Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Yes smarter people knew that the Nunes memo debunked itself as soon as it came out. Here is an detailed explanation of that regarding Carter Page. Also George Papalopodous's name is mentioned no where in the dossier file.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

Sean Hannity, along with all the other prime time soap box operas on FOX NEWS have promoted this conspiracy theory that the Russian investigation was started because of the Dossier file. But their TIME LINE is way off. The Dossier file was given to John McCain who then handed it over to former FBI directors James Comey in late December 2016/early January 2017. Comey started the Russian investigation in July 2016, months before he received the dossier file.

This is the Devin Nunes conspiracy.


It looks like Rod Rosenstein has had enough of the usual suspects of Republican house members who are manufacturing these conspiracy's.
Rosenstein calls for investigation of GOP House intelligence committee. Devin Nunes the target

This article (The Guardian) was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

James Clapper's testimony on The Guardian article.
FEINSTEIN: The Guardian has reported that Britain's intelligence service first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious interactions between Trump advisers and Russian intelligence agents. This information was passed on to U.S. intelligence agencies.Over the spring of 2016, multiple European allies passed on additional information to the United States about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians. Is this accurate?YATES: I -- I can't answer that.FEINSTEIN: General Clapper, is that accurate? CLAPPER: Yes, it is and it's also quite sensitive.FEINSTEIN: OK. Let me ask you this.0LAPPER: The specifics are -- are --- are quite sensitive.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

This is also confirmed in this video.

Basically several different foreign countries were picking up Russian intelligence agents and Trump surrogates in daily routine spying operations of Russian assets since 2015, and that information was then passed onto former FBI director James Comey.

No lying shithead, with undeniable evidence proving the US IG cited the FBI / NIA definitely DID abuse the FISA Courts.

They illegally acquired FISA Court warrants to conduct their own Watergate.
Read carefully:
According to Robert Deitz, who reviewed manyFISA applications during his time as general counsel at the National Security Agency, there was nothing in the declassified FISA application to show evidence of abuse or misconduct.

"There is absolutely nothing there to criticize," he stressed.

The fact that the source on Carter Page was being paid by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign would not affect the FISA judges' determination, Deitz explained. "Motivation doesn't mean jack," he said. "Your source may hate the guts of the person he's reporting on."

What matters, he continued, is having an intelligence source who has provided reliable information in the past and probable cause to believe an individual is an agent of a foreign power. Because the FISA Court is not a criminal court, the evidence does not have to meet the standards of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Even without the Steele Dossier, the FISA application cites Carter Page's previous interview with an FBI agent, his public statements about his role as an informal adviser to the Kremlin and then-candidate Trump's statements about Page's role as a foreign policy adviser on the campaign.
There are those hold overs who are willfully using distractions to shield themselves from reality by planting unrelated topics as a replacement for their failed arguments.

I think it's hard for millions to admit they supported and voted for the Russian Manchurian candidate, but they did--:auiqs.jpg:

Really a great book to read that ties it all together is this. This would be especially helpful to FOX NEWS watchers who have been getting no news or wholly contorted news. This book follows all other media outlets reporting on the Russian investigation since it's onset.

It reads like a Grisham spy novel--and it's TRUE.


Yes it did change the outcome of the election, and James Clapper agrees with that assessment. Go to this link on this board for the explanation.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Fox news watchers don't read.

Or think for themselves.
You'll only confuse them by citing facts....
i might die of shock if i ever see you post any

RIP, Val:

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

"The FBI (and, I’m even more sad to say, my Justice Department) brought the FISA court the Steele-dossier allegations, relying on Steele’s credibility without verifying his information. is crystal clear that the Steele dossier, an unverified Clinton-campaign product, was the driving force behind the Trump–Russia investigation."
So then, why won't Trump declassify it?

What makes you think that he wont?

He's winning even without it.
You really need to ask why the FBI would be investigating Russian SPIES who are trying to groom American assets IN THE UNITED STATES?

No, I'm asking what led the FBI to believe that Carter Page was being 'groomed' by Russian spies
Are you brain dead?

I've heard that question before, I don't think I am but I guess my opinion is a bit biased...


Why would they believe the Russian were trying to groom Carter Page? Because they had been investigating the Russian spies for a long time and they had intercepted their communications which included them talking about how Carter Page was getting whatever information they asked for and saying how Page was an idiot.

What classified information did Carter Page have access to?

That is not what Page has been investigated for. He has been in collusion with Russian agents!

If he did anything illegal, why isn't he charged already?
No lying shithead, with undeniable evidence proving the US IG cited the FBI / NIA definitely DID abuse the FISA Courts.

They illegally acquired FISA Court warrants to conduct their own Watergate.
Four Republican FISA court judges say you are wrong.

When have they said that?

Or perhaps, four Republican FISA court judges have been fooled into believing that information provided by FBI was verified and correct.

Here are FISA rules and procedures. Scroll down to page 5 and read Rule 13.

I'll make it easy for you, here is the screenshot:


Again: If the government discovers that a submission to the Court contained a misstatement or omission of material fact, the government, in writing, must immediately inform the Judge to whom the submission was made of...

Had any of those who signed FISA application and swore that information provided is correct done that after they discovered that dossier" was fabricated and paid for by Hillary's campaign? No, they knew information was plain lie from the get go and they still continued to apply for extensions.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applications should be charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
Last edited:

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.[/quote]
Strzok's text message was not treasonous to his mistress.

Yeah, Strzok declaring 'WE will stop him' (from becoming President) is not treasonous at all!


'WTP'? Should be 'WTF'!

Way to manage to ignore a LOT of evidence, to include US IG reports, exposing the Conspiracy and FBI crimes.

View attachment 206720
That's right. Learn to interpret what you read, not what you want it to say. It's called basic intelligence and reasoning.
Last edited:

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.
Strzok's text message was not treasonous to his mistress.

Yeah, Strzok declaring 'WE will stop him' (from becoming President) is not treasonous at all!


'WTP'? Should be 'WTF'!

Way to manage to ignore a LOT of evidence, to include US IG reports, exposing the Conspiracy and FBI crimes.

View attachment 206720
That's right. Learn to interpret what you read, not what you want it to say. It's called basic intelligence and reasoning.

When do you post anything that wasn't spoon fed to you from some leftwing propaganda organ?

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier
Strzok's text message was not treasonous to his mistress.

Yeah, Strzok declaring 'WE will stop him' (from becoming President) is not treasonous at all!


'WTP'? Should be 'WTF'!

Way to manage to ignore a LOT of evidence, to include US IG reports, exposing the Conspiracy and FBI crimes.

View attachment 206720
That's right. Learn to interpret what you read, not what you want it to say. It's called basic intelligence and reasoning.

When do you post anything that wasn't spoon fed to you from some leftwing propaganda organ?
If that were true, you'd have something to debate. But you never do.
Strzok's text message was not treasonous to his mistress.

Yeah, Strzok declaring 'WE will stop him' (from becoming President) is not treasonous at all!


'WTP'? Should be 'WTF'!

Way to manage to ignore a LOT of evidence, to include US IG reports, exposing the Conspiracy and FBI crimes.

View attachment 206720
That's right. Learn to interpret what you read, not what you want it to say. It's called basic intelligence and reasoning.

When do you post anything that wasn't spoon fed to you from some leftwing propaganda organ?
If that were true, you'd have something to debate. But you never do.

Why debate the pile of horseshit lies you always post?
Last edited:

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier

WTP isn't capable of supporting his claims with facts and logic. All he's capable of is regurgitating horseshit propaganda talking points. Then he insults anyone who points out the flaws in his posts. He's a mindless drone, if there ever was one.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier

No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier

WTP isn't capable of supporting his claims with facts and logic. All he's capable of is regurgitating horseshit propaganda talking points. Then he insults anyone who points out the flaws in his posts. He's a mindless drone, if there ever was one.

Lol! That isn't even a link. :auiqs.jpg:Damn what a bunch of liars.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier

WTP isn't capable of supporting his claims with facts and logic. All he's capable of is regurgitating horseshit propaganda talking points. Then he insults anyone who points out the flaws in his posts. He's a mindless drone, if there ever was one.

You aren't capable of honest, intelligent debate. Go waste somebody else's time.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier

No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.

Still waiting hotshot. :coffee:Where's the proof the judges signed off on fraudulent FISA's? Your words liar.
Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier
WTP isn't capable of supporting his claims with facts and logic. All he's capable of is regurgitating horseshit propaganda talking points. Then he insults anyone who points out the flaws in his posts. He's a mindless drone, if there ever was one.
You aren't capable of honest, intelligent debate. Go waste somebody else's time.
ROFL! You have no idea how funny it is to see you post the words "honest, intelligent debate." Is that really what you believe you do?

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

You keep repeating "Republican appointed judges" like that changes the outcome.

FISA judges issue warrants based on information provided to them in FISA application. Whoever sign the application is sworn and testifies that information is verified and correct, and judge issue the warrant based on that testimony. Every single of four applications based primarily on fabricated dossier paid for by Hillary was presented as truth and based on that, the judge issues the warrant. That is not so hard to understand, is it?
That is a totally fabricated statement. There is zero evidence that those four judges issued those warrants because of the dossier. Why do you lie? There exists not one link out there remotely proving that statement of yours. And that is how the Right keeps finding themselves in these pickles.

Lying to the (any) judge under oath is criminal act of perjury, punishable by federal law with up to five years in prison. Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail However, that is not the only crime they committed and the rest is coming out little by little and when it all come out, they're not gonna be looking at 5 years, by 50, or more.
Once again, you are lying. If you were telling the truth, you would have provided the link proving these judges did what you say they did. But you didn't.

Enjoy your derangement, it's fun to watch.
I'm enjoying watching you play games by inventing scenarios that never existed.

Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier
No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.
Still waiting hotshot. :coffee:Where's the proof the judges signed off on fraudulent FISA's? Your words liar.

The FISA is fraudulent. That's all the proof needed.

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