FISA Court Abuse: Carter Page FISA Warrant Lacked 'Probable Cause'

I was fooled by the Patriot Act. Forgot the warnings of our Founding Fathers about giving Gov't too much power.

Time to take away that power. FISA needs to go away.

It is said that the goal of terrorism is never to take over a country but to change it.

In that light, 9/11 was a far bigger success than anyone gave it credit for being.

That's OUR fault.. Not a victory for the terrorists. Or at least we LET them have it..

WE MEDDLED in the past election far greater than Putin did...
The Uncovering – Mike Rogers’ Investigation, Section 702 FISA...

Just adding to the years of abuse under Obama which Admiral Rogers caught them on before. A Laundry list of abuse.

The FBI’s Private Contractors – FISA Abuse, the Steele Dossier & A...

Then there was the Exec order to BROADEN the number of agencies and people who could APPLY to use the Spy Machine.. Went from only about a hundred people total in DC to nearly 4 times that number..

Happened just AS -- the FBI and other intel agencies started to probe the Trump campaign BEFORE HE WAS EVEN NOMINATED.... Not a coincidence...

And the number of American citizen identities being "unmasked" from protection and the number of "About" searches (fishing expeditions or witch hunting) skyrocketed.. Rogers at NSA is a good guy in this.. NSA in general is one of the most competent and principled agencies in the entire govt. He was the ONLY person in the Administration trying to protect the integrity and INTENDED USE of this massive big brother collection system..

EXCELLENT timeline in that article.. Just not near enough to put it all together... It's huge...
So if the Spy Machine has already been abused for POLITICAL purposes -- what's next? Is there gonna be a sudden burst of politically connected multi-BILLIONAIRES showing up with an unexplainable ability to PREDICT the markets??
NSA's Adm. Mike Rogers, American hero, working with Durham probe

The fact that Mike Rogers is now talking extensively with John Durham is the best recent indicator the Durham probe into the origins of the Russia Hoax will have far-reaching tentacles. Tentacles that go into the very heart of the Obama White House. John Durham has a number of questions. Mike Rogers has many of the answers.

Durham has announced earlier that he will be interviewing former CIA Director John Brennan and former DNI director James Clapper. Presumably, that will happen once Durham has collected the evidence he needs to continue the investigation. Durham is asking for Brennan’s emails and correspondence from his last several years as CIA director. There will be a treasure trove of criminality in those documents.

Mike Rogers uncovers the illegal spying on thousands of Americans
Mike Rogers’s knowledge goes a little deeper. In early 2016 Rogers got word that three contractors were illegally utilizing NSA surveillance systems under FISA 702 authority. And that the three contractors were reporting directly to John Brennan and James Clapper.

In March of 2016, Rogers cut off the access to those systems by these contractors and began an audit of what they had been doing. What he found was astonishing.
Real Evidence is there...........Only question is will the DOJ prosecute the crimes committed.........That is yet to be seen. The Fact that they were using Rogers is HOPE in that direction. Rogers has them STONE COLD QUILTY with the Evidence.
Amazing silence from the left on this..

There are no more 'grey' areas they can hide in. There is no more 'wiggle' / 'spin' room for them.

There is no other option for them except silence....because they have proven they will NEVER accept the results of the 2016 election, will NEVER accept the fact that 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' was debunked, and that Obama initiated a coup against Trump.

The FISA Court made it UNDENIABLY clear once and for all that Obama and his criminal administration illegally spied on Trump and his team.

Easy, every conservative with any sense knows exactly what is happening; and it has been orchestrated perfectly...…...which is kind of surprising coming from the GOP.

Just as the Dimwitters case is ending, and the Trump team is getting ready to start its defense, a cavalcade of information will be released that dismantles the Obysmal Administration, shows the DNC complicity, and might even have the preliminary Durham report thrown in for good measure.

Consider what we all have been asking for during the last 3 years, finally beginning before our very eyes...………..the Left being outted and dismantled, for the 1st time in over 60 years.

I have said it before, and I will say it again------------------>I do not know who insisted they gather the evidence then wait. I do not know who held Trump at bay, or who had the power to convince him to do it while keeping their political powder dry. But whomever did this, extensive kudos along with the obvious MASSIVE political pressure to put in place the Trump agenda will ensue from their actions.

The Left will be so shocked; as will many independents, not to mention Republicans, at the reality that things will have reversed almost instantly!

The Left will put laugh emojis on this post, but it won't be long before the reality sets in that their last hurrah; the impeachment...………...ended up bringing scrutiny to everything that they pulled off, and that now their chances in November will be virtually nill!

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