Fiscal Responsibility: Trumps Military Parade to cost $92 Million

Meanwhile, you sycophantly proclaimed Trump always makes the right decision.... he decided to hire Omarosa.
At the time he hired her it was the correct decision.

But after a year she had out lived her usefulness and it was time for a change.

So once again, Pres. Trump made the right decision by having one of his underlings show her the exit. .... :cool:
He said he didn’t know Kelly had fired her — so how did he “have” some one do it for him??

Can you suck any harder? I don’t think so.

Military parades are typically the celebrations of teapot despots who feel the need to show off their military might to other nations in order to compensate for their smallness in other areas.

That’s a reason America doesn’t brandish such silliness as we don’t need to. Our military might is well established across the globe.

1. Your claim of military parades being typical of "teapot despots" is unsupported.

2. Our military might, might be established. The celebration and respect for our military, is not so assured.

You openly admitted the military is being used as political pawns and that you were cool with it you want to talk about respect for the military.

You have zero fucking respect for the military. All you care about is your savior in the White House getting his political parade

This is not about Trump.

The parade is about Trump and nothing else.

He will have a few words to say, which no one will watch in it's entirety and then the screen will be full of people from the military marching and riding.

Perhaps/hopefully with some civilians too.

It seems odd to think that this will be all about Trump.

1. not a single economic indicator changed course after the election, the economy is merely following the same path of the last 8 years.

2. I am truly embarrassed for you that you equate support for a parade with loyalty to the country.

3. Proving once again you do not actually give a shit about military. But since you never had the balls to serve your country, I am not surprised.

1. LOL!!!!

2. The parade will be, at least, a celebration of America's military. People will have the choice to join in, or oppose that. Their choices on this will reveal who they are.

That is all I am saying. What part of that to you find shameful?

3. No, it does not prove that. Supporting a parade does not prove that I do not care about the people in the military. You have to do more than say something over and over again to prove it.

1. Feel free to name even a single economic indicator changed course after the election.

2. So, in your little partisan mind, what about the person in the military that opposes the parade? Do they love their country because they are in the military or do they hate their country because they think the parade is a stupid fucking idea? Which will it be in your mind?

3. You are good with the military being used as a political tool, that makes you one that does not give a shit about the military.

1. Can't be bothered right now. Multi tasking.

2. COuld be either, with the information you gave me. NOw, what about antifa? What do you think they will do?

3. I'm good with the military being used as a political tool, in this very minor and safe way. Consider it an exception which proves the rule. I do feel bad about the sacrifices that military will have to make for this. But imo, the benefit to the nation is worth it.
”I'm good with the military being used as a political tool”

Thanks for conceding your position on this so easily. :mm:

1. Thanks for showing how dishonest you vile libs are, by cutting all context.

2. Thanks for showing how you see revealing anything real, is a defeat. That certainly explains the constant lying and stonewalling we get from you leftards.
I eliminated no context you haven’t already provided. You confessed you want trump to use the military as a tool to attack Americans with whom you disagree with politically. You reveal the true motivation behind the notion of holding such a parade.

You’re a fucking traitor.
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."

Remind me again why Liberals suddenly care about fiscal responsibility ? Oh yeah Clinton didn't win.

Remind me again why Cons suddenly don't care about fiscal responsibility ? Oh yeah Clinton didn't win
No I always care about fiscal responsibility and have dinged Trump on this site for not exercising it but liberals are full of hypocritical bullshit for even mentioning responsibility in that area.
He said he didn’t know Kelly had fired her — so how did he “have” some one do it for him??
Obviously you have never work in corporate level management.

You know everything that is happening, but disavow being involved.

I've seen it happen many times. That's just how the game is played. ... :cool:
1. Propose something unnecessary that costs a whole lot
2. Eventually say that it's really unnecessary and we should take that money and spend it on something else.
3. Act like you just "saved" money

This is the same theory behind claiming you "saved" money by buying something on sale. It's impossible to save money by spending it unless that spending was completely, 100% required in the first place.
1. Your claim of military parades being typical of "teapot despots" is unsupported.

2. Our military might, might be established. The celebration and respect for our military, is not so assured.

You openly admitted the military is being used as political pawns and that you were cool with it you want to talk about respect for the military.

You have zero fucking respect for the military. All you care about is your savior in the White House getting his political parade

This is not about Trump.

The parade is about Trump and nothing else.

He will have a few words to say, which no one will watch in it's entirety and then the screen will be full of people from the military marching and riding.

Perhaps/hopefully with some civilians too.

It seems odd to think that this will be all about Trump.

The cameras will be on him the whole time, the units and equipment will be filmed as they go by the reviewing stand. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM

No, they won't. Viewers won't be tuning in to see him, they will be tuning in to see the parade.

Even Fox won't show Trump the majority of the time.
You openly admitted the military is being used as political pawns and that you were cool with it you want to talk about respect for the military.

You have zero fucking respect for the military. All you care about is your savior in the White House getting his political parade

This is not about Trump.

The parade is about Trump and nothing else.

He will have a few words to say, which no one will watch in it's entirety and then the screen will be full of people from the military marching and riding.

Perhaps/hopefully with some civilians too.

It seems odd to think that this will be all about Trump.

The cameras will be on him the whole time, the units and equipment will be filmed as they go by the reviewing stand. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM

No, they won't. Viewers won't be tuning in to see him, they will be tuning in to see the parade.

Even Fox won't show Trump the majority of the time.

You are just a truly clueless person.
Too damn funny….

One wonders…if he is a multi-billionaire as he says he is….

$92 Million seems like a drop in the bucket.

He could allegedly foot the bill out of his own supposed vast wealth…

Yeah…it don’t exist.

Madcow's "scoop" on his taxes seems to defy your statement

Meanwhile back in reality; a multi billionaire who is pretending to be a patriot could fund this whole thing quite easily. He likely doesn’t have the money.

Not sure what you’re talking about as far as Rachel Maddow (or as you childishly call her “madcow”). You sound like a fucking idiot.

Haha you're so clueless....Madcow's big announcement she'd snagged Trump's tax return and was going to prove he doesnt pay taxes....but he paid a bunch.

She's nearly as stupid as you...not quite though
Great news! This thing will never come off. Trump, you need a vaca! You are not reading the mood of the people. Spend that 92 MILLION on the veterans! I have never been behind this grandiose egotistical idea of yours. This is NOT your military school mentality anymore. :1peleas:

Trump’s military parade postponed to next year, Pentagon says


President Trump's military parade planned for Veterans Day has been postponed until at least next year, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning said in a statement that the Defense Department and White House have agreed to explore potential dates for the parade in 2019.
-------------------------------------------- i haven't been following this Parade story as its just not important to me but its my guess that The TRUMP threw the idea out simply to mess with you lefty types AAthena .

Are you new here or what? The Lady AA is no "lefty type".
1. LOL!!!!

2. The parade will be, at least, a celebration of America's military. People will have the choice to join in, or oppose that. Their choices on this will reveal who they are.

That is all I am saying. What part of that to you find shameful?

3. No, it does not prove that. Supporting a parade does not prove that I do not care about the people in the military. You have to do more than say something over and over again to prove it.

1. Feel free to name even a single economic indicator changed course after the election.

2. So, in your little partisan mind, what about the person in the military that opposes the parade? Do they love their country because they are in the military or do they hate their country because they think the parade is a stupid fucking idea? Which will it be in your mind?

3. You are good with the military being used as a political tool, that makes you one that does not give a shit about the military.

1. Can't be bothered right now. Multi tasking.

2. COuld be either, with the information you gave me. NOw, what about antifa? What do you think they will do?

3. I'm good with the military being used as a political tool, in this very minor and safe way. Consider it an exception which proves the rule. I do feel bad about the sacrifices that military will have to make for this. But imo, the benefit to the nation is worth it.
”I'm good with the military being used as a political tool”

Thanks for conceding your position on this so easily. :mm:

1. Thanks for showing how dishonest you vile libs are, by cutting all context.

2. Thanks for showing how you see revealing anything real, is a defeat. That certainly explains the constant lying and stonewalling we get from you leftards.
I eliminated no context you haven’t already provided. You confessed you want trump to use the military as a tool to attack Americans with whom you disagree with politically. You reveal the true motivation behind the notion of holding such a parade.

You’re a fucking traitor.

You cut half my sentence. You claim to not be cutting context, but you could not quote me, using a full sentence.

THe purpose is only political if you are against celebrating America.

Otherwise, we can all agree, AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!
So is our President telling us that instead of a parade, we could have had a brand new fighter jet?

Seems like a no-brainer
well until we reach the promise of "a jetfighter in every garage" i think we're ok. this is just trump rambling. i seriously doubt he's going to go out and buy another jet. since the F-35 is $85mil, we're buying a JET anyway, not MORE JETS. :)

surprised the left hasn't pounced on trump for that one yet.

How much the F-35 Really Cost? - Defense Update:

Think how many jet fighters we could buy instead of a wall

Yeah I thought "our airports were crumbling" and "they" were "laughing at us".

So what a brilliant plan, ignore the airports and put a giant parade to get laughed at more. There's a smart spending strategy worthy of a USFL or an Atlantic City casino or a vitamin scheme where you send in your pee.......
Great news! This thing will never come off. Trump, you need a vaca! You are not reading the mood of the people. Spend that 92 MILLION on the veterans! I have never been behind this grandiose egotistical idea of yours. This is NOT your military school mentality anymore. :1peleas:

Trump’s military parade postponed to next year, Pentagon says


President Trump's military parade planned for Veterans Day has been postponed until at least next year, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning said in a statement that the Defense Department and White House have agreed to explore potential dates for the parade in 2019.

Many countries far smaller than us have such parades to the applause and pride of their nation.

Oh they have to applaud. If they don't they'll be shot.


Take notes now.

Just more lies of the left.

uh HUH. So you're saying non-compliants aren't shot in North Korea are you?

Good luck making that point. I'll be watching.

It's your allegation that they are, prove it.

Really? You're here to white-knight for the concept of Stupidity even though a post wasn't even addressed to you? That the way you work PeeWee?

Fine, here -- take it away Captain Obvious.


Prisoners at an unidentified North Korean gulag prison are seen in this candid and rare photograph.
>> North Korea's political prison camps - of which Camp 16 is just one - are known as "Kwanliso".
These are similar to Stalin's Soviet-era gulags, where dissidents and critics are forced to carry out dangerous and heavy labour. People sent to these camps include: those who have criticised the leadership (mostly officials); officials or cadres who are perceived to have failed in the implementation of policies; those who contacted South Koreans in other countries; those who were believed to be part of anti-government groups, including those who have criticised the government for its policies on the food crisis; those caught listening to South Korean broadcasts; un-repatriated prisoners of war from the Korean War in the 1950s; and North Koreans caught trying to flee the country.

...Director Kate Allen said: "Amnesty believes these camps have been in operation for approaching 60 years, yet only three people have ever been known to have escaped and a massive 40 per cent will die of malnutrition.

"Every former inmate Amnesty spoke to had witnessed at least one public execution.

"The North Korean authorities have also been known to use a horrific 4ft by 4ft 'torture cell', where inmates can neither stand nor lie down. << --- CAMP DEATH: Inside North Korea’s inescapable Camp 16 where 20,000 political prisoners are being worked to death as others are strangled or executed with hammers

You're actually willing to put your name on this level of ignorance that you don't know this is going on?

Seriously HOW do you get this clueless? Is there a correspondence course you take or something?
Did Groupon have a sale on Ignorance Kits?
This is not about Trump.

The parade is about Trump and nothing else.

He will have a few words to say, which no one will watch in it's entirety and then the screen will be full of people from the military marching and riding.

Perhaps/hopefully with some civilians too.

It seems odd to think that this will be all about Trump.

The cameras will be on him the whole time, the units and equipment will be filmed as they go by the reviewing stand. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM

No, they won't. Viewers won't be tuning in to see him, they will be tuning in to see the parade.

Even Fox won't show Trump the majority of the time.

You are just a truly clueless person.

Funny, I expected you to challenge my prediction, my even demand a bet of some sort.

But, guess you know that I am right, so, you chose to just insult me instead of continuing to make your argument.

That was you admitting defeat.

I accept your surrender.
1. From winning despite the polls to a booming economy, your denial of reality grows more pathological every day.

2. So, they you won't care when the Parade is national news, and everyone has to decide whether to celebrate America, or be revealed as an anti-American asshole.

3. As political uses of the military goes, this is pretty benign. There is a good chance no one will die, and the value to the nation is quite high.

1. not a single economic indicator changed course after the election, the economy is merely following the same path of the last 8 years.

2. I am truly embarrassed for you that you equate support for a parade with loyalty to the country.

3. Proving once again you do not actually give a shit about military. But since you never had the balls to serve your country, I am not surprised.

1. LOL!!!!

2. The parade will be, at least, a celebration of America's military. People will have the choice to join in, or oppose that. Their choices on this will reveal who they are.

That is all I am saying. What part of that to you find shameful?

3. No, it does not prove that. Supporting a parade does not prove that I do not care about the people in the military. You have to do more than say something over and over again to prove it.

1. Feel free to name even a single economic indicator changed course after the election.

2. So, in your little partisan mind, what about the person in the military that opposes the parade? Do they love their country because they are in the military or do they hate their country because they think the parade is a stupid fucking idea? Which will it be in your mind?

3. You are good with the military being used as a political tool, that makes you one that does not give a shit about the military.

1. Can't be bothered right now. Multi tasking.

2. COuld be either, with the information you gave me. NOw, what about antifa? What do you think they will do?

3. I'm good with the military being used as a political tool, in this very minor and safe way. Consider it an exception which proves the rule. I do feel bad about the sacrifices that military will have to make for this. But imo, the benefit to the nation is worth it.
”I'm good with the military being used as a political tool”


Thanks for conceding your position on this so easily. :mm:

Yeah isn't THAT revealing. Think I'm gonna bookmark that post for future use.
1. not a single economic indicator changed course after the election, the economy is merely following the same path of the last 8 years.

2. I am truly embarrassed for you that you equate support for a parade with loyalty to the country.

3. Proving once again you do not actually give a shit about military. But since you never had the balls to serve your country, I am not surprised.

1. LOL!!!!

2. The parade will be, at least, a celebration of America's military. People will have the choice to join in, or oppose that. Their choices on this will reveal who they are.

That is all I am saying. What part of that to you find shameful?

3. No, it does not prove that. Supporting a parade does not prove that I do not care about the people in the military. You have to do more than say something over and over again to prove it.

1. Feel free to name even a single economic indicator changed course after the election.

2. So, in your little partisan mind, what about the person in the military that opposes the parade? Do they love their country because they are in the military or do they hate their country because they think the parade is a stupid fucking idea? Which will it be in your mind?

3. You are good with the military being used as a political tool, that makes you one that does not give a shit about the military.

1. Can't be bothered right now. Multi tasking.

2. COuld be either, with the information you gave me. NOw, what about antifa? What do you think they will do?

3. I'm good with the military being used as a political tool, in this very minor and safe way. Consider it an exception which proves the rule. I do feel bad about the sacrifices that military will have to make for this. But imo, the benefit to the nation is worth it.
”I'm good with the military being used as a political tool”


Thanks for conceding your position on this so easily. :mm:

Yeah isn't THAT revealing. Think I'm gonna bookmark that post for future use.

You going to use the whole sentence or just half?

Rhetorical question. We both know what you are.
The parade is about Trump and nothing else.

He will have a few words to say, which no one will watch in it's entirety and then the screen will be full of people from the military marching and riding.

Perhaps/hopefully with some civilians too.

It seems odd to think that this will be all about Trump.

The cameras will be on him the whole time, the units and equipment will be filmed as they go by the reviewing stand. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM

No, they won't. Viewers won't be tuning in to see him, they will be tuning in to see the parade.

Even Fox won't show Trump the majority of the time.

You are just a truly clueless person.

Funny, I expected you to challenge my prediction, my even demand a bet of some sort.

But, guess you know that I am right, so, you chose to just insult me instead of continuing to make your argument.

That was you admitting defeat.

I accept your surrender.

You want me to challenge your prediction for an event that is not even going to happen?

holy fuck, you are one stupid moron.
He said he didn’t know Kelly had fired her — so how did he “have” some one do it for him??
Obviously you have never work in corporate level management.

You know everything that is happening, but disavow being involved.

I've seen it happen many times. That's just how the game is played. ... :cool:
Nah, this is how your game is played...


... it’s the only play in your playbook.
He will have a few words to say, which no one will watch in it's entirety and then the screen will be full of people from the military marching and riding.

Perhaps/hopefully with some civilians too.

It seems odd to think that this will be all about Trump.

The cameras will be on him the whole time, the units and equipment will be filmed as they go by the reviewing stand. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM

No, they won't. Viewers won't be tuning in to see him, they will be tuning in to see the parade.

Even Fox won't show Trump the majority of the time.

You are just a truly clueless person.

Funny, I expected you to challenge my prediction, my even demand a bet of some sort.

But, guess you know that I am right, so, you chose to just insult me instead of continuing to make your argument.

That was you admitting defeat.

I accept your surrender.

You want me to challenge your prediction for an event that is not even going to happen?

holy fuck, you are one stupid moron.

Last I heard he was planning on attending another parade.

I'm wiling to stand by my statement that if there he attends any military parade that he will not get the majority of screen time.

You can stand by yours that he will.

And you will be wrong.

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