Fiscal conservatism now? Or it'll be shoved down our throats later.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
And to think, in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion. 7 presidents later it's $34 trillion.

The people are either going to start supporting actual conservatism. Or conservatism is going to be forced on us. I just hope it's not the latter. Because the latter is going to be worse than the great depression and for a lot longer.

No more welfare, even for the needy. The corporations are going to have to stand on their own two feet, with much higher taxes. The wages will have to plummet. Mortgage companies forced into actual bankruptcy with no government help. People won't stand for the wage cuts that'll be necessary to keep their employers in business, so they'll quit and the companies will be forced to close.
And 1000 other consequences will take hold.

Well, the Mexicans might stick around to fill those jobs. But who knows.

Whether its Trump or Biden in the next election, neither one of them are going to stop the out of control spending. Both have a long record of spending way too much. In fact Trump brags about being the kind of debt and his answer to all of this is to just print more money. Biden's spending record will match Trumps, even with his last two years of a GOP house majority. Because 90% of the house GOP are big spending RINO's like Trump.
You are sounding the alarm as I have for several years, but no one in DC is listening because they learned that wise fiscal policies get you unelected. If you want to get re-elected you need to keep the good times rolling. I actually can't recall a time other when Newt and Bubba Clinton made a Balanced Budget. Then the cry went out, give the people THEIR money back, and the DEBT exploded.

When the dollar collapses, and it will, as the Chiefs of Staff have warned repeatedly, it will be a new and very dangerous world.

And to think, in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion. 7 presidents later it's $34 trillion.

The people are either going to start supporting actual conservatism. Or conservatism is going to be forced on us. I just hope it's not the latter. Because the latter is going to be worse than the great depression and for a lot longer.

No more welfare, even for the needy. The corporations are going to have to stand on their own two feet, with much higher taxes. The wages will have to plummet. Mortgage companies forced into actual bankruptcy with no government help. People won't stand for the wage cuts that'll be necessary to keep their employers in business, so they'll quit and the companies will be forced to close.
And 1000 other consequences will take hold.

Well, the Mexicans might stick around to fill those jobs. But who knows.

Whether its Trump or Biden in the next election, neither one of them are going to stop the out of control spending. Both have a long record of spending way too much. In fact Trump brags about being the kind of debt and his answer to all of this is to just print more money. Biden's spending record will match Trumps, even with his last two years of a GOP house majority. Because 90% of the house GOP are big spending RINO's like Trump.

in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion.

Less than $1 trillion.
And to think, in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion. 7 presidents later it's $34 trillion.

The people are either going to start supporting actual conservatism. Or conservatism is going to be forced on us. I just hope it's not the latter. Because the latter is going to be worse than the great depression and for a lot longer.

No more welfare, even for the needy. The corporations are going to have to stand on their own two feet, with much higher taxes. The wages will have to plummet. Mortgage companies forced into actual bankruptcy with no government help. People won't stand for the wage cuts that'll be necessary to keep their employers in business, so they'll quit and the companies will be forced to close.
And 1000 other consequences will take hold.

Well, the Mexicans might stick around to fill those jobs. But who knows.

Whether its Trump or Biden in the next election, neither one of them are going to stop the out of control spending. Both have a long record of spending way too much. In fact Trump brags about being the kind of debt and his answer to all of this is to just print more money. Biden's spending record will match Trumps, even with his last two years of a GOP house majority. Because 90% of the house GOP are big spending RINO's like Trump.
fiscal conservatism is dead. the party of trump is not very efficient or thrifty.
And to think, in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion. 7 presidents later it's $34 trillion.

The people are either going to start supporting actual conservatism. Or conservatism is going to be forced on us. I just hope it's not the latter. Because the latter is going to be worse than the great depression and for a lot longer.

No more welfare, even for the needy. The corporations are going to have to stand on their own two feet, with much higher taxes. The wages will have to plummet. Mortgage companies forced into actual bankruptcy with no government help. People won't stand for the wage cuts that'll be necessary to keep their employers in business, so they'll quit and the companies will be forced to close.
And 1000 other consequences will take hold.

Well, the Mexicans might stick around to fill those jobs. But who knows.

Whether its Trump or Biden in the next election, neither one of them are going to stop the out of control spending. Both have a long record of spending way too much. In fact Trump brags about being the kind of debt and his answer to all of this is to just print more money. Biden's spending record will match Trumps, even with his last two years of a GOP house majority. Because 90% of the house GOP are big spending RINO's like Trump.
You do know that Corporations add the cost of taxes to their goods and services ? It's a thinly veiled sales tax.
We're way past that point. It's an inevitability at this point.
I could still balance the Budget with a surplus if the DC clowns passed spending cuts and raised taxes, but we both know they won't.

Here is my suggested plan of action:

1. Raise all income tax rates and add a 4% Fed sales tax. (gain $800b)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains $150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (~$6b/yr, see link below, pays for wall & CBP)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, add a co-pay for Medicaid (google "fix Medicare")
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by ~$1Tb a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $34T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2019 levels, $4.4T a year, not $7T a year.

These are the Budgets I found in wiki:
2023 $6.1T - $4.4T = $1.7T deficit
2022 $6.3T - $4.9T = $1.4T deficit
2021 $6.8T - $4.0T = $2.8T deficit
2020 $6.5T - $3.4T = $3.1T deficit
2019 $4.4T - $3.4Y = $1.0T deficit

We know where 2024's Budget will be. Biden and the Senate whores made a deal...
You do know that Corporations add the cost of taxes to their goods and services ? It's a thinly veiled sales tax.

Yes. Corporations pay their taxes out of their profits. Business 101. But like oil companies (for only an example) who get billions in tax subsidies, don't reduce the price of their gas, even after getting billions in subsidies.
I could still balance the Budget with a surplus if the DC clowns passed spending cuts and raised taxes, but we both know they won't.

Here is my suggested plan of action:

1. Raise all income tax rates and add a 4% Fed sales tax. (gain $800b)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains $150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (~$6b/yr, see link below, pays for wall & CBP)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, add a co-pay for Medicaid
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by ~$1Tb a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $34T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2019 levels, $4T a year, not $7T a year.

These are the Budgets I found in wiki:
2023 $6.1T - $4.4T = $1.7T deficit
2022 $6.3T - $4.9T = $1.4T deficit
2021 $6.8T - $4.0T = $2.8T deficit
2020 $6.5T - $3.4T = $3.1T deficit
2019 $4.4T - $3.4Y = $1.0T deficit

We know where 2024's Budget will be. Biden and the Senate whores made a deal...
sounds like you want more of the same things that got us here,,
And to think, in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion. 7 presidents later it's $34 trillion.

The people are either going to start supporting actual conservatism. Or conservatism is going to be forced on us. I just hope it's not the latter. Because the latter is going to be worse than the great depression and for a lot longer.

No more welfare, even for the needy. The corporations are going to have to stand on their own two feet, with much higher taxes. The wages will have to plummet. Mortgage companies forced into actual bankruptcy with no government help. People won't stand for the wage cuts that'll be necessary to keep their employers in business, so they'll quit and the companies will be forced to close.
And 1000 other consequences will take hold.

Well, the Mexicans might stick around to fill those jobs. But who knows.

Whether its Trump or Biden in the next election, neither one of them are going to stop the out of control spending. Both have a long record of spending way too much. In fact Trump brags about being the kind of debt and his answer to all of this is to just print more money. Biden's spending record will match Trumps, even with his last two years of a GOP house majority. Because 90% of the house GOP are big spending RINO's like Trump.
Unfortunately as long as keep electing professional politicians to high office they honestly don't give a damn. Or at least not enough of a damn to do anything about it.

They'll keep right on legislating to get votes and keep themselves in power and the cash flowing to them on the theory that they will be out of office before it all hits the fan so that somebody else will get the blame.
I could still balance the Budget with a surplus if the DC clowns passed spending cuts and raised taxes, but we both know they won't.

Here is my suggested plan of action:

1. Raise all income tax rates and add a 4% Fed sales tax. (gain $800b)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains $150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (~$6b/yr, see link below, pays for wall & CBP)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, add a co-pay for Medicaid (google "fix Medicare")
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by ~$1Tb a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $34T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2019 levels, $4T a year, not $7T a year.

These are the Budgets I found in wiki:
2023 $6.1T - $4.4T = $1.7T deficit
2022 $6.3T - $4.9T = $1.4T deficit
2021 $6.8T - $4.0T = $2.8T deficit
2020 $6.5T - $3.4T = $3.1T deficit
2019 $4.4T - $3.4Y = $1.0T deficit

We know where 2024's Budget will be. Biden and the Senate whores made a deal...

Perhaps you should run for Congress.
And to think, in Jan of 1981, when Reagan took office, the national debt was only $2 trillion. 7 presidents later it's $34 trillion.

The people are either going to start supporting actual conservatism. Or conservatism is going to be forced on us. I just hope it's not the latter. Because the latter is going to be worse than the great depression and for a lot longer.

No more welfare, even for the needy. The corporations are going to have to stand on their own two feet, with much higher taxes. The wages will have to plummet. Mortgage companies forced into actual bankruptcy with no government help. People won't stand for the wage cuts that'll be necessary to keep their employers in business, so they'll quit and the companies will be forced to close.
And 1000 other consequences will take hold.

Well, the Mexicans might stick around to fill those jobs. But who knows.

Whether its Trump or Biden in the next election, neither one of them are going to stop the out of control spending. Both have a long record of spending way too much. In fact Trump brags about being the kind of debt and his answer to all of this is to just print more money. Biden's spending record will match Trumps, even with his last two years of a GOP house majority. Because 90% of the house GOP are big spending RINO's like Trump.
You will own nothing and be happy, or kill yourself

Less carbon footprints don't ya know.

It's a win/win

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