Fiscal Responsibility: Trumps Military Parade to cost $92 Million

DC police: 13 million, Fire and EMS: 3 million, Transportation: 2 million, other: 3 million, Estimated parade cost: 21 million
That is the DC costs
Military costs are extra

Not 71 million extra.

Mattis said in an interview this morning he would debate anybody on any
network about the reported cost.

You can find all the soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors you want
within 50 miles of DC.

You gotta pay them and feed them, no matter where they are at. Marching
in a parade or marching on the parade grounds.

Truck them in and truck them out. They'll be home for dinner. We won't
have to book 10,000 hotel rooms. Hell, just make them camp at Ft Meyer
if they can't get home.
what channel was the interview with Mad Dog on?
1. Your claim of military parades being typical of "teapot despots" is unsupported.

2. Our military might, might be established. The celebration and respect for our military, is not so assured.

You openly admitted the military is being used as political pawns and that you were cool with it you want to talk about respect for the military.

You have zero fucking respect for the military. All you care about is your savior in the White House getting his political parade

This is not about Trump.

The parade is about Trump and nothing else.

He will have a few words to say, which no one will watch in it's entirety and then the screen will be full of people from the military marching and riding.

Perhaps/hopefully with some civilians too.

It seems odd to think that this will be all about Trump.

The cameras will be on him the whole time, the units and equipment will be filmed as they go by the reviewing stand. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM
Haha the cameras have been on him the whole time. He doesn`t need a parade for that.
The main scream media cameras are the ones which zoom in on his podium so their dummy cable subscribers can`t see the size of his crowd. And yes according to them everything is about Trump, global warming, every shooting, your bitch having lost the election....on and on
DC police: 13 million, Fire and EMS: 3 million, Transportation: 2 million, other: 3 million, Estimated parade cost: 21 million
That is the DC costs
Military costs are extra

Not 71 million extra.

Mattis said in an interview this morning he would debate anybody on any
network about the reported cost.

You can find all the soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors you want
within 50 miles of DC.

You gotta pay them and feed them, no matter where they are at. Marching
in a parade or marching on the parade grounds.

Truck them in and truck them out. They'll be home for dinner. We won't
have to book 10,000 hotel rooms. Hell, just make them camp at Ft Meyer
if they can't get home.
You have to pay for aircraft flight time, transportation costs for military equipment, TDY for active soldiers

It is Trumps parade, he should have figured the cost BEFORE he started bragging about his parade

Now he is acting like a child

Don't have any flyovers at football games, that weekend. What TDY for soldiers? There is no extra money for a temp duty station, and a parade
wouldn't be a temp duty station. All the military equipment is gonna be
used that day either at the parade or back at their base.

Just a few tanks of gas for the trucks hauling the tanks.

Half the cities in this country have veteran's day parades. Do you think they're all
paying 71 million for the troops to march?
DC police: 13 million, Fire and EMS: 3 million, Transportation: 2 million, other: 3 million, Estimated parade cost: 21 million
That is the DC costs
Military costs are extra

Not 71 million extra.

Mattis said in an interview this morning he would debate anybody on any
network about the reported cost.

You can find all the soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors you want
within 50 miles of DC.

You gotta pay them and feed them, no matter where they are at. Marching
in a parade or marching on the parade grounds.

Truck them in and truck them out. They'll be home for dinner. We won't
have to book 10,000 hotel rooms. Hell, just make them camp at Ft Meyer
if they can't get home.
what channel was the interview with Mad Dog on?

I can't remember the channel, but a clip of it was shown on Fox
Well, if Democrats could cut back on their riots, slob protests, naked weido/pussy parades and mayhem in the streets we could well afford a Patriot All-American parade ... mmm .. in fact, it would be refreshing for a change

You let Democrats off too easy, Lumpster. Don't forget how they invented slavery, the common cold and bedbugs.

You believe Democrats invented slavery... mmm ..
You openly admitted the military is being used as political pawns and that you were cool with it you want to talk about respect for the military.

You have zero fucking respect for the military. All you care about is your savior in the White House getting his political parade

This is not about Trump.

The parade is about Trump and nothing else.

He will have a few words to say, which no one will watch in it's entirety and then the screen will be full of people from the military marching and riding.

Perhaps/hopefully with some civilians too.

It seems odd to think that this will be all about Trump.

The cameras will be on him the whole time, the units and equipment will be filmed as they go by the reviewing stand. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM
Haha the cameras have been on him the whole time. He doesn`t need a parade for that.
The main scream media cameras are the ones which zoom in on his podium so their dummy cable subscribers can`t see the size of his crowd. And yes according to them everything is about Trump, global warming, every shooting, your bitch having lost the election....on and on

Yeah, I was pretty bummed when Gary didnt win, but I would not call him a bitch.
A parade is not extremism nor "cult of pesonality".

Stop panic mongering.
Military parades are typically the celebrations of teapot despots who feel the need to show off their military might to other nations in order to compensate for their smallness in other areas.

That’s a reason America doesn’t brandish such silliness as we don’t need to. Our military might is well established across the globe.

1. Your claim of military parades being typical of "teapot despots" is unsupported.

2. Our military might, might be established. The celebration and respect for our military, is not so assured.

You openly admitted the military is being used as political pawns and that you were cool with it you want to talk about respect for the military.

You have zero fucking respect for the military. All you care about is your savior in the White House getting his political parade

This is not about Trump.

The parade is about Trump and nothing else.
------------------------------------ so what , the Volunteer Military is held captive for years and gets Paid no matter what they are told to do GGator .
plus miitary Parade marchers or volunteer soldiers have no SAY in spending money . Spending money is mostly all up to the President Trump GGator .
Great news! This thing will never come off. Trump, you need a vaca! You are not reading the mood of the people. Spend that 92 MILLION on the veterans! I have never been behind this grandiose egotistical idea of yours. This is NOT your military school mentality anymore. :1peleas:

Trump’s military parade postponed to next year, Pentagon says


President Trump's military parade planned for Veterans Day has been postponed until at least next year, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning said in a statement that the Defense Department and White House have agreed to explore potential dates for the parade in 2019.
-------------------------------------------- i haven't been following this Parade story as its just not important to me but its my guess that The TRUMP threw the idea out simply to mess with you lefty types AAthena .

Are you new here or what? The Lady AA is no "lefty type".
------------------------------------- sounds lefty on this issue of the parade but as i said , i think that The TRUMP is simply BAITING the leties when he never intended to have a Parade . I mean , i can see TRUMP watching that French Parade as he says to himself ------------------- aw haw , i'll announce for a parade just to pizz the lefties off [chuckle] Pogo .
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."
They aren’t fiscally responsible. That doesn’t mean the left is. The current thought leaders of the left, Bernie and AO-C, purpose plans that cost, according to the lefts own standard, 65 trillion dollars in a decade. That’s 10 trillion more than all of the currency circulating the globe. Let’s not forget that the democratic socialism they propose isn’t even comparable to the Nordic countries they raise up as hallmarks. All but 1 of those countries they reference are ranked more economically freeer than the US is, they just have higher taxes to pay for their social programs (not to be confused with socialism), and these are the very same programs they are pivoting right on to get them under control.

That being said, this military parade is freaking retarded. Stop it, you want to help the troops, give them the day off, let them spend time with their families, and take better care of them as promised. They shouldn’t need to be called up by the presidents behest to go and march in the heat, and cost us 90 million dollars. So stupid. Put that 90 million into making the shitty VA suck a little less.
No Dumb Donald wants to stand on the reviewing stand and have thousands of people salute him and show him respect. He wants to bask in their love and their silence because not one of them will criticize it.

Watching films of a NK military parade, Trump told Kim he wished he could get his people to show him the same respect as the NK’s show their leader. Unfortunately, Trump isn’t allowed to torture and kill dissidents like Kim can so that’s not going to happen.

This parade was never about honouring the troops. It was about giving Donnie a moment of respect.

You want to honour the troops? Give them a raise. Give them the health care and educational opportunities you promised them when they signed up. Build homeless shelters and rehab centres for vets who are struggling with re-entry into everyday life. Those are things that show you honour their service. Providing Trump with a $90 million dollar photo op does nothing for your service men and women.
DC police: 13 million, Fire and EMS: 3 million, Transportation: 2 million, other: 3 million, Estimated parade cost: 21 million
That is the DC costs
Military costs are extra

Not 71 million extra.

Mattis said in an interview this morning he would debate anybody on any
network about the reported cost.

You can find all the soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors you want
within 50 miles of DC.

You gotta pay them and feed them, no matter where they are at. Marching
in a parade or marching on the parade grounds.

Truck them in and truck them out. They'll be home for dinner. We won't
have to book 10,000 hotel rooms. Hell, just make them camp at Ft Meyer
if they can't get home.
You have to pay for aircraft flight time, transportation costs for military equipment, TDY for active soldiers

It is Trumps parade, he should have figured the cost BEFORE he started bragging about his parade

Now he is acting like a child

Don't have any flyovers at football games, that weekend. What TDY for soldiers? There is no extra money for a temp duty station, and a parade
wouldn't be a temp duty station. All the military equipment is gonna be
used that day either at the parade or back at their base.

Just a few tanks of gas for the trucks hauling the tanks.

Half the cities in this country have veteran's day parades. Do you think they're all
paying 71 million for the troops to march?

Hate to tell you, but the logistics for something like that are quite a bit more than "just a few tanks of gas".

And TDY stands for Temporary Duty. And, you're right, IF they are able to get everyone synched up and are able to do it all in one day, it wouldn't require TDY orders. But, if it took an overnight trip, then yeah, TDY orders would be required. And, chances are, they would have to get a few more troops than what are in the DC area.
well , looks like which ever way it does go it will be The President Trump that make the decision . I still say that he is messing with or TROLLING you guys . Sorta like when he had a Press Conference for the media that turned out to be a COMMERCIAL for his Washington Hotel Girls , Boys , ladies and Gents . ------------- Now that was lovely :afro:
DC police: 13 million, Fire and EMS: 3 million, Transportation: 2 million, other: 3 million, Estimated parade cost: 21 million
That is the DC costs
Military costs are extra

Not 71 million extra.

Mattis said in an interview this morning he would debate anybody on any
network about the reported cost.

You can find all the soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors you want
within 50 miles of DC.

You gotta pay them and feed them, no matter where they are at. Marching
in a parade or marching on the parade grounds.

Truck them in and truck them out. They'll be home for dinner. We won't
have to book 10,000 hotel rooms. Hell, just make them camp at Ft Meyer
if they can't get home.
You have to pay for aircraft flight time, transportation costs for military equipment, TDY for active soldiers

It is Trumps parade, he should have figured the cost BEFORE he started bragging about his parade

Now he is acting like a child

Don't have any flyovers at football games, that weekend. What TDY for soldiers? There is no extra money for a temp duty station, and a parade
wouldn't be a temp duty station. All the military equipment is gonna be
used that day either at the parade or back at their base.

Just a few tanks of gas for the trucks hauling the tanks.

Half the cities in this country have veteran's day parades. Do you think they're all
paying 71 million for the troops to march?

Hate to tell you, but the logistics for something like that are quite a bit more than "just a few tanks of gas".

And TDY stands for Temporary Duty. And, you're right, IF they are able to get everyone synched up and are able to do it all in one day, it wouldn't require TDY orders. But, if it took an overnight trip, then yeah, TDY orders would be required. And, chances are, they would have to get a few more troops than what are in the DC area.

Here's what's within 175 miles of Washington, DC
Military Bases in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia
That is the DC costs
Military costs are extra

Not 71 million extra.

Mattis said in an interview this morning he would debate anybody on any
network about the reported cost.

You can find all the soldiers, airmen, Marines and sailors you want
within 50 miles of DC.

You gotta pay them and feed them, no matter where they are at. Marching
in a parade or marching on the parade grounds.

Truck them in and truck them out. They'll be home for dinner. We won't
have to book 10,000 hotel rooms. Hell, just make them camp at Ft Meyer
if they can't get home.
You have to pay for aircraft flight time, transportation costs for military equipment, TDY for active soldiers

It is Trumps parade, he should have figured the cost BEFORE he started bragging about his parade

Now he is acting like a child

Don't have any flyovers at football games, that weekend. What TDY for soldiers? There is no extra money for a temp duty station, and a parade
wouldn't be a temp duty station. All the military equipment is gonna be
used that day either at the parade or back at their base.

Just a few tanks of gas for the trucks hauling the tanks.

Half the cities in this country have veteran's day parades. Do you think they're all
paying 71 million for the troops to march?

Hate to tell you, but the logistics for something like that are quite a bit more than "just a few tanks of gas".

And TDY stands for Temporary Duty. And, you're right, IF they are able to get everyone synched up and are able to do it all in one day, it wouldn't require TDY orders. But, if it took an overnight trip, then yeah, TDY orders would be required. And, chances are, they would have to get a few more troops than what are in the DC area.

Here's what's within 175 miles of Washington, DC
Military Bases in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia

How many of those commands have people they can send out? Do you know anything about those commands, or is it just a one size fits all kind of thing for you with the military? And, I've got news for you, most of the commands in the DC area are top heavy, meaning there are more higher rank personnel than lower rank. And I can tell you, the higher ranks wouldn't be happy about having to march in a parade.

By the way, did you ever serve in the military? I did 20 years in the Navy, and I can tell you that 95 percent of the military hates to go to those dog and pony shows. Not only that, but to get a uniform and yourself inspection ready actually costs money to the servicemember. Money that will never be refunded for the trouble.
plus miitary Parade marchers or volunteer soldiers have no SAY in spending money . Spending money is mostly all up to the President Trump GGator .

Yes I know, that is why we are adding $ 4,028,424,573 a day to the debt since Jan 1st. We are on pace to add 1.4 trillion to the the middle of a "booming economy". I am glad you recognize how spending money is up to!

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