Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

I think we could categorically compile an encyclopedia of Fox news manufactured conspiracy theories.
ROFL! The "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory is the biggest ever perpetrated on the vast mass of idiots in this country.

Yep keep telling youself that with 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea deals, and hundreds of criminal charges--:auiqs.jpg:


For those of you that are interested in the FOX NEWS FISA CONSPIRACY go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

For the other FOX NEWS conspiracy's regarding the Russian investigation go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Last edited:
I think we could categorically compile an encyclopedia of Fox news manufactured conspiracy theories.
ROFL! The "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory is the biggest ever perpetrated on the vast mass of idiots in this country.

Yep keep telling youself that with 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea deals, and hundreds of criminal charges--:auiqs.jpg:


For those of you that are interested in the FOX NEWS FISA CONSPIRACY go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

For the other FOX NEWS conspiracy's regarding the Russian investigation go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Where's the indictment for anyone in the Trump campaign "colluding" with the Russians, moron?
It doesn't matter whether she met with them. The bottom line, which is irrefutable, is that she paid them. Why would a sleazebag like Hillary brag about committing a crime?
Because she didn't commit a crime, The Donald did. A better question is why are you and Nunes going to such great lengths to cover up the crimes of the sitting President and the illegal way he was elected? Why is it, you never discuss the crimes of Carter Page, who was the original reason for the FISA warrant? He actually worked for the Trump campaign and he actually worked in Russia for two whole years.

Stick that up your Nunes memo and rotate it!
Torquemada keeps indicting foreign nationals who are not subject to extradition. When they call his bluff and demand he produce evidence, the corrupt fucker folds like a cheap lawn chair.
What bluff was that?

Former U.S Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova said Special Counsel Robert Mueller were “not ready” to be called into court by Russian interests he previously indicted.
That's not true. They didn't expect any of the 3 companies indicted to show up in court.

DiGenova said that at least one of the more than a dozen Russian individuals and companies Mueller indicted earlier this year effectively called his bluff on holding further litigation.
Again, what bluff?

DiGenova said Mueller likely indicted the Russian interests because he “needed something Russian” to be charged in his probe, and that since they are from another country, they would be unlikely to fight back.
He already had many things Russian. But he did think it was unlikely they'd fight back.

“One of the Russian companies sent them to court [over the charges],” diGenova said, adding that Mueller’s team then “objected strenuously” to that news.
They didn't send his team to court. They merely had a law firm respond to the indictment. And they did this in an effort to make public the evidence Mueller was collecting.

Tucker Carlson asked if such a situation could be bad for the probe into President Donald Trump.
Dumbass question!

DiGenova said the judge in the Russians’ case told Mueller it must now go to trial since the defendants are willing to litigate.
A Trump appointed judge, BTW.

He said the Russian company wants “a lot of [legal] discovery,” which could include documents and the like.

DiGenova: Russians call Mueller’s BLUFF, judge sides with RUSSIANS….
This is the 3rd time you alluded to a "bluff", without stating just what that bluff is.

The Grand Inquisitor is a pussy who can only torture those not able to fight back. Mewler is a punk, a kunt.
Excuse me, buckwheat, but isn't the one who can't fight back..........the pussy?

And aren't all the pussies Mueller is going after, members of the right?

Did you know letting out your inner liberal makes your balls grow bigger?
You think treason such as you engage in is the mark of a "good" American?

You're a good Stalinist as a traitor.

Staging a coup against the legally elected government is treason - traitor.
You think enforcing the laws of the land, is a coup?
It doesn't matter whether she met with them. The bottom line, which is irrefutable, is that she paid them. Why would a sleazebag like Hillary brag about committing a crime?
Because she didn't commit a crime, The Donald did. A better question is why are you and Nunes going to such great lengths to cover up the crimes of the sitting President and the illegal way he was elected? Why is it, you never discuss the crimes of Carter Page, who was the original reason for the FISA warrant? He actually worked for the Trump campaign and he actually worked in Russia for two whole years.

Stick that up your Nunes memo and rotate it!
You have it precisely backwards, moron. Hillary broke the law. Trump did nothing.

How does investigating the crimes of the previous administration constitute "covering up" anything Trump did? What crimes did Carter page commit? If the FBI thought he broke the law, why didn't they arrest him? The fact is he did nothing illegal. Trump did nothing illegal, but Hillary obviously broke the law. Paying foreign agents to do work for your campaign is illegal.
I think we could categorically compile an encyclopedia of Fox news manufactured conspiracy theories.
ROFL! The "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory is the biggest ever perpetrated on the vast mass of idiots in this country.

Yep keep telling youself that with 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea deals, and hundreds of criminal charges--:auiqs.jpg:


For those of you that are interested in the FOX NEWS FISA CONSPIRACY go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

For the other FOX NEWS conspiracy's regarding the Russian investigation go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Where's the indictment for anyone in the Trump campaign "colluding" with the Russians, moron?
We knew Trump was insane. We just didn't know there was one, even more insane than him. Now we do.
I think we could categorically compile an encyclopedia of Fox news manufactured conspiracy theories.
ROFL! The "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory is the biggest ever perpetrated on the vast mass of idiots in this country.

Yep keep telling youself that with 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea deals, and hundreds of criminal charges--:auiqs.jpg:


For those of you that are interested in the FOX NEWS FISA CONSPIRACY go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

For the other FOX NEWS conspiracy's regarding the Russian investigation go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Where's the indictment for anyone in the Trump campaign "colluding" with the Russians, moron?
We knew Trump was insane. We just didn't know there was one, even more insane than him. Now we do.
I'll take that as an admission that you can't name anyone in the Trump campaign who colluded with the Russians.
Or rather because he has obstructed justice and shit all over the US Constitution, as has Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada.
Man, you were doing so good there, until the end.


Rosenstein has repeatedly ignored subpoenas to obstruct investigations into the corruption of the FSB as a branch of Obama's DOJ in their rigging of the 2016 election, as openly bragged about by FSB Agent Peter Strzok - smug fucker who flaunted his deep state status as above the law.

That you approve of and support corruption doesn't mean the rest of us must play make believe.
What bluff was that?

Are you illiterate Comrade? Google can read the article to you, if you lack the reading skill requisite to do so yourself.

That's not true. They didn't expect any of the 3 companies indicted to show up in court.

Torquemada didn't expect anyone to show up in court. The indictments were a farce, never meant to go beyond paper.

When the Russians called the corrupt fuck's bluff, he folded.

What could he do? He has no actual evidence, nothing to produce. These Russians are patsies in the coup the Inquisition is staging on behalf of the democrats and the deep state.

Again, what bluff?

You really are quite stupid.

He already had many things Russian. But he did think it was unlikely they'd fight back.

The Grand Inquisitor? He is idicting companies that didn't exist. Mewler-Torquemada is a clown, a buffoon.

They didn't send his team to court. They merely had a law firm respond to the indictment. And they did this in an effort to make public the evidence Mueller was collecting.

They called the bluff of the Grand Inquisitor and his henchmen.

See, Torquemada is a kunt. If he can't threaten your children and grand children - credible threats - he has nothing. The scumbag is a thug with no ability to make a case. Instead he tells Generals that if they don't confess he will throw his son in prison and sell his grand children into slavery (put them in foster care).

You probably are too stupid to know that the sick fuck did this, but he did - it's the way the pile of puke operates.

A Trump appointed judge, BTW.


The Grand Inquisitor drew up indictments he had no intention of prosecuting. When the victims called his bluff, the kunt had to retreat and regroup.

This is the 3rd time you alluded to a "bluff", without stating just what that bluff is.

You're just fucking stupid.

Excuse me, buckwheat, but isn't the one who can't fight back..........the pussy?

Is that what you thought when your buddies held down the smaller kids in the school yard so you could kick them?

And aren't all the pussies Mueller is going after, members of the right?

Did you know letting out your inner liberal makes your balls grow bigger?

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a kunt.

His sort of medieval torture tactics belong buried in the 14th century, they have no place in legitimate system of jurisprudence.

But then, they is nothing even remotely legitimate about the Inquisition or the Grand Inquisitor.
You think treason such as you engage in is the mark of a "good" American?

You're a good Stalinist as a traitor.

Staging a coup against the legally elected government is treason - traitor.
You think enforcing the laws of the land, is a coup?

What laws, traitor?

Be specific.

What statute do you allege the President violated?

Give us the federal criminal code, traitor.
We knew Trump was insane. We just didn't know there was one, even more insane than him. Now we do.

Well, that's convincing retard.

When asked for evidence you offer "HATE, RAGE, HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE"

Do you think that your inability to form a rational thought is indicative of a healthy mind on your part, Comrade?

I think we could categorically compile an encyclopedia of Fox news manufactured conspiracy theories.
ROFL! The "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory is the biggest ever perpetrated on the vast mass of idiots in this country.

Yep keep telling youself that with 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea deals, and hundreds of criminal charges--:auiqs.jpg:


For those of you that are interested in the FOX NEWS FISA CONSPIRACY go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

For the other FOX NEWS conspiracy's regarding the Russian investigation go to this link on this thread.
Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Where's the indictment for anyone in the Trump campaign "colluding" with the Russians, moron?
We knew Trump was insane. We just didn't know there was one, even more insane than him. Now we do.
I'll take that as an admission that you can't name anyone in the Trump campaign who colluded with the Russians.
At this point, I'm trying to find one who didn't?
I'm asking to see if you can explain it, not because I don't know it. It has nothing to do with Trump, and you know it.
You want me to spell it out for you?

The indictment shows the DNC was hacked between May 25th and June 1st, 2016.

Between on or about May 25, 2016 and June 1, 2016, the Conspirators hacked the DNC Microsoft Exchange Server and stole thousands of emails from the work accounts of DNC employees.

On June 7th, 2016, Trump announced at a rally, he would soon have some dirt on Hillary that he would talk about in the near future.

“I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week and we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons,” “I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.”
Two days later, Don Jr. had his meeting at Trump Tower with Russian representatives.

...Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and then campaign manager Paul Manafort met with attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya in 2016. The men expected to be presented with damaging information about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton...

Nothing to do with Trump, my ass! Only the DNC and the Clinton email servers was hacked. Nothing republican was ever touched during the hacking phase of the campaign.
What law did Trump break, asshole? Mueller is conducting a witch hunt, not enforcing any laws.
Emoluments Clause. Not divesting his control over the corporations he owns. Not enforcing the ACA. Obstruction of justice. Collusion with a foreign leader against the interests of the United States.
You have it precisely backwards, moron. Hillary broke the law. Trump did nothing.
Hillary has never been indicted on anything. People associated with the Trump campaign, have.

How does investigating the crimes of the previous administration constitute "covering up" anything Trump did?
Hillary wasn't the previous administration.

What crimes did Carter page commit? If the FBI thought he broke the law, why didn't they arrest him? The fact is he did nothing illegal.
In order to get a FISA warrant, you have to have enough evidence to indicate a commission of a crime. As biased as it was, the Nunes memo proved that. Page had direct contact with the GRU. No one in Clinton's campaign did that.

Trump did nothing illegal, but Hillary obviously broke the law. Paying foreign agents to do work for your campaign is illegal.
That's the big lie you keep telling because you've chosen party over country. Clinton never benefited from information contained in the dossier. Trump benefited from the DNC hacks. And that is what is illegal.

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