.. Guess they don't want to be outraged over the largest abuse of power and Civil Liberties in their lifetimes... I supposed they prefer FABRICATED "abuse of power" dramas written for 3rd graders..

This may be too complex and awful for them to comprehend....
Amazing silence from the left on this..

There are no more 'grey' areas they can hide in. There is no more 'wiggle' / 'spin' room for them.

There is no other option for them except silence....because they have proven they will NEVER accept the results of the 2016 election, will NEVER accept the fact that 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' was debunked, and that Obama initiated a coup against Trump.

The FISA Court made it UNDENIABLY clear once and for all that Obama and his criminal administration illegally spied on Trump and his team.
"At least two of the FBI’s surveillance applications to secretly monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page lacked probable cause, according to a newly declassified summary of a Justice Department assessment released Thursday by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"The DOJ's admission essentially means that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant authorizations to surveil Page, when stripped of the FBI's misinformation, did not meet the necessary legal threshold and should never have been issued."

The article goes on to cite several govt members / politicians talking about 'fixing mistakes made', 'healing', and 'moving on.' Grassley said it was about time these Agencies 'owned up to their mistakes' and fixed their issues.


No one 'owned up' to anything - they were CAUGHT ... these revelations were REPORTED as findings in their investigation!

F* 'fixing mistakes' & 'moving on' - these were not 'ertors / mistakes'. They were CRIMES! The f*ers responsible need TO GO TO PRISON!

If they are allowed to get away with it they will only believe they are above the law and will try to do it again!

Carter Page FISA warrant lacked probable cause, DOJ admits in declassified assessment


No shit! Isn't that exactly what trump said long ago?

Why are we now impeaching Trump when we should be locking up democrats and the deep state?
Whoever is responsible needs to go to jail.
Comey and Rosenstein signed the applications. They need to go down.

Then we need to shut down the FISA courts.

It should be, but it will not be. This will all get swept under the rug and in a year everyone will have forgotten it happened and the powers that be will still be spying on us
Whoever is responsible needs to go to jail.
Comey and Rosenstein signed the applications. They need to go down.

Then we need to shut down the FISA courts.

It should be, but it will not be. This will all get swept under the rug and in a year everyone will have forgotten it happened and the powers that be will still be spying on us

And there is my biggest beef with Repubs.. These clowns KNEW of the awful politicization of the NSA 702 spy machine AGAINST THEIR OWN PARTY -- and CONTINUED to almost unanimously RE-AUTHORIZE the Patriot Act -- and vote down ANY amendments that would guarantee better protections of Civil Liberties...

That's horrendous.. And THEIR silence is as bad as the crickets from the left who have largely ABANDONED the larger sphere of Civil Liberties...

There's only a half dozen folks LEFT in power who care... And only about 1/3 of America is EVEN AWARE of the extent of this damage... But they WILL ------ soon....
I was fooled by the Patriot Act. Forgot the warnings of our Founding Fathers about giving Gov't too much power.

Time to take away that power. FISA needs to go away.
Whoever is responsible needs to go to jail.
Comey and Rosenstein signed the applications. They need to go down.

Then we need to shut down the FISA courts.

It should be, but it will not be. This will all get swept under the rug and in a year everyone will have forgotten it happened and the powers that be will still be spying on us

And there is my biggest beef with Repubs.. These clowns KNEW of the awful politicization of the NSA 702 spy machine AGAINST THEIR OWN PARTY -- and CONTINUED to almost unanimously RE-AUTHORIZE the Patriot Act -- and vote down ANY amendments that would guarantee better protections of Civil Liberties...

That's horrendous.. And THEIR silence is as bad as the crickets from the left who have largely ABANDONED the larger sphere of Civil Liberties...

There's only a half dozen folks LEFT in power who care... And only about 1/3 of America is EVEN AWARE of the extent of this damage... But they WILL ------ soon....

Do you really think they will be aware soon? Will anyone be paying attention? It is not coincidence this stuff is put out during the impeachment trial.
Whoever is responsible needs to go to jail.

They will, unless they rat out some of their bosses and send them to jail in their place.

And they will all be Democrats.

Look for them to Start with Clinesmith and move up from him.
I was fooled by the Patriot Act. Forgot the warnings of our Founding Fathers about giving Gov't too much power.

Time to take away that power. FISA needs to go away.

It is said that the goal of terrorism is never to take over a country but to change it.

In that light, 9/11 was a far bigger success than anyone gave it credit for being.
The Uncovering – Mike Rogers’ Investigation, Section 702 FISA...

Just adding to the years of abuse under Obama which Admiral Rogers caught them on before. A Laundry list of abuse.

The FBI’s Private Contractors – FISA Abuse, the Steele Dossier & A...

Then there was the Exec order to BROADEN the number of agencies and people who could APPLY to use the Spy Machine.. Went from only about a hundred people total in DC to nearly 4 times that number..

Happened just AS -- the FBI and other intel agencies started to probe the Trump campaign BEFORE HE WAS EVEN NOMINATED.... Not a coincidence...

And the number of American citizen identities being "unmasked" from protection and the number of "About" searches (fishing expeditions or witch hunting) skyrocketed.. Rogers at NSA is a good guy in this.. NSA in general is one of the most competent and principled agencies in the entire govt. He was the ONLY person in the Administration trying to protect the integrity and INTENDED USE of this massive big brother collection system..

EXCELLENT timeline in that article.. Just not near enough to put it all together... It's huge...

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