Fiscal Responsibility: Trumps Military Parade to cost $92 Million

Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."

The stress, from watching America being celebrated, will shorten the lives of millions of liberals, leading to massive savings.

43,000 posts and counting.

Imagine if you had a job. You wouldn't have to complain about liberals on the internet while pretending to not be the massive hypocrite that you are.

My point stands.
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."
/——-/ The Pentagon put it on hold.
The military parade President Trump requested for November has been pushed back to 2019, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.
It's a parade to honor the U.S. Military for Christ sake. Where were y'all fiscal experts when Barry flew boxcars loaded with about a billion dollars in freaking pallets of cash to freaking IRAN? WTF is wrong with you people?

No it is not, it is a parade to stroke Trump's tiny little fragile ego.
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."
/——-/ The Pentagon put it on hold.
The military parade President Trump requested for November has been pushed back to 2019, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.

If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.
It's a parade to honor the U.S. Military for Christ sake. Where were y'all fiscal experts when Barry flew boxcars loaded with about a billion dollars in freaking pallets of cash to freaking IRAN?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No it is not, it is a parade to stroke Trump's tiny little fragile ego.

It is a move in the Culture War.

Do you not see the cultural and political implications of a national occasion to celebrate America and America's military?
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."
/——-/ The Pentagon put it on hold.
The military parade President Trump requested for November has been pushed back to 2019, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.

If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.
/——/ it may be the escalating cost from $12 to $92 million
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."
/——-/ The Pentagon put it on hold.
The military parade President Trump requested for November has been pushed back to 2019, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.

If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.
/——/ it may be the escalating cost from $12 to $92 million

Inability to get things done, efficiently, another good reason to fire people.
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."
/——-/ The Pentagon put it on hold.
The military parade President Trump requested for November has been pushed back to 2019, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.

If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.
/——/ it may be the escalating cost from $12 to $92 million

Inability to get things done, efficiently, another good reason to fire people.
/——-/ Libs are relieved they don’t have to pretend to love the military at a parade.
/——-/ The Pentagon put it on hold.
The military parade President Trump requested for November has been pushed back to 2019, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.

If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.
/——/ it may be the escalating cost from $12 to $92 million

Inability to get things done, efficiently, another good reason to fire people.
/——-/ Libs are relieved they don’t have to pretend to love the military at a parade.

Which is why Trump should be screaming at people over there.

The parade is a great idea. It will force those on the Left to pretend to love America, which will alienate many of them from their base,

AND many of them will fail, thus showing America what they truly are.

I wonder if Soros will be smart enough to keep Antifa on a leash, or order them to run wild...

Either way, would be a defeat for them.

We need this parade asap, and regularly afterwards.
It's a parade to honor the U.S. Military for Christ sake. Where were y'all fiscal experts when Barry flew boxcars loaded with about a billion dollars in freaking pallets of cash to freaking IRAN?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No it is not, it is a parade to stroke Trump's tiny little fragile ego.

It is a move in the Culture War.

Do you not see the cultural and political implications of a national occasion to celebrate America and America's military?

Dude, pull you head out of the kool-aid trough! Holy fuck.

The parade is not about celebrating the military, it is about celebrating Trump.

Since it seems clear you have never served let me tell you, that nobody in the military was looking forward to doing this stupid parade.
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."
/——-/ The Pentagon put it on hold.
The military parade President Trump requested for November has been pushed back to 2019, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.

If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.

You have no clue what is entailed in such an undertaking.
Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.

If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.
/——/ it may be the escalating cost from $12 to $92 million

Inability to get things done, efficiently, another good reason to fire people.
/——-/ Libs are relieved they don’t have to pretend to love the military at a parade.

Which is why Trump should be screaming at people over there.

The parade is a great idea. It will force those on the Left to pretend to love America, which will alienate many of them from their base,

AND many of them will fail, thus showing America what they truly are.

I wonder if Soros will be smart enough to keep Antifa on a leash, or order them to run wild...

Either way, would be a defeat for them.

We need this parade asap, and regularly afterwards.
/——/ Trump should order them to have a $12 million parade and ask for private funding. I mean forget the tanks and fly overs just ask for volunteers to march.
"The local politicians who run Washington, D.C. (poorly) know a windfall when they see it. When asked to give us a price for holding a great celebratory military parade, they wanted a number so ridiculously high that I cancelled it. Never let someone hold you up! I will instead attend the big parade already scheduled at Andrews Air Force Base on a different date, & go to the Paris parade, celebrating the end of the War, on November 11th. Maybe we will do something next year in D.C. when the cost comes WAY DOWN. Now we can buy some more jet fighters!" - President Trump
Fuck actually fixing anything in this country, just as long as Trump gets to feed his ego that's all that matters.

Fuck him and anyone who supports him.
C’mon, you gotta know by now Trump could say he wants to bring back lynchings and his cult would cheer him on. He could say he wants to start rounding up Muslims to put in “labor camps,” and the herd would apologize for him. There is literally nothing he can do that they won’t try to equate to Obama and excuse.
If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.
/——/ it may be the escalating cost from $12 to $92 million

Inability to get things done, efficiently, another good reason to fire people.
/——-/ Libs are relieved they don’t have to pretend to love the military at a parade.

Which is why Trump should be screaming at people over there.

The parade is a great idea. It will force those on the Left to pretend to love America, which will alienate many of them from their base,

AND many of them will fail, thus showing America what they truly are.

I wonder if Soros will be smart enough to keep Antifa on a leash, or order them to run wild...

Either way, would be a defeat for them.

We need this parade asap, and regularly afterwards.
/——/ Trump should order them to have a $12 million parade and ask for private funding. I mean forget the tanks and fly overs just ask for volunteers to march.

If you just asked for volunteers to march you would get 100 idiots out there at best, nobody would volunteer for that dumb shit.
It's a parade to honor the U.S. Military for Christ sake. Where were y'all fiscal experts when Barry flew boxcars loaded with about a billion dollars in freaking pallets of cash to freaking IRAN?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No it is not, it is a parade to stroke Trump's tiny little fragile ego.

It is a move in the Culture War.

Do you not see the cultural and political implications of a national occasion to celebrate America and America's military?

Dude, pull you head out of the kool-aid trough! Holy fuck.

The parade is not about celebrating the military, it is about celebrating Trump.

Since it seems clear you have never served let me tell you, that nobody in the military was looking forward to doing this stupid parade.
/——/ No one? You called all of them and asked? WOWZA
It's a parade to honor the U.S. Military for Christ sake. Where were y'all fiscal experts when Barry flew boxcars loaded with about a billion dollars in freaking pallets of cash to freaking IRAN?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No it is not, it is a parade to stroke Trump's tiny little fragile ego.

It is a move in the Culture War.

Do you not see the cultural and political implications of a national occasion to celebrate America and America's military?

Dude, pull you head out of the kool-aid trough! Holy fuck.

The parade is not about celebrating the military, it is about celebrating Trump.

Since it seems clear you have never served let me tell you, that nobody in the military was looking forward to doing this stupid parade.

Trump will be sitting in a chair watching the parade go by. He will get a little bit of screen time, and will get to say a few words.

MOst of the attention will be on the people in the parade.

I don'ts see how this is a celebration of Trump.

I never said that the people in the military want this.

I told you what I think this is about. YOu did not address any of it.

I will take that as an admission that you know I am right, and that you are counting on your allies in the deep state to sabotage this parade.
Remind me again how the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility and we can't afford to guarantee healthcare for all citizens.

Trump's military parade is estimated to cost $92 million – $80 million more than earlier estimate

"The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The parade, slated for Nov. 10, is estimated to cost $92 million, the official said. The figure consists of $50 million from the Pentagon and $42 million from interagency partners such as the Department of Homeland Security. An initial estimate last month pegged the prospective cost for the parade at $12 million."
/——-/ The Pentagon put it on hold.
The military parade President Trump requested for November has been pushed back to 2019, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Expect Trump to start firing people any day now then, if there is one thing he has proven, he does not like it when he does not get his way.

If the fucking Pentagon can't organize a parade with less than a YEAR'S NOTICE, then yes, people should be fucking fired.

And for good cause.

You have no clue what is entailed in such an undertaking.

Less than is involved in transporting an army across the ocean to fight a war.


IF they can't organize a parade in less than a fucking year, they all need to be fired for gross incompetence.
It's a parade to honor the U.S. Military for Christ sake. Where were y'all fiscal experts when Barry flew boxcars loaded with about a billion dollars in freaking pallets of cash to freaking IRAN?

WTF is wrong with you people?

No it is not, it is a parade to stroke Trump's tiny little fragile ego.

It is a move in the Culture War.

Do you not see the cultural and political implications of a national occasion to celebrate America and America's military?

Dude, pull you head out of the kool-aid trough! Holy fuck.

The parade is not about celebrating the military, it is about celebrating Trump.

Since it seems clear you have never served let me tell you, that nobody in the military was looking forward to doing this stupid parade.

Trump will be sitting in a chair watching the parade go by. He will get a little bit of screen time, and will get to say a few words.

MOst of the attention will be on the people in the parade.

I don'ts see how this is a celebration of Trump.

I never said that the people in the military want this.

I told you what I think this is about. YOu did not address any of it.

I will take that as an admission that you know I am right, and that you are counting on your allies in the deep state to sabotage this parade.

The whole thing is about Trump, it is about the troops marching by and saluting him, that is what he wants, that is why he wanted the parade.

And you are right, I did not address your partisan induced fantasies about the parade.

What is most telling is how you claim to support the military and then like them idea of them being used as a political tool in some bullshit "cultural war". Shows you do not give even a rats ass about the military.

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