Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Hillary has never been indicted on anything....

And that's the problem, it shows your so called 'justice' system is totally corrupt and controlled by the deep state

She should have been indicted for being grossly negligent with her evil server but somehow it was decided she was just extremely careless instead...

Provide proof with links please? That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.

Son, you and Schiff are both fucking liars.

2016 FISA Application on Carter Page

Page 13, you lying pile of shit.
What about it, raving lunatic?

(U) In or about January 2015, Podobnyy, along with Evgeny Buryakov and Igor Sporyshev, were charged by a sealed complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for violations on 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 951 (conspiring to act, and acting as, an unregistered agent of a foreign government). According to the complaint, Buryakov worked in the United States as an agent of the SVR. Specifically, Buryakov operated under non-official cover, posing as an employee in the Manhattan office of a Russian bank. Buryakov worked with two other SVR agents, Podobnyy and Sporyshev, to gather intelligence on behalf of


Yawn, you fucking liars are boring.

{accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”}

What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?

On page 13 the FSB certifies the warrant.
I posted the non-redacted portion of page #13 and it did no such thing.
View attachment 207254
Dumbfuck... that’s not Page #13.

You really are the dumbest fucking moron on the planet.

What the fuck do you think a conviction is??


the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law

So far the Inquisition has ZERO convictions - regardless of coerced "confessions."
Damn, do they feed all of you brain-dead righties lead paint??

When someone pleads guilty in front of a judge ... and the judge accepts their guilty plea ... they are convicted as charged.



Look, the Iranian is using memes..


Now I'm Iranian? You've been saying I'm North Korean.

Regardless of your dementia, a guilty plea accepted in a court of law is a conviction. You rightards do nothing but expose your own ignorance by posting such lunacies.


One thing is for sure, you're a dedicated enemy of the United States Constitution,
How fortunate am I that you’re senile?
Son, you and Schiff are both fucking liars.

2016 FISA Application on Carter Page

Page 13, you lying pile of shit.
What about it, raving lunatic?

(U) In or about January 2015, Podobnyy, along with Evgeny Buryakov and Igor Sporyshev, were charged by a sealed complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for violations on 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 951 (conspiring to act, and acting as, an unregistered agent of a foreign government). According to the complaint, Buryakov worked in the United States as an agent of the SVR. Specifically, Buryakov operated under non-official cover, posing as an employee in the Manhattan office of a Russian bank. Buryakov worked with two other SVR agents, Podobnyy and Sporyshev, to gather intelligence on behalf of


Yawn, you fucking liars are boring.

{accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”}

What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?

On page 13 the FSB certifies the warrant.
I posted the non-redacted portion of page #13 and it did no such thing.
View attachment 207254
Dumbfuck... that’s not Page #13.



What about it, raving lunatic?

(U) In or about January 2015, Podobnyy, along with Evgeny Buryakov and Igor Sporyshev, were charged by a sealed complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for violations on 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 951 (conspiring to act, and acting as, an unregistered agent of a foreign government). According to the complaint, Buryakov worked in the United States as an agent of the SVR. Specifically, Buryakov operated under non-official cover, posing as an employee in the Manhattan office of a Russian bank. Buryakov worked with two other SVR agents, Podobnyy and Sporyshev, to gather intelligence on behalf of


Yawn, you fucking liars are boring.

{accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”}

What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?

On page 13 the FSB certifies the warrant.
I posted the non-redacted portion of page #13 and it did no such thing.
View attachment 207254
Dumbfuck... that’s not Page #13.



Why would I need your used hanky?? :dunno:

You said the FSB certified the warrant on page #13.... I showed you the contents of page #13 to demonstrate you’re completely out of your fucking mind.

Not that this is new information for the forum, mind you.
Yawn, you fucking liars are boring.

{accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”}

What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?

On page 13 the FSB certifies the warrant.
I posted the non-redacted portion of page #13 and it did no such thing.
View attachment 207254
Dumbfuck... that’s not Page #13.



Why would I need your used hanky?? :dunno:

You said the FSB certified the warrant on page #13.... I showed you the contents of page #13 to demonstrate you’re completely out of your fucking mind.

Not that this is new information for the forum, mind you.

Poor little Iranian bitch, lied about the FSB engaging in perjury, now has to eat her words...

Poor Fawn.

I posted the non-redacted portion of page #13 and it did no such thing.
View attachment 207254
Dumbfuck... that’s not Page #13.



Why would I need your used hanky?? :dunno:

You said the FSB certified the warrant on page #13.... I showed you the contents of page #13 to demonstrate you’re completely out of your fucking mind.

Not that this is new information for the forum, mind you.

Poor little Iranian bitch, lied about the FSB engaging in perjury, now has to eat her words...

Poor Fawn.


Your dementia worsens, ya senile old nut. I never denied any such thing.

Yawn, you fucking liars are boring.

{accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”}

What to Do When the FBI Breaks the Laws to Obtain a FISA Warrant?

On page 13 the FSB certifies the warrant.
I posted the non-redacted portion of page #13 and it did no such thing.
View attachment 207254
Dumbfuck... that’s not Page #13.



Why would I need your used hanky?? :dunno:

You said the FSB certified the warrant on page #13.... I showed you the contents of page #13 to demonstrate you’re completely out of your fucking mind.

Not that this is new information for the forum, mind you.
The hankie is for him. He just doesn't know it.
Sorry kid, I don't think he's leftist.
The left isn't fascist. The right wants to take away peoples' right to vote through the use of voter suppression. The left has never done that.

That's just another bullshit right wing talking point.
You desperately need to ignore the fact that the FISA warrants were obtained illegally against American citizens.....with the okay of the leadership of the FBI and the Department of Justice, likely with the approval of the White House since an operation against the opposition party is so far outside legitimate activity that it makes the Plumbers and Watergate a nothing burger in comparison.....

They weren't obtained illegally. They followed the FISA warrant process.

Your brain is stuck on this idea it was based only based off the Steele dossier. That's fucking wrong. Page was under investigation as far back as 2013 because he didn't listen to the FBI's warnings.

Do you have any idea how rare it is that the FBI would actually warn an American citizen beforehand like this? Basically exposing that the Russian spies covers had been blown? Yet Page ignored that lifeline and even doubled down when he went to Russia and praised Russia and made anti-American statements.

... but then again Trump supporters suddenly like Russia and Putin now. :dunno:

Moron.... you can't lie to get a FISA warrant and they lied to the Federal Judges..... they knew the steele dossier was created and paid for by the hilary campaign, and that the other "news" sources that they used to lie to the judges were leaks to those sources...from the Steele dossier... that is the circular intelligence that was the lie......

The FISA warrants were obtained by lying to federal judges..... you are a moron....and a doofus.


How many fucking times do you have to be told this? The dossier wasn't even created until 2016 and Page was under investigation as far back as 2013.

Moron... it states that they used the Steele Dossier as their primary source..... in the FISA application you twit.

No it doesn't. Show it. Page had already been under investigation, and the FBI just had to show there was progress made in the previous investigation in order to get another one.

Funny how you keep ignoring the obvious. The FBI TOLD PAGE THEY WERE RUSSIAN SPIES. He fucking continued to work with them. Use some common sense.

I'm really starting to think you are one of those Russian trolls. I find it hard to believe an American citizen would totally ignore and try discredit an investigation where Russia so clearly used spies ON U.S. SOIL, and that even after being warned, Page still worked with the RUSSIAN SPIES.

Seriously, why are you trying to defend that?

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review
They weren't obtained illegally. They followed the FISA warrant process.

Your brain is stuck on this idea it was based only based off the Steele dossier. That's fucking wrong. Page was under investigation as far back as 2013 because he didn't listen to the FBI's warnings.

Do you have any idea how rare it is that the FBI would actually warn an American citizen beforehand like this? Basically exposing that the Russian spies covers had been blown? Yet Page ignored that lifeline and even doubled down when he went to Russia and praised Russia and made anti-American statements.

... but then again Trump supporters suddenly like Russia and Putin now. :dunno:

Moron.... you can't lie to get a FISA warrant and they lied to the Federal Judges..... they knew the steele dossier was created and paid for by the hilary campaign, and that the other "news" sources that they used to lie to the judges were leaks to those sources...from the Steele dossier... that is the circular intelligence that was the lie......

The FISA warrants were obtained by lying to federal judges..... you are a moron....and a doofus.


How many fucking times do you have to be told this? The dossier wasn't even created until 2016 and Page was under investigation as far back as 2013.

Moron... it states that they used the Steele Dossier as their primary source..... in the FISA application you twit.

No it doesn't. Show it. Page had already been under investigation, and the FBI just had to show there was progress made in the previous investigation in order to get another one.

Funny how you keep ignoring the obvious. The FBI TOLD PAGE THEY WERE RUSSIAN SPIES. He fucking continued to work with them. Use some common sense.

I'm really starting to think you are one of those Russian trolls. I find it hard to believe an American citizen would totally ignore and try discredit an investigation where Russia so clearly used spies ON U.S. SOIL, and that even after being warned, Page still worked with the RUSSIAN SPIES.

Seriously, why are you trying to defend that?

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

It was not the MAIN source they used to get the FISA warrant. This has been gone over so much that for people to still be arguing this now is just silly.
Sorry kid, I don't think he's leftist.
The left isn't fascist. The right wants to take away peoples' right to vote through the use of voter suppression. The left has never done that.

That's just another bullshit right wing talking point.
Voter suppression is a massive problem now, initiated by the Right. These are just a few sources for evidence: The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Moron.... you can't lie to get a FISA warrant and they lied to the Federal Judges..... they knew the steele dossier was created and paid for by the hilary campaign, and that the other "news" sources that they used to lie to the judges were leaks to those sources...from the Steele dossier... that is the circular intelligence that was the lie......

The FISA warrants were obtained by lying to federal judges..... you are a moron....and a doofus.


How many fucking times do you have to be told this? The dossier wasn't even created until 2016 and Page was under investigation as far back as 2013.

Moron... it states that they used the Steele Dossier as their primary source..... in the FISA application you twit.

No it doesn't. Show it. Page had already been under investigation, and the FBI just had to show there was progress made in the previous investigation in order to get another one.

Funny how you keep ignoring the obvious. The FBI TOLD PAGE THEY WERE RUSSIAN SPIES. He fucking continued to work with them. Use some common sense.

I'm really starting to think you are one of those Russian trolls. I find it hard to believe an American citizen would totally ignore and try discredit an investigation where Russia so clearly used spies ON U.S. SOIL, and that even after being warned, Page still worked with the RUSSIAN SPIES.

Seriously, why are you trying to defend that?

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

It was not the MAIN source they used to get the FISA warrant. This has been gone over so much that for people to still be arguing this now is just silly.
They have to use the same talking points, even though it's been debunked more times than we can count. They simply have nothing else but denials of what has already been proven false.
They weren't obtained illegally. They followed the FISA warrant process.

Your brain is stuck on this idea it was based only based off the Steele dossier. That's fucking wrong. Page was under investigation as far back as 2013 because he didn't listen to the FBI's warnings.

Do you have any idea how rare it is that the FBI would actually warn an American citizen beforehand like this? Basically exposing that the Russian spies covers had been blown? Yet Page ignored that lifeline and even doubled down when he went to Russia and praised Russia and made anti-American statements.

... but then again Trump supporters suddenly like Russia and Putin now. :dunno:

Moron.... you can't lie to get a FISA warrant and they lied to the Federal Judges..... they knew the steele dossier was created and paid for by the hilary campaign, and that the other "news" sources that they used to lie to the judges were leaks to those sources...from the Steele dossier... that is the circular intelligence that was the lie......

The FISA warrants were obtained by lying to federal judges..... you are a moron....and a doofus.


How many fucking times do you have to be told this? The dossier wasn't even created until 2016 and Page was under investigation as far back as 2013.

Moron... it states that they used the Steele Dossier as their primary source..... in the FISA application you twit.

No it doesn't. Show it. Page had already been under investigation, and the FBI just had to show there was progress made in the previous investigation in order to get another one.

Funny how you keep ignoring the obvious. The FBI TOLD PAGE THEY WERE RUSSIAN SPIES. He fucking continued to work with them. Use some common sense.

I'm really starting to think you are one of those Russian trolls. I find it hard to believe an American citizen would totally ignore and try discredit an investigation where Russia so clearly used spies ON U.S. SOIL, and that even after being warned, Page still worked with the RUSSIAN SPIES.

Seriously, why are you trying to defend that?

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review
This was already debunked. The FBI has been following Page since 2013. Long before anyone ever heard of Steele. You can stop lying about that now. The gig is up. Your article did not prove a "fake dossier". It called it fake. It didn't prove it was fake.

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