Fiscal Responsibility: Trumps Military Parade to cost $92 Million

It's a parade to honor the U.S. Military for Christ sake. Where were y'all fiscal experts when Barry flew boxcars loaded with about a billion dollars in freaking pallets of cash to freaking IRAN?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No it is not, it is a parade to stroke Trump's tiny little fragile ego.

It is a move in the Culture War.

Do you not see the cultural and political implications of a national occasion to celebrate America and America's military?

Dude, pull you head out of the kool-aid trough! Holy fuck.

The parade is not about celebrating the military, it is about celebrating Trump.

Since it seems clear you have never served let me tell you, that nobody in the military was looking forward to doing this stupid parade.

Trump will be sitting in a chair watching the parade go by. He will get a little bit of screen time, and will get to say a few words.

MOst of the attention will be on the people in the parade.

I don'ts see how this is a celebration of Trump.

I never said that the people in the military want this.

I told you what I think this is about. YOu did not address any of it.

I will take that as an admission that you know I am right, and that you are counting on your allies in the deep state to sabotage this parade.

The whole thing is about Trump, it is about the troops marching by and saluting him, that is what he wants, that is why he wanted the parade.

And you are right, I did not address your partisan induced fantasies about the parade.

What is most telling is how you claim to support the military and then like them idea of them being used as a political tool in some bullshit "cultural war". Shows you do not give even a rats ass about the military.

It certainly seems to be all about him and his dictatorial fantasies. The Orange Virus is trying to fundamentally change the country (IE: take us backwards) through isolationism and it is a recipe for (yet another) failure. America is so much better than him and we'll eventually shake him off like a tick and move on, I hope.
Your pretense that this is a "both sides do it" issue is unsupported and dismissed as idiocy.

Your admission that there are political biased people in the FBI, in the context of a discussion of them using their office(s) to fight against the democratically elected President,

does confirm the Deep State Theory.

Your idiocy about Trump starting the Deep State theory is laughed at.

Your derangement worsens in your denial that there are politically biased folks on the right working in the FBI.

As far as your idiocy of the deep state, other than bitch and moan to his mistress, what did Strzok do to prevent Trump from becoming president, or after to remove him from office?

Support your claim that there are "folks" politically biased to the Right, in the Government, that have abused their office and authority to fight against the policy of the Administration of the time.

Or admit that you are full of shit.
You brain-dead sycophantic conservative. Quote me saying anyone, ”abused their office and authority to fight against the policy of the Administration.”

Try arguing what I say — not what the demons raging in your head tell you.

The fbi gave hillary a pass and was plotting against Trump before he even took office.

That is the reality of the current situation.

Show me similar behavior from the "right biased folk" in government within the last twenty years, giving a Republican a pass while abusing their office(s) to fight the dem.

Or admit that your claim is bs.
I am not responsible for your rightarded insanity that Hillary should have been prosecuted over her email server, which Comey was also investigated by the GOP-led Congress. Even today, with Trump as president and in charge of the Department of Justice, and Republicans in charge of every single committee in Congress there are still no charges or investigations against her forthcoming.

And despite your brain-addled claims of some conpiracy within the FBI to either prevent Trump from becoming

Like I said, try arguing against reality — not what the voices in your head are telling you.

”Show me similar behavior from the "right biased folk" in government within the last twenty years, giving a Republican a pass while abusing their office(s) to fight the dem.

Easy.... James Comey, who said nothing in public about folks from Trump’s campaign being under investigation for colluding with Russians while at the same time, making the investigation into Hillary’s email server very public. Even publicly announcing he was reopening the closed investigation just two weeks before the election, very possibly handing the election to Crazy Donald.

The FBI gave HIllary a pass. She should have been arrested before the election for her crimes.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump always makes the right decision. ... :thup:

No dumbass, he doesn't, it's why he wastes people time with stupid parade fetishisms and then tries to save face by talking about spending that money instead on jets no one is asking for.
No it is not, it is a parade to stroke Trump's tiny little fragile ego.

It is a move in the Culture War.

Do you not see the cultural and political implications of a national occasion to celebrate America and America's military?

Dude, pull you head out of the kool-aid trough! Holy fuck.

The parade is not about celebrating the military, it is about celebrating Trump.

Since it seems clear you have never served let me tell you, that nobody in the military was looking forward to doing this stupid parade.

Trump will be sitting in a chair watching the parade go by. He will get a little bit of screen time, and will get to say a few words.

MOst of the attention will be on the people in the parade.

I don'ts see how this is a celebration of Trump.

I never said that the people in the military want this.

I told you what I think this is about. YOu did not address any of it.

I will take that as an admission that you know I am right, and that you are counting on your allies in the deep state to sabotage this parade.

The whole thing is about Trump, it is about the troops marching by and saluting him, that is what he wants, that is why he wanted the parade.

And you are right, I did not address your partisan induced fantasies about the parade.

What is most telling is how you claim to support the military and then like them idea of them being used as a political tool in some bullshit "cultural war". Shows you do not give even a rats ass about the military.

It certainly seems to be all about him and his dictatorial fantasies. The Orange Virus is trying to fundamentally change the country (IE: take us backwards) through isolationism and it is a recipe for (yet another) failure. America is so much better than him and we'll eventually shake him off like a tick and move on, I hope.

It is a parade.

Try to not panic. Stay calm.
Great news! This thing will never come off. Trump, you need a vaca! You are not reading the mood of the people. Spend that 92 MILLION on the veterans! I have never been behind this grandiose egotistical idea of yours. This is NOT your military school mentality anymore. :1peleas:

Trump’s military parade postponed to next year, Pentagon says


President Trump's military parade planned for Veterans Day has been postponed until at least next year, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning said in a statement that the Defense Department and White House have agreed to explore potential dates for the parade in 2019.
-------------------------------------------- i haven't been following this Parade story as its just not important to me but its my guess that The TRUMP threw the idea out simply to mess with you lefty types AAthena .
Our beloved Pres. Trump wanting a parade to show off the military is a wonderful idea. Russia, N Korea, and China, have large annual military parades.

So why shouldn't we? ... :dunno:
He got the idea from a military parade in France. Thus proving that the French do not have a slogan that says "no France at all.
Your pretense that this is a "both sides do it" issue is unsupported and dismissed as idiocy.

Your admission that there are political biased people in the FBI, in the context of a discussion of them using their office(s) to fight against the democratically elected President,

does confirm the Deep State Theory.

Your idiocy about Trump starting the Deep State theory is laughed at.

Your derangement worsens in your denial that there are politically biased folks on the right working in the FBI.

As far as your idiocy of the deep state, other than bitch and moan to his mistress, what did Strzok do to prevent Trump from becoming president, or after to remove him from office?

Support your claim that there are "folks" politically biased to the Right, in the Government, that have abused their office and authority to fight against the policy of the Administration of the time.

Or admit that you are full of shit.
You brain-dead sycophantic conservative. Quote me saying anyone, ”abused their office and authority to fight against the policy of the Administration.”

Try arguing what I say — not what the demons raging in your head tell you.

That... is not a conservative. That it is brain-dead remains to be seen. One of the tenets of conservatism is fiscal responsibility. Anyone supporting a stupid parade so the Orange Virus can see his military toys up close gave up being conservative and moved to the dark side of extremism quite a while ago. They worship a cult of personality.

A parade is not extremism nor "cult of pesonality".

Stop panic mongering.
Military parades are typically the celebrations of teapot despots who feel the need to show off their military might to other nations in order to compensate for their smallness in other areas.

That’s a reason America doesn’t brandish such silliness as we don’t need to. Our military might is well established across the globe.
Your derangement worsens in your denial that there are politically biased folks on the right working in the FBI.

As far as your idiocy of the deep state, other than bitch and moan to his mistress, what did Strzok do to prevent Trump from becoming president, or after to remove him from office?

Support your claim that there are "folks" politically biased to the Right, in the Government, that have abused their office and authority to fight against the policy of the Administration of the time.

Or admit that you are full of shit.
You brain-dead sycophantic conservative. Quote me saying anyone, ”abused their office and authority to fight against the policy of the Administration.”

Try arguing what I say — not what the demons raging in your head tell you.

That... is not a conservative. That it is brain-dead remains to be seen. One of the tenets of conservatism is fiscal responsibility. Anyone supporting a stupid parade so the Orange Virus can see his military toys up close gave up being conservative and moved to the dark side of extremism quite a while ago. They worship a cult of personality.

A parade is not extremism nor "cult of pesonality".

Stop panic mongering.
Military parades are typically the celebrations of teapot despots who feel the need to show off their military might to other nations in order to compensate for their smallness in other areas.

That’s a reason America doesn’t brandish such silliness as we don’t need to. Our military might is well established across the globe.

You got that right.
Trump just tweeted that now that he cancelled the parade and he can buy more jet fighters.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Wow, you can't make this stupidity up
please - the tweet is conversational, not an action plan.

i *do* wish he'd stop the $100 mil bullshit parade and invest that money in the 22 vets who commit suicide daily. you want military trust and respect, take care of them where it matters.

the parade and more jets isn't it.

take care of our people trump, leave the hype for you at home.

Mattis states that those claiming the 92 million price tag are smoking something not legal nationwide.
cut it in half - still put that to 22 suicides a day, not a parade.

help our vets when they come home. that is a whole lot of honor and respect moreso than a parade.

Cut all aid to illegals - all of it - and apply that to vets.
What is this aid to illegals?

The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer
Too damn funny….

One wonders…if he is a multi-billionaire as he says he is….

$92 Million seems like a drop in the bucket.

He could allegedly foot the bill out of his own supposed vast wealth…

Yeah…it don’t exist.

Madcow's "scoop" on his taxes seems to defy your statement

Meanwhile back in reality; a multi billionaire who is pretending to be a patriot could fund this whole thing quite easily. He likely doesn’t have the money.

Not sure what you’re talking about as far as Rachel Maddow (or as you childishly call her “madcow”). You sound like a fucking idiot.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump always makes the right decision. ... :thup:
---------------------------------------------------------------- actually , its my opinion that the TRUMP threw out the Parade idea simply as a way to mess with the 'lefties' Sunni .
Easy.... James Comey, who said nothing in public about folks from Trump’s campaign being under investigation for colluding with Russians while at the same time, making the investigation into Hillary’s email server very public. Even publicly announcing he was reopening the closed investigation just two weeks before the election, very possibly handing the election to Crazy Donald.

At the time Comey made the announcement, he believed that the election was over and Mrs. Clinton was going to schlong Trump.

The purpose wasn't to "hand the election to The Donald", but instead to lift the cloud of suspicion over Crooked Hillary so she didn't have to deal with it after she seized the Presidency
Your derangement worsens in your denial that there are politically biased folks on the right working in the FBI.

As far as your idiocy of the deep state, other than bitch and moan to his mistress, what did Strzok do to prevent Trump from becoming president, or after to remove him from office?

Support your claim that there are "folks" politically biased to the Right, in the Government, that have abused their office and authority to fight against the policy of the Administration of the time.

Or admit that you are full of shit.
You brain-dead sycophantic conservative. Quote me saying anyone, ”abused their office and authority to fight against the policy of the Administration.”

Try arguing what I say — not what the demons raging in your head tell you.

That... is not a conservative. That it is brain-dead remains to be seen. One of the tenets of conservatism is fiscal responsibility. Anyone supporting a stupid parade so the Orange Virus can see his military toys up close gave up being conservative and moved to the dark side of extremism quite a while ago. They worship a cult of personality.

A parade is not extremism nor "cult of pesonality".

Stop panic mongering.
Military parades are typically the celebrations of teapot despots who feel the need to show off their military might to other nations in order to compensate for their smallness in other areas.

That’s a reason America doesn’t brandish such silliness as we don’t need to. Our military might is well established across the globe.

1. Your claim of military parades being typical of "teapot despots" is unsupported.

2. Our military might, might be established. The celebration and respect for our military, is not so assured.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump always makes the right decision. ... :thup:
---------------------------------------------------------------- actually , its my opinion that the TRUMP threw out the Parade idea simply as a way to mess with the 'lefties' Sunni .
i think he more did it to say "LOOK *I* CARE" and while he says it's for the vets, it's for him. kinda how he does things.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump always makes the right decision. ... :thup:
---------------------------------------------------------------- actually , its my opinion that the TRUMP threw out the Parade idea simply as a way to mess with the 'lefties' Sunni .
---------------------------------------- i mean , its easy and quite harmless to get them all annoyed and on edge .
So is our President telling us that instead of a parade, we could have had a brand new fighter jet?

Seems like a no-brainer
well until we reach the promise of "a jetfighter in every garage" i think we're ok. this is just trump rambling. i seriously doubt he's going to go out and buy another jet. since the F-35 is $85mil, we're buying a JET anyway, not MORE JETS. :)

surprised the left hasn't pounced on trump for that one yet.

How much the F-35 Really Cost? - Defense Update:

Think how many jet fighters we could buy instead of a wall
Easy.... James Comey, who said nothing in public about folks from Trump’s campaign being under investigation for colluding with Russians while at the same time, making the investigation into Hillary’s email server very public. Even publicly announcing he was reopening the closed investigation just two weeks before the election, very possibly handing the election to Crazy Donald.

At the time Comey made the announcement, he believed that the election was over and Mrs. Clinton was going to schlong Trump.

The purpose wasn't to "hand the election to The Donald", but instead to lift the cloud of suspicion over Crooked Hillary so she didn't have to deal with it after she seized the Presidency
With 2 weeks to go until the election, there was no suspicion that was going hurt her chances. Reopening the investigation was pointless, as was evidenced by it being shut down again just 2 days before the election under the announcement there was nothing there to warrant reopening it.
Too damn funny….

One wonders…if he is a multi-billionaire as he says he is….

$92 Million seems like a drop in the bucket.

He could allegedly foot the bill out of his own supposed vast wealth…

Yeah…it don’t exist.

Madcow's "scoop" on his taxes seems to defy your statement

Meanwhile back in reality; a multi billionaire who is pretending to be a patriot could fund this whole thing quite easily. He likely doesn’t have the money.

Not sure what you’re talking about as far as Rachel Maddow (or as you childishly call her “madcow”). You sound like a fucking idiot.
Someone called her Skankarella in another thread. Just sayin'.
There'll always be people into spending money for no reason other than fuzzy feelings about nationalism.
America is the greatest country ever!

How do you define "greatest country"?

Also, it's very subjective. Someone from the US growing up in the US will say the US is the greatest country.
Someone from Spain growing up in Spain will say Spain is the greatest.

Anybody anywhere making such a proclamation is elitist hubris. You'd have to literally experience every country in the world to be even qualified to make such a statement, and even then it would be subjective to one's own preferences.

Taking pride and/or satisfaction is perfectly fine but preaching to everybody else "we're better than you" is just freaking mindless.

Sure, and that's patriotism down to a tee, isn't it?

Patriots will tell everyone THEIR VERSION of the world is the best way, and only through their version can one be a patriot.

Complete bollocks really.

I tell people that a patriotic Communist would want the US to be a Communist country. It's actually being patriotic. But they'll ignore this as it take a few too more brain cells than they actually have to figure it out.

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