Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.

Son, you and Schiff are both fucking liars.

2016 FISA Application on Carter Page

Page 13, you lying pile of shit.
What about it, raving lunatic?

(U) In or about January 2015, Podobnyy, along with Evgeny Buryakov and Igor Sporyshev, were charged by a sealed complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for violations on 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 951 (conspiring to act, and acting as, an unregistered agent of a foreign government). According to the complaint, Buryakov worked in the United States as an agent of the SVR. Specifically, Buryakov operated under non-official cover, posing as an employee in the Manhattan office of a Russian bank. Buryakov worked with two other SVR agents, Podobnyy and Sporyshev, to gather intelligence on behalf of


Yawn, you fucking liars are boring.

{accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”}

What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?

On page 13 the FSB certifies the warrant.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.

Son, you and Schiff are both fucking liars.

2016 FISA Application on Carter Page

Page 13, you lying pile of shit.
What about it, raving lunatic?

(U) In or about January 2015, Podobnyy, along with Evgeny Buryakov and Igor Sporyshev, were charged by a sealed complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for violations on 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 951 (conspiring to act, and acting as, an unregistered agent of a foreign government). According to the complaint, Buryakov worked in the United States as an agent of the SVR. Specifically, Buryakov operated under non-official cover, posing as an employee in the Manhattan office of a Russian bank. Buryakov worked with two other SVR agents, Podobnyy and Sporyshev, to gather intelligence on behalf of


Yawn, you fucking liars are boring.

{accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”}

What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?

On page 13 the FSB certifies the warrant.
Liars are boring...the US IG report cited the abuse, the FBI using an unverified document as 100% accurate. It was NEVER verified. The US IG stated the FBI misled the FISA Courts.


Its over - the Obama administration Conspiracy has been exposed.

Rosenstein and Mueller have Obstructed Justice and withheld documents, illegally refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena because the whole thing is a sham - treason.

The only reason Rosenstein has not already been Impeached is because of the gutless House Speaker who has one foot already out the door...
Might want to read it yourself, OP. It actually shows that the FBI used the fake dossier to drum up the FISA warrant. That's definitely a violation of the law.
Oh? What law was violated?

Perjury. The FSB certified that the information in the warrant application was "verified, vetted, and confirmed."

The Obama agents flat out lied in order to engage in treason by spying on the President Elect of the United States.

Yes, you're filled with hate and you're a fucking liar, you think treason to take out enemies of the party is great. But Normals are not so thrilled that supposed law enforcement openly lies to try and frame an enemy of the party.

Yes, you're an Iranian spy attempting to corrupt the American political process so are thrilled that this destroys basic protections from abuse by the FSB; but Americans understand that if corrupt pigs like Strzok can do this to the President, they can do whatever they fucking well like to the peasants.

Can, and do.
3 years
No crime
No evidence

That's not an investigation - it's a WITCH HUNT!
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law
3 years
No crime
No evidence

That's not an investigation - it's a WITCH HUNT!
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

So far the Inquisition has ZERO convictions - regardless of coerced "confessions."
25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
Mueller was tasked with investigating illegal Trump Collusion with Russians and Russian interference ....

NOT ONE of the 29 cases you mentioned have anything to do with illegal collusion between Trump and Russians.

There is no - was NEVER any - evidence of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians.

After 3 years Democrats and Snowflakes have not been able to prove a crime involving Trump ever happened requiring an investigation let alone a special counsel.

Mueller went back a decade - before Obama was President - to find a crime Manafort was involved in, one Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta, and his brother, 'Fat Tony' were involved in....except Mueller protected the Podestas - offered Fat Tony immunity - because Trump is the only one he is after.

Papadapolous was set up by a Hillary donor and the FBI.

Flynn was indicted for perjury - and pressured to pleaing guilty - despite Comey testifying that his agents declared Flynn never lied when interrogated.

And despite all the indictments and guilty pleas you cited, you still have ZERO CRIMES AND ZERO EVIDENCE of any crimes involving Russians and Trump collusion!

^^^ another fucking moron.

In reality, Mueller has told trump he is personally not under investigation. Mueller is investigating others who were involved illegally with Russia and has more than a few indictments so far.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis, Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
"How are we changing your name"?

Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you really totally lack any self awareness at all?

Either way I e just decided you are worth wasting any more time on, at least for now.

So bugger off.

Creep, I'm just shortening the name you chose.

Either way, this FISA document proves that the FSB engaged in perjury in order to spy on Trump - an act of treason.
3 years
No crime
No evidence

That's not an investigation - it's a WITCH HUNT!
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

So far the Inquisition has ZERO convictions - regardless of coerced "confessions."
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.


3 years
No crime
No evidence

That's not an investigation - it's a WITCH HUNT!
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

So far the Inquisition has ZERO convictions - regardless of coerced "confessions."
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.



Look, the Iranian is using memes..

Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.

Son, you and Schiff are both fucking liars.

2016 FISA Application on Carter Page

Page 13, you lying pile of shit.
What about it, raving lunatic?

(U) In or about January 2015, Podobnyy, along with Evgeny Buryakov and Igor Sporyshev, were charged by a sealed complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for violations on 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 951 (conspiring to act, and acting as, an unregistered agent of a foreign government). According to the complaint, Buryakov worked in the United States as an agent of the SVR. Specifically, Buryakov operated under non-official cover, posing as an employee in the Manhattan office of a Russian bank. Buryakov worked with two other SVR agents, Podobnyy and Sporyshev, to gather intelligence on behalf of


Yawn, you fucking liars are boring.

{accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”}

What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?

On page 13 the FSB certifies the warrant.
I posted the non-redacted portion of page #13 and it did no such thing.
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

So far the Inquisition has ZERO convictions - regardless of coerced "confessions."
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.



Look, the Iranian is using memes..


Now I'm Iranian? You've been saying I'm North Korean.

Regardless of your dementia, a guilty plea accepted in a court of law is a conviction. You rightards do nothing but expose your own ignorance by posting such lunacies.
3 years
No crime
No evidence

That's not an investigation - it's a WITCH HUNT!
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

In other words, pleading guilty is not a conviction. When you plead guilty, no one FINDS you guilty, you fucking dumbass.
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

So far the Inquisition has ZERO convictions - regardless of coerced "confessions."
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.



Look, the Iranian is using memes..


Now I'm Iranian? You've been saying I'm North Korean.

Regardless of your dementia, a guilty plea accepted in a court of law is a conviction. You rightards do nothing but expose your own ignorance by posting such lunacies.

Wrong. A conviction requires a trial. You're a fucking dumbass.
3 years
No crime
No evidence

That's not an investigation - it's a WITCH HUNT!
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

In other words, pleading guilty is not a conviction. When you plead guilty, no one FINDS you guilty, you fucking dumbass.
Holyfuckingshit! :cuckoo:

The court finds you guilty, ya flamin' fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

That's why a judge has to accept the plea for it to be a conviction.

What is the Consequence of a Guilty Plea? -


A guilty plea results in conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

So far the Inquisition has ZERO convictions - regardless of coerced "confessions."
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.



Look, the Iranian is using memes..


Now I'm Iranian? You've been saying I'm North Korean.

Regardless of your dementia, a guilty plea accepted in a court of law is a conviction. You rightards do nothing but expose your own ignorance by posting such lunacies.

Wrong. A conviction requires a trial. You're a fucking dumbass.
You really can't get any dumber.


WASHINGTON – An international lobbying firm announced the hiring of convicted former national security adviser Michael Flynn Tuesday, even as the retired Army lieutenant general awaited sentencing for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia.
Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier
No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.

You really don't know how courts function, eh shitstain?

And second, yes each of those four applications were fraudulent. If you don't believe me, read the FISA rules and procedure in the link i provided, it may give you a hint.

When Comey said that "the dossier" was salacious and unverified, what does is mean? Even Steele confirmed that more than half is not verified. Are you saying "the dossier" is not fraudulent?

Since "the dossier" not confirmed and verified, it could not be presented to the court and under oat presented as truth. Therefore if ANY part of the application is fraudulent, the whole application is fraudulent and those who signed it committed the perjury.

If that's not clear, I'll get my kid's crayons.
Comey never said the dossier was salacious and unverified — he said parts of it were. And if the FISA application were truly illegal as you ignorantly claim, people involved would have been indicted.

If any part of the FISA application is salacious and unverified, government MUST inform the court about it.

FISA rules and procedures. Read rule 13 on page 5.

Has any of the four that signed FISA application (government) done that?

No. In fact, not that they hadn't informed the court of any salacious and unverified information, after the initial warrant they swore three more times that information they're submitting is correct even they knew it's not. In other words, they lied to court under oath in order to get the warrant, and that is perjury.

Why they have not been indicted? Because all that have been discovered just recently and I expect indictment will come when investigation is finished and all evidence is 100% verified. You don't make processing mistakes in things serious as such.
While you are busy self erecting yourself as somehow this producer and author of FISA rules and procedures, it might be best to remind you that no one has heard your call. Even your own corrupt Republican chair Nunes and his flunkies have produced nada on anything salacious towards these Republican judges with respect to their job of following protocol. You can swat the air all you want, and you'll keep on swatting at it, and your results will always be the same.

Huh? What are you barking about, shitstain? It seems that one brain cell you got is fighting itself for dominance.

Where have I said that judges have not followed the protocol, or even criticized them?

Before you answer my questions, let me remind you to read what you wrote before you post. It may help you to avoid tautology that is making you sound foolish. I know I can't expect too much from a leftist, but at least try to raise yourself above the plankton's level.

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