Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.

Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier

No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.

You really don't know how courts function, eh shitstain?

And second, yes each of those four applications were fraudulent. If you don't believe me, read the FISA rules and procedure in the link i provided, it may give you a hint.

When Comey said that "the dossier" was salacious and unverified, what does is mean? Even Steele confirmed that more than half is not verified. Are you saying "the dossier" is not fraudulent?

Since "the dossier" not confirmed and verified, it could not be presented to the court and under oat presented as truth. Therefore if ANY part of the application is fraudulent, the whole application is fraudulent and those who signed it committed the perjury.

If that's not clear, I'll get my kid's crayons.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.

Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.

Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier
No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.

You really don't know how courts function, eh shitstain?

And second, yes each of those four applications were fraudulent. If you don't believe me, read the FISA rules and procedure in the link i provided, it may give you a hint.

When Comey said that "the dossier" was salacious and unverified, what does is mean? Even Steele confirmed that more than half is not verified. Are you saying "the dossier" is not fraudulent?

Since "the dossier" not confirmed and verified, it could not be presented to the court and under oat presented as truth. Therefore if ANY part of the application is fraudulent, the whole application is fraudulent and those who signed it committed the perjury.

If that's not clear, I'll get my kid's crayons.
"Unverified" is FBI speak for "pure horseshit.'
Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier
No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.

You really don't know how courts function, eh shitstain?

And second, yes each of those four applications were fraudulent. If you don't believe me, read the FISA rules and procedure in the link i provided, it may give you a hint.
OMG! Still lying. The rules and procedures were followed to the letter by the judges. And do you know how we know? Because you didn't outline in bold type those rule discrepancies the judges were supposed to have broken. You aren't just a liar, you are a habitual liar.

When Comey said that "the dossier" was salacious and unverified, what does is mean?
It means you are using a distraction away from your lies about these four judges that you cannot set right.
Even Steele confirmed that more than half is not verified. Are you saying "the dossier" is not fraudulent?
More cowardly side bars. Stick to the script. Prove you aren't lying about the judges.

Since "the dossier" not confirmed and verified, it could not be presented to the court and under oat presented as truth. Therefore if ANY part of the application is fraudulent, the whole application is fraudulent and those who signed it committed the perjury.

If that's not clear, I'll get my kid's crayons.
You just distracted from your lies again. We aren't talking about the dossier. We are talking about the four judges you said signed off on a fraudulent warrant. The dossier conversation is totally independent, and has nothing to do with fraud or mishandling of the FISA. You are dodging to keep from explaining your very first lie. What a coward.
Trump falsely says Steele dossier triggered Russia probe
Last edited:

Politifact is leftist group that has nothing to do with fact checking, since they routinely cast judgments while failing to disclose their own leftist bias.

What Trump said is not far from the truth, you just refuse to see it. Dossier was planted to get FISA warrant allowed spying on Trump's campaign, all while unmasking hundreds of US citizens, all in order to prevent Trump ever getting into office, and if he does, to sabotage him and to set him up to make wrong move (such as firing someone) that would trigger impeachment.

If you're not able to connect the dots on your own, why do you think to understand when someone else, such as Politifact connect them for you. You're not thinking, you're following. But that's completely different problem...
Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier
No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.

You really don't know how courts function, eh shitstain?

And second, yes each of those four applications were fraudulent. If you don't believe me, read the FISA rules and procedure in the link i provided, it may give you a hint.

When Comey said that "the dossier" was salacious and unverified, what does is mean? Even Steele confirmed that more than half is not verified. Are you saying "the dossier" is not fraudulent?

Since "the dossier" not confirmed and verified, it could not be presented to the court and under oat presented as truth. Therefore if ANY part of the application is fraudulent, the whole application is fraudulent and those who signed it committed the perjury.

If that's not clear, I'll get my kid's crayons.
Comey never said the dossier was salacious and unverified — he said parts of it were. And if the FISA application were truly illegal as you ignorantly claim, people involved would have been indicted.
cnn and a toilet.PNG

Love the desperation spin....

They tried to get out ahead of those of us who really know how to read and follow the dots.. Nunes memo was confirmed and all doubts were laid waste. It even reinforced the fact the Dossier was the only thing used to lie to the FISA court in an effort to get a warrant..

Hilarious spin by you left wing retards... The only people your fooling are those who cant read or refuse to read and use their brains..
Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.
"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.
Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.
Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It never ceases to amaze me just how moronic you rightards are.

Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.

View attachment 206849

Love the desperation spin....

They tried to get out ahead of those of us who really know how to read and follow the dots.. Nunes memo was confirmed and all doubts were laid waste. It even reinforced the fact the Dossier was the only thing used to lie to the FISA court in an effort to get a warrant..

Hilarious spin by you left wing retards... The only people your fooling are those who cant read or refuse to read and use their brains..
You don’t know the dossier was the only thing used. The warrant application was so heavily redacted, you don’t know what’s in there. You’re only being shown what Trump wants you to see.
You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.
"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.
Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.
Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It never ceases to amaze me just how moronic you rightards are.

Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.

If Trump fired Rosenstein or declassified the documents the House oversight committee is requesting, turds like you would be screaming bloody murder. The Democrats in Congress, the #neverTrump Republicans and the fake news media would all be screaming for his impeachment.

Who the fuck do you believe you're fooling, shit for brains?
Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.


You don't seem to get the idea behind the deep state comrade, they think the holy constitution is just a piece of paper (so does Trump of course) and when the orange clown put Rosenstein in charge he handed control of the DOJ over to the deep state

That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.
"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.
Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.
Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It never ceases to amaze me just how moronic you rightards are.

Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.

If Trump fired Rosenstein or declassified the documents the House oversight committee is requesting, turds like you would be screaming bloody murder. The Democrats in Congress, the #neverTrump Republicans and the fake news media would all be screaming for his impeachment.

Who the fuck do you believe you're fooling, shit for brains?
Trump should declassified the documents.
Soon as the next SCCU judge makes it through the Senate he needs to bring in a new IG.
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.
"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.
Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.
Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It never ceases to amaze me just how moronic you rightards are.

Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.

If Trump fired Rosenstein or declassified the documents the House oversight committee is requesting, turds like you would be screaming bloody murder. The Democrats in Congress, the #neverTrump Republicans and the fake news media would all be screaming for his impeachment.

Who the fuck do you believe you're fooling, shit for brains?
Who said anything about firing Rosenstein? That’s your strawman and nothing I suggested. Same for your nonsense that the left would be screaming bloody murder if Trump declassified the FISA application.

Still, trump is the one Constitutionally required to enforce the law and according to fucking morons like you, he’s letting FBI officials skate by not prosecuting them for, according to you, illegally applying for a FISA warrant with false information.

Do you never realize what a fucking lunatic you sound like?
Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.


You don't seem to get the idea behind the deep state comrade, they think the holy constitution is just a piece of paper (so does Trump of course) and when the orange clown put Rosenstein in charge he handed control of the DOJ over to the deep state

You realize “deep state” is just a nebulous term used to describe anybody who doesn’t toe the line for Trump, right? It’s no different than calling any and every news agency, “fake news,” that puts out any unfavorable story of Trump. It’s all meant to demonize anyone who points at the king with no clothes. Sad to see you fall for it too. :(
"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.
Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.
Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It never ceases to amaze me just how moronic you rightards are.

Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.

If Trump fired Rosenstein or declassified the documents the House oversight committee is requesting, turds like you would be screaming bloody murder. The Democrats in Congress, the #neverTrump Republicans and the fake news media would all be screaming for his impeachment.

Who the fuck do you believe you're fooling, shit for brains?
Who said anything about firing Rosenstein? That’s your strawman and nothing I suggested. Same for your nonsense that the left would be screaming bloody murder if Trump declassified the FISA application.

Still, trump is the one Constitutionally required to enforce the law and according to fucking morons like you, he’s letting FBI officials skate by not prosecuting them for, according to you, illegally applying for a FISA warrant with false information.

Do you never realize what a fucking lunatic you sound like?
Everyone with a brain knows that to prosecute all the malefactors in the criminal FISA warrant conspiracy, Trump would have to fire Sessions and Rosenstein. Both have proven themselves to be tools of the deep state and are actively obstructing the prosecution of these crimes.

Pretending you don't understand these facts only show what a sleazy dishonest douchebag you are.
Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.


You don't seem to get the idea behind the deep state comrade, they think the holy constitution is just a piece of paper (so does Trump of course) and when the orange clown put Rosenstein in charge he handed control of the DOJ over to the deep state

You realize “deep state” is just a nebulous term used to describe anybody who doesn’t toe the line for Trump, right? It’s no different than calling any and every news agency, “fake news,” that puts out any unfavorable story of Trump. It’s all meant to demonize anyone who points at the king with no clothes. Sad to see you fall for it too. :(

Yeaaaah, little such thing as a "deep state" and no such thing as a shadow government and the fact that there are those that have a higher level of a security clearance means nothing. Seriously, you live in a tiny bubble and your ignorance should embarrass you.....
Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.
Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It never ceases to amaze me just how moronic you rightards are.

Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.

If Trump fired Rosenstein or declassified the documents the House oversight committee is requesting, turds like you would be screaming bloody murder. The Democrats in Congress, the #neverTrump Republicans and the fake news media would all be screaming for his impeachment.

Who the fuck do you believe you're fooling, shit for brains?
Who said anything about firing Rosenstein? That’s your strawman and nothing I suggested. Same for your nonsense that the left would be screaming bloody murder if Trump declassified the FISA application.

Still, trump is the one Constitutionally required to enforce the law and according to fucking morons like you, he’s letting FBI officials skate by not prosecuting them for, according to you, illegally applying for a FISA warrant with false information.

Do you never realize what a fucking lunatic you sound like?
Everyone with a brain knows that to prosecute all the malefactors in the criminal FISA warrant conspiracy, Trump would have to fire Sessions and Rosenstein. Both have proven themselves to be tools of the deep state and are actively obstructing the prosecution of these crimes.

Pretending you don't understand these facts only show what a sleazy dishonest douchebag you are.
Fucking moron... your brain is in a deep state of freeze. All Trump has to do is instruct them to open an investigation into the matter. He’s not because he knows what you don’t.... that there is more in that FISA application showing additional evidence was provided to the FISC to legally obtain that warrant.

He can’t prosecute anyone over this because no one did anything illegal, so he’s releasing only one side of the story and counting on useless fucking morons like you that run with what he’s given you, in order to convict them in the court of public opinion since he can’t convict them in an actual court.

You’re quite the obedient trumpette, ain’t ya? :itsok:

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