Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.


Rosenstein has repeatedly ignored subpoenas to obstruct investigations into the corruption of the FSB as a branch of Obama's DOJ in their rigging of the 2016 election, as openly bragged about by FSB Agent Peter Strzok - smug fucker who flaunted his deep state status as above the law.

That you approve of and support corruption doesn't mean the rest of us must play make believe.
You're just ranting gibberish.
I'm asking to see if you can explain it, not because I don't know it. It has nothing to do with Trump, and you know it.
You want me to spell it out for you?

The indictment shows the DNC was hacked between May 25th and June 1st, 2016.

Between on or about May 25, 2016 and June 1, 2016, the Conspirators hacked the DNC Microsoft Exchange Server and stole thousands of emails from the work accounts of DNC employees.

On June 7th, 2016, Trump announced at a rally, he would soon have some dirt on Hillary that he would talk about in the near future.

“I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week and we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons,” “I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.”
Two days later, Don Jr. had his meeting at Trump Tower with Russian representatives.

...Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and then campaign manager Paul Manafort met with attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya in 2016. The men expected to be presented with damaging information about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton...

Nothing to do with Trump, my ass! Only the DNC and the Clinton email servers was hacked. Nothing republican was ever touched during the hacking phase of the campaign.
That's your baseless speculation. The indictment doesn't mention Trump.
What law did Trump break, asshole? Mueller is conducting a witch hunt, not enforcing any laws.
Emoluments Clause. Not divesting his control over the corporations he owns. Not enforcing the ACA. Obstruction of justice. Collusion with a foreign leader against the interests of the United States.
Sorry, turd, but Trump either didn't do what you claimed, of what he did isn't a crime. Running a business isn't a violation of the emoluments clause. There is no law that requires Trump to sell anything. Trump never obstructed justice, he never colluded with any foreign leader, and it wouldn't even have been a crime if he did.

Just about everything you believe is total fucking bullshit. It's sad that so many idiots like you can vote in this country.
What law did Trump break, asshole? Mueller is conducting a witch hunt, not enforcing any laws.
Emoluments Clause. Not divesting his control over the corporations he owns. Not enforcing the ACA. Obstruction of justice. Collusion with a foreign leader against the interests of the United States.

Emoluments Clause - The newest effort by the Left to deny any opposition. It will be struck down by the Supreme Court if it gets that far because Trumps business dealings are of a nature that it is not feasibly possible to divest fully without severely damaging Mr. Trumps right to personal property and right to conduct lawful business. Ultimately, this is just more stall tactic and more obstruction they have put in his path on their quest for impeachment.

Not divesting his control over the corporations he owns
. - See above

Not enforcing the ACA - An unlawful, Unconstitutional Act Unlawfully pushed through by a corrupt Supreme Court.

Obstruction of justice
- Not proven.

Collusion with a foreign leader against the interests of the United States. - Radical Leftist wishful dreaming. Not Proven
It doesn't matter whether she met with them. The bottom line, which is irrefutable, is that she paid them. Why would a sleazebag like Hillary brag about committing a crime?
Because she didn't commit a crime, The Donald did. A better question is why are you and Nunes going to such great lengths to cover up the crimes of the sitting President and the illegal way he was elected? Why is it, you never discuss the crimes of Carter Page, who was the original reason for the FISA warrant? He actually worked for the Trump campaign and he actually worked in Russia for two whole years.

Stick that up your Nunes memo and rotate it!
What illegal way he was elected?
He wasn't illegally elected.
Sorry, turd, but Trump either didn't do what you claimed, of what he did isn't a crime. Running a business isn't a violation of the emoluments clause. There is no law that requires Trump to sell anything. Trump never obstructed justice, he never colluded with any foreign leader, and it wouldn't even have been a crime if he did.

Just about everything you believe is total fucking bullshit. It's sad that so many idiots like you can vote in this country.
How very fascist of you.
No crime involving Trump & Russians

No evidence of a crime involving Trump & Russians

Evidence of crimes by Hillary, Mueller, Rosenstein, Holder, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Coney, McCabe, Strzok...

The FBI was just exposed as criminally biased, teaming with a left wing political organization, making them liars, perjurors, obstructionist, spreaders of sedition, traitors, & enemies of our democracy...
Emoluments Clause - The newest effort by the Left to deny any opposition. It will be struck down by the Supreme Court if it gets that far because Trumps business dealings are of a nature that it is not feasibly possible to divest fully without severely damaging Mr. Trumps right to personal property and right to conduct lawful business. Ultimately, this is just more stall tactic and more obstruction they have put in his path on their quest for impeachment.
You cannot receive, or expect to receive, any payment or benefit from a foreign source during a campaign.

Not divesting his control over the corporations he owns. - See above
I'm sorry, that's the price you pay for being President. You cannot personally use the Office of the President for personal gain and profit.

Not enforcing the ACA - An unlawful, Unconstitutional Act Unlawfully pushed through by a corrupt Supreme Court.
The ACA is the law. Obey the fucking law, asshole. He took an oath to defend the Constitution. Well, he's not defending it here.

Obstruction of justice
- Not proven.
That's because you don't give a shit about this country.

Collusion with a foreign leader against the interests of the United States. - Radical Leftist wishful dreaming. Not Proven
You didn't see Helsinki?

Hey, fucking republican assholes, get the fuck back on topic. The Nunes memo proves you're totally full of shit. So shove that up your ass, assholes!
You mean the Inquisition?

What do you mean "obstruct?" How does one obstruct an illegal and corrupt witch hunt? Torquemada is a thug and a crook.

Even the Mafia doesn't target the families of their enemies - Robert "Mewler" Torquemada does, though. "Confess or we keep raping your wife."

The fucker is scum.
You're repeating yourself. And after 25 indictments and 4 convictions, its definitely not a witch hunt.

How many on "Russian collusion"?
You think treason such as you engage in is the mark of a "good" American?

You're a good Stalinist as a traitor.

Staging a coup against the legally elected government is treason - traitor.
You think enforcing the laws of the land, is a coup?

What laws, traitor?

Be specific.

What statute do you allege the President violated?

Give us the federal criminal code, traitor.

Uh-oh, you're asking him to be specific. That's unacceptable.
Sorry, turd, but Trump either didn't do what you claimed, of what he did isn't a crime. Running a business isn't a violation of the emoluments clause. There is no law that requires Trump to sell anything. Trump never obstructed justice, he never colluded with any foreign leader, and it wouldn't even have been a crime if he did.

Just about everything you believe is total fucking bullshit. It's sad that so many idiots like you can vote in this country.
How very fascist of you.

Sorry kid, I don't think he's leftist.

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