Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

3 years
No crime
No evidence

That's not an investigation - it's a WITCH HUNT!
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

In other words, pleading guilty is not a conviction. When you plead guilty, no one FINDS you guilty, you fucking dumbass.
Holyfuckingshit! :cuckoo:

The court finds you guilty, ya flamin' fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

That's why a judge has to accept the plea for it to be a conviction.

What is the Consequence of a Guilty Plea? -


A guilty plea results in conviction.
Note the word "find" in the definition. When you plead guilty, the court doesn't find shit, you fucking dumbass.
So far the Inquisition has ZERO convictions - regardless of coerced "confessions."
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.



Look, the Iranian is using memes..


Now I'm Iranian? You've been saying I'm North Korean.

Regardless of your dementia, a guilty plea accepted in a court of law is a conviction. You rightards do nothing but expose your own ignorance by posting such lunacies.

Wrong. A conviction requires a trial. You're a fucking dumbass.
You really can't get any dumber.


WASHINGTON – An international lobbying firm announced the hiring of convicted former national security adviser Michael Flynn Tuesday, even as the retired Army lieutenant general awaited sentencing for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia.

So you believe the fact that some dumbass reporter can't read a dictionary means you're right?
Funny, I explain to you how FISA court works, wich is in fact how every court works at their own level, I provided to you link to the FISA court rules and procedures, and with all that in the front of you, I am one that is lying. On the contrary, you who provided nothing of the value, and your opinion pulled out of your ass has no value, according to you is an absolute truth.

No proof? Andrew McCabe testified on the front of Congress that there would not be FISA warrant without the dossier. Also...

FISA Applications Confirm: The FBI Relied on the Unverified Steele Dossier
No, no, no, liar, you're going to explain why you lied first about these four judges. I don't need lessons on how FISA's work.

You said that each judge signed off on a fraudulent FISA. That is a lie, and has jack squat to do with this side diversion of yours. This is your quote: Each and every one of four that signed those fraudulent applicants should charged with perjury and end up in jail. Prove they are fraudulent or you continue to be a liar.

You really don't know how courts function, eh shitstain?

And second, yes each of those four applications were fraudulent. If you don't believe me, read the FISA rules and procedure in the link i provided, it may give you a hint.

When Comey said that "the dossier" was salacious and unverified, what does is mean? Even Steele confirmed that more than half is not verified. Are you saying "the dossier" is not fraudulent?

Since "the dossier" not confirmed and verified, it could not be presented to the court and under oat presented as truth. Therefore if ANY part of the application is fraudulent, the whole application is fraudulent and those who signed it committed the perjury.

If that's not clear, I'll get my kid's crayons.
Comey never said the dossier was salacious and unverified — he said parts of it were. And if the FISA application were truly illegal as you ignorantly claim, people involved would have been indicted.

If any part of the FISA application is salacious and unverified, government MUST inform the court about it.

FISA rules and procedures. Read rule 13 on page 5.

Has any of the four that signed FISA application (government) done that?

No. In fact, not that they hadn't informed the court of any salacious and unverified information, after the initial warrant they swore three more times that information they're submitting is correct even they knew it's not. In other words, they lied to court under oath in order to get the warrant, and that is perjury.

Why they have not been indicted? Because all that have been discovered just recently and I expect indictment will come when investigation is finished and all evidence is 100% verified. You don't make processing mistakes in things serious as such.
Great, let’s see your evidence that the FBI used the salacious and unverified account of Trump paying Russian prostitutes for a golden shower to obtain the warrant.....

I see you're lost in thought, but it's forgiven, since for you it's unfamiliar territory.
"Zero evidence?" How fucking stupid can a person get? They just published 415 pages of evidence.
Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.
Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It never ceases to amaze me just how moronic you rightards are.

Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.


Have DOJ reported to him?

If they have, who, when and what have they reported? Give us an example.

If not, why they have not?

Since Sessions recused himself, how many times Rosenstein reported to Trump about ongoing things, since DOJ as you say "reports to him"?
Trump doesn’t need the Justice Department to report illegal activities to him regarding that warrant application, he already knows what’s in it. If criminal conduct was used to obtain that warrant, trump could order his Justice Department to arrest anyone involved.

There’s a reason he’s not doing that.

By the same token, Congress also one exactly what’s in that application. They could ask the Department of Justice to arrest those involved.

There’s a reason they’re not doing that.

Right, that's what you want so you can cry "obstruction of justice".

Well, Congress also have oversight of the DOJ and Trump doesn't have to anything until Congress get all the information they requested. They have enough reason for Rosenstein's impeachment, but I doubt they have balls to start the process. We'll see.
Are you on crack?

25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

In other words, pleading guilty is not a conviction. When you plead guilty, no one FINDS you guilty, you fucking dumbass.
Holyfuckingshit! :cuckoo:

The court finds you guilty, ya flamin' fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

That's why a judge has to accept the plea for it to be a conviction.

What is the Consequence of a Guilty Plea? -


A guilty plea results in conviction.
Note the word "find" in the definition. When you plead guilty, the court doesn't find shit, you fucking dumbass.
The court "finds" you guilty when the court accepts the plea. That's why a judge has to accept it. Until then, a guilty individual is not convicted.

Dayum, fucking moron, I can't believe you're this retarded.

Actually -- yes, I can. :badgrin:

Bernie Madeoff pled guilty and was sentenced to 150 years in prison. According to a fucking moron like you, he was imprisoned without being convicted.

It’s astounding that we can read the fisa documents which verify that the nunes memo was accurate and people still claim otherwise
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.



Look, the Iranian is using memes..


Now I'm Iranian? You've been saying I'm North Korean.

Regardless of your dementia, a guilty plea accepted in a court of law is a conviction. You rightards do nothing but expose your own ignorance by posting such lunacies.

Wrong. A conviction requires a trial. You're a fucking dumbass.
You really can't get any dumber.


WASHINGTON – An international lobbying firm announced the hiring of convicted former national security adviser Michael Flynn Tuesday, even as the retired Army lieutenant general awaited sentencing for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia.

So you believe the fact that some dumbass reporter can't read a dictionary means you're right?
No, I think that you're parading your ignorance for all to see is hysterical. You're literally proving me right with every post when I point out what a fucking moron you are.

guilty plea noun acceptance of criminal wronggoing, admission of blame, admission of guilt, admission of punishment, admission of the charges as read, at fault, blameworthiness, conviction, culpable plea, plea of guilt

guilty plea

If you choose to give up your right to trial in a criminal case and enter a guilty plea, you will be giving up not only a trial but also, in most instances, the right to appeal any legal or factual issues to a higher court. Once you have entered a guilty plea, the judge will convict you based on your own admissions, and you will ordinarily have no grounds to undo that conviction in a court of appeals.

Guilty Pleas and Appeals -

After a defendant has admitted guilt, the court will enter a judgment of conviction and proceed to the sentencing phase
Much of it reacted, meaning there’s a shit load of evidence contained in that FISA application you haven’t seen.

Now if you were right, and you never are, folks would have been brought up on charges by now.
Hmmm, no they wouldn't. We have all seen how the deep state is fighting tooth and nail to keep their operatives out of the pokey. They have plenty of allies in the fake news media and with lobbyists and big donors in Washington.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

It never ceases to amaze me just how moronic you rightards are.

Fucking moron... Trump is the top dog when it comes to law enforcement. He’s the one Constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law. The Department of Justice reports to him. According to lunatics like you, Trump must be deep state.


Have DOJ reported to him?

If they have, who, when and what have they reported? Give us an example.

If not, why they have not?

Since Sessions recused himself, how many times Rosenstein reported to Trump about ongoing things, since DOJ as you say "reports to him"?
Trump doesn’t need the Justice Department to report illegal activities to him regarding that warrant application, he already knows what’s in it. If criminal conduct was used to obtain that warrant, trump could order his Justice Department to arrest anyone involved.

There’s a reason he’s not doing that.

By the same token, Congress also one exactly what’s in that application. They could ask the Department of Justice to arrest those involved.

There’s a reason they’re not doing that.

Right, that's what you want so you can cry "obstruction of justice".

Well, Congress also have oversight of the DOJ and Trump doesn't have to anything until Congress get all the information they requested. They have enough reason for Rosenstein's impeachment, but I doubt they have balls to start the process. We'll see.
Looks like Trump is gonna have to do his own dirty work...

Ryan opposes Rosenstein impeachment attempt by House conservatives, dooming it for now
It’s astounding that we can read the fisa documents which verify that the nunes memo was accurate and people still claim otherwise
They do nothing of the sort. First and foremost, they're heavily redacted and you have no idea what Trump is not letting you see.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

The latter.

Well I must admit if you're into manufactured conspiracy news, there really is no better place to be than FOX NEWS.--:auiqs.jpg:

1. They are under a Federal Law suit for manufacturing a conspiracy surrounding the death of a DNC staffer Seth Rich, with White House oversite.
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

2. Sean Hannity promotes a known intelligence enemy of this nation (Julian Assange/Wikileaks) to prop up the Seth Rich story that he manufactured with White House oversite.

3. Click here to watch a video statement from Trump's CIA chief Mike Pompeo and what he thinks of Julian Assange. A clue---:asshole:
CIA Chief: WikiLeaks is a 'Hostile' Intelligence Service

4. Let's not forget about the Uranium One conspiracy that lined prime time at FOX NEWS for a few weeks in order to discredit Robert Mueller..

5. And we can't forget that the placement of cheese on cheesburgers made the breaking news on FOX NEWS, instead of 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea.

I would say that FOX NEWS is bating a 100% for "as the stomach turns news"--:auiqs.jpg:

For the Devin Nunes memo & the FISA warrant conspiracy just click this link to take you back to the post on this thread that explains it all with verifiable trusted links.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.


A great article that FOX NEWS watchers should spend the next 20 minutes actually READING --:abgg2q.jpg:is this one.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Last edited:
I think we could categorically compile an encyclopedia of Fox news manufactured conspiracy theories.

Who are you going to believe, four Republican appointed FISA court judges, or your lying state run propaganda T.V. with "Shawn the spinster Hannity"?

The latter.

Well I must admit if you're into manufactured conspiracy news, there really is no better place to be than FOX NEWS.--:auiqs.jpg:

1. They are under a Federal Law suit for manufacturing a conspiracy surrounding the death of a DNC staffer Seth Rich, with White House oversite.
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

2. Sean Hannity promotes a known intelligence enemy of this nation (Julian Assange/Wikileaks) to prop up the Seth Rich story that he manufactured with White House oversite.

3. Click here to watch a video statement from Trump's CIA chief Mike Pompeo and what he thinks of Julian Assange. A clue---:asshole:
CIA Chief: WikiLeaks is a 'Hostile' Intelligence Service

4. Let's not forget about the Uranium One conspiracy that lined prime time at FOX NEWS for a few weeks in order to discredit Robert Mueller..

5. And we can't forget that the placement of cheese on cheesburgers made the breaking news on FOX NEWS, instead of 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and one guilty plea.

I would say that FOX NEWS is bating a 100% for "as the stomach turns news"--:auiqs.jpg:

For the Devin Nunes memo & the FISA warrant conspiracy just click this link to take you back to the post on this thread that explains it all with verifiable trusted links.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.


A great article that FOX NEWS watchers should spend the next 20 minutes actually READING --:abgg2q.jpg:is this one.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Only a a sleazy lying douchebag would claim Julian Assange is an enemy of this nation.
I think we could categorically compile an encyclopedia of Fox news manufactured conspiracy theories.
ROFL! The "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory is the biggest ever perpetrated on the vast mass of idiots in this country.
You mean the Inquisition?

What do you mean "obstruct?" How does one obstruct an illegal and corrupt witch hunt? Torquemada is a thug and a crook.

Even the Mafia doesn't target the families of their enemies - Robert "Mewler" Torquemada does, though. "Confess or we keep raping your wife."

The fucker is scum.
You're repeating yourself. And after 25 indictments and 4 convictions, its definitely not a witch hunt.
Its obvious you do not have evidence tying TRUMP to illegal collusion with the Russians or you would have posted it...

The shoe is about to drop on that one. Trump knew about the meeting his son had in Trump Tower with the Russians.

In addition, you didn't see the Helsinki summit? That was collusion. A closed door meeting with no reporters and no record of what was said? C'mon, man!
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.


That is one of my favorite movies.

Go Beers!

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