Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Nonsense. You can't prove she was even aware of how Fusion GPS spent the money they were paid nor can you prove she was ever given the dossier before the election.
If she wasn't, that's her law firm's fault. No matter how you spin it, someone should be going to jail. The claim that she didn't know is too absurd for words to describe. It doesn't matter with she personally received the document. It was created at her behest and for her benefit.
Your dementia is well documented on this forum. Either you can show some evidence she was involved with Steele other than the money she paid to Perkins Coie was paid to Fusion GPS was paid to Steele, or you're just being the fucking moron the forum knows you to be.

That's all the evidence required, you fucking moron. Her law firm wouldn't do a thing without her express permission.
Fucking moron... her American-based law firm hired an American-based research firm. You never run out of stupid, do ya?
You can spin all you like. The bottom line is that the law firm knew exactly what it was paying Fusion GPS to do, and who was doing it. The claim that they didn't inform Hillary doesn't pass the laugh test. Illegal acts don't suddenly become legal just because you launder the money through a law firm.
Well I’m laughing at you for your ignorance, so it passes that laugh test. Meanwhile you don’t have a shred of evidence Hillary had any knowledge of Steele. None. You have no evidence she knew of the dossier before the election. You have no evidence she was involved with the FBI obtaining a copy. You have no evidence anything in the dossier was used against Trump during the election. You have no evidence any eavesdropping on Page, who was no longer with the campaign and had never even met Trump when he was, was used against Trump during the election. All you have are your delusions.

An error in judgment by a man that was unprepared.

That's the understatement of the century
He is up to speed now and has a much better understanding of how cowards operate.

If the very stable orange genius was really up to speed he would immediately fire Sessions and Rosenstein and take the security clearances of the deep state creeps away that are now calling him a traitor on their talkshows.

Both may happen soon. I'm not that concerned about Sessions. He is doing some good stuff that does not draw headlines. Rosenstein is going to flip on the deep state losers.
Rosenstein is going to flip on the deep state losers.
Nice thought, but these co-conspirators are as thick as thieves - have been for decades. The only way Rosenstein 'flips' is if they have him nailed to the wall with evidence he can't spin his way out of and the punishment being threatened is painful enough to cause him to do so. The GOP and those who can actually do something have just not shown me they have the 'killer attitude' needed to 'pull the trigger'. The GOP is 'too nice'.

You would think undeniable Obstruction of justice - refusal to comply with a Congressional Subpoena' - is evidence of a crime he can not spin out of, but the truth is the GOP has ALLOWED every Tom, Dick, and Harry Democrat to ignore / refuse to comply with Congressional Subpoenas and have ALLOWED them to commit Perjury, get caught, and then hold them accountable in NO WAY.

It's like spoiling a kid for years by not enforcing rules then trying to suddenly 'get serious' and enforce those rules you have allowed to be broken. Of course, in this case, it would only take one SERIOUS PUBLIC ASS-WHOOPIN' to show 'there's a new sheriff in town' and the laws WILL start being enforced to get everyone's attention and get them to start complying.

Again, I just don't think the GOP have it in themselves to carry out such a needed ass-whoopin'.
Rosenstein is going to flip on the deep state losers.
Nice thought, but these co-conspirators are as thick as thieves - have been for decades. The only way Rosenstein 'flips' is if they have him nailed to the wall with evidence he can't spin his way out of and the punishment being threatened is painful enough to cause him to do so. The GOP and those who can actually do something have just not shown me they have the 'killer attitude' needed to 'pull the trigger'. The GOP is 'too nice'.

You would think undeniable Obstruction of justice - refusal to comply with a Congressional Subpoena' - is evidence of a crime he can not spin out of, but the truth is the GOP has ALLOWED every Tom, Dick, and Harry Democrat to ignore / refuse to comply with Congressional Subpoenas and have ALLOWED them to commit Perjury, get caught, and then hold them accountable in NO WAY.

It's like spoiling a kid for years by not enforcing rules then trying to suddenly 'get serious' and enforce those rules you have allowed to be broken. Of course, in this case, it would only take one SERIOUS PUBLIC ASS-WHOOPIN' to show 'there's a new sheriff in town' and the laws WILL start being enforced to get everyone's attention and get them to start complying.

Again, I just don't think the GOP have it in themselves to carry out such a needed ass-whoopin'.
Sadly, I agree with all of this, but Trump has proven he is a different dude.
Rosenstein is going to flip on the deep state losers.
Nice thought, but these co-conspirators are as thick as thieves - have been for decades. The only way Rosenstein 'flips' is if they have him nailed to the wall with evidence he can't spin his way out of and the punishment being threatened is painful enough to cause him to do so. The GOP and those who can actually do something have just not shown me they have the 'killer attitude' needed to 'pull the trigger'. The GOP is 'too nice'.

You would think undeniable Obstruction of justice - refusal to comply with a Congressional Subpoena' - is evidence of a crime he can not spin out of, but the truth is the GOP has ALLOWED every Tom, Dick, and Harry Democrat to ignore / refuse to comply with Congressional Subpoenas and have ALLOWED them to commit Perjury, get caught, and then hold them accountable in NO WAY.

It's like spoiling a kid for years by not enforcing rules then trying to suddenly 'get serious' and enforce those rules you have allowed to be broken. Of course, in this case, it would only take one SERIOUS PUBLIC ASS-WHOOPIN' to show 'there's a new sheriff in town' and the laws WILL start being enforced to get everyone's attention and get them to start complying.

Again, I just don't think the GOP have it in themselves to carry out such a needed ass-whoopin'.
Sadly, I agree with all of this, but Trump has proven he is a different dude.
The Republicans in Congress sure haven't.
25 people have been indicted, 4 have been convicted. WTF do you mean no crime and no evidence?
Mueller was tasked with investigating illegal Trump Collusion with Russians and Russian interference ....

NOT ONE of the 29 cases you mentioned have anything to do with illegal collusion between Trump and Russians.

There is no - was NEVER any - evidence of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians.

After 3 years Democrats and Snowflakes have not been able to prove a crime involving Trump ever happened requiring an investigation let alone a special counsel.

Mueller went back a decade - before Obama was President - to find a crime Manafort was involved in, one Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta, and his brother, 'Fat Tony' were involved in....except Mueller protected the Podestas - offered Fat Tony immunity - because Trump is the only one he is after.

Papadapolous was set up by a Hillary donor and the FBI.

Flynn was indicted for perjury - and pressured to pleaing guilty - despite Comey testifying that his agents declared Flynn never lied when interrogated.

And despite all the indictments and guilty pleas you cited, you still have ZERO CRIMES AND ZERO EVIDENCE of any crimes involving Russians and Trump collusion!

Mueller was tasked with investigating illegal Trump Collusion with Russians and Russian interference ....

NOT ONE of the 29 cases you mentioned have anything to do with illegal collusion between Trump and Russians.

There is no - was NEVER any - evidence of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians.

After 3 years Democrats and Snowflakes have not been able to prove a crime involving Trump ever happened requiring an investigation let alone a special counsel.

Mueller went back a decade - before Obama was President - to find a crime Manafort was involved in, one Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta, and his brother, 'Fat Tony' were involved in....except Mueller protected the Podestas - offered Fat Tony immunity - because Trump is the only one he is after.

Papadapolous was set up by a Hillary donor and the FBI.

Flynn was indicted for perjury - and pressured to pleaing guilty - despite Comey testifying that his agents declared Flynn never lied when interrogated.

And despite all the indictments and guilty pleas you cited, you still have ZERO CRIMES AND ZERO EVIDENCE of any crimes involving Russians and Trump collusion!

It's obvious you haven't read the latest indictment, which ties Trump campaign officials to the GRU.
You mean the Obama economy?

The Obama economy sucked.

The one that Trump had nothing to do with?

Obviously. The Trump economy is awesome, where fucktard Barry could never quite get us to recovery after 2008.

And the fact that we weren't funding the Iranian military, but were told those lies by you and other Republicans? No!

So, you're a fucking liar then. :thup:

Obama gave his Iranian allies SO MUCH cash that we had to cart it in on pallets.


I'm mad that Republicans have forsaken their country, to cowardly hide behind a bone spur pussy criminal, who will do anything to sell himself to the devil, while his Sheep play right along, at the expense of this Republic, and its well being.

You're mad that America still survives. You intended for Hillary to put an end to America by placing another Marxist on the court who would crush the Constitution into dust.

You lost, so go fuck yourself.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
Of course the OP is completely full of shit. CNN never said the sources and funding of the dossier were explained to the judge. They were not.
How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
Why do you keep ignoring the US IG report that stated the FBI misled / abused the FISA Court?

McCabe has been recommended for indictment already...but Rosenstein is too busy with Obstructing Justice and indicting Russians who will never be interviewed or be handed over to indict McCabe and other co-conspirators.
Show me where the IG report said the FBI abused FISA?
Posted it numerous times - feel free to look it up. Your tactic of repeatedly asking for the same links repeatedly has been played out.

The fact is, however, that the US IG reported the FBI abused the court, exposed their crimes, and even recommended McCabe for indictment.
We'll then, that wouldn't make sense, because the recent release of the 400 page FISA has shown that there was no abuse, because the explanation as to who was paid, and the reasons for the FISA to be placed on Page are all there. There is nothing hidden in the application other than the most sensitive of information. So its anyone's guess what you are talking about?The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained Not to mention, what did the IG have to do with FISA?[/QUOTE]

Wow, you're a fucking liar.

The FISA warrant proves that the FSB engaged in perjury to secure a warrant to spy on the opposition candidate on behalf of the Obama administration, and then spied on the incoming president - an act of treason.

Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier, which was opposition research funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals.

The visible sections of the released FISA documents do not indicate the dossier was ever verified. Instead, the FBI claimed that Steele was “reliable” based on his previous work.

The FISA records also reveal that a September 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff was a significant part of the government's warrant application.

But London court records show, and Republicans emphasize, that Steele briefed Yahoo News and other reporters in the fall of 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS -- the opposition research firm behind the Steele Dossier.}

DOJ releases FISA docs that formed basis for surveillance of ex-Trump adviser Carter Page

You fucking liars don't get to alter reality this time.
You mean the Obama economy?

The Obama economy sucked.

The one that Trump had nothing to do with?

Obviously. The Trump economy is awesome, where fucktard Barry could never quite get us to recovery after 2008.

And the fact that we weren't funding the Iranian military, but were told those lies by you and other Republicans? No!

So, you're a fucking liar then. :thup:

Obama gave his Iranian allies SO MUCH cash that we had to cart it in on pallets.


I'm mad that Republicans have forsaken their country, to cowardly hide behind a bone spur pussy criminal, who will do anything to sell himself to the devil, while his Sheep play right along, at the expense of this Republic, and its well being.

You're mad that America still survives. You intended for Hillary to put an end to America by placing another Marxist on the court who would crush the Constitution into dust.

You lost, so go fuck yourself.
The Obama economy had the same unemployment rate as Trump. The same economy Trump inherited.
No one has been convicted, shit for brains. A guilty plea is not a conviction.
You don't plead guilty, if there isn't enough evidence to convict you. You plead guilty, to get a lesser sentence.

You do if the Grand Inquisitor agrees to stop having your wife and daughter raped.

Remember, Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada attacks the FAMILIES of his victims.
If the very stable orange genius was really up to speed he would immediately fire Sessions and Rosenstein and take the security clearances of the deep state creeps away that are now calling him a traitor on their talkshows.

Because he doesn't believe in due process of law.

What "due process?"

Rosenstein is about as corrupt as they come. Congress wants to impeach the fucker - and should.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
Of course the OP is completely full of shit. CNN never said the sources and funding of the dossier were explained to the judge. They were not.
Provide proof with links please? That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
Why do you keep ignoring the US IG report that stated the FBI misled / abused the FISA Court?

McCabe has been recommended for indictment already...but Rosenstein is too busy with Obstructing Justice and indicting Russians who will never be interviewed or be handed over to indict McCabe and other co-conspirators.
Show me where the IG report said the FBI abused FISA?
Posted it numerous times - feel free to look it up. Your tactic of repeatedly asking for the same links repeatedly has been played out.

The fact is, however, that the US IG reported the FBI abused the court, exposed their crimes, and even recommended McCabe for indictment.
We'll then, that wouldn't make sense, because the recent release of the 400 page FISA has shown that there was no abuse, because the explanation as to who was paid, and the reasons for the FISA to be placed on Page are all there. There is nothing hidden in the application other than the most sensitive of information. So its anyone's guess what you are talking about?The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained Not to mention, what did the IG have to do with FISA?

Wow, you're a fucking liar.

The FISA warrant proves that the FSB engaged in perjury to secure a warrant to spy on the opposition candidate on behalf of the Obama administration, and then spied on the incoming president - an act of treason.

Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier, which was opposition research funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals.

The visible sections of the released FISA documents do not indicate the dossier was ever verified. Instead, the FBI claimed that Steele was “reliable” based on his previous work.

The FISA records also reveal that a September 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff was a significant part of the government's warrant application.

But London court records show, and Republicans emphasize, that Steele briefed Yahoo News and other reporters in the fall of 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS -- the opposition research firm behind the Steele Dossier.}

DOJ releases FISA docs that formed basis for surveillance of ex-Trump adviser Carter Page

You fucking liars don't get to alter reality this time.[/QUOTE]
:auiqs.jpg:Fox news state run T.V. and a Darrel Issa opinion is a form of evidence? :auiqs.jpg:Holy shit, when does stupid end with you people? "Fake dossier"? :auiqs.jpg:No one has ever proven that. Jeanine Pirro hunting for Clinton in the New York woods. :auiqs.jpg:You don't think much of yourself do you?
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[You can't use the office of the President to obstruct an ongoing investigation. Nor can your bullshit minions do the same.

You mean the Inquisition?

What do you mean "obstruct?" How does one obstruct an illegal and corrupt witch hunt? Torquemada is a thug and a crook.

Even the Mafia doesn't target the families of their enemies - Robert "Mewler" Torquemada does, though. "Confess or we keep raping your wife."

The fucker is scum.
It's obvious you haven't read the latest indictment, which ties Trump campaign officials to the GRU.
Its obvious you do not have evidence tying TRUMP to illegal collusion with the Russians or you would have posted it...


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