Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis, Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
"How are we changing your name"?

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you really totally lack any self awareness at all?

Either way I e just decided you are worth wasting any more time on, at least for now.

So bugger off.

SO OFFICIALLY for now on, we'll just refer to you as A GRATING SOUND FULL OF HOT AIR.
Whatever floats yer boat kid.

Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.
And you're still kicking their ass.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Yes smarter people knew that the Nunes memo debunked itself as soon as it came out. Here is an detailed explanation of that regarding Carter Page. Also George Papalopodous's name is mentioned no where in the dossier file.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

Sean Hannity, along with all the other prime time soap box operas on FOX NEWS have promoted this conspiracy theory that the Russian investigation was started because of the Dossier file. But their TIME LINE is way off. The Dossier file was given to John McCain who then handed it over to former FBI directors James Comey in late December 2016/early January 2017. Comey started the Russian investigation in July 2016, months before he received the dossier file.

This is the Devin Nunes conspiracy.


It looks like Rod Rosenstein has had enough of the usual suspects of Republican house members who are manufacturing these conspiracy's.
Rosenstein calls for investigation of GOP House intelligence committee. Devin Nunes the target

This article (The Guardian) was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

James Clapper's testimony on The Guardian article.
FEINSTEIN: The Guardian has reported that Britain's intelligence service first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious interactions between Trump advisers and Russian intelligence agents. This information was passed on to U.S. intelligence agencies.Over the spring of 2016, multiple European allies passed on additional information to the United States about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians. Is this accurate?YATES: I -- I can't answer that.FEINSTEIN: General Clapper, is that accurate? CLAPPER: Yes, it is and it's also quite sensitive.FEINSTEIN: OK. Let me ask you this.0LAPPER: The specifics are -- are --- are quite sensitive.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

This is also confirmed in this video.

Basically several different foreign countries were picking up Russian intelligence agents and Trump surrogates in daily routine spying operations of Russian assets since 2015, and that information was then passed onto former FBI director James Comey.

No lying shithead, with undeniable evidence proving the US IG cited the FBI / NIA definitely DID abuse the FISA Courts.

They illegally acquired FISA Court warrants to conduct their own Watergate.
Read carefully:
According to Robert Deitz, who reviewed manyFISA applications during his time as general counsel at the National Security Agency, there was nothing in the declassified FISA application to show evidence of abuse or misconduct.

"There is absolutely nothing there to criticize," he stressed.

The fact that the source on Carter Page was being paid by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign would not affect the FISA judges' determination, Deitz explained. "Motivation doesn't mean jack," he said. "Your source may hate the guts of the person he's reporting on."

What matters, he continued, is having an intelligence source who has provided reliable information in the past and probable cause to believe an individual is an agent of a foreign power. Because the FISA Court is not a criminal court, the evidence does not have to meet the standards of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Even without the Steele Dossier, the FISA application cites Carter Page's previous interview with an FBI agent, his public statements about his role as an informal adviser to the Kremlin and then-candidate Trump's statements about Page's role as a foreign policy adviser on the campaign.
There are those hold overs who are willfully using distractions to shield themselves from reality by planting unrelated topics as a replacement for their failed arguments.

I think it's hard for millions to admit they supported and voted for the Russian Manchurian candidate, but they did--:auiqs.jpg:

Really a great book to read that ties it all together is this. This would be especially helpful to FOX NEWS watchers who have been getting no news or wholly contorted news. This book follows all other media outlets reporting on the Russian investigation since it's onset.

It reads like a Grisham spy novel--and it's TRUE.


Yes it did change the outcome of the election, and James Clapper agrees with that assessment. Go to this link on this board for the explanation.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Fox news watchers don't read.
Fox news watchers don't read.
Snowflakes 'parrot'.

Conservatives read, things like the US IG report that specifically hammered the FBI for their criminal behavior. Snowflakes rely on EMOTION and OPINION, not facts.
The joker is the one ignoring the facts showing patterns of abuse

Obama's FBI Spied On The Trump Campaign, So What Did He Know And When Did He Know It?
2016 Cert FISC Memo Opin Order Apr 2017 (4)

"On October 20 2016, Rogers was briefed by the NSA compliance officer on findings from the 702 NSA compliance audit. The audit had uncovered numerous “About” Query violations (Senate testimony).

On October 21, 2016, Rogers shut down all “About Query” activity. He reported his findings to the DOJ (Senate testimony & inferences from Court Ruling).

On October 21 2016, the DOJ & FBI seek and receive a Title I FISA probable cause order authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISA Court. At this point, the FISA Court is unaware of the Section 702 violations."

"...the National Security Division specifically hid the findings of the January 7, 2016 Inspector General Report – along with knowledge of other violations – from the FISA Court."

"At the October 26, 2016 hearing, the Court ascribed the government’s failure to disclose those IG and OCO reviews at the October 4, 2016 hearing to an institutional “lack of candor” on NSA’s part and emphasized that “this is a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.”

An institutional lack of candor…"

The Uncovering – Mike Rogers’ Investigation, Section 702 FISA...

Laws broken, non-compliance, Amendment violations, FISA Court abuse.

These f*ers were running wild in their conspiratorial attempt to prevent Trump from winning.

Evidence proves it....
Throwing spaghetti up against the wall is all you have left. None of that is connected to Trump/Russia investigation. Lol! What a joke. Give it a rest. You've made enough fool of yourself already. These distraction links won't help you.
I'm quoting your article: "What did he know, and when did he know it". If the article can't answer that question, then why is it claiming Obama spied? That doesn't make sense. If they are making the claim that he spied, then the article should have all that information. Lol! Your article is nothing more than a fishing expedition without the fish.
Fox news watchers don't read.
Snowflakes 'parrot'.

Conservatives read, things like the US IG report that specifically hammered the FBI for their criminal behavior. Snowflakes rely on EMOTION and OPINION, not facts.
If in fact there was criminal behavior, an investigation would have been launched yesterday if that were really true. Your spaghetti is sliding off the wall. Give it a rest. The IG report never said anything about criminal activity by the FBI. Stop making a fool of yourself.
"How are we changing your name"?

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you really totally lack any self awareness at all?

Either way I e just decided you are worth wasting any more time on, at least for now.

So bugger off.

SO OFFICIALLY for now on, we'll just refer to you as A GRATING SOUND FULL OF HOT AIR.
Whatever floats yer boat kid.

Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.
And you're still kicking their ass.
Damn right. I can out lift, out work, out think, and out drink most people half my age. I'm 50 btw.
I'm quoting your article: "What did he know, and when did he know it". If the article can't answer that question, then why is it claiming Obama spied? That doesn't make sense. If they are making the claim that he spied, then the article should have all that information. Lol! Your article is nothing more than a fishing expedition without the fish.
In his treasonously biased text messages to his adulterous partner Strzok stated Obama wanted to be kept updated n EVERYTHING going on.

Are you suggesting the Director of the CIA briefed members of Congress on the Dossier (which has been proven) - claiming due to its being 'verified (which it was NOT) a Special Counsel was mandatory...are you claiming that the FBI abused the FISA Court (which has been proven - I posted direct evidence of this from the IG's report and other reports) by using the unverified Dossier to conduct their own illegal Watergate on the GOP candidate and Barry was completely CLUELESS about what was going on?

Are you suggesting that the FBI was conducting MULTIPLE investigations on the DNC candidate and one on the GOP candidate vying for the Presidency in the next election, that Obama's US AG was involved in drafting the Exoneration letter of Hillary Clinton before the investigation was over, and Obama was completely in the dark?


THAT is some of the most implausible....DUMBEST...shit spewed by the Left yet.
SO OFFICIALLY for now on, we'll just refer to you as A GRATING SOUND FULL OF HOT AIR.
Whatever floats yer boat kid.

Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.
And you're still kicking their ass.
Damn right. I can out lift, out work, out think, and out drink most people half my age. I'm 50 btw.
And a winner. :113:

I'm a little different. Run down from too much athletic abuse through the years, too old, and I'm sitting here waiting on Surgery for a Herniated bulging disc. Doctor said my running/weight lifting days are over. Oh well! It is what it is. You just move on.
Whatever floats yer boat kid.

Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.
And you're still kicking their ass.
Damn right. I can out lift, out work, out think, and out drink most people half my age. I'm 50 btw.
And a winner. :113:

I'm a little different. Run down from too much athletic abuse through the years, too old, and I'm sitting here waiting on Surgery for a Herniated bulging disc. Doctor said my running/weight lifting days are over. Oh well! It is what it is. You just move on.
My back is just about the only part of me still in original condition. I've been very lucky that way.
Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.
And you're still kicking their ass.
Damn right. I can out lift, out work, out think, and out drink most people half my age. I'm 50 btw.
And a winner. :113:

I'm a little different. Run down from too much athletic abuse through the years, too old, and I'm sitting here waiting on Surgery for a Herniated bulging disc. Doctor said my running/weight lifting days are over. Oh well! It is what it is. You just move on.
My back is just about the only part of me still in original condition. I've been very lucky that way.
You're lucky. The spine is controlling pretty much all of the range in motion. And I thought I could just punish it at will, anytime I wanted to, for decades. "BIG MISTAKE"! Hopefully, I will at least get to be on walk duty, after surgery? We will see?
How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis, Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
"How are we changing your name"?

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you really totally lack any self awareness at all?

Either way I e just decided you are worth wasting any more time on, at least for now.

So bugger off.

SO OFFICIALLY for now on, we'll just refer to you as A GRATING SOUND FULL OF HOT AIR.
Whatever floats yer boat kid.

Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.

Joint damage, you mean like a ruptured L4/L5 spent near paralyzed on the right side for a year? Medial and radial epidondilitis in both arms? Advanced arthritis and knee reconstruction in both knees; 4 operations in the one knee since 2015 alone? Arthritis in the neck that if I turn my head to the side, it sends pain down my arm? You mean swivel-chair rot like that? Difference between you and me is mine is far worse, but I deal with it and don't bitch about it or make a show of it to others.
I'm quoting your article: "What did he know, and when did he know it". If the article can't answer that question, then why is it claiming Obama spied? That doesn't make sense. If they are making the claim that he spied, then the article should have all that information. Lol! Your article is nothing more than a fishing expedition without the fish.
In his treasonously biased text messages to his adulterous partner Strzok stated Obama wanted to be kept updated n EVERYTHING going on.

Are you suggesting the Director of the CIA briefed members of Congress on the Dossier (which has been proven) - claiming due to its being 'verified (which it was NOT) a Special Counsel was mandatory...are you claiming that the FBI abused the FISA Court (which has been proven - I posted direct evidence of this from the IG's report and other reports) by using the unverified Dossier to conduct their own illegal Watergate on the GOP candidate and Barry was completely CLUELESS about what was going on?

Are you suggesting that the FBI was conducting MULTIPLE investigations on the DNC candidate and one on the GOP candidate vying for the Presidency in the next election, that Obama's US AG was involved in drafting the Exoneration letter of Hillary Clinton before the investigation was over, and Obama was completely in the dark?


THAT is some of the most implausible....DUMBEST...shit spewed by the Left yet.
Ha, if you're going to start out a post, try and make it look real. Strzok's text message was not treasonous to his mistress. Political opinions are allowed. Which is a big difference from being"treasonous". Try again.
Strzok's text message was not treasonous to his mistress.

Yeah, Strzok declaring 'WE will stop him' (from becoming President) is not treasonous at all!


'WTP'? Should be 'WTF'!

Way to manage to ignore a LOT of evidence, to include US IG reports, exposing the Conspiracy and FBI crimes.

"On or about May 2, 2016, Comey composed a statement summarizing Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, concluding that she was “grossly negligent.” Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner.

Comey used the exact phrase not once, but twice.

Based on Comey’s finding, Clinton should have faced a multiple-count criminal indictment, since the FBI discovered that she had stored 110 classified emails on her unauthorized, private computer server."

Obama's biggest attempt to meddle in the elections of others and change their outcome was his orchestration of his administration's attempt to protect Hillary from Indictment, framing Trump, preventing him from winning, and vowing to execute a political coup should he win.

It again, is UNDENIABLE based on al the evidence, reports, and US IG findings. It's over. Any further attempts to deny otherwise - while continuing to claim Trump is guilty based on zero evidence - is continuous sedition, treason, and butt-hurt.

'The Science Is Settled'. The evidence is irrefutable.

....yet that will still not stop snowflakes from....


"Lalalalalalalala.........I can't hear you"...."No, no, no, no, no, no NO! I want Hillary!"
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.
And you're still kicking their ass.
Damn right. I can out lift, out work, out think, and out drink most people half my age. I'm 50 btw.
And a winner. :113:

I'm a little different. Run down from too much athletic abuse through the years, too old, and I'm sitting here waiting on Surgery for a Herniated bulging disc. Doctor said my running/weight lifting days are over. Oh well! It is what it is. You just move on.
My back is just about the only part of me still in original condition. I've been very lucky that way.
You're lucky. The spine is controlling pretty much all of the range in motion. And I thought I could just punish it at will, anytime I wanted to, for decades. "BIG MISTAKE"! Hopefully, I will at least get to be on walk duty, after surgery? We will see?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
"How are we changing your name"?

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you really totally lack any self awareness at all?

Either way I e just decided you are worth wasting any more time on, at least for now.

So bugger off.

SO OFFICIALLY for now on, we'll just refer to you as A GRATING SOUND FULL OF HOT AIR.
Whatever floats yer boat kid.

Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.

Joint damage, you mean like a ruptured L4/L5 spent near paralyzed on the right side for a year? Medial and radial epidondilitis in both arms? Advanced arthritis and knee reconstruction in both knees; 4 operations in the one knee since 2015 alone? Arthritis in the neck that if I turn my head to the side, it sends pain down my arm? You mean swivel-chair rot like that? Difference between you and me is mine is far worse, but I deal with it and don't bitch about it or make a show of it to others.
Lol, so you don't bitch about it or make a show of it to others but you're trying one up me with it?

Get lost kid.
SO OFFICIALLY for now on, we'll just refer to you as A GRATING SOUND FULL OF HOT AIR.
Whatever floats yer boat kid.

Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.

Joint damage, you mean like a ruptured L4/L5 spent near paralyzed on the right side for a year? Medial and radial epidondilitis in both arms? Advanced arthritis and knee reconstruction in both knees; 4 operations in the one knee since 2015 alone? Arthritis in the neck that if I turn my head to the side, it sends pain down my arm? You mean swivel-chair rot like that? Difference between you and me is mine is far worse, but I deal with it and don't bitch about it or make a show of it to others.
Lol, so you don't bitch about it or make a show of it to others but you're trying one up me with it?

Get lost kid.

Not at all, Creep. YOU are the one who put down all of the conservative posters on this board as having nothing like you as far as joint problems and bringing up your ailments in the first place, even NAMING your avatar as such. I'm just proving how wrong you are AGAIN.
Whatever floats yer boat kid.

Not MY boat, YOURS! After all:

Crepitus /ˈkrɛpɪtəs/ (also termed crepitation) is a medical term to describe the grating sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints or a crackling sensation due to the presence of air.

Fits you to a tee.
Indeed, I suffer from joint damage due to leading an extremely active lifestyle for decades. It's literally a pain in the neck, but better than the swivel-chair rot most of you conservative internet junkies suffer from.

Joint damage, you mean like a ruptured L4/L5 spent near paralyzed on the right side for a year? Medial and radial epidondilitis in both arms? Advanced arthritis and knee reconstruction in both knees; 4 operations in the one knee since 2015 alone? Arthritis in the neck that if I turn my head to the side, it sends pain down my arm? You mean swivel-chair rot like that? Difference between you and me is mine is far worse, but I deal with it and don't bitch about it or make a show of it to others.
Lol, so you don't bitch about it or make a show of it to others but you're trying one up me with it?

Get lost kid.

Not at all, Creep. YOU are the one who put down all of the conservative posters on this board as having nothing like you as far as joint problems and bringing up your ailments in the first place, even NAMING your avatar as such. I'm just proving how wrong you are AGAIN.
Not really, no. The screen name has two meanings.
The joker is the one ignoring the facts showing patterns of abuse
Obama's FBI Spied On The Trump Campaign, So What Did He Know And When Did He Know It?
2016 Cert FISC Memo Opin Order Apr 2017 (4)

"On October 20 2016, Rogers was briefed by the NSA compliance officer on findings from the 702 NSA compliance audit. The audit had uncovered numerous “About” Query violations (Senate testimony).

On October 21, 2016, Rogers shut down all “About Query” activity. He reported his findings to the DOJ (Senate testimony & inferences from Court Ruling).

On October 21 2016, the DOJ & FBI seek and receive a Title I FISA probable cause order authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISA Court. At this point, the FISA Court is unaware of the Section 702 violations."

"...the National Security Division specifically hid the findings of the January 7, 2016 Inspector General Report – along with knowledge of other violations – from the FISA Court."

"At the October 26, 2016 hearing, the Court ascribed the government’s failure to disclose those IG and OCO reviews at the October 4, 2016 hearing to an institutional “lack of candor” on NSA’s part and emphasized that “this is a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.”

An institutional lack of candor…"

The Uncovering – Mike Rogers’ Investigation, Section 702 FISA...

Laws broken, non-compliance, Amendment violations, FISA Court abuse.

These f*ers were running wild in their conspiratorial attempt to prevent Trump from winning.

Evidence proves it....
Throwing spaghetti up against the wall is all you have left. None of that is connected to Trump/Russia investigation. Lol! What a joke. Give it a rest. You've made enough fool of yourself already. These distraction links won't help you.
Don’t you think spying on the Trump campaign should have included spying on someone actually in the Trump campaign?

They did, dumbass.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Yes smarter people knew that the Nunes memo debunked itself as soon as it came out. Here is an detailed explanation of that regarding Carter Page. Also George Papalopodous's name is mentioned no where in the dossier file.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

Sean Hannity, along with all the other prime time soap box operas on FOX NEWS have promoted this conspiracy theory that the Russian investigation was started because of the Dossier file. But their TIME LINE is way off. The Dossier file was given to John McCain who then handed it over to former FBI directors James Comey in late December 2016/early January 2017. Comey started the Russian investigation in July 2016, months before he received the dossier file.

This is the Devin Nunes conspiracy.


It looks like Rod Rosenstein has had enough of the usual suspects of Republican house members who are manufacturing these conspiracy's.
Rosenstein calls for investigation of GOP House intelligence committee. Devin Nunes the target

This article (The Guardian) was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

James Clapper's testimony on The Guardian article.
FEINSTEIN: The Guardian has reported that Britain's intelligence service first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious interactions between Trump advisers and Russian intelligence agents. This information was passed on to U.S. intelligence agencies.Over the spring of 2016, multiple European allies passed on additional information to the United States about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians. Is this accurate?YATES: I -- I can't answer that.FEINSTEIN: General Clapper, is that accurate? CLAPPER: Yes, it is and it's also quite sensitive.FEINSTEIN: OK. Let me ask you this.0LAPPER: The specifics are -- are --- are quite sensitive.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

This is also confirmed in this video.

Basically several different foreign countries were picking up Russian intelligence agents and Trump surrogates in daily routine spying operations of Russian assets since 2015, and that information was then passed onto former FBI director James Comey.

No lying shithead, with undeniable evidence proving the US IG cited the FBI / NIA definitely DID abuse the FISA Courts.

They illegally acquired FISA Court warrants to conduct their own Watergate.
Read carefully:
According to Robert Deitz, who reviewed manyFISA applications during his time as general counsel at the National Security Agency, there was nothing in the declassified FISA application to show evidence of abuse or misconduct.

"There is absolutely nothing there to criticize," he stressed.

The fact that the source on Carter Page was being paid by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign would not affect the FISA judges' determination, Deitz explained. "Motivation doesn't mean jack," he said. "Your source may hate the guts of the person he's reporting on."

What matters, he continued, is having an intelligence source who has provided reliable information in the past and probable cause to believe an individual is an agent of a foreign power. Because the FISA Court is not a criminal court, the evidence does not have to meet the standards of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Even without the Steele Dossier, the FISA application cites Carter Page's previous interview with an FBI agent, his public statements about his role as an informal adviser to the Kremlin and then-candidate Trump's statements about Page's role as a foreign policy adviser on the campaign.
There are those hold overs who are willfully using distractions to shield themselves from reality by planting unrelated topics as a replacement for their failed arguments.

I think it's hard for millions to admit they supported and voted for the Russian Manchurian candidate, but they did--:auiqs.jpg:

Really a great book to read that ties it all together is this. This would be especially helpful to FOX NEWS watchers who have been getting no news or wholly contorted news. This book follows all other media outlets reporting on the Russian investigation since it's onset.

It reads like a Grisham spy novel--and it's TRUE.


Yes it did change the outcome of the election, and James Clapper agrees with that assessment. Go to this link on this board for the explanation.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Fox news watchers don't read.


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